[2019-06-02 01:12:39] Espithel: ‹@ddevans96› How happy do you think the mafia are with the current state of the town/game?
[2019-06-02 01:12:41] dawn_to_dusk: ‹@ddevans96› What on earth happened to the any% city route
[2019-06-02 01:13:06] dawn_to_dusk: When did going up become the better strat for that room with the platform that moves up
[2019-06-02 01:13:30] Linkcat: PLEASE
[2019-06-02 01:13:47] Espithel: ‹@Linkcat› IT'S OKAY
[2019-06-02 01:13:49] Espithel: JUST POST WHAT YOU HAVE
[2019-06-02 01:13:58] Espithel: AND LIKE, CROP WHAT ME AND EVAN SAY INTO A SINGLE POST
[2019-06-02 01:14:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from Linkcat in Forum Games. Do you read these?
[2019-06-02 01:14:09] Linkcat: I ALREADY DID
[2019-06-02 01:14:14] Linkcat: YOU JUST WAIT FOR ME TO POST
[2019-06-02 01:14:16] Mobian: ???
[2019-06-02 01:14:39] Espithel: ‹@Linkcat› IT'S NOT MY FAULT
[2019-06-02 01:15:00] Mobian: ‹@Linkcat› you mentioned making a mafia room earlier. Is that still possible?
[2019-06-02 01:15:04] MasterWalks: (2d30) 18 + 30 = 48 ...!
[2019-06-02 01:15:29] Linkcat: If we did it would be after this game.
[2019-06-02 01:15:41] ddevans96: uhhhhh it's only better if you're really, really good
[2019-06-02 01:15:52] ddevans96: like, if you don't execute perfectly, it loses time
[2019-06-02 01:16:00] ddevans96: no one does it in runs, just ILs
[2019-06-02 01:16:25] ddevans96: also - this PB missed the reverse hyper in Crossing, lmao
[2019-06-02 01:16:45] ddevans96: embarrassing ngl
[2019-06-02 01:17:12] dawn_to_dusk: Oh rip
[2019-06-02 01:17:21] dawn_to_dusk: Does this mean that TAS is better to go over as well?
[2019-06-02 01:17:26] Espithel: f
[2019-06-02 01:17:27] Espithel: ignored
[2019-06-02 01:17:28] Espithel: 0/10
[2019-06-02 01:17:36] ddevans96: dunno what the current TAS does
[2019-06-02 01:17:43] dawn_to_dusk: Ah
[2019-06-02 01:17:47] ddevans96: shush, I've thought about mafia all week, let me breathe
[2019-06-02 01:17:56] dawn_to_dusk: What do you think about the ultra difficult levels?
[2019-06-02 01:18:01] Mobian: ‹@Espithel› Linkcat just likes me more
[2019-06-02 01:18:25] ddevans96: d-sides? have no interest in them, assuming I do move to PC in the future
[2019-06-02 01:18:31] Espithel: ‹@Mobian›f
[2019-06-02 01:18:35] ddevans96: very fun to watch, I don't think I'd enjoy playing them though
[2019-06-02 01:18:44] ddevans96: very excited for chapter 9, on the other hand
[2019-06-02 01:19:02] dawn_to_dusk: I'll try them for sure
[2019-06-02 01:19:46] ddevans96: [2019-06-02 01:12:39] ‹Espithel› ‹@ddevans96› How happy do you think the mafia are with the current state of the town/game? < extremely
[2019-06-02 01:19:57] Espithel: Good
[2019-06-02 01:20:00] Espithel: Time to make them upset
[2019-06-02 01:20:00] ddevans96: I've basically already implied that's my thoughts several times tho
[2019-06-02 01:20:05] Espithel: I'm not just being crazy
[2019-06-02 01:22:59] Mobian: And how are you going to do that, Espithel
[2019-06-02 01:23:11] Linkcat: That's a silly question, of course he's going to say yes. The only votes are on him and his biggest townread.
[2019-06-02 01:24:11] Espithel: ‹@Linkcat› Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
[2019-06-02 01:24:14] Espithel: I'll ask you instead

[2019-06-02 01:24:20] Espithel: ‹@Mobian› And you for good measure
[2019-06-02 01:24:49] Linkcat: Well my answer is obvious too.
[2019-06-02 01:25:27] Mobian: I'd say the mafia is enjoying our chaotic state. We can't seem to get our shit together.
[2019-06-02 01:25:56] Linkcat: That's every mafia game.
[2019-06-02 01:27:19] Mobian: MW does concern me, but I feel our first priority is negating the "white noise"
[2019-06-02 01:29:10] Espithel: Hm.
[2019-06-02 01:29:15] Espithel: Here's my train of thought
[2019-06-02 01:29:43] Espithel: If the mafia are happy, that means we should hit something that's not been hit yet.
[2019-06-02 01:31:05] ddevans96: how about Link?
[2019-06-02 01:31:13] ddevans96: or kae
[2019-06-02 01:31:15] Linkcat: Mafia isn't that happy, dd has 3 votes on him.
[2019-06-02 01:31:46] Espithel: I honestly feel that Link is under the rader pretty heavily
[2019-06-02 01:31:54] Espithel: Would make a good day 4 lynch.
[2019-06-02 01:32:00] ddevans96: I think mafia is extremely happy about that
[2019-06-02 01:32:09] Espithel: Kae feels town to me, but we're using opposite day logic here!
[2019-06-02 01:32:15] Linkcat: Great, let's worry about that on day 4 then.
[2019-06-02 01:33:32] ddevans96: cool. who are we lynching today?
[2019-06-02 01:33:54] Espithel: First off, right
[2019-06-02 01:34:10] Espithel: Mobian's attempted to be the hammer in two different days.
[2019-06-02 01:34:15] Espithel: I really don't like that.
