[19:37:37] ‹shockcannon› Because there's is literally only 1 role (minus the rare chance of GA protection) that can find mafia in this ruleset, chaos is required to force conversations and role claims that allow for reads to give town the edge
[19:37:47] ‹Linkcat› Everybody he voted for lied or didn't give him information, except Sub and the person you mentioned who I think was iancu.
[19:37:58] ‹shockcannon› if you look at any other mafia game out there that has 15+ players, there are multiple ways to find mafia
[19:38:34] ‹kaempfer13› last mafia there was also the firefly role
[19:38:36] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Linkcat› not ture
[19:38:38] ‹Linkcat› You don't need random role claims to make reads, that's the main thing you're wrong about. You only need to claim when you find something suspicious.
[19:38:38] ‹shockcannon› *true
[19:39:00] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Linkcat› but you'll never find anything suspicious with this ruleset unless someone misplays
[19:39:11] ‹shockcannon› And I addressed misplays in my post
[19:39:14] ‹Linkcat› None of the claims this game fit that category.
[19:39:48] ‹shockcannon› but insig claim for example
[19:39:57] ‹shockcannon› is a misplay in that he blocked when we said he shouldn't block
[19:40:07] ‹shockcannon› so that claim stemmed from a misplay itself
[19:40:10] ‹shockcannon› along with anubis
[19:40:17] ‹shockcannon› along mind flayers
[19:40:21] ‹shockcannon› along with otyughs
[19:40:26] ‹Linkcat› They don't necessarily have to misplay, you read based off of tone, votes, who pushes who, who defends who, etc.
[19:40:52] ‹Linkcat› It's all a bunch of bullshit in the beginning and then it gets figured out later on.
[19:40:59] ‹shockcannon› if you're able to read off tones, votes, and pushes, then someone's misplaying
[19:41:00] ‹Linkcat› That's what I'm trying to do with my recent post.
[19:41:27] ‹Linkcat› We have enough information for me to make a possible full reading of the game.
[19:41:42] ‹shockcannon› i wonder who got that information to come out
[19:41:43] ‹Linkcat› If I'm wrong then I'll have to reevaluate with the new information gained.
[19:42:19] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Linkcat› i'm dying today
[19:42:21] ‹Linkcat› Not you lol, I'm basing everything off of votes and tone reads.
[19:42:26] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@Linkcat› im not sure about this
[19:42:34] ‹Linkcat› I'll try my best to not have that happen.
[19:43:01] ‹kaempfer13› hammering dd in any harderwhen hed flip town would call the overkillvoter into question
[19:43:29] ‹kaempfer13› so mafia at that point probably just thought, let em do it
[19:43:50] ‹kaempfer13› and then we just didnt
[19:44:19] ‹kaempfer13› which ishonestly worse for us as now that topic will never go away
[19:44:43] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Linkcat› youre reads should come from who in chat is trying to mislead everyone
[19:45:41] ‹Linkcat› I don't understand what you're trying to say, kaempfer.
[19:46:08] ‹shockcannon› ‹@MasterWalks›
[19:46:23] ‹kaempfer13› if dd had 6 townvotes at the time, mafia could just sit back
[19:46:59] ‹shockcannon› @MasterWalks I think it's time the "bad townies" teamed up and made a move
[19:47:12] ‹shockcannon› we alone could probably get someone lynched
[19:47:13] ‹kaempfer13› there was no need for them to push further
[19:47:15] ‹Linkcat› I don't believe that a town dd had 5 or 6 votes who were all town.
[19:47:22] ‹Linkcat› Mafia would 100% be on there somewhere.
[19:48:55] ‹kaempfer13› dd had just gotten someone from town killed (out of selfdefense) and with nothing much else to go by everyone voted him
[19:49:25] ‹shockcannon› @Espithel
[19:49:42] ‹shockcannon› @Coffeeditto
[19:49:48] ‹Linkcat› Yes, so mafia would push that.
