[12:33:51] ‹Mobian› Shock, if you're really town, flay insig.
[12:37:57] ‹Calindu› Why does insig's ability have to be stopped?
[12:40:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from immortal feud in Forum Games. P...put...put your mouse on it...
[12:40:28] ‹immortal_feud› mobian can i have momentum?
[12:41:45] ‹Calindu› What even is your ability that's so important you need momentum?
[12:41:56] Mobian joined.
[12:42:20] ‹immortal_feud› might find out if i die
[12:42:47] ‹immortal_feud› i dont even know if my ability is any good
[12:42:54] ‹Calindu› You probably won't die, if you are not mafia, you are not useful
[12:42:59] ‹Calindu› So why ask for momentum?
[12:43:26] Mobian left.
[12:43:44] Mobian joined.
[12:44:40] ‹Mobian› ‹@Calindu› I don't want him blocking anyone else
[12:45:10] ‹Calindu› But who to block? He can't block me, Anubis is not useful now
[12:45:28] ‹immortal_feud› why isnt it?
[12:45:29] ‹Calindu› And most other roles we don't know, but no role is that strong that it needs to not be blocked
[12:46:41] ‹Mobian› ‹@immortal_feud› I haven't decided who I'm buffing yet. Why should I choose you?
[12:46:50] ‹immortal_feud› town has a nice majority now right? shouldnt less blocks be protown?
[12:47:19] ‹immortal_feud› ‹@Mobian› so i can be useful

[12:47:50] ‹immortal_feud› but if you somehow still have other targets in mind dw bout it
[12:47:52] ‹Mobian› That's rather vague
[12:48:25] ‹immortal_feud› vauge is protown right
[12:48:28] ‹InsignificantWeeaboo›
(5d9) 1 + 6 + 9 + 4 + 3 = 23 ...
[12:48:32] ‹Calindu› Less block is not protown with how the abilities have been used this game
[12:49:07] ‹Mobian› Who would you target with an unstoppable ability?
[12:49:20] ‹immortal_feud› hmm perhaps
[12:49:28] ‹immortal_feud› read my post mobian?
[12:49:32] ‹Calindu› Probably no one
[12:49:41] ‹Calindu› You can't know for sure who is town
[12:50:25] shockcannon joined.
[12:50:39] ‹immortal_feud› i suspect hes immortal but im not sure on that deduction
[12:50:59] ‹Calindu› You suspect who is immortal?
[12:51:00] Mobian left.
[12:51:09] ‹shockcannon› there's another mind flayer
[12:51:13] ‹shockcannon› i was blocked 2 nights in a row
[12:51:21] ‹shockcannon› i didn't even try using my ability last night
[12:51:24] Mobian joined.
[12:51:39] ‹Calindu› So a flayer can block another flayer?
[12:51:48] ‹Calindu› Doesn't make much sense tbh
[12:51:49] ‹shockcannon› yeah
[12:51:53] ‹immortal_feud› why would you not try?
[12:51:55] ‹shockcannon› i'm pretty sure its root that just thinks i'm mafia
[12:52:12] ‹shockcannon› and even if i block the other mind flayer i wouldn't know
[12:52:14] ‹immortal_feud› you could find the other flayer by targeting flayer-flayer right?
[12:52:15] ‹Calindu› ‹@immortal_feud› Try what? Explain your point
[12:52:20] ‹shockcannon› because we'll just both get a message saying our ability failed
[12:52:39] ‹immortal_feud› oh i thought the notification for flayer vs flayer was different
[12:53:05] ‹shockcannon› hold on
[12:53:06] ‹immortal_feud› ‹@Calindu› using his ability
[12:53:08] ‹shockcannon› i'm updating my forum game now
[12:53:30] ‹Calindu› [01:50:39] ‹immortal_feud› i suspect hes immortal but im not sure on that deduction [01:50:59] ‹Calindu› You suspect who is immortal?
[12:53:54] ‹Mobian› Root
[12:54:25] ‹immortal_feud› [12:49:07] ‹Mobian› Who would you target with an unstoppable ability? [12:49:20] ‹immortal_feud› hmm perhaps [12:49:28] ‹immortal_feud› read my post mobian?
[12:54:28] ‹immortal_feud› [12:48:25] ‹immortal_feud› vauge is protown right
[12:54:36] ‹immortal_feud›

[12:54:44] ‹Calindu› But Root was not even in discussion at that point
[12:54:45] Mobian left.
[12:54:51] Mobian joined.
[12:55:17] ‹immortal_feud› root to be blunt then
[12:55:37] InsignificantWeeaboo left.
[12:55:44] InsignificantWeeaboo joined.
[12:55:51] ‹Mobian› What category does your role fall under?
[12:56:08] ‹immortal_feud› protown
[12:56:30] ‹immortal_feud› trying to not get murdered here
[12:56:38] ‹Calindu› Lmao, this whole interaction is a joke
[12:57:58] ‹immortal_feud› how do you read calindu mobian?
[12:58:55] ‹Mobian› More town than you right now, tbh
[12:59:17] ‹immortal_feud› fair
[13:02:27] ‹immortal_feud› at least pray i can be useful then
[13:03:02] ‹Mobian› You know what? Calindu, put a fly on feud
[13:03:47] ‹Mobian› His ability WILL fire, and if he kills a town, we'll know
[13:04:55] ‹Mobian› Shock, flay insig to prevent anymore shenanigans
[13:04:56] ‹Calindu› You don't need a damn ability to be useful
[13:05:13] ‹Calindu› And I'll consider it, but will not guarantee it
[13:07:23] ‹Mobian› Please do
[13:08:20] ‹immortal_feud› ‹@Mobian› how town do you think shock is tho
[13:09:41] ‹shockcannon› wait
[13:09:46] ‹shockcannon› can FFQ see NK?
[13:09:51] ‹shockcannon› i thought NK is untraceable
[13:10:26] ‹Calindu› Idk
[13:10:34] ‹immortal_feud› apparently it does show but i dont think it offers any information
[13:10:52] ‹immortal_feud› link mentioned seeing NK right?
[13:10:57] ‹Calindu› I think it can see if you got NKed
[13:11:22] ‹immortal_feud› also was anyone else bothered by linkcat being a ffq and fire queen
[13:11:39] ‹immortal_feud› when espi was green nymph but a paradox?
[13:17:22] ‹InsignificantWeeaboo› lynch shock
[13:17:28] ‹InsignificantWeeaboo› sorry, sacrifice shock
[13:17:29] ‹shockcannon›

[13:17:39] ‹shockcannon› D:
[13:18:05] ‹shockcannon› ‹@Mobian›
[13:18:07] ‹Mobian› ‹@immortal_feud› Jury is still out on shock. Cooperation will earn him points
[13:18:10] ‹shockcannon› lets have a talk
[13:18:15] ‹shockcannon› lol
[13:18:17] ‹shockcannon› earn points