
Who played the best mafia?

0 (0%)
9 (15.5%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
9 (15.5%)
8 (13.8%)
dawn to dusk
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
4 (6.9%)
1 (1.7%)
1 (1.7%)
0 (0%)
6 (10.3%)
6 (10.3%)
9 (15.5%)
5 (8.6%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 19

Voting closed: June 24, 2019, 11:12:55 am


Offline MasterWalks

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290430#msg1290430
« Reply #732 on: June 03, 2019, 07:59:30 pm »
Alright. I know we said 3 targets until GN reveal. But we haven't lynched a single mafia and its getting to lynch or die.

I am Golden Nymph

I targeted Espithel N0. He is Mafia

I targeted Kaempfer13 N3. He is Town

the coffee block was on a fate egg GN.

:gravity War 12
:darkness War 13
:fire War 14
Credit to Wyand for Profile Picture

Offline RootRanger

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290431#msg1290431
« Reply #733 on: June 03, 2019, 08:02:24 pm »
I would recommend counterclaiming if anyone else is the true GN. As discussed in chat, mafia likely knows who GN is anyways, and believing a false GN would ruin us at this point in the game.

Otherwise, I'd be inclined to believe MW and lynch Espi. Seems like an easy choice.
Somehow still around, somewhat

Offline mathman101

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290432#msg1290432
« Reply #734 on: June 03, 2019, 08:04:22 pm »
Alright. I know we said 3 targets until GN reveal. But we haven't lynched a single mafia and its getting to lynch or die.

I am Golden Nymph

I targeted Espithel N0. He is Mafia

I targeted Kaempfer13 N3. He is Town

the coffee block was on a fate egg GN.


I feel like this should have waited until the start of day phase rather then during the night when mafia can still switch NK targets.

If there is another angel, someone should be protecting him if this is true.

Offline MasterWalks

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290434#msg1290434
« Reply #735 on: June 03, 2019, 08:11:52 pm »
Alright. I know we said 3 targets until GN reveal. But we haven't lynched a single mafia and its getting to lynch or die.

I am Golden Nymph

I targeted Espithel N0. He is Mafia

I targeted Kaempfer13 N3. He is Town

the coffee block was on a fate egg GN.


I feel like this should have waited until the start of day phase rather then during the night when mafia can still switch NK targets.

If there is another angel, someone should be protecting him if this is true.

First off, angel should target kaempf, i cant be protected.

Secondly, no. It makes no difference if i revealed tonight or next day phase. If i revealed this night, i get all my info out and dont risk being NK'd without letting people know kaempf is town. (You guys probably wouldve lynched espi if i was revealed GN at NK). I cant use ability tonight so cant gather anymore info. they can kill me tonight or next night, it doesnt matter. But i will die on one of those nights
:gravity War 12
:darkness War 13
:fire War 14
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Offline kaempfer13

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290435#msg1290435
« Reply #736 on: June 03, 2019, 08:19:31 pm »
Updated lynchlog:
Spoiler for lynchlog:
Spoiler for Day1:
Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (1) - kaempfer13
(in order)

Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (1) - kaempfer13

Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (1) - kaempfer13
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian

Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (1) - kaempfer13
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (1) - moehrpi

Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (1) - moehrpi

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (1) - moehrpi

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon(1) - Calindu

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon(2) - Calindu, shockcannon

Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, shockcannon
RootRanger (1) - Linkcat

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, shockcannon

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (3) - moehrpi, RootRanger, Espithel
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, shockcannon

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (3) - moehrpi, RootRanger, Espithel
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - InsignificantWeeaboo

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (3) - Calindu, shockcannon, Espithel
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - InsignificantWeeaboo

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (3) - Calindu, shockcannon, Espithel
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - InsignificantWeeaboo

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, Espithel
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - InsignificantWeeaboo
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon

Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, Espithel
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - InsignificantWeeaboo
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (1) - Linkcat

Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, Espithel
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo

Espithel (1) - ddevans96
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, Espithel
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, MasterWalks

Espithel (1) - ddevans96
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, Espithel
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo,
kaempfer13(1) - MasterWalks

Espithel (1) - ddevans96
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (1) - Espithel
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu
kaempfer13(1) - MasterWalks