[19:49:55] ‹shockcannon› would you two make a move on Mobian with me?
[19:50:06] ‹Espithel› Mobian, eh?
[19:50:21] ‹Espithel› Any particular reason why?
[19:51:30] ‹shockcannon› questionable voting
[19:51:34] ‹shockcannon› relatively quiet
[19:51:35] ‹MasterWalks› ‹@shockcannon› not mobian but im down to lynch dd
[19:51:36] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@shockcannon›
[19:51:41] ‹shockcannon› ian voted on him
[19:51:50] ‹MasterWalks› he doesnt have questionable voting imo
[19:51:58] ‹shockcannon› once said, "do you really think I'd get mafia two games in a row?"
[19:52:11] ‹shockcannon› ‹@MasterWalks› he's literally voting on you now
[19:52:11] ‹MasterWalks› who cares if ian voted him. ian is dead and not GN
[19:52:15] ‹shockcannon› and he voted ian last round
[19:52:20] ‹MasterWalks› i dont care if hes voting me
[19:52:26] ‹kaempfer13› 6 votes seemed pretty final and only after that things changed too quickly for a team to react to it
[19:52:57] ‹MasterWalks› he has every right to. I have voting patterns apparently. Doesnt look like he has a following so i have no reason to defend either
[19:53:03] ‹shockcannon› okay
[19:53:04] ‹shockcannon› what about moehrpi
[19:53:11] ‹shockcannon› i've thought he's mafia since n0
[19:53:15] ‹shockcannon› that hasn't changed
[19:53:16] ‹MasterWalks› what about dd
[19:53:25] ‹shockcannon› I havne't pushed because I know i'd get 0 support
[19:54:42] ‹MasterWalks› yea ad i thought espi is mafia since N0 as well and that also hasnt changed but no one will lynch him
[19:55:00] ‹shockcannon› eh
[19:55:04] ‹shockcannon› are you mafia?
[19:55:29] ‹shockcannon› espithel's dump never came
[19:55:33] ‹shockcannon› i'll switch to espithel
[19:55:34] ‹MasterWalks› probably not
[19:55:35] ‹shockcannon› we get moehrpi tomorrow
[19:55:39] ‹shockcannon› get insig to join us
[19:55:42] ‹shockcannon› bad townies unite
[19:55:43] ‹kaempfer13› normally i would expect those emergency votes to indeed come from mafia to safe a buddy, but it was different people saving him
[19:55:50] ‹shockcannon› there's so many bad townies we wont get outvoted
[19:55:59] ‹MasterWalks› i cant PM insig about mafia and he doesnt talk to me in publi
[19:56:02] ‹MasterWalks› public
[19:56:24] ‹shockcannon› alright
[19:56:30] ‹shockcannon› i'm on espithel now
[19:56:40] ‹MasterWalks› get on that d
[19:56:41] ‹MasterWalks› dd
[19:56:49] ‹shockcannon› nah
[19:56:55] ‹shockcannon› i've giving you your chance
[19:57:00] ‹Espithel› My dump never came because coffee made it absolutely pointless.
[19:57:05] ‹shockcannon› take it or leave it
[19:57:28] ‹Espithel› I can get back to it if you want, though. I'd have to sleep now to get it done before deadline.
[19:57:34] ‹Linkcat› ‹@shockcannon› No, move to Espi.
[19:57:37] ‹Linkcat› I mean dd
[19:58:33] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@Espithel› uh?
[19:58:50] ‹Linkcat› ‹@Coffeeditto› Why are you voting shock? He's town.
[19:59:21] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@Linkcat› Why do you believe that?
[19:59:34] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Linkcat› let them vote me
[19:59:42] ‹Linkcat› I read his posts.
[19:59:46] ‹shockcannon› I'm exposing the ACTUAL bad townies and a couple maf right now
[19:59:51] ‹Coffeeditto› Great.
