I do have a theory going off of the info shock gave us:
On Night 0, I told MW I was Fate Egg. On Night 1, Coffee targeted me. This leaves me to believe 3 things:
1) MW and Coffee were allies, and Coffee was informed of my role by him.
2) MW told shock my role, who in turn told Coffee.
3) MW and Coffee are part of the Mafia, and and Coffee was informed of my role by him.
Fate Egg can potentially be dangerous to both sides, since it has access to many other important roles that can either help Town or harm Town (GA, Vulture, Toadfish, etc.). Coffee, knowing the risk of this role, probably targeted me to prevent anything too troublesome from happening. However, his motives for this are unknown. Normally this wouldn't be too alarming, since this could be a lucky guess. But it's still kind of strange that he targeted me the night after I revealed my role to MW.
I feel like Scenario #3 would be the best guess. Usually, you want to form alliances with people you know. Prior to this Mafia, MW and Coffee never spoke to each other (As far as I know.) And shock never mentioned once that he leaked his info to others prior to Day 2.
This could just be a coincidence, but I think shock had a good reason to suspect Coffee.