
Who played the best mafia?

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dawn to dusk
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Total Members Voted: 19

Voting closed: June 24, 2019, 11:12:55 am


Offline kaempfer13

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290234#msg1290234
« Reply #600 on: May 31, 2019, 10:48:10 pm »
Im glad were not ganging up on dd anymore only to switch targets last minute. I think we have an unhealthy habit of targeting people that talk first and then switch to some random other guy that cant defend themselves at the time (and said sth that can be seen as scummy). It is not too unlikely that nearly everyone that has been voted on is town.
If we always start lynching at the slightest hint we'll never reach the real mafia.

I dont really have any scumreads, but I have some townreads and some eyebrowsraising cases.

Mobian: he may seem scummy, but hes actually my strongest townread. He's acting exactly like I would expect from someone that got used to knowing who is and isnt mafia and gets frustrated not doing that anymore and knowing that none of his or his teammates roles (but one) will directly help with that.

Insig: I dont think mafia would allow that big of a slipup to unnecesarily endanger one of their own and the specifics of ians role make it extremely unlikely he lied.

Both of you please dont take that as invitation to continue to play poorly, its just the kind of poor play mafia usually shouldnt do and probably wouldnt even conceive.

dd: Yes,yes I tried to kill him last round for lack of a better option (no lynch is just bad, but all of last rounds options probably were just as bad). he defended his position well and most of what makes him scummy is a direct consequence of selfdefense. I went back to look at his actual posts and he didnt push as hard for espi lynch as I remembered.

Eyebrows raised:
Spoiler for Hidden:

Linkcat/Rootranger: Mentioning them in one breath bc its for the same reason. They are both known to be great players, still alive (even though up till now noone really intended to lynch them much, so they arent a good scapegoat for mafia) and I just dont really get what they do.

moehrpi: he jokes about being mafia in chat occasionally, which doesnt mean a whole lot of course. Didnt seem to helpfull otherwise.

Note that eyebrows raised != scumread. An explanation could be helpfull though,

Chances are mafia just waits for us to tear each other apart.

Another thought: I thought about making a dayphasely lynchlog (all votes and how they changed), would this be more helpfull than harmfull to town?
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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290235#msg1290235
« Reply #601 on: May 31, 2019, 11:00:27 pm »

Offline Espithel

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290236#msg1290236
« Reply #602 on: May 31, 2019, 11:11:32 pm »
I'm going to try something different with chatlogs.

Instead of waiting for the conversation to finish, I'm going to only post important chunks of information as they happen.  Once the conversation is finished, I'm going to post the entire chatlog.

In addition, in an attempt to make it more palletable, I'm going to edit out many of the fluff, clean up the grammar a bit. Generally just make it look nicer. Hopefully this'll make the chatlog dilemma (JUST BAN BLAB, LINKCAT/SUB) a lot less of an issue.

‹shockcannon› I misused the word disclosed [in my dump]. I meant to say secret.
‹MasterWalks› Hey, Kaempf? What's up with the empty spoiler?
‹kaempfer13› Reference to one of shock's posts. Actually putting everything in would exceed the character limit.
‹MasterWalks› Oh his post with empty spoilers. Gotcha
‹kaempfer13› I suggest everyone who jumped the gun retracts their vote for this day, so that voting on anyone else doesn't seem pointless. The day has just started, you can put your vote back in later in the exact same state but at least allow for other options. Note that both people that are voted on have my attention as potentially bad for town, but we need to allow the others to contribute their own thoughts.

In alignment with Kae's wishes:

Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Espithel, ddevans96
shockcannon (3) - Calindu, MasterWalks, Linkcat, Mobian


Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, ddevans96
shockcannon (3) - Calindu, MasterWalks, Mobian

I've been hearing a lot about a Moehrpi lynch. Do we have anything solid on him?

Offline immortal feud

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290237#msg1290237
« Reply #603 on: May 31, 2019, 11:14:06 pm »
pick someone else guys i dont want to lynch shock or link
recovering firestall addict

Offline kaempfer13

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290238#msg1290238
« Reply #604 on: May 31, 2019, 11:28:25 pm »
Decided to still post the chatlog, as espi omitted anubis discussion and mw potentially bussing him (mobians suggestion). Everything else should be in thread though.

