[18:32:02] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from RootRanger in Forum Games. Help! I'm trapped in a universe factory!
[18:42:49] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@immortal_feud› ‹@Calindu› are you curious about rrs reads too?
[18:43:25] ‹kaempfer13› espi I couldnt ping you bc youhave neither logged nor said anything in a while
[18:45:38] ‹TheonlyrealBeef› You don't need the weird brackets, and can even just target someone else and replace their name with the person you want to ping if you want them

[18:46:20] ‹TheonlyrealBeef› ‹@Zanzarino›
[18:46:45] ‹kaempfer13› yh I know but was too lazy
[18:48:06] ‹kaempfer13› and besides mw thinks espi is mafia anyway and rr is infallible so he knows hes just going to see a full list of his team

[18:49:19] ‹MasterWalks› I'm kinda sus of root so his reads will be interesting
[18:51:24] ‹kaempfer13› who will be there for nightdeadline?
[18:51:37] ‹kaempfer13› ofc its not really crucial to bearoud for that like it is during the day, just curious
[18:54:12] ‹kaempfer13› [18:48:05] MasterWalks joined. [18:48:06] ‹kaempfer13› and besides mw thinks espi is mafia anyway and rr is infallible so he knows hes just going to see a full list of his team

[18:54:18] ‹kaempfer13› dat summoning doe
[18:56:39] ‹shockcannon› ‹@kaempfer13› you should probably lynch me
[18:56:51] ‹shockcannon› Any town who’s tunneling on me won’t stop until I die
[18:57:15] ‹shockcannon› So just get it over with and hope you can get 4 straight mafia after that in the lynch or die scenario
[18:58:32] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@shockcannon› ill actively support linkcat in trying to push for the real culprits
[18:58:55] ‹kaempfer13› gotta start focussing on someone else early during the day
[18:59:10] ‹shockcannon› but The issue is if root is town
[18:59:37] ‹shockcannon› If root is actually town, then ironically he’s the one acting as a distraction for town by tunneling me so hard and never looking into anyone else
[19:00:01] ‹shockcannon› For him, any other option is just worse than me even if they are suspicious
[19:00:10] ‹shockcannon› So that’s 1 town vote we’ve already lost
[19:01:22] ‹shockcannon› Also at this point I’m starting to think that all 4 mafia are active players
[19:01:26] ‹kaempfer13› with only 1 misslynch tolerable we gotta get a move on
[19:01:39] ‹kaempfer13› lets see what his other reads are first
[19:02:08] ‹shockcannon› I would advise against a mathman lynch next day phase
[19:02:09] ‹kaempfer13› hopefully hes already writing it, the suspense is killing me
[19:02:20] ‹shockcannon› Same with ginyu.
[19:03:12] ‹shockcannon› You know, I will acknowledge that my play may have hurt town quite a bit
[19:03:19] ‹shockcannon› But inactivity really hurts town as well
[19:03:34] ‹shockcannon› You can be active in discussion without giving away that you have a powerful role
[19:03:58] ‹shockcannon› Being GA or GN or graboid doesn’t mean you have to sit back and never talk
[19:04:01] ‹kaempfer13› yh
[19:04:02] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from RootRanger in Forum Games. Between love and madness lies this post.
[19:10:29] ‹MasterWalks› Wow
[19:10:38] ‹MasterWalks› Those are some backwards reads
[19:13:37] ‹kaempfer13› other than shock they are not too bad and hes clearly got his reason for that one
[19:13:56] ‹kaempfer13› somehow i doubt both link and dd are mafia though
[19:14:18] ‹kaempfer13› i wonder how his read changes when one dies
[19:21:40] ‹kaempfer13› welp, overall he didnt change my opinion of anyone
[19:23:07] ‹Calindu› Solid list overall, some small things I'd change, but I agree with most of it
[19:24:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from RootRanger in Forum Games. Do you even post?
[19:30:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from MasterWalks in Forum Games. I found Waldo.
[19:30:57] ‹MasterWalks› I say we lynch dd or link next. Root makes a really good point on them I must say. dd to me is more sus but Link is immaterial. Id actually lean more to a link lynch
[19:37:47] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@MasterWalks› can you link me to links post where he argues untargetability (exception: nk) is good for town?
[19:39:34] ‹MasterWalks› Where Link argues it? I dont remember anyone arguing immaterial is good
[19:40:54] ‹kaempfer13› link thanked for it
[19:43:34] ‹kaempfer13› damn gotta look through chatlogs i guess
[19:51:14] ‹Ginyu› He was being sarcastic.