[20:00:44] ‹Linkcat› Especially this one:
[20:00:51] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Linkcat› town would rather see me die and lose so they can blame my poor play than actually win the game at this point
[20:00:53] ‹Linkcat› That's the towniest shit I've ever seen.
[20:01:58] ‹Coffeeditto› how?
[20:02:16] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@shockcannon› I thought you were town until one line
[20:02:37] ‹Coffeeditto› [22:46:59] ‹shockcannon› @MasterWalks I think it's time the "bad townies" teamed up and made a move
[20:02:56] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Linkcat› ‹@MasterWalks› I need like 99% certainty ddevans is maf for me to switch to him
[20:03:00] ‹Linkcat› I would watch that movie.
[20:03:29] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Coffeeditto› so what are you hoping for?
[20:03:30] ‹shockcannon› i flip mafia
[20:03:37] ‹shockcannon› and then masterwalks becomes easy lynch
[20:03:39] ‹Coffeeditto› I'm not hoping for anything
[20:03:46] ‹Coffeeditto› I don't hope for anything in games like this
[20:03:59] ‹MasterWalks› ‹@shockcannon› read my vote and see why you should lynch dd
[20:04:28] ‹Coffeeditto› My desires and expectations are not getting in the way of my win condition. I'm not doing this for any reason other than trying to win
[20:04:35] ‹kaempfer13› alright I cant watch this
[20:04:45] ‹Linkcat› ‹@kaempfer13› I honestly don't understand the sentences you're making. Do you believe it's possible that dd was up for lynch as town Day 2 and not a single mafia voted for him?
[20:04:59] ‹Coffeeditto› My current scum reads are Link/Shock/Master/unknown
[20:05:08] ‹kaempfer13› if this is another day where dd has 6 votes on him Ill make sure he actually dies so we can finally move on
[20:05:25] ‹Linkcat› Thanks, I guess.
[20:05:38] ‹Coffeeditto› you wanted reads, Link
[20:05:39] ‹Linkcat› Coffee, why do you think I'm mafia?
[20:05:43] ‹Coffeeditto› there are your reads
[20:05:54] ‹Linkcat› Your reads are ass.
[20:05:58] ‹Coffeeditto› I don't have to say. I reserve my 5th amendment rights
[20:05:59] ‹kaempfer13› but pushing him constantly allows everyone else to just chill and 2 towns die with each lynch opportunity
[20:06:06] ‹Coffeeditto› that's a fallacy
[20:07:07] ‹Linkcat› Not if we lynch him.
[20:07:21] ‹kaempfer13› how are we going to get reads of other people if all that matters is there opinion about ahock and dd?
[20:07:47] ‹kaempfer13› oh boy horrible grammar sorry
[20:07:48] ‹MasterWalks› ‹@shockcannon› ‹@Linkcat› Heres is what we should do. Lets pressure moe or espi until they reveal something, then lets vote hop to dd and get the lynch
[20:08:05] ‹Linkcat› I believe that when we lynch dd as mafia we'll be able to make a lot of reads.
[20:08:12] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@kaempfer13› if dd or shock are mafia, then the reactions of others throughout the game to their respective lynchings provides info
[20:08:32] ‹Linkcat› How about we stop trying to get people to reveal information to the mafia?
[20:08:34] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@MasterWalks› that line is scummy as hell??
[20:08:39] ‹Coffeeditto› why would you try to reveal
[20:08:41] ‹Coffeeditto› yeah
[20:08:45] ‹Coffeeditto› agreed, LInk
[20:09:00] ‹MasterWalks› not role reveal necessarily
[20:09:13] ‹MasterWalks› okay no that line is scummy af
[20:09:28] ‹Linkcat› I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THIS FROM YOU
[20:09:31] ‹shockcannon› if one you knows the identity of a mind flayer thats not me, you should reveal
[20:09:34] ‹Coffeeditto› there's no reason to vote and pressure info out of someone right now instead of just pushing a full lynch on them. especially when you just let everyone know you won't actually lynch espi, then he feels no need to reveal any info
[20:09:34] ‹shockcannon› because that person is mafia
[20:09:41] ‹MasterWalks› id delete if it wasnt about mafia. just ignore that
[20:09:49] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@Linkcat› don't let your emotions or preconceptions get in the way of your playing mafia.