Espithel (1) - ddevans96
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (1) - Calindu
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Espithel
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

Espithel (1) - ddevans96
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Espithel
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Espithel
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - ddevans96

MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - ddevans96

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - ddevans96

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, iancudorinmarian
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - ddevans96

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (5) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, iancudorinmarian, Mobian
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - ddevans96

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (3) - moehrpi, RootRanger, ddevans96
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, iancudorinmarian

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (4) - moehrpi, RootRanger, ddevans96, iancudorinmarian
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Mobian

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (5) - moehrpi, RootRanger, ddevans96, iancudorinmarian, Espithel
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Mobian

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (5) - moehrpi, RootRanger, ddevans96, iancudorinmarian, Espithel
ddevans96 (5) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Mobian, shockcannon

MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (6) - moehrpi, RootRanger, ddevans96, iancudorinmarian, Espithel, MasterWalks
ddevans96 (5) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Mobian, shockcannon

MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (6) - moehrpi, RootRanger, ddevans96, iancudorinmarian, Espithel, MasterWalks
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Mobian
moehrpi (1) - shockcannon
(late and didnt matter, but could be breadcrumb, but its shock)

Spoiler for Day2:
immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
ddevans96 (1) - Calindu
(in order)

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
ddevans96 (2) - Calindu, shockcannon

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
ddevans96 (2) - Calindu, shockcannon

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
ddevans96 (2) - Calindu, shockcannon
Espithel (1) - iancudorinmarian

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
ddevans96 (2) - Calindu, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - iancudorinmarian

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
ddevans96 (2) - Calindu, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (2) - iancudorinmarian, ddevans96

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
ddevans96 (2) - Calindu, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - iancudorinmarian, ddevans96, dawn to dusk

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
ddevans96 (2) - Calindu, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - iancudorinmarian, ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) -  Linkcat
ddevans96 (3) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - iancudorinmarian, ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) -  Linkcat
ddevans96 (4) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - iancudorinmarian, ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) -  Linkcat
ddevans96 (4) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud
Mobian (1) - iancudorinmarian

shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) -  Linkcat
ddevans96 (4) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud
Mobian (1) - iancudorinmarian
iancudorinmarian (1) - Espithel

kaempfer13 (1) -  Linkcat
ddevans96 (4) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (1) - iancudorinmarian
iancudorinmarian (1) - Espithel

kaempfer13 (1) -  Linkcat
ddevans96 (4) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (1) - iancudorinmarian
iancudorinmarian (2) - Espithel, Mobian

kaempfer13 (1) -  Linkcat
ddevans96 (4) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (2) - Espithel, Mobian

ddevans96 (5) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (2) - Espithel, Mobian

ddevans96 (5) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (3) - Espithel, Mobian, ddevans96

ddevans96 (4) - Calindu, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (4) - Espithel, Mobian, ddevans96, shockcannon

ddevans96 (5) - Calindu, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (4) - Espithel, Mobian, ddevans96, shockcannon

ddevans96 (5) - Calindu, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, shockcannon
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (3) - Espithel, Mobian, ddevans96

ddevans96 (5) - Calindu, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (6) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, shockcannon, ddevans96, moehrpi
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (3) - Espithel, Mobian

ddevans96 (5) - Calindu, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (5) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, ddevans96, moehrpi
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (3) - Espithel, Mobian, shockcannon

ddevans96 (4) - MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (5) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, ddevans96, moehrpi
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (4) - Espithel, Mobian, shockcannon, Calindu

ddevans96 (3) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (5) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, ddevans96, moehrpi
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, shockcannon, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo

ddevans96 (3) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, moehrpi
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (6) - Espithel, Mobian, shockcannon, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96

ddevans96 (3) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (5) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, moehrpi, shockcannon
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96

ddevans96 (3) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, shockcannon
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96
RootRanger (1) - moehrpi

ddevans96 (3) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, shockcannon
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96
RootRanger (1) - moehrpi

ddevans96 (3) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, shockcannon
Mobian (3) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101, Calindu
iancudorinmarian (4) - Espithel, Mobian, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96
RootRanger (1) - moehrpi

ddevans96 (3) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (5) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, shockcannon, ddevans96
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo
RootRanger (1) - moehrpi

ddevans96 (4) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, ddevans96
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (4) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo
RootRanger (1) - moehrpi

ddevans96 (4) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96
RootRanger (1) - moehrpi

ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, kaempfer13, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (6) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96, MasterWalks,
RootRanger (1) - moehrpi

ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, kaempfer13, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, moehrpi
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (6) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96, MasterWalks,

ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, moehrpi
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (6) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96, MasterWalks,
no lynch (1) - shockcannon

ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (5) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, moehrpi, Calindu
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96, MasterWalks
no lynch(1) - shockcannon

ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (6) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, moehrpi, Calindu, ddevans96
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (4) - Espithel, Mobian, InsignificantWeeaboo,  MasterWalks
No Lynch (1) - shockcannon

ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (5) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, moehrpi, ddevans96
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, InsignificantWeeaboo,  MasterWalks, Calindu
No Lynch (1) - shockcannon

ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, moehrpi, ddevans96
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (6) - Espithel, Mobian, InsignificantWeeaboo,  MasterWalks, Calindu, RootRanger
No Lynch (1) - shockcannon
Spoiler for day3:
Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, Espithel
(Espithels vote being newest, right after fake gn reveal)

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Espithel, Calindu

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, Espithel
shockcannon (1) - Calindu
(cal claiming)

Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, Espithel
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, MasterWalks

Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Espithel, ddevans96
shockcannon (3) - Calindu, MasterWalks, Linkcat
(dd did not target linkcat with role and attacked him in confusion)

Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Espithel, ddevans96
shockcannon (4) - Calindu, MasterWalks, Linkcat, Mobian

Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, ddevans96
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, Mobian
Espithel (1) - MasterWalks

Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, ddevans96
shockcannon (1) - Calindu
Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian

Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, ddevans96
shockcannon (1) - Calindu
Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
mathman101 (1) - Linkcat

Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, ddevans96
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, RootRanger
Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
mathman101 (1) - Linkcat

Linkcat (1) - shockcannon
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, RootRanger
Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
mathman101 (1) - Linkcat

Linkcat (1) - shockcannon
shockcannon (3) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi
Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
mathman101 (1) - Linkcat

Linkcat (1) - shockcannon
shockcannon (4) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101
Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
mathman101 (1) - Linkcat

Linkcat (1) - shockcannon
shockcannon (4) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101
Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (1) - Linkcat

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, shockcannon
Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (1) - Linkcat

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, shockcannon
Espithel (1) - ddevans96
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, MasterWalks

shockcannon (4) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101,
Espithel (2) - ddevans96, shockcannon
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, MasterWalks

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Coffeeditto
Espithel (2) - ddevans96, shockcannon
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, MasterWalks

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Coffeeditto
Espithel (1) - ddevans96
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, MasterWalks, shockcannon

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Coffeeditto
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, MasterWalks, shockcannon

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Coffeeditto
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, MasterWalks, shockcannon

shockcannon (4) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, MasterWalks, shockcannon

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, MasterWalks, shockcannon

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, MasterWalks
Mobian (1) - shockcannon

shockcannon (6) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian, shockcannon
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, MasterWalks
Mobian (1) - Espithel

shockcannon (6) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian, shockcannon
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, MasterWalks
moehrpi (1) - ddevans96

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, MasterWalks
moehrpi (2) - ddevans96, shockcannon

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
ddevans96 (1) - MasterWalks
moehrpi (3) - ddevans96, shockcannon, Linkcat

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
moehrpi (4) - ddevans96, shockcannon, Linkcat, MasterWalks

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
Mobian (1) - Espithel
moehrpi (4) - ddevans96, shockcannon, Linkcat, MasterWalks

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
Mobian (1) - Espithel
moehrpi (4) - ddevans96, shockcannon, Linkcat, MasterWalks

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
Mobian (1) - Espithel
moehrpi (5) - ddevans96, shockcannon, Linkcat, MasterWalks, kaempfer13

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
Mobian (1) - Espithel
moehrpi (6) - ddevans96, shockcannon, Linkcat, MasterWalks, kaempfer13, immortal feud

shockcannon (4) - RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
Mobian (2) - Espithel, Calindu
moehrpi (6) - ddevans96, shockcannon, Linkcat, MasterWalks, kaempfer13, immortal feud
(cal avoiding no lynch)
:gravity War 10
:death and tied for master of STANDIN War 11
Master of :time War 12

Offline Espithel

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290437#msg1290437
« Reply #737 on: June 03, 2019, 08:34:00 pm »
Alright. I know we said 3 targets until GN reveal. But we haven't lynched a single mafia and its getting to lynch or die.