Spoiler for chatlog:
[2019-05-31 23:46:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from shockcannon in Forum Games. I need a tissue...
[2019-05-31 23:47:57] Mobian: Damn you, Calindu
[2019-05-31 23:48:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from Mobian in Forum Games. It needs a gold star.
[2019-05-31 23:49:10] shockcannon: so we have 2 FE for sure
[2019-05-31 23:49:16] shockcannon: assuming everyone else is not lying
[2019-05-31 23:49:19] shockcannon: 2 warden
[2019-05-31 23:49:21] shockcannon: 2 FFQ
[2019-05-31 23:49:24] shockcannon: 2 Anubis
[2019-05-31 23:49:35] shockcannon: lot of doubles
[2019-05-31 23:50:02] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from shockcannon in Forum Games. Imagination at work.
[2019-05-31 23:54:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from shockcannon in Forum Games. This post would be a terrible thing to waste.
[2019-05-31 23:54:06] shockcannon: I wonder what maf chat is like right now
[2019-05-31 23:54:14] Calindu: I can confirm there is a second Warden, unless IW or someone else is lying on that topic
[2019-05-31 23:54:45] ddevans96: mafia team is probably something like Link, Cal/IW, Espi, someone barely active
[2019-05-31 23:54:51] ddevans96: I would bet money on me being 3/4 right rn
[2019-05-31 23:55:41] shockcannon: @MasterWalks
[2019-05-31 23:55:47] shockcannon: are you f*cking ready
[2019-05-31 23:55:52] shockcannon: ‹@ddevans96›
[2019-05-31 23:55:54] shockcannon: same with you
[2019-05-31 23:56:02] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from Mobian in Forum Games. Post fit for royalty, but affordable for all!
[2019-05-31 23:56:06] shockcannon: Because the real dump is coming now
[2019-05-31 23:56:13] ddevans96: let's go dude
[2019-05-31 23:56:35] MasterWalks: im ready to rumble
[2019-05-31 23:57:21] shockcannon: rant post first
[2019-05-31 23:57:26] shockcannon: because i'm a little heated
[2019-05-31 23:57:28] shockcannon: info dump after
[2019-05-31 23:58:02] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from Linkcat in Forum Games. Wanna do a thing?
[2019-05-31 23:58:26] Linkcat: ‹@ddevans96› I would take that bet if the rules allowed it.
[2019-05-31 23:58:36] Wyand:
(5d6) 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 10 ...
[2019-05-31 23:59:02] Linkcat: Taking a shower and then going to an appointment, won't be too active for a bit.
[2019-05-31 23:59:10] Mobian: No rules against wagers
[2019-05-31 23:59:16] shockcannon: lol
[2019-05-31 23:59:20] shockcannon: "I asked for it"
[2019-05-31 23:59:31] shockcannon: great reason to give immortality to random person
[2019-06-01 00:00:37] Linkcat: Well they obviously have to be townreading me as well.
[2019-06-01 00:01:37] InsignificantWeeaboo:
(5d9) 2 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 8 = 19 ...
[2019-06-01 00:04:47] MasterWalks: Honestly, Linkcat should not have immortality. With no PM's, that anubis is targeting people willy nilly and is assuming Linkcat is town based off read.
[2019-06-01 00:04:52] MasterWalks: Anubis is a scary role
[2019-06-01 00:05:19] MasterWalks: dd is right to not use it
[2019-06-01 00:07:40] kaempfer13: i wonder if mafia anubis would target normal people to make them seem more scummy
[2019-06-01 00:08:13] ddevans96: I think that would be a viable play
[2019-06-01 00:08:20] Calindu: Depends on their roles
[2019-06-01 00:08:41] Calindu: If their roles are not affected by Anubis and it fits the gameplan, I think it would be smart
[2019-06-01 00:08:49] MasterWalks: Psion + Anubis would be a nasty combo. Psion first then anubis
[2019-06-01 00:10:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from shockcannon in Forum Games. The post that refreshes.
[2019-06-01 00:10:04] shockcannon: alright dump time
[2019-06-01 00:13:28] ddevans96: this gon be good
[2019-06-01 00:14:39] Mobian: Shock has made some good points, Espi. Doesn't really absolve him of misleading town, but his concerns are valid
[2019-06-01 00:14:52] Espithel: He has.
[2019-06-01 00:15:11] Espithel: Now that he's actually playing the game and not just faffing about, he's not just the fifth honourary mafia member
[2019-06-01 00:15:35] Mobian: No, but he may still be the 4th
[2019-06-01 00:15:46] kaempfer13: ‹@shockcannon› now can you finally put down those actual reads you claim to have gotten out of the responses to you?
[2019-06-01 00:15:55] MasterWalks: "Now that he's actually playing the game"
[2019-06-01 00:15:58] MasterWalks: Lmao
[2019-06-01 00:16:07] MasterWalks: He hasnt changed anything
[2019-06-01 00:16:17] MasterWalks: Hes just stating why he is doing what hes doing
[2019-06-01 00:16:33] MasterWalks: If shock goes quiet after his dump, its probably pretty harmful to town ngl
[2019-06-01 00:16:46] kaempfer13: did someone actually believe he was gn?
