
Offline LinkcatTopic starter

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  • Mafia? Mafia. :fire
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Elements Mafia 72 - by Ginyu https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67245.msg1291118#msg1291118
« on: June 18, 2019, 01:38:27 am »
Elements Mafia

Started by Mastermind79, Continued by killsdazombies, Implosion, ddevans96, icecoldbro, Demagog, Purity_Riot, Dragoon1140, killsdazombies, 1world24, RavingRabbid, majofa, TStar, killsdazombies, mesaprotector, Regen2k9, Kuroaitou, whatifidogetcaught?, UnderneathTheLens, RootRanger, killsdazombies, Elbirn, ji412jo, dawn to dusk, eljoemo, Zawadx, killsdazombies, theelkspeaks, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Dm, Espithel, killsdazombies, skyironsword, Submachine, Coffeeditto, mathman101, Naesala, Ginyu, Linkcat, Solaris, Ryli, killsdazombies, Naii_the_Baf, and Ginyu.

Spoiler for How to Play Mafia:
All of the players in the game are collectively referred to as the Town. The Town is split into two factions. There is a minority faction, the mafia (False Gods), and a majority faction, the innocents (Elementals). The False Gods start the game with the knowledge of who the other members are, and their goal is to kill all of the Elementals. The Elementals start the game not knowing who is a False God and who is a fellow Elemental, and their goal is to kill all of the False Gods.

The game is split into two phases. It generally starts with a Night Phase, in which the False Gods choose one member of the Town to kill. This is called the Nightkill. Also, players may use abilities given to them by their roles during this phase. Following each Night Phase is the Day Phase. During the day, the Town may choose to lynch one player through the use of votes. Each player gets one vote, and the person with the most votes at the end of the day is lynched and removed from the game. This cycle continues until either all of the False Gods are dead, or the number of False Gods is equal to or greater than the number of Elementals at the beginning of a Day Phase. This is called reaching parity.

How to determine who is mafia and who is innocent is entirely up to the players. As a False God your job is to blend into the Town and direct lynches onto Elementals without giving yourself away. As an Elemental your job is to use logic, reason, tells, intuition, and any abilities you may have to determine who the False Gods are and lynch them. An inactive town will easily fall prey to the mafia, so try to generate as much information as possible. In the game of mafia you have two main weapons; your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.

Spoiler for Common Mafia Terminology:
Village - Town
Villager - Innocent
Civ - Innocent
Wolf - Mafia
Scum - Mafia
Alignment - Primary Role
Rand/Roll - Having a role assigned to you
PR/Power Role - Roles that are very useful to the town - usually includes cop and medic
Cop - A role that has the ability to determine the alignment of another player
Medic - A role that has the ability to protect other players from the Nightkill
Shoot - To use an ability that would kill another player
Claim/Roleclaim - To say that you have a specific role
Civvy Central - A group of confirmed innocents
Scummy - Acting like a mafia
Towny - Acting like an innocent
Town-Cred/Town Points - Factors that make it more likely that a player is innocent
Read - How scummy or towny you think someone is
Tunnel - Having tunnel vision on a single player
Hammer - Casting the final vote needed for a lynch
Bus - To throw a fellow mafia member under the bus to get town-cred
Breadpost - Shitpost
EBWOP - Edit By Way Of Post - Making another post with changes instead of editing a previous one
RQS - Random Question Stage, a common way to start games where one player puts forth a survey of questions for every player to answer
OMGUS - Oh My God, U Suck - Voting on the person who voted on you
WIFOM - Wine In Front Of Me - The dilemma that arises from trying to predict whether someone has made an optimal but expected choice, or a suboptimal but unexpected one

General Mafia Rules

1. Do not post, chat, OR PM ANY revealing information if you have been killed/removed from this mafia.
You are allowed one death post that contains no information or commentary about the players.
2. You are not allowed to edit or remove your post. Instead, EBWOP will take effect. This means you must post again with the correct fixes.
3. Directly quoting or providing proof in any way of any PM sent by the host will result in an instant modkill and referral to the FGO.
4. You are not allowed to directly quote any PM sent by another player, unless you are quoting it to a fellow mafia member confirmed by the host.
5. You are not allowed to request to be modkilled in the thread. If you PM the host requesting to be modkilled, the host must find a substitute or modkill you at the end of the phase.
6. All players' actions should be primarily motivated by winning the game. Throwing the game or outing your teammates for no strategic value is not allowed.
7. The host has the final say in any dispute. Do not impersonate the host.
8. Any flaming/trolling will not be tolerated.
9. Players' actions should be motivated by this game's events solely. You may look at past mafias to determine behaviors for better reads, but keep personal affairs out of the game.
10. Anything said within the context of the game, including promises, bets, etc, stays within the game. Players can lie, deceive, and manipulate, (but not cheat) in any way they like. Slander within the context of the game is usually not meant as a personal offense.
*Any use of the word PM by the host or FGO refers to any method of communication outside of the game thread and the blab chat.