I am Golden Nymph

I targeted Espithel N0. He is Mafia

I targeted Kaempfer13 N3. He is Town

the coffee block was on a fate egg GN.


Finally, you admit what was obvious from day one.

That took you far too long.

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290440#msg1290440
« Reply #738 on: June 03, 2019, 08:42:06 pm »
Alright. I know we said 3 targets until GN reveal. But we haven't lynched a single mafia and its getting to lynch or die.

I am Golden Nymph

I targeted Espithel N0. He is Mafia

I targeted Kaempfer13 N3. He is Town

the coffee block was on a fate egg GN.


Typo. I targeted kaempf N2 not N3
:gravity War 12
:darkness War 13
:fire War 14
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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290443#msg1290443
« Reply #739 on: June 03, 2019, 09:18:19 pm »
We'll make tomorrow an AMA, eh?

I'm basically the Mafia's mastermind. Ask Me Anything you're interested in about how we've played the game.

Provided I'm not directly throwing the game, I promise to answer everything truthfully. That's my playstyle - To never lie, and to always state cold, hard facts.

Offline ddevans96

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290444#msg1290444
« Reply #740 on: June 03, 2019, 09:31:07 pm »

People getting small details wrong is why I had to defend myself for two rounds, and why moe got lynched. In other words, it's why town is losing this game. People are overlooking things too much for it to be coincidence. Mafia realizes town is frantic and confused and is actively contributing to it.

To be clear - I'm not blaming or scumreading anyone for missing things. That would be dumb, as I've also done it this game. But I do think some members of mafia are mindful of things they've pretended not to be (moe being unavailable for the deadline, for instance) in order to force town to wade through more questions before coming to a conclusion. I think the iancu and moe lynches were their plans, ultimately.

I targeted myself last night, as shock and Cal, two of my bigger town reads at the time, recommended. Anyone is willing to target me this night and see what result they get.

I supported the moe lynch over shock because, by this time, I had realized what Link's play could be. If I moved train to shock, who I supported all game, he would portray it as me defending moe, my 'mafia buddy', and just serve to make me look more suspicious, and potentially lynched. Since I'm the only one I know for sure is town, I decided to take the bait.

If you're wondering, by that time, I no longer had a strong town read on shock.

I think the mafia contains, Link, Espi, math, and an active player. I would guess shock right now - your scenario of them both being mafia makes sense, even with me being town.

If Link is not mafia, I think you are. You're the only other one I could see having such a grand plan of town manipulation and being able to execute it. But I'm very sure it's Link. I think Espi would have ultimately died d1 if not for Link's push on me.
discord / twitter: palafrost - 2x master of water - false god enthusiast
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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290445#msg1290445
« Reply #741 on: June 03, 2019, 09:34:15 pm »
Also - could be any low-activity player, I just think math bc of Link's alternative lynch suggestions. But there's a ton of WIFOM involved there, so we'll find out more later.
discord / twitter: palafrost - 2x master of water - false god enthusiast
twitch: palafrost - speedrunner, ex-celeste, currently hades
avatar: makoto [persona 5] by asukabaka

Offline LinkcatTopic starter

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290448#msg1290448
« Reply #742 on: June 03, 2019, 10:10:38 pm »
I'm just going to reply to some stuff I see while reading through chat.

My thanks to dd for immortality was sincere, I really thought he targeted me, and yes, it's a good role.

[12:44:16] ‹Calindu› There are enough people that want to push a lynch on one of dd/Link/shock, can we actually force one and disregard their attempts to lynch another afk?

I tried to do this yesterday but couldn't get the votes. I have never wanted to lynch an afk, since it doesn't really help us.