[2019-06-01 00:16:58] Espithel: Yeah, me and Cal jumped the gun bit too hard
[2019-06-01 00:16:59] ddevans96: hi, yes, me
[2019-06-01 00:17:02] MasterWalks: No, no one idi
[2019-06-01 00:17:05] ddevans96: I suspected it MUCH earlier
[2019-06-01 00:18:07] Mobian: Either way, the damage is done. Now, we'll be secondguessing any claims he makes going forward. Sure, he succeeded in sparking conversation, but also put himself under a huge microscope at the same time
[2019-06-01 00:18:54] kaempfer13: yh, no way to interpret his eventual death one way or another with so many contradictions
[2019-06-01 00:19:58] ddevans96: can we talk about the fact that people assumed I was mafia for things that would be extremely risky if I was mafia? and I had to spend literally a day and a half defending myself?
[2019-06-01 00:20:06] ddevans96: microscope has already been on this game
[2019-06-01 00:20:08] Wyand:
(5d6) 6 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 6 = 25 ...!
[2019-06-01 00:21:33] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: how long will this mafia run approximately?
[2019-06-01 00:21:52] InsignificantWeeaboo:
(5d9) 7 + 4 + 4 + 9 + 1 = 25 ...
[2019-06-01 00:22:04] ddevans96: this town has shown they'll hyperfocus things, it's better if 'the microscope' is on someone who most people disregard as rogue
[2019-06-01 00:22:30] Mobian: My gut feeling is on both MW and Espi, tbh.
[2019-06-01 00:22:39] ddevans96: bc eventually it'll fizzle out, you'll either realize 'wow shock is mega town', or he'll out himself as mafia, or he won't matter and everyone will go back to ignoring him (even me this time)
[2019-06-01 00:23:23] MasterWalks: ‹@Mobian› I would like to know what leads you have on espi
[2019-06-01 00:24:07] Espithel: Of course you would
[2019-06-01 00:24:35] Espithel: "Where are the conclusions. What facts do we have that support them?"
[2019-06-01 00:24:37] immortal_feud: if ian pmd me 5pm forum time how long ago was that?
[2019-06-01 00:25:00] Mobian: ‹@MasterWalks› Your actions. You seem to be bussing him a bit too hardcore, and you started it running out the gate. This reminds me of a play Coffee and I made last game, with him trying to hyperaggress on me, and I more or less ignored him, like how Espi is ignoring you
[2019-06-01 00:25:01] ddevans96: 5pm forum time?
[2019-06-01 00:25:23] immortal_feud: 12 Lives Round #3 « Sent to: immortal feud on: Today at 04:55:12 PM »
[2019-06-01 00:25:29] ddevans96: ‹@immortal_feud› http://elementscommunity.org/forum/profile/?a...
[2019-06-01 00:25:36] ddevans96: hit autodetect
[2019-06-01 00:25:46] ddevans96: it'll set the forum time to your local time
[2019-06-01 00:26:02] Mobian: With makes you both suspect in my eyes
[2019-06-01 00:26:21] ddevans96: (it's GMT by default tho)
[2019-06-01 00:26:48] immortal_feud: nice thanks
[2019-06-01 00:27:19] Espithel: I suppose the fact that I'm absolutely adamant that MW is town is an extra layer of that read, Mobian.
[2019-06-01 00:28:07] immortal_feud: werent we gutting back on mafia talk in chat?
[2019-06-01 00:28:59] ddevans96: yeah, gl with that
[2019-06-01 00:29:29] shockcannon: dump halfway done
[2019-06-01 00:29:42] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: it should be banned in future mafias, most players dont really wnat it, it seems
[2019-06-01 00:30:08] immortal_feud: in that case are we still going along with shocks rr plan?
[2019-06-01 00:30:39] MasterWalks: ‹@Mobian› Fair
[2019-06-01 00:30:43] immortal_feud: i think reading chat dumps would be nicer if they were screenshots not copypastes
[2019-06-01 00:31:43] MasterWalks: TL:DR help a lot
[2019-06-01 00:31:49] Espithel: ‹@Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35› You're sub, right?
[2019-06-01 00:31:51] MasterWalks: but you dont get the nitty gritty details
[2019-06-01 00:31:57] Espithel: Can we just ban chatfia now, or?
[2019-06-01 00:32:01] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: no
[2019-06-01 00:32:02] Espithel: Also @linkcat I guess
[2019-06-01 00:32:14] Espithel: ‹@Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35› Stop being unimportant >:(
[2019-06-01 00:32:48] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: youre less important than shock
[2019-06-01 00:32:57] Espithel: OOF
[2019-06-01 00:33:02] Mobian: Most discussion happens here, and many of us use chat while mobile. I do think going forward it should be primarily on Discord though
[2019-06-01 00:33:29] Mobian: The thread would be primarily used to cast day votes
[2019-06-01 00:33:36] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: thats even worse
[2019-06-01 00:33:40] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: it ruins mafia
[2019-06-01 00:33:50] Mobian: How?
[2019-06-01 00:33:50] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: i can bet, youll get very low participation if that happened