Breaking any of the above rules may result in a modkill as determined by the host, or a ban from future mafias or forum games in general as determined by the Forum Game Organizer.
Interested in running a Forum Game? PM me or drop by the Transfer Thread and we'll see what we can do.

Offline Ginyu

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Re: Elements Mafia 72 - by Ginyu https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67245.msg1291119#msg1291119
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2019, 02:25:54 am »
Elements Mafia 72 - Village of quiet noises

The small village of Sonus, laying silently between mountains and being mostly cut off from the world around, has never seen much bustling activity. The people mostly repeat their daily routine over and over again, not paying much attention to everything else. Still, they value their solidarity, helping each other in harsh times, like when food transports don't arrive due to the harsh environment. Sharing a tough life created a strong bond.
Recently, strange things started to appear in the otherwise calm village. Some people complained about loud noises during the night, while for the others it was as silent as it always was. As more and more citizens put up their complains, the police made it mandatory to avoid all noises during nighttime, and declared to imprison people for violating that rule. Yet, nothing changed, and a few brave inhabitants started searching for the source of these noises.

Game-specific rules
  • Only Whisperers are allowed to talk outside of the topic (which also bans the chat), except for the Friendly Neighbour and his "Greet" target. All mafia players will be provided an Etherpad by the host.
  • Players are allowed to post during the Night Phase.
  • Encrypting messages in order to circumvent the PM ban is not allowed, but you may stray breadcrumbs available to anyone via text content. You are not allowed to obfuscate any text through formatting like spoilers (unless they simply quote another player's post), timers, tiny font size, hardly readable colour etc.
  • Players may only use one ability per night.
  • If the lynch is tied, no lynch occurs.
  • Players are allowed to vote for "No Lynch".
  • The Day will not end until both the timer has ended and 5 minutes have passed since the last vote. If any sort of endless voting loop occurs that affects the lynch, there will be No Lynch. The day will be ended at the host's discretion if there is any vote swapping trolling/juggling. In any way, 30 minutes past the regular deadline will always be final.
  • Declaring your intent to vote without using the proper format is a valid way to vote.
  • If a player does not post for three consecutive phases, they are modkilled.
  • The game will start on Night 0.
  • Abilities cannot be used on self, unless otherwise specified.
  • At the start of every Day Phase, the names of all players who made noise will be made public (but no roles or abilities).

Primary Roles

  • Their goal is to kill all Whisperers. Although they have no special ability, they outnumber them in the daily lynch.

The Whisperers (Mafia)
  • Their goal is to either kill all the Civilians or reach a parity at the start of the day. The Whisperers will perform a Nightkill every night. This is factional, does not count as an ability and cannot be tracked or blocked, unless the target is protected from it.
  • Each night, one Whisperer may use the following ability instead of another one. If there is only one Whisperer alive, they may use both this and another ability.
    • Haunt (ER): Target up to two players and guess their secondary roles. If you are right with all of those, they have their secondary roles removed permanently. If you guess wrong for at least one of those players, this ability as well as the nightkill will fail. This ability can't be blocked and can only be tracked by a Paranormal Scientist, but the Whisperer using it makes noise.

Secondary Roles

Investigative Roles

  • Observe (ER): Target a player. You learn their secondary role.
  • Investigate (ER): Target a player. You learn their primary role. You must have observed them before.
  • Raid (1U): Target a player. You learn their primary role. Makes noise.
  • Note: There will be exactly one Officer, who will always be a Civilian.

  • Check (EoR): Target a player. You learn whether they carry a weapon. Players with weapons are Whisperers, all investigative roles, Vigilants and Policemen who haven't lost their abilities yet.

  • Follow (ER): Target a player. Learn who they targeted this night.
  • Hide (ER): Target a player. Learn who targeted them this night.