[2019-06-02 01:35:22] Espithel: SHIT he logged on again
[2019-06-02 01:35:24] Espithel: The meme's failed
[2019-06-02 01:35:26] Espithel: GOTTA POST FAST
[2019-06-02 01:35:47] Guest-MinorVampire-8edcc: I’d Lynch mobian tbh
[2019-06-02 01:36:15] Mobian: ‹@Espithel› what do you mean by hammer?
[2019-06-02 01:36:38] Espithel: ‹@Mobian› The "hammer" is the person who decides the lynch.
[2019-06-02 01:36:53] Mobian: I don't speak to guests. Log in if you have shit to say.
[2019-06-02 01:36:55] Espithel: You can be the hammer by putting your vote to make a lynch out of reach (like you have today with evans)
[2019-06-02 01:37:23] Espithel: Or by voting late, like I did on day one killing JCJ.
[2019-06-02 01:37:47] Espithel: With evans
[2019-06-02 01:37:48] DoubleCapitals: how does the hammer work on these forums?
[2019-06-02 01:37:49] Espithel: fucking kill me
[2019-06-02 01:37:51] Espithel: With shock*
[2019-06-02 01:37:59] DoubleCapitals: on MS, the hammer is the one vote that makes the majority
[2019-06-02 01:38:04] DoubleCapitals: then all votes are locked
[2019-06-02 01:38:07] ddevans96: we don't actually have a hammer in the traditional sense
[2019-06-02 01:38:21] Mobian: Evans is a townread, shock is scum. His chaos does literally nothing to help us
[2019-06-02 01:38:26] ddevans96: just a more general, this vote put the lynch out of reach (or attempted to)
[2019-06-02 01:39:15] Espithel: That's fine.
[2019-06-02 01:39:30] Espithel: Except, you also did this on day one.
[2019-06-02 01:40:34] Mobian: I also explained my D1 vote just after I made it. I blindly followed the majority.
[2019-06-02 01:43:26] Mobian: D2 I realized nobody has a clue. Day 3 I'm tired of shock's shit. No clue what D4 will hold, yet.
[2019-06-02 01:44:58] Espithel: Alright.
[2019-06-02 01:45:22] Espithel: Why did you follow me on lynching Ian? I lynched ian because I disliked how he was constantly jostling around votes on the second day. It felt beyond self-preservation.
[2019-06-02 01:45:28] Espithel: Somehow, that weak claim turned into the lynch.
[2019-06-02 01:46:29] MasterWalks: ‹@Mobian› your scum read on me is vote patterns right?
[2019-06-02 01:46:36] Mobian: Ian was ian. He took my aggresive self defense as a sign that I was dirty.
[2019-06-02 01:47:31] Mobian: There was no reasoning with him, and I suspected him of deflecting.
[2019-06-02 01:48:26] ddevans96: [20:26:03] ‹MasterWalks› ok. You want to know how mafia is playing? Literally look how espi is playing. but there is a problem. No one is playing like him. My guess is mafia is "splitting up" and taking on different strategies. One is probably quiet, one is super talkative (espi), one is playing strategically, and the last one is probably playing dumb
[2019-06-02 01:48:29] ddevans96: yes
[2019-06-02 01:49:00] Mobian: And MW.... You've been hyper aggressive towards Espi since the beginning, with little to go on.
[2019-06-02 01:49:21] MasterWalks: ahh okay
[2019-06-02 01:49:29] shockcannon: ‹@MasterWalks› are you ready to stop tunneling espithel
[2019-06-02 01:49:33] shockcannon: and make something happen?
[2019-06-02 01:50:12] MasterWalks: like what
[2019-06-02 01:50:12] Mobian: And given the fact that you're usually super chill and even-tempered, that aggression has me on edge.
[2019-06-02 01:50:31] shockcannon: if espithel is mafia
[2019-06-02 01:50:35] shockcannon: why is he doing what he's doing now
[2019-06-02 01:50:50] shockcannon: if he doesn't say any of this and let things go
[2019-06-02 01:50:54] shockcannon: either ddevans or I die
[2019-06-02 01:51:06] Mobian: To understand the town's headspace
[2019-06-02 01:51:16] shockcannon: assuming we're both town he has no reason to stir the pot
[2019-06-02 01:51:24] shockcannon: now lets assume one or both of ddevans and I are mafia
[2019-06-02 01:51:35] Espithel: However, I know that I have no reason to stir the pot
[2019-06-02 01:51:39] Espithel: So stirring the pot makes me look town.
[2019-06-02 01:51:41] Espithel: :^)
[2019-06-02 01:51:48] shockcannon: uh
[2019-06-02 01:51:50] shockcannon: ok
[2019-06-02 01:51:59] shockcannon: MW you think both ddevans and I are town
[2019-06-02 01:52:05] Espithel: /me coughs.
[2019-06-02 01:52:07] shockcannon: so the other alternative doesn't add up
[2019-06-02 01:52:14] Espithel: No, I think both shock and evans are town.
[2019-06-02 01:52:16] Linkcat: I wouldn't try to understand Espi, you'll just make your head hurt.
[2019-06-02 01:52:17] shockcannon: oh wait jk
[2019-06-02 01:52:19] shockcannon: you're voting on ddevans
[2019-06-02 01:52:20] Espithel: Shock should have been lynched on day 1
[2019-06-02 01:52:23] Espithel: But it's too late on that.
[2019-06-02 01:52:36] Linkcat: It's why I have such a problem reading him.
[2019-06-02 01:52:38] MasterWalks: whats he doing? nothing. hes talking but not giving any suggestions, just going with everyone elses. Its exactly what mobian did to me. Hes not really game planning, hes just following. Espi is last game mobian but public and furry.
