Yeah, so at least 2 of you are lying about your roles which is hilarious. So N2 I targeted moehrpi as mind flayer. My ability failed. This means one of three things given that he was not a graboid and given that graboid is the only role higher than mind flayer in priority.
There is another mind flayer.
1.) moehrpi was given immaterial by anubis on N0 or N1.
2.) moehrpi was given momentum by Mobian on N0 or N1.
3.) I was blocked by another mind flayer (which none of you claimed).
Now, scenario 1 is unlikely because mafia wouldn't be randomly giving moehrpi immaterial. I also successfully blocked moehrpi N0, which makes this scenario even more unlikely. Scenario 2 would require Mobian randomly targeting moehrpi as his first target. I suppose it's possible but I also feel like this is unlikely. Scenario 3 is what I'm 99% sure happened, and none of you have claimed mind flayer.
Now, you may all say that scenario 2 is quite likely, but now I'm going to add a little more. N3 I targeted Insig and my ability failed again. The 3 scenarios we have listed above are AGAIN the only possible scenarios for why my ability failed since I have priority over everyone. Now, what are the odds that Mobian (with an EoR ability) just happened to hit moehrpi N0 and then Insig N2? Possible again, but in my mind unlikely. Which means we have a mind flayer or anubis, possibly both.
Let's not forget that Insig's ability failed multiple times as well, and momentum does not stop guarding. Insig was town and had no reason to lie. Since I didn't block him any of the nights he said his ability failed, that means he was either blocked by another mind flayer or was hitting immaterial targets. This leads me to believe that I was indeed blocked by another mind flayer as opposed to my targets having momentum from Mobian.
Now on to the anubis.
Calindu claims Anubis targeted Linkcat N2 and ddevans claims it wasn't him. Now, if both are telling the truth then mathman, Ginyu, or RootRanger is anubis and lying. If none of those 3 are Anubis, then either Calindu or ddevans is lying. But at least someone is caught in a lie now. So that's two lies we have at the very least.
But what if I'm lying?
So I claimed mindflayer on N2 and shared my targets (with N0 on moehrpi and N1 on Ginyu both being successful). Well guess what, if you go back through the posts, BOTH GINYU AND MOEHRPI confirmed that they were indeed blocked on N0 and N1. And moehrpi is confirmed town. So yeah, I'm mind flayer and I have two accounts to support that. So good luck trying to throw blame on me. Two of you are lying and those two are our mafia.