1. Posting during the night phase is allowed.
2. You may communicate with your partner in any way during the game (forum PMs, chat PMs, etc.). Discussion with other players through any means other than posting in the thread is forbidden.
2. Do not post, chat, OR PM ANY revealing information if you have been killed/removed from mafia (except for minor 'BLARGH'/murloc TM death noises). This also means that if you withdraw from mafia, you cannot reveal any information after withdrawing from the game.3. All Secondary roles/targeting/actions are to be messaged during the NIGHT phase, unless stated otherwise.
4. No player may do the 'No-Vote'/AFK for two consecutive days without a viable reason. Holidays, funerals, etc count as viable reasons. Mafia on other sites, just forgetting, etc, do not. If you wish to withdraw, post in this thread; but do NOT reveal any secret information.
Players without viable reasons will be modkilled. Breaking this rule repeatedly may result in a ban from future mafias.5. Post in the topic if you want to sign up. No need for any 'role' choosing or whatnot, everything is randomized and assigned.
6. When PM-ing the Host for anything associated with Mafia, please include "Mafia" in the subject line. Otherwise, your PM may be ignored or overlooked.
7. PUBLIC ROLECLAIMS ARE FORBIDDEN (i.e. you can't ask "everyone send your role/partner to x"). Don't get me wrong, I don't want to spoil the fun, the thing is that I've been in a lot of mafias and roleclaims have been really boring. You were just told "use your ability now", "vote on x" etc.
* Abbreviations of curse words doesn't count. But please do keep it PG-13.
** Banning from future mafias will be on a case by case basis and is entirely in the Forum Games Organizer(s) hands.
Spoiler for How to play Elements Mafia:
Mafia is generally played between two teams: Civilians and Mafia. The civilians are the main group, and they enjoy the minor advantage of being a majority. Every day, the civilians post in the thread to discuss who is likely to be mafia, and place a vote on who they think is being scummy (a.k.a. mafia-like or anti-civilian). One thing to note is that your Voting Total signifies the total of votes placed on you, and Voting Power stands for how many votes you actually place on someone when you vote on them (everyone has a standard Voting Power of 1). At the end of the day the host tallies up all the votes and considers all skills affecting the voting; the person with the most votes on them is killed (termed as lynching), and all their info is revealed. Then Night falls, and NO ONE posts in the thread.
That’s when the mafia come in. The Mafia are a minority of players who know each other’s identity. Their job is to eliminate all the other players using deception and nightkills. They interact with the town during the day, trying to mislead them away from lynching any mafia members. And when night falls, Mafia discusses in secret and chooses a person to kill (termed as nightkill). Also during the night the civilians use their skills. Some of the noteworthy skills include the cop/seer, who investigate other players to find their allegiance, and the doctor (usually called Archangel here) who can protect a specific player from any nightkills for that night.
Does the stupid game ever end, you ask? Well contrary to popular belief, it does. The Civilians win when whenever they manage to lynch all the Mafia members. And Mafia wins when their combined Voting Power is enough to control the vote entirely, i.e. if all Mafia members vote on the same Civilian and all Civilians vote on a Mafia ember, the civilian will be lynched.
MAIN ROLES:This mafia will be played in pairs. Each player will know their partner and they will have different abilities of the same element. If there is an odd number of players, one of them will be forever alone

, but it will start with 2 voting power.
Note: There will be 2 teams with 2 mafia members each. (or only one team with 2 mafia if there are too few players)
WHO WINS: The game will end when there is only one mafia team left or when all the mafia teams are dead.
Round- One day/night cycle
ER- It can be used every round
EoR- It can be used every other round, so if you use it round 1, you can't use it round 2.
OU- It can be used only once throughout the entire game.
Passive- It is activated automatically, no PM needed.
PairsNote: If there are more than 24 players, there will be vanilla couples with no abilities.