[2019-06-02 01:52:41] shockcannon: ‹@Espithel› if you're going on mobian i'm down
[2019-06-02 01:52:58] shockcannon: ‹@MasterWalks› mobian is still doing that this game
[2019-06-02 01:53:01] shockcannon: lets make the swap now
[2019-06-02 01:53:06] Espithel: ‹@MasterWalks› "He's talking, but he isn't saying anything!"
[2019-06-02 01:53:09] Espithel: That's an argument right there!
[2019-06-02 01:53:11] MasterWalks: mobian is not
[2019-06-02 01:53:17] shockcannon: he literally is
[2019-06-02 01:53:26] Espithel:

[2019-06-02 01:53:27] shockcannon: unless you're both mafia
[2019-06-02 01:53:30] shockcannon: that's an option
[2019-06-02 01:53:31] MasterWalks: no, hes getting his own scum reads
[2019-06-02 01:53:37] MasterWalks: im not saying their good
[2019-06-02 01:53:39] Espithel: Have a gold star for coming up with a good idea
[2019-06-02 01:53:39] shockcannon: alright i'm making the swap
[2019-06-02 01:53:43] MasterWalks: but he has his own.
[2019-06-02 01:53:47] shockcannon: espithel
[2019-06-02 01:53:50] shockcannon: join
[2019-06-02 01:53:54] shockcannon: ‹@Linkcat› join
[2019-06-02 01:53:59] Espithel: Could you like not
[2019-06-02 01:54:04] shockcannon: ddevans also
[2019-06-02 01:54:13] Espithel: I was going to tell both evans and shock to not vote on mobian
[2019-06-02 01:54:27] Espithel: Because I know one of you fucks is going to try and make it look like I'm giving some scum "an out"
[2019-06-02 01:54:41] shockcannon: nah i trust you
[2019-06-02 01:54:45] shockcannon: and you've convinced me
[2019-06-02 01:54:53] Linkcat: Then what are you even doing?
[2019-06-02 01:54:54] Espithel: You won't
[2019-06-02 01:54:57] Espithel: Evans won't
[2019-06-02 01:54:58] ddevans96: I mean...I'd rather lynch Mobian than shock or myself
[2019-06-02 01:55:02] ddevans96: why him in particular, exactly?
[2019-06-02 01:55:04] Espithel: Someone else will, and it's a fucking valid argument
[2019-06-02 01:55:10] Mobian: Chaos
[2019-06-02 01:55:18] ddevans96: (I read above, that's not what I'm asking)
[2019-06-02 01:55:23] Espithel: ‹@ddevans96› A count of hypocrisy and 2 counts of hammering.
[2019-06-02 01:55:41] Linkcat: You know what, nevermind, I'm just going to go back to watching Sailor Moon.
[2019-06-02 01:55:41] Espithel: Wait for the post, yeah?
[2019-06-02 01:55:46] Mobian: Hypocrisy??
[2019-06-02 01:55:48] Espithel: ‹@Linkcat› What series are you on owo
[2019-06-02 01:56:01] Linkcat: The OG
[2019-06-02 01:56:02] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from shockcannon in Forum Games. Can you crack the code?
[2019-06-02 01:56:46] shockcannon: ‹@ddevans96› alright ddevans
[2019-06-02 01:56:48] shockcannon: i'm off you again
[2019-06-02 01:56:50] shockcannon: believe it or not
[2019-06-02 01:56:54] ddevans96: cool
[2019-06-02 01:56:59] shockcannon: lets go
[2019-06-02 01:57:08] shockcannon: because you know as well as I do that lynching me is not the move
[2019-06-02 01:57:13] shockcannon: no matter how much I"m hated
[2019-06-02 01:57:13] ddevans96: dunno why you were on me in the first place, given that you said 'I'm treating dd like confirmed town for the rest of the game'
[2019-06-02 01:57:22] ddevans96: my vote isn't on you
[2019-06-02 01:57:29] shockcannon: ‹@ddevans96› i panicked
[2019-06-02 01:57:33] ddevans96: nor has it been on you since like d1
[2019-06-02 01:57:36] shockcannon: i had 5 votes
[2019-06-02 01:57:40] ddevans96: alright, fair
[2019-06-02 01:57:41] shockcannon: and you were the only option really
[2019-06-02 01:57:58] shockcannon: I'm in on mobian
[2019-06-02 01:58:02] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from shockcannon in Forum Games. It's the last post. Ever.
[2019-06-02 01:58:03] shockcannon: if you and espithel join that's 3
[2019-06-02 01:58:15] shockcannon: I think MasterWalks MIGHT come around
[2019-06-02 01:58:18] shockcannon: maybe linkcat also
[2019-06-02 01:58:24] shockcannon: espithel's convinced me
[2019-06-02 01:58:29] ddevans96: I'll think about it after 12 lives deckbuilding
[2019-06-02 01:59:11] MasterWalks: whats the argument against mobian? I havent been paying attention the last couple hours
[2019-06-02 01:59:18] shockcannon: ‹@MasterWalks› you're tunneling espithel as mafia in the same way you tunneled mobian as town the last game
[2019-06-02 01:59:37] MasterWalks: hmmm
[2019-06-02 01:59:42] MasterWalks: i can see that
[2019-06-02 01:59:48] shockcannon: don't let mobian get you twice
[2019-06-02 01:59:55] Mobian: I voted late, ergo I'm guilty
[2019-06-02 02:00:32] Espithel: Again, wait for the post, yeah?
[2019-06-02 02:00:51] shockcannon: i play the game differently, ergo I"m guilty
[2019-06-02 02:01:08] MasterWalks: im not going to lynch mobian. this is one of first times ive actually talked to him this game and ive said probably a total of 8 words. idk if hes town or mafia but i have no reason to believe either
[2019-06-02 02:01:22] Mobian: But hey, if you'd rather run with a known liar, have fun. I'll be laughing when it bites you in the ass
[2019-06-02 02:01:32] shockcannon: honestly this sounds like MW and mobian are both mafia right now
[2019-06-02 02:01:56] shockcannon: ‹@MasterWalks› Mobian said these same words about me last game
[2019-06-02 02:02:02] shockcannon: guess who ended up mafia and who didn't
[2019-06-02 02:02:30] MasterWalks: uhh, your the exact same this game as last game
[2019-06-02 02:02:38] Mobian: The more aggressive you get, shock, the worse you look
[2019-06-02 02:03:07] Linkcat: Yes.