[20:10:08] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Coffeeditto›
[20:10:11] ‹Coffeeditto› what I did has nothing to do with what we are doing right now
[20:10:14] ‹shockcannon› everyone voting me is letting their emotions get in the way
[20:10:19] ‹Espithel› ‹@Coffeeditto› Can I just say I hope you don't get modkilled
[20:10:25] ‹Espithel› I like you
[20:10:26] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@shockcannon› that's not true at all
[20:10:42] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@Linkcat› what do we get if dd is town?
[20:10:43] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@Espithel› thank you chief
[20:11:15] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Coffeeditto› half the people voting me admit that they think i'm town
[20:11:27] ‹MasterWalks› we get to lynch linkcat for O R C H E S T R A T I N G
[20:11:33] ‹Coffeeditto› great. don't say everyone if you don't mean everyone
[20:11:37] ‹Linkcat› ‹@kaempfer13› We get fill in a heck of a lot of that vote chart with green.
[20:11:42] ‹Coffeeditto› because you don't know everyone's motives
[20:11:53] ‹Coffeeditto› also, in reference to:
[20:11:59] ‹Coffeeditto› [23:09:34] ‹shockcannon› because that person is mafia
[20:12:11] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@Linkcat› how so?
[20:12:16] ‹Linkcat› And then I'll push a lynch on you, Calin, or Mobian.
[20:12:43] ‹Coffeeditto› that doesn't change that now he knows he wouldn't be lynched if your ulterior goal is to lynch dd. he would feel no need to reveal info unless you were okay and willing to lynch him, which would mean that you scumread both espi and dd
[20:12:43] ‹Linkcat› We make every dd green and he'd be a leading wagon all three days.
[20:13:04] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Coffeeditto› why would i be roleblocked by town after claiming GN
[20:13:16] ‹kaempfer13› green would mean that you think everyone that either did or didnt vote dd is town
[20:13:33] ‹kaempfer13› but you just said mafia would push for a dd lynch
[20:13:38] ‹MasterWalks› lol everyone is mafia
[20:14:00] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@shockcannon› how is that line relevant to the current conversation?
[20:14:09] ‹Linkcat› ‹@kaempfer13› Yes, I don't think we're going to fill in his name as green.
[20:14:14] ‹kaempfer13› so if hes green we can expect about 1 or 2 mafia among the votes according to your premises
[20:14:22] ‹shockcannon› [23:11:59] ‹Coffeeditto› [23:09:34] ‹shockcannon› because that person is mafia
[20:14:32] ‹Linkcat› Yes.
[20:15:15] ‹kaempfer13› but it could be any of them
[20:15:59] ‹Coffeeditto› okay check this out. if you're mafia, then you could have claimed GN and faked being roleblocked
[20:16:16] ‹kaempfer13› sure dd is mentioned a lot, but just filling his name green alone doesnt take us that far
[20:16:19] ‹Linkcat› A lot of those people are being townread by me or are me so that will narrow it down a lot.
[20:16:24] ‹Coffeeditto› if someone else claimed to have roleblocked you, they also could be a lying mafia
[20:16:28] ‹Linkcat› Plus everything we would get from the votes today.
[20:16:38] ‹MasterWalks› i dont understand what everyone means by green
[20:16:55] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Coffeeditto› okay check this out
[20:17:08] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@MasterWalks› its convention to mark confirmed towmmembers with green
[20:17:10] ‹shockcannon› literally anyone else who role claimed could've lied
[20:17:16] ‹shockcannon› and had their mafia teammate be their target and lie
[20:17:16] ‹kaempfer13› as I did in my lynchlog
[20:17:20] ‹Coffeeditto› yeah, you right
[20:17:22] ‹Coffeeditto› so what?
