Would you rather have had me vote Calindu last day? Logically speaking, what would have been the benifit? Calindu was already getting lynched, nothing could change that. Even MasterWalks realized and went with the bandwagon, just to bandwagon. I mean, really? He's my next guess, so he must be maf
I would much rather pressure other people some to try and expose the final mafia, than just dump another vote on Calindu and kill discussion. It is illogical to waste an opportunity to learn more about the final mafia member.
And for day 1, does that not include practically everyone? My scum read was still weak at that point, so despite suspecting dawn N0 like I hinted at, I was easily convinced to vote no lynch since people I town read suggested it. I mean, I'm just some newb, what do I know? It wasn't until Mobian that I felt truly convinced on a scum read.
Assuming there is only one vigilante, the ability will be on cooldown this night regardless. Assuming MasterWalks is mafia as we suspect, you will not get the opportunity to kill me, regardless. But I will still defend any actions I have taken, due to my conviction of them being just and logical with the information given to me at that point in time. If you had more information and wanted me to act differently, you should have made a solid case with solid and sound arguments. The fact that Linkcat refuses to do so, pisses me off. For I cannot point out the logical fallicies a mafia would make if they tried to do so for an extended period of time. That's what all my suspicion was about. Is about.