[2019-06-02 02:03:11] Linkcat: Yes, he is.
[2019-06-02 02:03:11] shockcannon: ‹@MasterWalks› i'm serious
[2019-06-02 02:03:17] shockcannon: do not get played twice in a row
[2019-06-02 02:03:17] Linkcat: And he was town last game.
[2019-06-02 02:03:18] Espithel: ‹@Mobian› I mean, I was going to say "Yeah, by the way shock/evans. I'm not defending your asses. If either of you switch your vote to Mobian, I'm lynching you"
[2019-06-02 02:03:19] ddevans96: [2019-06-02 01:59:18] ‹shockcannon› ‹@MasterWalks› you're tunneling espithel as mafia in the same way you tunneled mobian as town the last game < how is this a read on Mobian this game?
[2019-06-02 02:03:20] MasterWalks: the only thing you did last game was role claim people. this game your just making people role claim
[2019-06-02 02:03:32] Espithel: But WEW
[2019-06-02 02:03:34] Espithel: Shock is fast
[2019-06-02 02:03:53] ddevans96: that literally only says anything about MW
[2019-06-02 02:03:56] ddevans96: no?
[2019-06-02 02:04:17] shockcannon: yes
[2019-06-02 02:04:23] shockcannon: but MW won't trust anything espithel says
[2019-06-02 02:04:27] shockcannon: because he thinks espithel is mafia
[2019-06-02 02:04:52] MasterWalks: yep
[2019-06-02 02:06:40] shockcannon: on the off chance I'm talking to 4 mafia right now
[2019-06-02 02:06:44] shockcannon: that would be hilarious
[2019-06-02 02:06:57] shockcannon: if you 4 are maf, congrats
[2019-06-02 02:07:01] ddevans96: hm
[2019-06-02 02:07:35] shockcannon: ‹@Linkcat› ‹@Espithel› ‹@MasterWalks› ‹@ddevans96› lets start here
[2019-06-02 02:07:36] Espithel: It would be funny
[2019-06-02 02:07:41] shockcannon: do any of you think i'm mafia?
[2019-06-02 02:07:54] Linkcat: Close, it's just me, dd, and Espi.
[2019-06-02 02:07:55] MasterWalks: no i think your town
[2019-06-02 02:08:14] shockcannon: ‹@Espithel› do you think i'm town?
[2019-06-02 02:08:24] Espithel: ‹@shockcannon› Unfortunately, yes.
[2019-06-02 02:08:29] Espithel: You should've been lynched day 1.
[2019-06-02 02:08:30] shockcannon: okay
[2019-06-02 02:08:33] MasterWalks: if dd and linkcat are mafia...
[2019-06-02 02:08:35] Espithel: You weren't. We have to live with that.
[2019-06-02 02:08:41] shockcannon: so the 4 of you agree though that at this point, lynching me is suboptimal
[2019-06-02 02:09:11] Mobian: ‹@shockcannon› lynching you cuts out static and misinformation
[2019-06-02 02:09:15] Linkcat: Right, so let's lynch dd instead.
[2019-06-02 02:09:22] shockcannon: if the 5 of us can actually use the evidence we have and agree on someone that's not me, we can actually make a move
[2019-06-02 02:09:31] shockcannon: ‹@Linkcat› you're not going to get a lynch on dd
[2019-06-02 02:09:40] shockcannon: because you need dd to overcome the votes on me
[2019-06-02 02:09:43] MasterWalks: lets lynch dd shock
[2019-06-02 02:09:47] Mobian: I will not trust someone who has lied multiple times
[2019-06-02 02:09:49] shockcannon: you 4 are the only ones who actually believe i'm town
[2019-06-02 02:09:53] MasterWalks: itll be fun
[2019-06-02 02:10:13] shockcannon: ‹@Linkcat› ‹@MasterWalks› you two need dd to beat out the votes on me
[2019-06-02 02:10:19] shockcannon: so pick someone else you think is mafia that isn't dd
[2019-06-02 02:10:24] shockcannon: and force dd to vote with you guys
[2019-06-02 02:10:30] shockcannon: and if he doesnt then you know he's mafia
[2019-06-02 02:10:51] shockcannon: we got like 10 hours for the 5 of us to make amove
[2019-06-02 02:10:53] MasterWalks: i wont be able to force dd to vote on himself
[2019-06-02 02:11:12] Mobian: Or, he simply doesn't agree with your choice.
[2019-06-02 02:11:19] Linkcat: Europe will wake up soon.
[2019-06-02 02:11:22] shockcannon: i dont care who it is
[2019-06-02 02:11:26] shockcannon: we dont need to vote on mobian
[2019-06-02 02:11:35] shockcannon: ‹@MasterWalks› if you keep tunneling you're going to lose
[2019-06-02 02:11:49] shockcannon: and the more you keep tunneling the more I think you're mafia
[2019-06-02 02:12:15] MasterWalks: ive been accused of tunneling like 3 people. how is it tunneling at that point
[2019-06-02 02:12:47] shockcannon: your opinions on those people aren't flexible
[2019-06-02 02:12:51] ddevans96: lynching dd is also not ideal
[2019-06-02 02:12:59] shockcannon: and you wont look at anyone besides dd and espithel
[2019-06-02 02:13:12] ddevans96: we could just lynch Espi
[2019-06-02 02:13:18] MasterWalks: you havent given me anything that would convince me otherwise
[2019-06-02 02:13:21] ddevans96: finish what MW started on d1
[2019-06-02 02:13:21] shockcannon: ‹@MasterWalks› also remember when you killed off JCJ day 1 and saved dd?