[2019-06-01 00:33:58] Espithel: ^
[2019-06-01 00:34:15] Espithel: That was Chrysao^ not a mobian^
[2019-06-01 00:34:22] immortal_feud: discord messages arent very dense if you know what i mean
[2019-06-01 00:34:43] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: because not everyone is online to be reading chat
[2019-06-01 00:34:45] MasterWalks: youre dense
[2019-06-01 00:34:47] immortal_feud: i dont think its great if your trying to have everyone read everything in a discord
[2019-06-01 00:34:48] MasterWalks: /s
[2019-06-01 00:34:57] immortal_feud: ‹@MasterWalks› ;_;
[2019-06-01 00:35:01] Guest-MinorVampire-8edcc: Power went out
[2019-06-01 00:35:05] Guest-MinorVampire-8edcc: This is an issue
[2019-06-01 00:35:16] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: and many dont even use discord, thats a separate issue
[2019-06-01 00:35:22] MasterWalks: ‹@Guest-MinorVampire-8edcc› Do you live in Oklahoma?
[2019-06-01 00:35:34] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: mafia is best when it is only thread limited, with mafia members being allowed to communicate outside
[2019-06-01 00:35:48] Guest-MinorVampire-8edcc: No
[2019-06-01 00:36:23] MasterWalks: ‹@Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35› oi W3, your brit. Do you listen to brit rap?
[2019-06-01 00:36:36] Mobian: I likely wouldn't play that, as communication is too slow and mobile posting is shit
[2019-06-01 00:36:36] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: no
[2019-06-01 00:36:48] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: Halseys performance at bbmas
[2019-06-01 00:36:51] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: that gives me life
[2019-06-01 00:36:56] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: its perfect
[2019-06-01 00:37:36] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: ‹@Mobian› it is not slow, all you do is post instead of type in chat, and then every person playing can see it, instead of restricting the talk to people online at that time
[2019-06-01 00:38:07] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35:
[2019-06-01 00:38:09] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: y
[2019-06-01 00:38:36] Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35: (watch the vid too, dont just listen)
[2019-06-01 00:40:53] Wyand:
(5d6) 3 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 16 ...
[2019-06-01 00:41:30] Guest-MinorVampire-8edcc: WiFi coming back soon
[2019-06-01 00:41:35] Guest-MinorVampire-8edcc: Post is ready though
[2019-06-01 00:42:45] shockcannon: ayy
[2019-06-01 00:44:02] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from Linkcat in Forum Games. Post of champions.
[2019-06-01 00:44:37] shockcannon: alright kids
[2019-06-01 00:44:38] shockcannon: have fun
[2019-06-01 00:44:43] shockcannon: my watch has ended
[2019-06-01 00:46:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from shockcannon in Forum Games. This post tastes good.
[2019-06-01 00:47:11] InsignificantWeeaboo:
(5d9) 3 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 8 = 22 ...
[2019-06-01 00:49:49] Espithel: You didn't throw the game.
[2019-06-01 00:49:53] Espithel: That much is certain.
[2019-06-01 00:50:02] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from kaempfer13 in Forum Games. Good to the last word.
[2019-06-01 00:50:49] shockcannon: i misused the word disclosed
[2019-06-01 00:50:53] shockcannon: i meant to say secret
[2019-06-01 00:53:02] Wyand: gn to all
[2019-06-01 00:54:51] MasterWalks: Hey kaempf
[2019-06-01 00:54:56] MasterWalks: whats up with the empty spoiler
[2019-06-01 00:55:30] kaempfer13: reference to one of shocks posts
[2019-06-01 00:55:50] MasterWalks: Oh his post with empty spoilers. Gotcha
[2019-06-01 00:55:59] kaempfer13: actually putting everything in would exceed the character limit
[2019-06-01 00:58:18] kaempfer13: I suggest everyone who jumped the gun retracts their vote for this day, so that voting on anyone else doesnt seem pointless
[2019-06-01 00:59:00] kaempfer13: the day has just started, you can put your vote back in later in the exact same state but at least allow for other options
[2019-06-01 00:59:47] kaempfer13: note that both people that are voted on have my attention as potentially bad for town
[2019-06-01 01:00:21] kaempfer13: but we need to allow the others to contribute their own thoughts
[2019-06-01 01:02:02] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from dawn to dusk in Forum Games. Sharp minds, sharp posts.
[2019-06-01 01:04:14] shockcannon: chat got quiet lol
[2019-06-01 01:04:20] shockcannon: ‹@kaempfer13› you should prob just make a post
[2019-06-01 01:04:23] shockcannon: also gotta head out
[2019-06-01 01:04:26] shockcannon: peace kiddos
[2019-06-01 01:04:28] ddevans96: dd's head hurts too much to talk about mafia rn