[20:17:25] ‹kaempfer13› (they are all dead)
[20:17:46] ‹MasterWalks› oh, so we can assume that everyone who voted dd is "green" meaning they are town? That makes no sense to me
[20:17:54] ‹Linkcat› ‹@kaempfer13› It will take us farther than anyone else's name being filled in green, and if he's red like I expect then that'll take us way farther than anyone else's name being filled in red.
[20:18:08] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@MasterWalks› no just dd will flip town
[20:18:15] ‹MasterWalks› oh ok
[20:18:35] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Coffeeditto› do you think i'm mafia
[20:18:48] ‹shockcannon› or do you think lynching me is your best shot at winning regardless of if im mafia?
[20:19:25] ‹Espithel› ‹@MasterWalks› We have another memeword now
[20:19:33] ‹kaempfer13› i argue thats not enough
[20:19:34] ‹Espithel› W E A K T O W N
[20:19:47] ‹MasterWalks› ‹@Espithel› O P T I M A L is still my vote
[20:19:56] ‹MasterWalks› weaktown is good too tho
[20:20:06] ‹MasterWalks› but hasnt been said enough
[20:20:06] ‹shockcannon› ‹@MasterWalks› give me your reason why espithel is mafia
[20:20:12] ‹shockcannon› because if the three of us teamed
[20:20:21] ‹shockcannon› we can make something happen and ignore town and mafia distractions
[20:20:25] ‹Linkcat› ‹@kaempfer13› Who do you want to lynch, then?
[20:20:28] ‹Linkcat› Push a read.
[20:20:43] ‹MasterWalks› its in my Day 1 votes
[20:20:47] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Linkcat› i have an idea
[20:21:04] ‹shockcannon› do you agree that mafia is likely guiding town attention and voting?
[20:21:22] ‹Linkcat› No, I think mafia is mostly hanging back.
[20:21:39] ‹shockcannon› then we gather the 8 most quiet people
[20:21:42] ‹shockcannon› and we 1d8
[20:21:44] ‹shockcannon› and go for it
[20:21:48] ‹MasterWalks› i dont know about that.
[20:22:02] ‹Espithel› ‹@MasterWalks› W E A K T O W N playing S U B O P T I M A L L Y
[20:22:03] ‹shockcannon› its the O P T I M A L play
[20:22:12] ‹shockcannon› 50/50 chance
[20:22:13] ‹Linkcat› I don't believe in lynching randomly in a group.
[20:22:15] ‹shockcannon› it doesn't get better than that
[20:22:21] ‹MasterWalks› quiet people are already getting killed off. mafia will paint themself into a corner if they are being quiet and killing the quiet
[20:22:24] ‹Linkcat› I tried to push math and nobody followed.
[20:22:34] ‹Coffeeditto› [23:18:48] ‹shockcannon› or do you think lynching me is your best shot at winning regardless of if im mafia?
[20:22:42] ‹Coffeeditto› both of these things are not mutually exclusive
[20:22:55] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@Linkcat› afk or quiet does not mean mafia
[20:23:05] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@MasterWalks› basically you believe that a secondary role (randomly given to mafia and town alike) and a rule question expose him
[20:23:08] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Coffeeditto› i'm 99% certain 1 of the 5 people voting on me now is mafia
[20:23:19] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@shockcannon› why?
[20:23:40] ‹shockcannon› think about it
[20:23:42] ‹Linkcat› ‹@Coffeeditto› I know, I just wanted him to talk.
[20:23:43] ‹Espithel› ‹@MasterWalks› That's your reasoning for me?
[20:23:45] ‹MasterWalks› ‹@kaempfer13› wait what? when did i say that
[20:23:46] ‹Espithel› The day one stuff?