[2019-06-02 02:13:23] shockcannon: ironic
[2019-06-02 02:13:39] Mobian: ‹@ddevans96› I agree. I think you're solid town.
[2019-06-02 02:13:56] MasterWalks: we were vote hopping. i wanted to vote hop too.
[2019-06-02 02:14:33] Espithel: ‹@ddevans96› At your own peril. :^)
[2019-06-02 02:14:33] shockcannon: I'm quite confident that espithel, MW, linkcat, and ddevans are all town
[2019-06-02 02:14:39] shockcannon: unfortunately none of you trust each other
[2019-06-02 02:14:55] shockcannon: and because of that, you 4 will all lose the one person you all agree on as town
[2019-06-02 02:15:16] shockcannon: and agreeing on me as town isn't really that scummy because the majority thinks i'm mafia
[2019-06-02 02:15:25] shockcannon: so it'd actually be safer and easier to go with the vast majority
[2019-06-02 02:15:25] Linkcat: Hey, I trust MW.
[2019-06-02 02:16:18] shockcannon: alright i'm going to bed really soon and I"m not going to be free again before the deadline
[2019-06-02 02:16:33] shockcannon: so if you 4 want someone that's not me to die today, we need to make a move now
[2019-06-02 02:16:53] shockcannon: but if you 4 can't trust each other, i'm going to go back to voting myself so we don't waste time
[2019-06-02 02:17:00] Linkcat: Put your vote on dd and we'll make it work.
[2019-06-02 02:17:07] MasterWalks: ‹@shockcannon›
[2019-06-02 02:17:08] shockcannon: and if i vote myself, i'm definitely going to die. there's no reversing at that point
[2019-06-02 02:17:10] ddevans96: yeah, imma say nah
[2019-06-02 02:17:16] MasterWalks: I was against lynching jcj
[2019-06-02 02:17:28] ddevans96: Link, who would you like to lynch, other than me?
[2019-06-02 02:17:28] shockcannon: ‹@MasterWalks› and dd
[2019-06-02 02:17:31] shockcannon: but now you think dd is maf
[2019-06-02 02:17:40] ddevans96: since you're the one pushing hardest against me
[2019-06-02 02:17:42] MasterWalks: i voted to vote hop. literally. scummy or not it was to extend timer
[2019-06-02 02:17:42] Linkcat: Actually vote on anybody but yourself.
[2019-06-02 02:18:31] shockcannon: alright
[2019-06-02 02:18:34] shockcannon: you kids have 30 minutes
[2019-06-02 02:18:37] shockcannon: or my vote stays
[2019-06-02 02:18:43] shockcannon: and the other 5 on me are definitely not moving
[2019-06-02 02:18:47] shockcannon: so goodluck overcoming 6 votes on me
[2019-06-02 02:19:31] Mobian: Talking down to someone may not be the best way to someone to do what you want...
[2019-06-02 02:19:41] Espithel: This is true
[2019-06-02 02:19:51] Mobian: *to get someone
[2019-06-02 02:19:53] Espithel: I was looking forward to this mobian post and then shock voted and I was like "ewwwwwwwwwww"
[2019-06-02 02:20:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from shockcannon in Forum Games. Shhh... don't tell anyone.
[2019-06-02 02:20:19] shockcannon: i'm desperate like ddevans now
[2019-06-02 02:20:30] MasterWalks: give us another target and a reason to target that person. dd sounds like the best option since i think your town and idk about dd
[2019-06-02 02:20:52] ddevans96: implying I've been desperate at any point this game
[2019-06-02 02:21:10] ddevans96: ‹@Mobian› who do you want to lynch?
[2019-06-02 02:21:18] ddevans96: besides shock
[2019-06-02 02:22:18] Mobian: Other than shock, I do sus MW and Espi for playing 'dodge the bus'
[2019-06-02 02:22:51] Linkcat: If we lynch someone that's not dd, it has to be somebody who has a good chance of being mafia whether or not dd is mafia, so Mobian I guess.
[2019-06-02 02:23:06] Linkcat: Or we could pussy out and lynch math/moe.
[2019-06-02 02:23:21] ddevans96: I'm down for a math lynch tbh
[2019-06-02 02:23:25] Linkcat: But I expect Day 4 would just be Day 3 part 2.
[2019-06-02 02:23:42] Mobian: Math does give weird vibes
[2019-06-02 02:23:53] ddevans96: day 4 would just be day 1 part 4
[2019-06-02 02:23:54] ddevans96: tbh
[2019-06-02 02:23:55] MasterWalks: if mafia keeps it up, they will lynch one of those 2
[2019-06-02 02:24:07] Linkcat: Okay, huge red flag there.
[2019-06-02 02:24:10] Espithel: I think we should lynch Submachine
[2019-06-02 02:24:14] Linkcat: Definitely lynch moe over math.
[2019-06-02 02:24:28] Mobian: Unless they are maf
[2019-06-02 02:24:54] Mobian: ‹@Linkcat› explain your red flag?
[2019-06-02 02:25:43] Linkcat: I think you, dd, and two inactives are mafia, and you both wanted math over moehrpi.
[2019-06-02 02:26:03] Linkcat: That tells me it's likely moe +1 and math is town.
[2019-06-02 02:26:18] shockcannon: i'm in for moe
[2019-06-02 02:26:33] shockcannon: I'm ultimately going to let you 4 decide, because you 4 need to find a way to agree
[2019-06-02 02:26:42] shockcannon: but if you want my opinion, its moe, mobian, or ginyu
[2019-06-02 02:26:49] Linkcat: So you two are down for moe, right?