Confirm I am FFQ. Targeted dd Night 0 since I thought he would be the most popular target. I was wrong. Targeted iancu Night 1 since I thought he would be the most popular target. Wrong again. Targeted kaempfer Night 2 because he was my scumread and I wanted to see what was going on with him. Saw Precog and assumed he was GN. I made up a reason to change my read on him and this is why when dd asked me about my read flip(s) I just said "I have my reasons." I thought kaempfer picked up on this when he said in chat that he found a reason I could be town but it was really flimsy. Now that we know he's not GN, I don't know what he was referring to there.

MW being GN is pure lol. I'll have to look back through Day 1 to see how Espi being mafia changes things.

Ignore everything Espi says, obviously.
Interested in running a Forum Game? PM me or drop by the Transfer Thread and we'll see what we can do.

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Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67178.msg1290449#msg1290449
« Reply #743 on: June 03, 2019, 10:17:22 pm »
My townreads:

2. Linkcat - ffq n
5. immortal feud - n
6. kaempfer13 - yes
7. ddevans96 - Anubis n
9. InsignificantWeeaboo - Warden v
10. Espithel - green n apparently vv (just kidding, we'll get at least one after all)
11. MasterWalks - gn yes
12. Mobian - Amber Nymph  v
14. mathman101 - n
15. RootRanger - n
16. shockcannon - Mind flayer - Dubious v
17. Ginyu - n
18. Calindu - FFQ vv

shock and mobian are highly debatable. I argue they are just terrible at the game

With GN claimed the only roles worth protecting are crusader and vulture.

Spoiler for lynchlog:
Spoiler for Day1:
Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (1) - kaempfer13
(in order)

Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (1) - kaempfer13

Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (1) - kaempfer13
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian

Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (1) - kaempfer13
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (1) - moehrpi

Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (1) - moehrpi

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (1) - moehrpi

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon(1) - Calindu

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon(2) - Calindu, shockcannon

Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, shockcannon
RootRanger (1) - Linkcat

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - Espithel
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, shockcannon

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (3) - moehrpi, RootRanger, Espithel
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, shockcannon

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (3) - moehrpi, RootRanger, Espithel
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - InsignificantWeeaboo

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (3) - Calindu, shockcannon, Espithel
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - InsignificantWeeaboo

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (3) - Calindu, shockcannon, Espithel
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - InsignificantWeeaboo

Espithel (3) - MasterWalks, ddevans96, Linkcat
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, Espithel
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - InsignificantWeeaboo
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon

Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, Espithel
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - InsignificantWeeaboo
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (1) - Linkcat

Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, Espithel
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo

Espithel (1) - ddevans96
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, Espithel
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, MasterWalks

Espithel (1) - ddevans96
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, Espithel
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo,
kaempfer13(1) - MasterWalks

Espithel (1) - ddevans96
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (1) - Espithel
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu
kaempfer13(1) - MasterWalks

Espithel (1) - ddevans96
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
shockcannon (1) - Calindu
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Espithel
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

Espithel (1) - ddevans96
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Espithel
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Espithel
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - ddevans96

MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - ddevans96

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - ddevans96

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, iancudorinmarian
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - ddevans96

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (2) - moehrpi, RootRanger
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (5) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, iancudorinmarian, Mobian
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - ddevans96

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (3) - moehrpi, RootRanger, ddevans96
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, iancudorinmarian

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (4) - moehrpi, RootRanger, ddevans96, iancudorinmarian
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Mobian

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (5) - moehrpi, RootRanger, ddevans96, iancudorinmarian, Espithel
iancudorinmarian (1) - shockcannon
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Mobian

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (5) - moehrpi, RootRanger, ddevans96, iancudorinmarian, Espithel
ddevans96 (5) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Mobian, shockcannon

MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (6) - moehrpi, RootRanger, ddevans96, iancudorinmarian, Espithel, MasterWalks
ddevans96 (5) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Mobian, shockcannon

MasterWalks (2) - kaempfer13, JonathanCrazyJ
dawn to dusk (1) - mathman101
JonathanCrazyJ (6) - moehrpi, RootRanger, ddevans96, iancudorinmarian, Espithel, MasterWalks
ddevans96 (4) - Linkcat, InsignificantWeeaboo, Calindu, Mobian
moehrpi (1) - shockcannon
(late and didnt matter, but could be breadcrumb, but its shock)