[20:23:50] ‹Espithel› It's day 3
[20:23:51] ‹Espithel› C'mon
[20:23:53] ‹Espithel› Update your shit
[20:23:54] ‹shockcannon› the town move is to vote on me
[20:23:55] ‹Linkcat› All we got was a vote on the leading train and my biggest townread.
[20:23:58] ‹shockcannon› i hurt town
[20:24:00] ‹Espithel› I must've done something spooky since then
[20:24:01] ‹Linkcat› Pretty scummy if you ask me.
[20:24:04] ‹shockcannon› so what's the mafia blend in play?
[20:24:08] ‹shockcannon› it's to vote on me also
[20:24:42] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@MasterWalks› you asked for a roleblock and sth about espi being ffq if hes mafia
[20:24:43] ‹Coffeeditto› [23:23:40] ‹shockcannon› think about it
[20:24:44] ‹shockcannon› and suppose Linkcat is town and is on to something
[20:24:44] ‹Espithel› Not necessarily.
[20:24:56] ‹kaempfer13› it didnt really make sense for sure
[20:24:56] ‹shockcannon› well if they get my vote count high
[20:24:59] ‹shockcannon› town is going to ignore LInkcat
[20:25:00] ‹Espithel› ‹@shockcannon› I think the mafia love you.
[20:25:11] ‹Espithel› Look at how they're lynching - quiet people.
[20:25:18] ‹Linkcat› ‹@shockcannon› I think there's 2 mafia on you.
[20:25:18] ‹shockcannon› no one cares about a single vote on someone when someone else has 5 votes
[20:25:19] ‹Coffeeditto› if your argument is that the people left alive makes that statistically true, then you're statistically incorrect
[20:25:25] ‹Espithel› It implies a contentness with how the town is going.
[20:25:26] ‹Coffeeditto› also please answer instead of dodging
[20:25:40] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Coffeeditto› i just answered why
[20:25:45] ‹Coffeeditto› [23:23:42] ‹Linkcat› ‹@Coffeeditto› I know, I just wanted him to talk.
[20:25:56] ‹shockcannon› what am I dodging?
[20:26:03] ‹MasterWalks› ok. You want to know how mafia is playing? Literally look how espi is playing. but there is a problem. No one is playing like him. My guess is mafia is "splitting up" and taking on different strategies. One is probably quiet, one is super talkative (espi), one is playing strategically, and the last one is probably playing dumb
[20:26:08] ‹shockcannon› mafia is voting on me to make other votes irrelevant
[20:26:31] ‹Coffeeditto› voting on someone to reveal info is something you fought against half an hour ago
[20:26:40] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@shockcannon› but you don't know that
[20:26:43] ‹Linkcat› ‹@shockcannon› Move to dd and make them pay attention.
[20:26:48] ‹MasterWalks› ‹@kaempfer13› espi being FFQ i fell back on. I thought about it more and dunno if thats true. i DO think he is mafia so therefore i want him blocked
[20:26:49] ‹Coffeeditto› and you're acting like this is all certain
[20:26:53] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Coffeeditto› obviously
[20:26:56] ‹Linkcat› Talking is not the same as revealing.
[20:27:07] ‹Linkcat› He literally has 5 posts.
[20:27:13] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@Linkcat› i gotta be honest with you the only other viable options i see are quiet people, shock, dd, you and rootranger
[20:27:14] ‹Coffeeditto› but this isn't, and you don't definitely know what's going on, so don't say 99% when you don't mean 99%
[20:27:15] ‹Linkcat› One of those is his signup post.
[20:27:20] • Espithel 's urge to roleclaim fucking spikes through the roof
[20:27:25] ‹MasterWalks› ‹@Coffeeditto› I fell back on that too. I said to please ignore that strategy
[20:27:28] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@Linkcat› why do you want him to talk? for a scum read?
[20:27:49] ‹Coffeeditto› we certainly aren't scum reading anyone based on their low activity of posts this game
[20:27:53] ‹Linkcat› ‹@kaempfer13› Great, out of those let's lynch dd, quiet people, and Root in that order.