[2019-06-02 02:26:57] ddevans96: I mean, my reads are public and mostly have not changed, you can go look at them
[2019-06-02 02:26:58] shockcannon: those are decents bets that aren't among us 5 and that I think we could all potentially agree on
[2019-06-02 02:27:01] MasterWalks: is moe euro?
[2019-06-02 02:27:04] ddevans96: yeah, moe's fine too, it's not me so whatever
[2019-06-02 02:27:16] ddevans96: yeah
[2019-06-02 02:27:19] shockcannon: i blocked moe n0
[2019-06-02 02:27:29] MasterWalks: Whoever we lynch needs to be able to defend. We cant have another afk lynch
[2019-06-02 02:27:30] shockcannon: he only mentioned he was blocked after I revealed that in my info dump
[2019-06-02 02:27:40] MasterWalks: if hes euro he will be on soon then
[2019-06-02 02:27:51] shockcannon: ‹@MasterWalks› if he's US he would still ahve time to be on
[2019-06-02 02:27:52] ddevans96: moe was on at deadline last time, it'll be fine
[2019-06-02 02:28:00] shockcannon: its 2pm ET
[2019-06-02 02:28:06] shockcannon: 11am PT
[2019-06-02 02:28:07] MasterWalks: its 1:28 am for me
[2019-06-02 02:28:14] MasterWalks: PST
[2019-06-02 02:28:20] shockcannon: yeah
[2019-06-02 02:28:25] shockcannon: but deadline isn't untill 11am pst
[2019-06-02 02:28:39] MasterWalks: i aint gonna be up that early most likely
[2019-06-02 02:28:44] MasterWalks: i dont work tomorrow
[2019-06-02 02:28:46] Mobian: 2:28 AM my time. Deadlines at noon
[2019-06-02 02:28:48] shockcannon: he has time to defend unless he's like in asia
[2019-06-02 02:29:08] shockcannon: ‹@MasterWalks› are you in moe?
[2019-06-02 02:29:16] shockcannon: if yes then the last person we need is espithel
[2019-06-02 02:29:33] shockcannon: who I feel like is just going to not respond
[2019-06-02 02:29:39] MasterWalks: am i in moe? wtf does that mean?
[2019-06-02 02:29:48] Espithel: ‹@shockcannon› I'm still working
[2019-06-02 02:29:53] ddevans96: are you in [to lynch] moe
[2019-06-02 02:30:01] Espithel: Gimmie a bit
[2019-06-02 02:30:02] shockcannon: ‹@MasterWalks› it means have you used him to keep warm like han does with that beast in episode 5
[2019-06-02 02:30:06] Mobian: ‹@MasterWalks› they want you to support a moe lynch
[2019-06-02 02:30:15] ddevans96: deadline is noon for me, I might not be able to be on at deadline rn
[2019-06-02 02:30:16] Linkcat: ‹@Mobian› You too.
[2019-06-02 02:30:22] ddevans96: have to do a bunch of shit before my 12 Lives match at 1
[2019-06-02 02:30:25] MasterWalks: yes and yes
[2019-06-02 02:30:26] Linkcat: Same
[2019-06-02 02:30:43] shockcannon: honestly if mobian switches
[2019-06-02 02:30:45] shockcannon: big red flag
[2019-06-02 02:31:17] Mobian: ‹@Linkcat› I don't have a read on moe. I'm staying on shock because I dislike liars.
[2019-06-02 02:31:18] shockcannon: eh whatever, he already played his hand with the math comment
[2019-06-02 02:31:56] shockcannon: ‹@MasterWalks› how does it feel to get played last game by someone who dislikes liars?
[2019-06-02 02:32:00] Linkcat: Okay, so we lynch Mobian then?
[2019-06-02 02:32:06] MasterWalks: i dont have a read on moe but i think shock is town and im not going to waste time on dd if we aint lynching him
[2019-06-02 02:32:13] Linkcat: Any objections?
[2019-06-02 02:32:20] Linkcat: Other than Mobian, of course.
[2019-06-02 02:32:24] shockcannon: i'm fine with mobian or moe
[2019-06-02 02:32:29] Linkcat: ‹@Espithel›
[2019-06-02 02:32:29] shockcannon: but MW doesn't seem down with mobian lynch
[2019-06-02 02:32:29] MasterWalks: what? mobian or moe?
[2019-06-02 02:32:48] shockcannon: I think the 4 of us are down for both, with a stronger feel on mobian
[2019-06-02 02:32:53] shockcannon: but we need your vote
[2019-06-02 02:32:56] MasterWalks: eh, ill lynch mobian. I dont really have a read on him either
[2019-06-02 02:32:57] shockcannon: so if you're really against mobian we'll go moe
[2019-06-02 02:33:01] Espithel: ‹@Linkcat› What I would like to ask
[2019-06-02 02:33:04] Espithel: Is that you wait for the post
[2019-06-02 02:33:11] Espithel: Give Mobian a chance to respond to it.
[2019-06-02 02:33:16] Linkcat: You're still making a post?
[2019-06-02 02:33:18] Linkcat: Jesus.
[2019-06-02 02:33:20] Espithel: YES
[2019-06-02 02:33:20] MasterWalks: moe is 1 mobina is 2
[2019-06-02 02:33:24] MasterWalks: (1d2) 2 = 2 ...!+
[2019-06-02 02:33:29] Espithel: YOU THINK MW IS THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN TUNNEL?
[2019-06-02 02:33:32] Espithel: WH000000000000 BOI
[2019-06-02 02:33:33] Linkcat: Mobina
[2019-06-02 02:33:35] Linkcat: lel
[2019-06-02 02:33:39] shockcannon: ‹@Espithel› you said 5 hours 10 hours ago
[2019-06-02 02:33:46] Linkcat: Who the hell are you tunneling on?