Spoiler for Day2:
immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
ddevans96 (1) - Calindu
(in order)

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
ddevans96 (2) - Calindu, shockcannon

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
ddevans96 (2) - Calindu, shockcannon

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
ddevans96 (2) - Calindu, shockcannon
Espithel (1) - iancudorinmarian

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
ddevans96 (2) - Calindu, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (1) - iancudorinmarian

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
ddevans96 (2) - Calindu, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (2) - iancudorinmarian, ddevans96

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
ddevans96 (2) - Calindu, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - iancudorinmarian, ddevans96, dawn to dusk

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
ddevans96 (2) - Calindu, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - iancudorinmarian, ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) -  Linkcat
ddevans96 (3) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - iancudorinmarian, ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) -  Linkcat
ddevans96 (4) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - iancudorinmarian, ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud

immortal feud (1) - Espithel
shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) -  Linkcat
ddevans96 (4) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud
Mobian (1) - iancudorinmarian

shockcannon (1) - RootRanger
kaempfer13 (1) -  Linkcat
ddevans96 (4) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud
Mobian (1) - iancudorinmarian
iancudorinmarian (1) - Espithel

kaempfer13 (1) -  Linkcat
ddevans96 (4) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (1) - iancudorinmarian
iancudorinmarian (1) - Espithel

kaempfer13 (1) -  Linkcat
ddevans96 (4) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (1) - iancudorinmarian
iancudorinmarian (2) - Espithel, Mobian

kaempfer13 (1) -  Linkcat
ddevans96 (4) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (2) - Espithel, Mobian

ddevans96 (5) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - ddevans96, dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (2) - Espithel, Mobian

ddevans96 (5) - Calindu, shockcannon, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (3) - Espithel, Mobian, ddevans96

ddevans96 (4) - Calindu, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (4) - Espithel, Mobian, ddevans96, shockcannon

ddevans96 (5) - Calindu, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (4) - Espithel, Mobian, ddevans96, shockcannon

ddevans96 (5) - Calindu, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, shockcannon
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (3) - Espithel, Mobian, ddevans96

ddevans96 (5) - Calindu, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (6) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, shockcannon, ddevans96, moehrpi
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (3) - Espithel, Mobian

ddevans96 (5) - Calindu, MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (5) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, ddevans96, moehrpi
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (3) - Espithel, Mobian, shockcannon

ddevans96 (4) - MasterWalks, InsignificantWeeaboo, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (5) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, ddevans96, moehrpi
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (4) - Espithel, Mobian, shockcannon, Calindu

ddevans96 (3) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (5) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, ddevans96, moehrpi
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, shockcannon, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo

ddevans96 (3) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, moehrpi
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (6) - Espithel, Mobian, shockcannon, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96

ddevans96 (3) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (5) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, moehrpi, shockcannon
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96

ddevans96 (3) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, shockcannon
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96
RootRanger (1) - moehrpi

ddevans96 (3) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, shockcannon
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96
RootRanger (1) - moehrpi

ddevans96 (3) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, shockcannon
Mobian (3) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101, Calindu
iancudorinmarian (4) - Espithel, Mobian, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96
RootRanger (1) - moehrpi

ddevans96 (3) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (5) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, shockcannon, ddevans96
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo
RootRanger (1) - moehrpi

ddevans96 (4) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, ddevans96
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (4) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo
RootRanger (1) - moehrpi

ddevans96 (4) - MasterWalks, Linkcat, kaempfer13, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96
RootRanger (1) - moehrpi

ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, kaempfer13, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (3) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (6) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96, MasterWalks,
RootRanger (1) - moehrpi

ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, kaempfer13, shockcannon
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, moehrpi
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (6) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96, MasterWalks,

ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, moehrpi
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (6) - Espithel, Mobian, Calindu, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96, MasterWalks,
no lynch (1) - shockcannon

ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (5) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, moehrpi, Calindu
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, InsignificantWeeaboo, ddevans96, MasterWalks
no lynch(1) - shockcannon

ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (6) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, moehrpi, Calindu, ddevans96
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (4) - Espithel, Mobian, InsignificantWeeabooMasterWalks
No Lynch (1) - shockcannon

ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (5) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, RootRanger, moehrpi, ddevans96
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (5) - Espithel, Mobian, InsignificantWeeabooMasterWalks, Calindu
No Lynch (1) - shockcannon

ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, kaempfer13
InsignificantWeeaboo (4) - dawn to dusk, immortal feud, moehrpi, ddevans96
Mobian (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
iancudorinmarian (6) - Espithel, Mobian, InsignificantWeeabooMasterWalks, Calindu, RootRanger
No Lynch (1) - shockcannon
Spoiler for day3:
Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, Espithel
(Espithels vote being newest, right after fake gn reveal)

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Espithel, Calindu

Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, Espithel
shockcannon (1) - Calindu
(cal claiming)

Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, Espithel
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, MasterWalks

Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Espithel, ddevans96
shockcannon (3) - Calindu, MasterWalks, Linkcat
(dd did not target Linkcat with role and attacked him in confusion)

Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Espithel, ddevans96
shockcannon (4) - Calindu, MasterWalks, Linkcat, Mobian

Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, ddevans96
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, Mobian
Espithel (1) - MasterWalks

Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, ddevans96
shockcannon (1) - Calindu
Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian

Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, ddevans96
shockcannon (1) - Calindu
Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
mathman101 (1) - Linkcat

Linkcat (2) - shockcannon, ddevans96
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, RootRanger
Espithel (1) - MasterWalks
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
mathman101 (1) - Linkcat

Linkcat (1) - shockcannon
shockcannon (2) - Calindu, RootRanger
Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
mathman101 (1) - Linkcat

Linkcat (1) - shockcannon
shockcannon (3) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi
Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
mathman101 (1) - Linkcat

Linkcat (1) - shockcannon
shockcannon (4) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101
Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
mathman101 (1) - Linkcat

Linkcat (1) - shockcannon
shockcannon (4) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101
Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (1) - Linkcat

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, shockcannon
Espithel (2) - MasterWalks, ddevans96
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (1) - Linkcat

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, shockcannon
Espithel (1) - ddevans96
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, MasterWalks

shockcannon (4) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101,
Espithel (2) - ddevans96, shockcannon
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, MasterWalks

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Coffeeditto
Espithel (2) - ddevans96, shockcannon
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, MasterWalks

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Coffeeditto
Espithel (1) - ddevans96
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, MasterWalks, shockcannon

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Coffeeditto
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, MasterWalks, shockcannon

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Coffeeditto
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, MasterWalks, shockcannon

shockcannon (4) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101
MasterWalks (1) - Mobian
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, MasterWalks, shockcannon

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
ddevans96 (3) - Linkcat, MasterWalks, shockcannon

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, MasterWalks
Mobian (1) - shockcannon

shockcannon (6) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian, shockcannon
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, MasterWalks
Mobian (1) - Espithel

shockcannon (6) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian, shockcannon
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, MasterWalks
moehrpi (1) - ddevans96

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
ddevans96 (2) - Linkcat, MasterWalks
moehrpi (2) - ddevans96, shockcannon

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
ddevans96 (1) - MasterWalks
moehrpi (3) - ddevans96, shockcannon, Linkcat

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
moehrpi (4) - ddevans96, shockcannon, Linkcat, MasterWalks

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
Mobian (1) - Espithel
moehrpi (4) - ddevans96, shockcannon, Linkcat, MasterWalks

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
Mobian (1) - Espithel
moehrpi (4) - ddevans96, shockcannon, Linkcat, MasterWalks

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
Mobian (1) - Espithel
moehrpi (5) - ddevans96, shockcannon, Linkcat, MasterWalks, kaempfer13

shockcannon (5) - Calindu, RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
Mobian (1) - Espithel
moehrpi (6) - ddevans96, shockcannon, Linkcat, MasterWalks, kaempfer13, immortal feud

shockcannon (4) - RootRanger, moehrpi, mathman101, Mobian
Mobian (2) - Espithel, Calindu
moehrpi (6) - ddevans96, shockcannon, Linkcat, MasterWalks, kaempfer13, immortal feud
(cal avoiding no lynch)
:gravity War 10
:death and tied for master of STANDIN War 11
Master of :time War 12