[19:51:23] ‹Ginyu› ‹@kaempfer13›
[19:52:45] ‹MasterWalks› We should also ignore Link and DD in a similar way we ignored shock. I really do think they are orchestrating
[19:52:58] ‹MasterWalks› O R E C H E S T R A T E
[19:53:13] ‹MasterWalks› spelled it wrong but whatever
[19:53:45] ‹Guest-GiantFrog-c080b›
(6d10) 4 + 3 + 7 + 5 + 1 + 4 = 24 ...
[19:54:32] ‹Calindu› I still have my firefly on Linkcat, I'd argue about lynching dd first
[19:56:47] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@Ginyu› oh right, it wasa jab at dd
[19:57:26] ‹kaempfer13› in the vein of "thanks for targetting me and lying about it"
[19:57:38] ‹kaempfer13› really easy to missinterpret
[19:58:06] ‹kaempfer13›
[20:00:28] ‹Calindu› How confident are you guys that one of dd/Linkcat is mafia?
[20:00:49] ‹Calindu› Because if so, I might be able to provide more info by revealing Link's role
[20:01:59] ‹kaempfer13› I think exactly one of them is, even after what root said
[20:02:10] ‹kaempfer13› dont do it too hastily
[20:05:25] ‹iancudorinmarian›
(6d10) 5 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 9 + 10 = 35 ...
[20:07:06] ‹kaempfer13› then again his not getting how its a bad role sounds weird to me
[20:08:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from ddevans96 in Forum Games. You got 30 minutes.
[20:12:02] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from ddevans96 in Forum Games. Better posts through research.
[20:12:34] ‹ddevans96› so we're ignoring shock for lying, right
[20:12:50] ‹ddevans96› can we also ignore
[20:13:01] ‹ddevans96› [checks list]
[20:13:12] ‹ddevans96› Link, kae, MW, Root
[20:13:15] ‹ddevans96› ty
[20:13:48] ‹MasterWalks› why kaempf?
[20:13:52] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@ddevans96› ?
[20:14:36] ‹ddevans96› post with incorrect facts. responded to it earlier
[20:15:38] ‹ddevans96› idk, least blatant/serious of the four
[20:15:46] ‹kaempfer13› as in me missunderstanding other posts or straightup lying?
[20:15:58] ‹kaempfer13› the former happened i think, I guess
[20:16:26] ‹ddevans96› I guess if it was a misunderstanding, that'd be different
[20:16:48] ‹kaempfer13› but thats not intentional and you should def point it out when it happens
[20:17:02] ‹ddevans96› I'll go back and look at it, this game's been such a blur honestly
[20:17:21] ‹kaempfer13› i dont think i even stated anything as a fact this mafia
[20:17:50] ‹moehrpi› As happens with all newly dead players I was suddenly enlightened and now know all mafia. Can town please get their game on and win already?
[20:17:53] ‹kaempfer13› except that i am new i guess
[20:18:16] ‹MasterWalks› If we are ignoring for lying, i shouldnt be in that list. If we are ignoring for being dumb and making accusations, then i should be in that list
[20:21:37] ‹ddevans96› eh
[20:22:17] ‹kaempfer13› honestly i dont remember any of them lying
[20:22:34] ‹ddevans96› Root and Link have in recent posts
[20:22:56] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@ddevans96› link pls
[20:23:09] ‹kaempfer13› as in to the posts
[20:23:27] ‹kaempfer13› well ask link to get it together when i find myself agreeing
[20:23:41] ‹ddevans96› I'm on phone, so look at the replies to Root I just made, and my last response to Link
[20:24:30] ‹ddevans96› he misrepresented the entire situation around the moe lynch
[20:25:50] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@ddevans96› he went purely by lynchlog i think
[20:26:20] ‹ddevans96› it had literally been said multiple times in the thread
[20:26:45] ‹ddevans96› no excuse. and Root's done similar earlier in the game
[20:27:10] ‹ddevans96› where he'd state as fact why I did something and it was wrong
[20:27:46] ‹ddevans96› pretty much all in chat though
[20:28:04] ‹ddevans96› one of them has to be mafia, pulling the strings
[20:28:25] ‹ddevans96› bc town is getting manipulated so hard
[20:28:52] ‹ddevans96› mostly at my expense, but in other situations too
[20:29:04] ‹iancudorinmarian›
(6d10) 5 + 3 + 10 + 1 + 3 + 1 = 23 ...