[2019-06-02 02:33:49] ddevans96: ‹@Espithel› when is your post going to be done? bc I needed to be asleep like half an hour ago
[2019-06-02 02:34:03] shockcannon: WAIT A SECOND
[2019-06-02 02:34:08] MasterWalks: lets lynch mobian. dice knows all
[2019-06-02 02:34:15] shockcannon: link and MW with the sneaky last sedcond switch to mobian
[2019-06-02 02:34:28] shockcannon: link, MW, moehrpi all mafia!!!!
[2019-06-02 02:34:30] shockcannon: I found them!
[2019-06-02 02:34:30] Linkcat: Stfu shock
[2019-06-02 02:34:35] MasterWalks: i rolled
[2019-06-02 02:34:38] MasterWalks: what
[2019-06-02 02:34:40] ddevans96: mostly just Link tbh
[2019-06-02 02:34:45] Linkcat: We're lynching Mobian.
[2019-06-02 02:34:45] MasterWalks: i rolled to pick who to lynch
[2019-06-02 02:35:05] Mobian: ‹@shockcannon› And for the record, I never lied to MW.
[2019-06-02 02:35:30] Linkcat: This is all to save you, you know.
[2019-06-02 02:35:49] shockcannon: yeah I know
[2019-06-02 02:35:57] shockcannon: mafia also saved ddevans only to lynch ian
[2019-06-02 02:36:03] ddevans96: ^
[2019-06-02 02:36:08] shockcannon: so doesn't mean much
[2019-06-02 02:36:28] shockcannon: mafia would probably any other town die than me
[2019-06-02 02:37:20] MasterWalks: i dont really have a super strong read on much. I think kae, insig, me, and maybe link is town. idc who is lynched at this point. as long as its not me.
[2019-06-02 02:37:53] MasterWalks: and shock. shock is prob town
[2019-06-02 02:38:04] Linkcat: What happened to Espi?
[2019-06-02 02:38:14] MasterWalks: espi is mafia
[2019-06-02 02:38:19] MasterWalks: those are my town reads
[2019-06-02 02:38:20] Mobian: Don't bother with your post, Espi. Just follow them. I'm done trying to prove myself.
[2019-06-02 02:38:46] ddevans96: so we're lynching moerhpi
[2019-06-02 02:38:50] shockcannon: i'm fine waiting with espi post and potentially switching to moe
[2019-06-02 02:38:50] ddevans96: got it
[2019-06-02 02:38:59] shockcannon: but this is kinda of time sensitive
[2019-06-02 02:39:04] MasterWalks: i rolled 2 for mobian
[2019-06-02 02:39:05] Mobian: No, you're lynching me
[2019-06-02 02:39:06] shockcannon: idk if all5 of us will be at deadline
[2019-06-02 02:39:11] shockcannon: so it needs to happen now
[2019-06-02 02:39:30] Linkcat: When is deadline?
[2019-06-02 02:39:39] shockcannon: ‹@Mobian› you haven't done anything to prove yourself
[2019-06-02 02:39:45] Mobian: Just do it. I don't really care anymore. 7.5 h
[2019-06-02 02:39:48] shockcannon: you just said you voted late and followed the train
[2019-06-02 02:39:56] Linkcat: Thanks.
[2019-06-02 02:40:08] shockcannon: and that you defended against aggressive ian
[2019-06-02 02:40:24] shockcannon: that doesn't necessarily hurt your case, but it doesnt strengthen it
[2019-06-02 02:40:37] Mobian: ‹@shockcannon› And all you've done is lie, and people love you for it. There's no winning for me.
[2019-06-02 02:40:51] Mobian: Ergo, no fucks given.
[2019-06-02 02:40:54] shockcannon: what i've done is talked a lot
[2019-06-02 02:40:58] ddevans96: not really
[2019-06-02 02:41:03] shockcannon: i've talked enough that these 4 trust me as town
[2019-06-02 02:41:14] Mobian: Good night.
[2019-06-02 02:41:14] ddevans96: I don't think any of us want to be in a position where we trust shock
[2019-06-02 02:41:17] shockcannon: ‹@Mobian› why don't you ask one of these 4 why they think i'm town
[2019-06-02 02:41:18] ddevans96: but that's kinda where this game is at
[2019-06-02 02:43:03] shockcannon: ‹@Mobian› nobody loves me for how I play. I can assure you that.
[2019-06-02 02:43:04] Mobian: It doesn't matter. You choose to trust a liar. With a mindset like that, I am literally unable to change your mind, because I will not give up my moral stance.
[2019-06-02 02:43:28] kaempfer13: ‹@Linkcat› can you explain to me what makes shocks town post so towny? To me it seems like hes been fumbling around with stories and explanations until sth made sense at last
[2019-06-02 02:43:28] ddevans96: also - Link is the only one who wants to lynch you
[2019-06-02 02:43:32] MasterWalks: Nobody even voted yet
[2019-06-02 02:43:34] shockcannon: Also last game you got mad at me for being chaotic when you were mafia?
[2019-06-02 02:43:53] ddevans96: at least, that's actively voicing it
[2019-06-02 02:43:58] kaempfer13: Ofc i still feel neutral regarding his alignment, just want to know the tells
[2019-06-02 02:44:16] Linkcat: I'm only doing that because most people said they were fine with it.
[2019-06-02 02:44:23] Linkcat: I don't think we have the votes to lynch dd.
[2019-06-02 02:44:30] Linkcat: Maybe if kaempfer joins me.
[2019-06-02 02:45:21] Mobian: ‹@shockcannon› You keep bringing up last game. It has literally no bearing on this one. All of you have said as much to my earlier defense. You can't have it both ways.
[2019-06-02 02:45:30] ddevans96: are we picking someone or not?
[2019-06-02 02:45:43] shockcannon: ‹@Mobian› that's fair
[2019-06-02 02:45:47] Linkcat: ‹@kaempfer13› The tell in that post is that you can feel the struggle he has as town trying to help as much as he can while everyone hates on him for it.