:gravity War 10
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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290239#msg1290239
« Reply #605 on: May 31, 2019, 11:34:26 pm »
Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, ddevans96
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, Mobian
Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290240#msg1290240
« Reply #606 on: May 31, 2019, 11:48:18 pm »
Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, ddevans96
shockcannon (1) - Calindu
Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian

For reasons posted in chatlog.

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290241#msg1290241
« Reply #607 on: June 01, 2019, 12:02:34 am »
I like kaempfer's post a lot, kind of townreading him now. I feel like I have too many townreads and not enough scumreads. Will do a readslist when I can.

A vote breakdown would be great.
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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290242#msg1290242
« Reply #608 on: June 01, 2019, 12:05:03 am »
I'll be brief and annotate.

- I'm GN and have checked ian and Linkcat.
- Linkcat is mafia
- I'm fairly certain mafia has psion and mindflayer
- I think it's likely that they discovered JCJs role n0
- I think the random moehrpi vote on JCJ was highly suspicious. Could be mafia throwing it out just to see if it gains traction without any pushing of it (which it did)
- Insig using warden last night was also suspicious but I think he's town. Again, I don't think mafia let themselves get into a situation where they're being voted up. Likely all the prime suspects so far have been town. This clears Insig and ddevans for me. Could be bussing but why bus if your team isn't even close to being on the radar
- Linkcat being mafia clears Espithel in my opinion
- ian said he had info to dump had he lived. To me this means a couple possible options. 1.) He lied about being blocked N0 and found some info. 2.) Insig actually blocked D2D N1 when targeting ddevans and ian was either roleblocked again (giving him info that there was a mind flayer or 2nd warden out there) or he hit a protected/untargetable player.

I've got some more hard info to share later, but I want votes on Linkcat for now.
Also, I want some thoughts on the following players that I find highly suspicious and likely mafia:

can only assume its because of inactivity. this is my first  mafia and im not sure what im doing also last 3 days ive been in bed with the flu hence the more recent inactivity
recovering firestall addict

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290243#msg1290243
« Reply #609 on: June 01, 2019, 12:09:45 am »

‹ddevans96› ‹@immortal_feud› do you have other lynch targets in mind?
‹immortal_feud› Not really. Don't think link is mafia, and shock is too much fun to get rid of even if he is mafia.
‹MasterWalks› Vote espi then.
‹ddevans96› What do you think about Espi, moe, kae?
‹immortal_feud› How do you feel about shock and link, dd?
‹ddevans96› Medium-high town read on shock. Light mafia read on Link.
‹immortal_feud› Got a read on me dd?


