iancudorinmarian was lynched. He was
UB40, the Secret Mafia Mastermind.
His ability was to disguise as the actor of the latest Song of the Day.
With his death, the
Dead-Civ pad got revealed. Along with something... deeper.
It is... a questionnaire! Can you also beat
that thing?
Feel free to answer as many questions as you like, no need to fill out everything.1. While there were not enough noise making roles in this game, did you like the noise concept in general? Would you like to see similar concepts in future games?
2. What did you think of some of the new roles? Were they good additions, and if not, how could they be changed?
3. I had a rough idea of giving dead players abilities to still interact with the game to a lesser degree (but usually not chat). Assuming you die early, would you like such an addition or rather stay out of the game entirely / just watch?
4. Are there any rules that are more harmful than beneficial? Especially, what is your stance on allowing the chat, assuming the blab mafia chat works?