I reevaluate my ranking of Linkcat to n+ , that of RootRanger to n-.
Things to consider: Linkcat targeted dd r1 who supposedly didnt use his ability and yet found it save to announce to everyone, that at least one ffq is around. It makes no sense for both to be mafia. In fact i consider it possible both are town after all.
Espithel was considered a walking corpse by Mafia immediately, so him bussing dd doesnt make sense from the original purpose of bussing as it wont clear his name if it succeeds, which it almost did ( some Wifom applies).
I feel like Linlcats reactions were genuine too.
Meanwhile RootRanger follows a strategy that just cant workout for town with so many people having gone rogue. In fact nearly all of my townreads come from plays that are bad for town, but simply make no sense for mafia at all (not even on layers of wifom).
With only 1 lynch away from Lylo, Espithel pushing for Mobian lynch (before having his identity revealed) pretty much confirms Mobian as Town.
Conversely however, mafia protecting town shockcannon makes perfect sense, as he will always attract our attention and be a major burden to us. If it were round 1 I might approve of lynching him for that alone, but we are at the endstage now. I have decent interaction history with him and his dissappointment with the result of his gambit is genuine. Hes town, believe me. The worst one ever, but at this point you need his headcount more than a stop to his habits.
As for the people in yellow in my other post you are likely mafia, but if you trust my judgement and are town you are but one or 2 steps away from solving this Puzzle. Ofc everyone should take what you say with a grain of salt.
Mws townread on me ofc basically killed me, so if I saw any sense in a role reveal Id do it, unfortunately I have gained no information from it that you wouldnt have. So theres no point. At least we wont lose an important role tonight and/or im still around.