Alright, just so we're clear on why moe was lynched, I'm going to go through my logic yesterday.
As I explained, I believed that the mafia team was dd, Mobian, and two less active players, (Ginyu, math, feud, moe, Coffee), probably the ones that voted shock (math, moe, Coffee). Since this is based on dd being mafia, I pushed a lynch on him and he got 3 votes to shock's 5. The problem was that all the people who want to lynch shock even though he's town made it so that we couldn't get enough votes for a dd lynch. I keep pushing dd for a while, but people aren't budging and they keep asking me for alternatives, so I think about who else I'd be willing to lynch.
[2019-06-02 02:22:51] Linkcat: If we lynch someone that's not dd, it has to be somebody who has a good chance of being mafia whether or not dd is mafia, so Mobian I guess.
[2019-06-02 02:23:06] Linkcat: Or we could pussy out and lynch math/moe.
[2019-06-02 02:23:25] Linkcat: But I expect Day 4 would just be Day 3 part 2.
My priorites are made clear here. dd >>>Mobian >>>>>>>>math/moe
I also want to note here that dd and Mobian both refused to vote for each other yesterday.
I didn't mention Coffee since he took his vote off. I don't really want to lynch math/moe because however they flip isn't going to make an impact on anybody's reads and we'd just do it again tomorrow, but it would still be way better than a shock lynch. Now, the reason I even mentioned math/moe is that I wanted to take stock of who would be down for who's lynch. This is important information because whoever we decide on will most likely be the actual lynch. Mobian and dd, the two people I'm scumreading, both immediately show support for a math lynch. Obviously I don't want to go along with my scumreads, so I explain this and then try to get dd and Mobian to agree to a moe lynch just to see if they would. I got a yes from dd, and no response from mobian, which was notable. We ask him again, and he says this:
[2019-06-02 02:31:17] Mobian: ‹@Linkcat› I don't have a read on moe. I'm staying on shock because I dislike liars.
At this point I think there's a high chance of moe being mafia if Mobian is mafia, which I think he is. Having gotten the information I wanted, I immediately try to get a consensus on Mobian.
[2019-06-02 02:32:00] Linkcat: Okay, so we lynch Mobian then?
[2019-06-02 02:32:13] Linkcat: Any objections?
[2019-06-02 02:32:20] Linkcat: Other than Mobian, of course.
Of the four votes we're trying to align, me, shock, MW, and dd, the only one who's not on board is dd. He does not outright state until later that he had no intention of voting on Mobian, but with that being his stance he brings up what he believes is the remaining viable consensus option.
[2019-06-02 02:38:46] ddevans96: so we're lynching moerhpi
[2019-06-02 02:38:50] ddevans96: got it
You're trying to frame me as pushing the moehrpi lynch, but we would have gone for Mobian right then and there if
you hadn't forced us to go for the other option we were considering, moe. Let's take a look at your post.
Link: Let's lynch math or moe.
Me and other person Link thinks is mafia: Sure, let's go for a math lynch
Link: Whoa, that's a red flag, we definitely need to lynch moe now.
>moe is town

You are completely misrepresenting what happened. Let's compare your "summary" to what I actually said.
Link: Let's lynch math or moe.
[2019-06-02 02:23:06] Linkcat: Or we could pussy out and lynch math/moe.
[2019-06-02 02:23:25] Linkcat: But I expect Day 4 would just be Day 3 part 2.
I clearly see a math/moe lynch as a last resort, not anywhere close to the push you showed. Next.
Link: Whoa, that's a red flag, we definitely need to lynch moe now.
[2019-06-02 02:24:07] Linkcat: Okay, huge red flag there.
[2019-06-02 02:24:14] Linkcat: Definitely lynch moe over math.
[2019-06-02 02:24:54] Mobian: ‹@Linkcat› explain your red flag?
[2019-06-02 02:25:43] Linkcat: I think you, dd, and two inactives are mafia, and you both wanted math over moehrpi.
[2019-06-02 02:26:03] Linkcat: That tells me it's likely moe +1 and math is town.
[2019-06-02 02:26:49] Linkcat: So you two are down for moe, right?
You tried to frame me as straight up pushing for a moe lynch, but the log clearly shows that I only wanted to lynch moe if we
had to resort to lynching an inactive, and I then try to get you to bus your teammate, not directly push his lynch. The only reason we had to go with my last pick for the lynch is because you, and later kaempfer, wouldn't go for Mobian.
You're trying to pin it all on me with blatant misrepresentation, when in reality the moe lynch was a compromise between everyone present. We all chose to lynch him, so we all share the blame. This is by far the scummiest thing you've done this game.
Link to chat log.