Paranormal Scientist
  • Research (EoR): Target a player. Learn whether they used Haunt this night.

Offensive Roles

  • Assassinate (EoR, 2U): Target a player and a method of killing them:
    • Strangle: Kill target player without making noise. If your ability fails, your secondary role is revealed to the public.
    • Shoot: Kill target player. Makes noise.

Mechanical Engineer
  • Motion Sensor (ER): Learn the names of all players who targeted you tonight. You do not learn which abilities were used.
  • Experimental Trap (ER, 2U): Target a player. If your target targeted another player this night, your target's ability fails and they make noise. If not, but another player targets your target this night, the other player's ability fails and the other player makes noise. A trap will only work once, and in the latter case only on the ability with the highest priority (below Experimental Trap), but may hit multiple players if they share the same priority.

  • Patrol (ER): Target a player. If they made noise, disable all of their abilities for the following night.

Drug Dealer
  • Red Pill (EoR): Target a player. They make noise.
  • Blue Pill (EoR): Target a player. Their abilities do not make noise for this night.

Protective Roles

  • Heal (ER): Target any player including yourself. They are protected from the Nightkill and all abilities that would kill. Fails if the target was healed or given Strange Pills the last night.

Paranoid Doctor
  • Strange Pills (EoR, 2U): Target a player including yourself. They are protected from the nightkill, but abilities can still kill them. If any other players target your target and make noise, these players will die.

Security Guard
  • Guard (ER): Target a player. Their ability fails and they cannot be targeted by other player's abilities.

Special Roles

Friendly Neighbour
  • Greeting (ER): Target a player. You may communicate with them via PM for the following Day Phase. Cannot target the same player twice in a row. Your target will be informed that you greeted them.

  • Dig up (ER): Use any ability (except Haunt) of any player who died during the last night or day. If you use the ability of an investigative role, Vigilant or Policeman, you are considered to have a weapon for this night. The priority of this ability matches the one you copy.

Grave Robber
  • Steal (1U): Target a dead player. You receive their secondary role permanently. If you target an investigative role, Vigilant or Policeman, you are considered to own a weapon from this night onwards.

  • Sing (ER): Makes noise.
  • Cheer (EoR): Target a player. If they made noise, they will also make noise the following night.


ER - Every round
EoR - Every other round
1U / 2U - One use / Two uses

Priority order
  • Last night's Patrol
  • Haunt
  • Guard
  • Experimental Trap
  • Red and Blue Pill
  • Heal
  • Strange Pills
  • Nightkill
  • Assassinate
  • All abilities not listed here
  • This night's Patrol

  • Follow, Hide and Motion Sensor will learn the names of all abilities except Haunt, unless their ability was blocked or their target guarded.
  • Security Guards targeting each other will cause both of their abilities to fail. Security Guards targeting the same third person will guard said person. If Guard 1 blocks Guard 2 who was about to target someone else, Guard 1 will block Guard 2. Same for Mechanical Engineers (targeting each other will consume a use and cause noise for both, however).
  • If one player receives both a red and a blue pill, these pills cancel each other. Multiples of the same pill on a player have no effect.
  • One player either makes noise, or not. Multiple sources of creating noise are not additive, and the player's name will still only be told once. A blue pill cancels all noise a player would make.
  • Weapons are no actual items, and are only related to the Gunsmith's ability.
  • Abilities used through Dip Up have their original priority, e. g. Heal would still save the target from being killed. Copying Patrol will still alert a Gunsmith of a weapon.
  • Upon using Steal, the Grave Robber will have two secondary roles: Grave Robber and whatever they stole. The Officer will learn both roles when observing, and both roles will be revealed upon death. Haunt will work even if it hits only one of their roles, but will only remove the abilities of the guessed role.
  • The causes of all deaths are named, e. g. "Player was shot by a Vigilant!" The cause of a failed ability, however, will not be revealed.