‹Espithel› ‹@immortal_feud› You're too quiet to read, right now. I'm actually pretty surprised you survived the nightkill - the mafia are definitely lynching "inactive" players.
‹immortal_feud› Yeah, thought so. Didn't stop shock thinking inactivity was scummy. If inactives keep getting NK'd and then an active gets NK'd does that mean the remaining inactives are mafia?
‹Espithel› You can certainly push it that way, but you have to be careful. I think they're trying to kill the graboid, or find the golden nymph. The alternative is they're setting up some kind of toxic association; If they start killing active people, then it might be to silence that person, or to associate all the other inactives as scummy when they're not. It'd be on a case by case basis.
‹immortal_feud› does burrow not protect against NK?
‹Mobian› you are correct


‹ddevans96› [2019-05-31 17:52:51] ‹immortal_feud› got a read on me dd? < no, you've done very little in this game and what you have done reveals nothing. It is probable that one of the lower-activity players is mafia, but I have no reason to suspect you in particular.
‹immortal_feud› nice, sounds like im safe


‹ddevans96› [2019-05-31 17:55:52] ‹MasterWalks› ‹@ddevans96› whats your reads on kaempf, me, and ginyu? < neutral-light mafia on kae. light town on you. light town on Ginyu.
‹MasterWalks› Kaempf is town. Like he is my most town read at the moment.
‹ddevans96› what in particular makes you say that?
‹MasterWalks› He is completely understandable and relate-able when pressured about the awkward thing. He is making honest reads imo and now i would say he is playing like a town would now that he is acclimated to mafia
‹immortal_feud› this is kaes first mafia too yeah?
‹MasterWalks› yep
‹ddevans96› hm
‹ddevans96› interesting

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290244#msg1290244
« Reply #610 on: June 01, 2019, 12:35:10 am »
@RootRanger I need you scum reads. Besides the shock hate, i have no idea who youre looking at. You bashed shock for not helping town so lets see you help town and share some reads
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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290246#msg1290246
« Reply #611 on: June 01, 2019, 12:45:00 am »
‹Espithel› ‹@ddevans96› Could you elaborate your ginyu town read? Ginyu's not been talked about pretty much at all.

‹ddevans96› Just gut feeling, really. I can't point to any one specific thing about Ginyu that makes me lean town. Just a vibe.
‹ddevans96› Rereading key posts, yeah, I think Walks is right, I retract my mafia lean on Kae. Only neutral for me though, not town yet. need a bit more [info]. To clarify, it moves from 'mafia if I have to choose' to 'town if I have to choose'. So just the other side of neutral.


‹ddevans96› what's everyone's reads on me rn?
‹Espithel› I think the mafia is completely happy with the state of the town right now, Which implies you're town.
‹Linkcat› Neutral still
‹immortal_feud› granted my reads are prob trash but i think ur town
‹MasterWalks› I have no idea what my read on you is. Espi says i need to stop saying experienced, but if you are mafia, you are "experienced" enough to hide very very well. I will go back and examine your posts more when I'm off work. I still think you should be the one every night everyone is vote hopping on until we have more concrete evidence.
‹Espithel› Root's the most experienced mafia player here. :^)

‹shockcannon› These questions are a waste of time!


‹ddevans96› "I still think you should be the one every night everyone is vote hopping on until we have more concrete evidence" < what do you mean, and why?
‹MasterWalks› Because I don't think pressure should be lifted off you yet. I want you on your toes. In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing Linkcat take your place as the vote hopped, Since it seems like we have got quite a bit of info from you already. I say we start putting pressure on link.
‹ddevans96› I start the game on my toes, doesn't matter how much pressure you put on me, but fair. Remember that Link set this whole process in motion by pressuring me d1; Only makes sense that he gets a strong look at, because this is an oddly under the radar game for him (and...also for Root, funnily enough)
I guess looking at the post counts, maybe not that much for Link.


‹Mobian› RIP D2D
‹dawn_to_dusk› :(


‹MasterWalks› Root is very weird this game. He is so focused on shock that its "tunnel visioning" him
‹Linkcat› I think this level of activity is normal for Root, a little less for me but I've been busy.