[20:29:08] ‹ddevans96› maybe it's both of them, idk
[20:30:12] ‹ddevans96› and that's why whatever misunderstandings you made can't be overlooked. It could be just that, or it could be what your mafia boss wants everyone to believe. still fuels doubt against me
[20:30:34] ‹kaempfer13› understandable oversimplifications/misinterpretations
[20:31:08] ‹ddevans96› they felt notable to me, otherwise I'd discard them. I'm sorry I don't remember specifics, I'll find the posts tonight
[20:31:48] ‹kaempfer13› i know for a fact that atleast one of us isnt mafia, but oh well, at this point i need more reads than just that
[20:32:21] ‹ddevans96› yeah, there's no way all four of you are mafia
[20:32:49] ‹moehrpi›
(3d14) 8 + 13 + 5 = 26 ...
[20:33:05] ‹ddevans96› it's not really a scumread, just more a commentary on how thoroughly mafia has controlled this game
[20:33:17] ‹kaempfer13› bc you are the other one

[20:33:20] ‹ddevans96› I can't trust anything at all right now
[20:33:30] ‹ddevans96› false
[20:33:32] ‹Mobian› Good afternoon
[20:33:51] ‹ddevans96› even if town loses, I'll be happy when I'm vindicated
[20:34:56] ‹ddevans96› winning the game is ideal, but it's not going to happen as long as people are convinced I'm a likely mafia, and there isn't much I can do about that
[20:35:22] ‹Mobian› I'm sold on shock and Link. MW is a potential, along with Espi
[20:35:26] ‹ddevans96› mafia might legitimately have a perfect game
[20:36:22] ‹ddevans96› but as long as we lynch Link, there's hope
[20:36:52] ‹Mobian› Shock first
[20:37:46] ‹ddevans96› Link is 90% mafia afaic. I'm going to push for that lynch
[20:38:19] ‹ddevans96› but I'm okay with lynching shock now
[20:38:30] ‹ddevans96› so I'll relent if it comes to that
[20:39:07] ‹ddevans96› honestly, I was okay with lynching him instead of moe, who I thought was town
[20:39:36] ‹ddevans96› but Link would have just said 'oh wow, he's hard defending his mafia buddy moe'
[20:39:48] ‹ddevans96› and it wouldn't have mattered lol
[20:39:48] ‹Mobian› Once he's down, I will help with Link
[20:39:50] ‹Calindu› I thought you didn't want to lynch shock at all
[20:40:02] ‹ddevans96› not at first
[20:40:24] ‹ddevans96› but I think Root might be right about Link and shock both being mafia
[20:40:44] ‹ddevans96› that's the only way though - if Link is town, shock is also town
[20:40:52] ‹Calindu› I'm ok with lynching any of my scumreads
[20:41:06] ‹ddevans96› granted, if Link is town, you'll lynch me and it won't matter
[20:41:57] ‹ddevans96› if Link is town, the correct lynch is Root, imo
[20:42:01] ‹Calindu› Yeah, I still consider one of you as mafia, the other one as town
[20:42:09] ‹ddevans96› one of them is the mastermind
[20:42:50] ‹ddevans96› yeah, that's a popular opinion
[20:43:01] ‹Mobian› I disagree about the..... link... between Link and shock
[20:43:15] ‹ddevans96› the thing with popular opinions is that they're more likely to be fueled by mafia
[20:43:29] ‹ddevans96› not guaranteed, mind
[20:43:33] ‹ddevans96› but more likely
[20:43:50] ‹kaempfer13› if shock is mafias sacrificial lamb and link mafia i dont think linkcat would save him and risk being exposed for it
[20:44:03] ‹Mobian› I do believe both to be dirty, but I don't believe one flipping town excludes the other
[20:44:25] ‹ddevans96› he wouldn't be the sacrificial lamb
[20:44:50] ‹ddevans96› shock being town would not exclude Link being town imo. just one way
[20:45:10] ‹Mobian› If Link IS town, he's simply blinded by his massive shock broner
[20:45:44] ‹kaempfer13› mafia link would absolutely defend town shock so long as the alternative is another town
[20:45:47] ‹ddevans96› which is literally just 'he made a townie post'
[20:46:06] ‹ddevans96› which is literally what mafia wants to do
[20:46:30] ‹Mobian› And likely what happened D3
[20:46:37] ‹ddevans96› and yeah, what kae said
[20:46:42] ‹ddevans96› my opinion exactly
[20:47:23] ‹Mobian› They expertly deflected the lynch onto an inactive townie they KNEW would be absent
[20:48:11] ‹Mobian› When you and I chose math, Link scrambled to redirect there too. That's sus in my book
[20:48:52] ‹ddevans96› yeah, like I posted, I think that was a setup. illusion of choice
[20:49:17] ‹Mobian› They have a Psion. They KNEW he was GA
[20:51:59] ‹kaempfer13› meh a psion would probably have found gn by now
[20:52:06] ‹kaempfer13› ffq maybe