Note2: Only one member of the couple can use it's ability each night/day. (that means they can't both activate their abilities in the same night/day phase)
Note3: Passive abilities don't count as "activating", since there's really no decision for you to make, so if a 2 players in the same couple both have 2 passive abilities or 1 passive and one active there's no restriction on using them. (i.e. note 2 doesn't count for your couple)
Note4: You are notified if your ability failed or if your ability is changed.
Note5: In case of a tie, No-Lynch occurs.
SoSe- Gain a random ability each day phase. This abilty is removed if you use an OU abilty. (Passive)
"Help me RNG!"Mutation- Target player's voting power becomes 0.5 (50%), 2 (40%) or 0 (10%).[DAY SKILL] (ER)
"It's worth a try"Virus- Sacrifice yourself to kill target player. Can't target partner. (OU)
"Bye."Bonewall- In day 1, name even or odd. You gain -1 voting total permanently each time a player is lynched with an even/odd number of votes. (Passive)
"You can't touch me now"Otyugh- Devour target player with a voting total less than your's at the end of the day. Gain +1 voting power permanently. Can't target partner. (OU) [DAY SKILL]
"Nom-nom-nom."Armagio- All abilities affect their user this night phase. (OU)
"Don't do to others what you don't like being done to you."Iridium Warden- Negate your vote and target player's vote during this day phase. Can't target partner. (EoR) [DAY SKILL]
"Don't rush it!"Graboid- Your voting power is 0.5, but you are immune to all abilities. (Passive)
"Shhh, I was never here. Understand?"Adrenaline- Target player's voting power becomes 2 the following day phase, but it's 0 the day phase after that day phase.(EoR)
"Hurry!"Empathic Bond- Target a player. If that player survives during this night, increase your voting power by 1 permanently. If the target dies, your voting power becomes 0. Can't target self and can only target the partner once. (ER)
"Just a little more patience and I'll get that EM"Phoenix- You become an Ash with no abilities after you are lynched/killed. Main role (mafia/civilian) not revealed. (Passive)
"You didn't think I was dead already, did you?"Fahrenheit- Your voting power increases by 0.5 at the end of each night phase. (Passive)
"Just you wait!"Nymph's tears- Choose an element. You gain a random ability from that element. (OU)
"Hmmm, I think I'll choose that one."Mind Flayer- Negate target player's ability during this night-day cycle. Can't target partner. (EoR)
"Not so fast!"Guardian Angel- Prevent target player from getting killed during this night phase. Can't target self. (ER)
"Take care of yourself!"Crusader- Copy target player's abilities. Can't target your partner. (OU)
"I expected something better than that!" Wyrm- Double target player's voting power during the next day phase. They are notified by this. (EoR)
"Let's finish this!"Flying Weapon- Target player's abilities are disabled and removed. Then, at the end of the night phase, that player gets a random ability. Can't target self. (OU)
"I wonder what they'll get."Ghost of the Past- If lynched, kill the first player that voted on you. (Passive)
"I'll get my revenge soon enough."Dune Scorpion- Target a player. Every time that player uses their ability, his/her voting total is permanently increased by 1. Passive abilities count as using the ability each night. Can't target self or partner. (OU)
"Won't be long now..."Steal- Steal target player's ability. They gain "steal". Can't target your partner. (OU)
"That's mine now."Minor Vampire- Your voting total is reduced by the voting total of the player you vote on for that day phase only. (Passive)
"Let me get a taste of that."Fractal- Double the voting total of target player during this day phase. Your voting power is reduced to 0 permanently. (OU) [DAY SKILL]
"I guess that's it..."Mindgate- Find out target player's main role and element. (EoR)
"So that's what you truly are!"--------------------------------Order is still being worked on to prevent certain timezones from being favoured-------------------------------------
1) NK (kills the target and prevents it's ability, except for guardian angel and virus)
2) Armagio
3) Mind Flayer/Steal/Flying Weapon (these depend on the order of the PM's)
4) Virus
5) All the others (depends on the order of the PM's)
Note: if you somehow target the same player twice with abilities that tell you that you can't, the ability will act as if it wasn't used.