Also, while we're at it. There's this corner of the forum called
It lets you see what people are looking at, or even what they're posting in:
I would like to ask that, in the name of sportsmanship, we don't use this. It's been used in previous mafias in the past and I've always hated it, as it's obscure and, in my opinion, against the spirit of the game. I'm telling you all about it just to make absolutely sure you're all aware of this.
If the group's fine with it, you can absolutely bet your anuses that I'm going to be mashing F5 on it, seeing what we can get. I'd encourage everyone else to do the same - no message-sending is safe. We'd find all the messaging roles (including who sends the nightkill) by the first night.
There's probably a way to turn it off:
But I don't know how. We should probably figure that out.
If it was me with total power, I'd have Dwaddy Swubmwachine (owo) modkill any proven instances, but that's tricky to moderate as he'd have to mash F5. I think Dwaddy Swubmwachine (owo) has better things to do with his time.