[20:28:16] ‹Coffeeditto› quiet doesn't mean scummy
[20:28:18] ‹Coffeeditto› I repeat
[20:28:22] ‹Coffeeditto› quiet does not mean scummy
[20:28:32] ‹Espithel› It does, however, mean useless.
[20:28:40] ‹shockcannon› here's the real question of the day
[20:28:45] ‹shockcannon› if I AM mafia
[20:28:51] ‹shockcannon› does that mean I'm actually playing really well?
[20:29:01] ‹Espithel› Yes.
[20:29:02] ‹Linkcat› If you're quiet then you're not helping town advance the game.
[20:29:06] ‹shockcannon› or am I bad mafia then?
[20:29:15] ‹Espithel› You faffed day 3
[20:29:18] ‹kaempfer13› yh, but its not helping town in a way thats obvious to even the dumbest player thats town
[20:29:26] ‹MasterWalks› no body cares if youre mafia. you will probably be lynched soon and if you are mafia, you will slip up,
[20:29:36] ‹Linkcat› You just leave yourself as a question mark for mafia to lead a mislynch on in the endgame.
[20:29:43] ‹MyNameIsJoey› Well
[20:29:44] ‹Coffeeditto› okay, here's my thought process
[20:29:51] ‹MyNameIsJoey› mafia sure gave a new life to blab.
[20:29:58] ‹Linkcat› ‹@shockcannon› If you're mafia then you're a god.
[20:30:00] ‹Espithel› ‹@MasterWalks› Also, yeah. It's reasonable that all the mafia have different behaviour.
[20:30:05] ‹Coffeeditto› if you're quiet, you're not helping town and you're not helping mafia, or they're about the same
[20:30:21] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Linkcat› if me being mafia is such a rare possibility
[20:30:24] ‹shockcannon› why is everyone voting me up?
[20:30:28] ‹Coffeeditto› if you're saying so much that people are forced to claim, you're not helping town as much as you're helping maf
[20:30:50] ‹Linkcat› Being active is always more beneficial to town than to mafia.
[20:30:56] ‹shockcannon› I haven't forced a single person to claim
[20:31:08] ‹Coffeeditto› that's not true at all
[20:31:10] ‹Linkcat› ‹@shockcannon› Because they're bad.
[20:31:15] ‹Coffeeditto› you can't make that blanket statement
[20:31:21] ‹MasterWalks› (im not going to post this log. I posted the last log and it mentally drained me)
[20:31:23] ‹Linkcat› I am having some serious deja vu right now.
[20:31:25] ‹shockcannon› I can
[20:31:30] ‹Coffeeditto› also, that was a fallacy. don't call people that don't agree with you bad players
[20:31:38] ‹Linkcat› Like double layered deja vu.
[20:31:40] ‹Espithel› ‹@Coffeeditto› ur bad
[20:31:47] ‹MasterWalks› deja bow
[20:31:49] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Coffeeditto› thats what 4/5 players voting me are doing
[20:31:51] ‹shockcannon› or 3/5
[20:31:56] ‹MyNameIsJoey› ‹@Coffeeditto› ur mama is bad
[20:32:00] ‹shockcannon› root doesnt agree with me
[20:32:06] ‹shockcannon› he calls me bad
[20:32:13] ‹MyNameIsJoey›

[20:32:20] ‹shockcannon› calindu doesnt agree with me
[20:32:20] ‹Espithel› Root's argument against you goes a lot deeper than just not agreeing with you
[20:32:21] ‹shockcannon› he calls me bad
[20:32:30] ‹MyNameIsJoey› also @masterwalks
[20:32:35] ‹shockcannon› root only lynches town
[20:32:38] ‹Linkcat› ‹@Coffeeditto› Okay, they're bad or they're mafia or they're just tired of his shit, which is a bad reason to lynch, or they're Root in possible combination with any of those.