[2019-06-02 02:45:58] MasterWalks: if shock mobian and kaemp will vote on dd we might have it
[2019-06-02 02:46:00] shockcannon: but you do realize this game literally encourages people to lie and or hide the truth
[2019-06-02 02:46:35] Linkcat: You probably can't feel it in your first game, but it's just one of those posts that can only come from a town.
[2019-06-02 02:46:39] Linkcat: It's a soul read.
[2019-06-02 02:46:49] Linkcat: Mobian won't vote dd though.
[2019-06-02 02:47:00] Linkcat: feud will vote dd over shock sincehe thinks shock is town.
[2019-06-02 02:47:01] shockcannon: are we going on moe?
[2019-06-02 02:47:18] Mobian: ‹@MasterWalks› I think DD is town. Until that changes, I won't vote him
[2019-06-02 02:47:39] shockcannon: ‹@kaempfer13› will you join a moe or mobian vote?
[2019-06-02 02:47:40] MasterWalks: k fine so no mobian. Shock, less go dd
[2019-06-02 02:47:53] shockcannon: because espithel is at work right now, and i'm not sure we can rely on him right now
[2019-06-02 02:48:03] shockcannon: i already told you dd can't work
[2019-06-02 02:48:06] shockcannon: because we need his vote
[2019-06-02 02:48:10] kaempfer13: mobian is my primary town read
[2019-06-02 02:48:17] Linkcat: dd will go on shock
[2019-06-02 02:48:26] kaempfer13: moe is fine I guess
[2019-06-02 02:48:40] MasterWalks: ‹@shockcannon› dd hasnt opened the game in like 5 years but you can show him hes nub by lynching him
[2019-06-02 02:48:46] Linkcat: We'd need Calin or someone to switch his vote, and Insig's vote.
[2019-06-02 02:48:46] shockcannon: can I start the moe voting then?
[2019-06-02 02:48:51] kaempfer13: I hope I can be around at deadline
[2019-06-02 02:48:59] Linkcat: Espi too.
[2019-06-02 02:49:01] shockcannon: we have 5 right now for moe
[2019-06-02 02:49:07] shockcannon: espithel might also join moe
[2019-06-02 02:49:08] ddevans96: dd had the game open five minutes ago
[2019-06-02 02:49:13] shockcannon: insig may join moe also
[2019-06-02 02:49:37] MasterWalks: oh yea youve been working on ups lately. well PvP anyways.
[2019-06-02 02:49:51] ddevans96: I'm literally in 12 Lives, my dude
[2019-06-02 02:50:01] kaempfer13: also I encountered sth that makes me believe Linkcat is town, but its both flimsy and actually revealing it would probably be bad for town
[2019-06-02 02:50:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from Espithel in Forum Games. FIRST!
[2019-06-02 02:50:07] Espithel:
[2019-06-02 02:50:13] kaempfer13: so not sureif it even helps mentioning
[2019-06-02 02:52:21] ddevans96: 2 votes less than 12 hours into the phase aint shit
[2019-06-02 02:52:58] Linkcat: Hey dd, move your vote to Mobian. :^)
[2019-06-02 02:53:12] MasterWalks: one of the 3 people espi just named are mafia. i bet a million nymphs
[2019-06-02 02:53:21] ddevans96: imma again say nah
[2019-06-02 02:53:51] Espithel: ‹@MasterWalks› Don't out yourself like that
[2019-06-02 02:54:25] Linkcat: So it's a go on moehrpi?
[2019-06-02 02:54:28] shockcannon: well i guess its not possible for espithel and I to vote on the same person
[2019-06-02 02:54:30] Linkcat: Did anyone object?
[2019-06-02 02:54:32] shockcannon: its a go on moehrpi then
[2019-06-02 02:54:39] shockcannon: ‹@Linkcat› start it
[2019-06-02 02:54:40] Linkcat: dd and kaempfer don't want to go for Mobian.
[2019-06-02 02:54:43] shockcannon: actually i'll start it
[2019-06-02 02:54:46] shockcannon: looks better that way
[2019-06-02 02:55:03] ddevans96: [doubt]
[2019-06-02 02:55:15] Linkcat: Lmao
[2019-06-02 02:55:23] Espithel: Also someone post chatlog
[2019-06-02 02:55:29] Linkcat: Yeah it's probably better if I start it.
[2019-06-02 02:55:30] Espithel: I need to get a drink and remove all the sweat from my body
[2019-06-02 02:55:46] Linkcat: Actually, I don't want to start in.
[2019-06-02 02:55:48] shockcannon: ‹@Linkcat› fine you start
[2019-06-02 02:55:52] shockcannon: fine
[2019-06-02 02:55:53] shockcannon: then i start
[2019-06-02 02:55:53] Linkcat: You guys are forcing me to switch.
[2019-06-02 02:55:57] ddevans96: yeet
[2019-06-02 02:55:58] Mobian: Doing it as my defense. I have nothing more to offer.
[2019-06-02 02:56:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from ddevans96 in Forum Games. CAUTION: Contents may be hot.
[2019-06-02 02:56:35] shockcannon: i screwed up
[2019-06-02 02:56:43] shockcannon: linkcat fix the vote count on your post
[2019-06-02 02:56:44] ddevans96: CHANGE THE NUMBERS FOOL
[2019-06-02 02:58:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from Linkcat in Forum Games. Have it your way.
[2019-06-02 02:58:07] Linkcat: This feels like the conversation we had Day 1 but we actually decided on someone.
[2019-06-02 02:58:44] shockcannon: we still need MW and kaempf
[2019-06-02 02:58:54] ddevans96: alright, I'm gonna try to sleep, I have a ton to do tomorrow
[2019-06-02 02:58:55] ddevans96: gn