Sign ups have ended! Have fun everyone!
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 01:28:58 pm by Ginyu »
Do you have a great idea for a Weekly Tournament? Post it here!
:aether War #8 :aether          :gravity Trials #9 :gravity
:gravity War #9 :gravity
:water War #10 :water

Offline Ginyu

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  • Ginyu is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.Ginyu is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.Ginyu is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.Ginyu is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.Ginyu is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.
  • Feel the punch of Gravity!
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Re: Elements Mafia 72 - by Ginyu https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67245.msg1291120#msg1291120
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2019, 02:26:06 am »
Phase Log:

Night 0
Day 1
Night 1
Day 2
Night 2
Day 3
Night 3
Day 4
Game End

Spoiled Sign up list:

Player NamePrimary RoleSecondary RoleDied onDied by
moehrpiCivilianMechanical EngineerNight 0Nightkill
shockcannonCivilianPolicemanNight 1Modkill
EspithelCivilianFriendly NeighbourNight 1Nightkill
MobianWhispererSecurity GuardDay 2Lynch
Naii_the_BafCivilianUndertakerNight 2Nightkill
dawn to duskWhispererParanoid DoctorNight 2Strangle
CalinduWhispererFriendly NeighbourDay 3Lynch
TheonlyrealBeefCivilianPolicemanNight 3Nightkill
AnneleWhispererGrave RobberDay 4Lynch

Sign up list:

« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 06:19:47 pm by Ginyu »
Do you have a great idea for a Weekly Tournament? Post it here!
:aether War #8 :aether          :gravity Trials #9 :gravity
:gravity War #9 :gravity
:water War #10 :water

Offline LinkcatTopic starter

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  • Mafia? Mafia. :fire
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Re: Elements Mafia 72 - by Ginyu https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67245.msg1291121#msg1291121
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2019, 02:26:18 am »
Interested in running a Forum Game? PM me or drop by the Transfer Thread and we'll see what we can do.

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Re: Elements Mafia 72 - by Ginyu https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67245.msg1291122#msg1291122
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2019, 02:28:51 am »

Roleclaim N0 everyone?

Offline MasterWalks

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Re: Elements Mafia 72 - by Ginyu https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67245.msg1291123#msg1291123
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2019, 02:29:41 am »
:gravity War 12
:darkness War 13
:fire War 14
Credit to Wyand for Profile Picture

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Re: Elements Mafia 72 - by Ginyu https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67245.msg1291127#msg1291127
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2019, 03:19:43 am »
Sure, why not.

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Re: Elements Mafia 72 - by Ginyu https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67245.msg1291128#msg1291128
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2019, 03:21:37 am »
O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U-JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A-E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA
Team :gravity Gen. (War #12)
Team :gravity Soldier (War #13)
Team :light Soldier (War #14)

Offline DoubleCapitals

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Re: Elements Mafia 72 - by Ginyu https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67245.msg1291134#msg1291134
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2019, 06:48:53 am »
Where does that bring me?

Back to this.

L R L R STOP & DASH & UP & TALK B B A B S(tart)

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Re: Elements Mafia 72 - by Ginyu https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67245.msg1291135#msg1291135
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2019, 08:02:55 am »
In. A bit sad that talking during the night is still allowed. I hope night phases are 24 hours at most.

Offline kaempfer13

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  • Awards: There Can Only Be One - 2020 WinnerSlice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeOEtG Rags to Riches WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerElements League 3/2018 2nd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerThere Can Be Only One - 2018 WinnerWeekly Tournament Winner12th Trials - Master of TimeSlice of Elements 9th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerElements League 2/2017 2nd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerWinner of Draft #4 - PvP EventSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerDeckbuilding Competition: It's Greek to MeWeekly Tournament Winner
Re: Elements Mafia 72 - by Ginyu https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67245.msg1291136#msg1291136
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2019, 09:22:31 am »
In. Regardless of role, I'll be playing a bit more like Linkcat expected me to now ;)
:gravity War 10
:death and tied for master of STANDIN War 11
Master of :time War 12

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  • Awards: Weekly Tournament WinnerWar #7 Winner - Team AetherWar #6 Winner - Team Aether14 Club - Most expensive players during War AuctionWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerChampionship League 1/2011 2nd PlaceWar #2 Winner - Team EntropyChampionship League 3/2010 WinnerWeekly Tournament Winner
Re: Elements Mafia 72 - by Ginyu https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67245.msg1291139#msg1291139
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2019, 09:37:58 am »
Let's try to see how this works, In.


blarg: Linkcat,dawn to dusk,MasterWalks,Mobian,InsignificantWeeaboo,iancudorinmarian,kaempfer13,vagman13,Calindu,PlayerOa,Espithel,TheonlyrealBeef,shockcannon,worldwideweb3,Annele,Submachine,moehrpi,Naii_the_Baf