As linkcat was in bed, he recalled xdude saying: "There isn't any town meeting tonight. Lotta people are scared since Wardead died." Next thing he new, he was thinking about how there was something hot near his feet. "What the hell?" he thought as the fire started to climb up his bed. Suddenly,the face of implosion appeared at the food fo his bed. "Who is the last FG?" he yelled. "I'll never tell!" linkcat screamed. "And one more thing you should know about me is I always sleep with a knife under my pillow." Then, he threw a Vampire Dagger at him, only to be intercepted by Svenningen. "Damn." linkcat uttered before being ingulfed in flames. "Good thing we told that backstabber there wasn't a town meeting." said Implosion, who then laughed an evil, deep laugh. As he was walking out, he was jabbed in the neck by a giant syrenge, filled with a blood red lyquid. "What is this shit?!" he yelled. "My blood," a very pale and stabbed Purity_Riot whispered. Implosion suddenly fell, dead. "Shouldn't the Gaurdian Angel teach us how to use thow damned syrenges?" Purity_Riot screamed in agony, before falling into the stone bird bath.
Linkcat: FG Supreme Being(Gratz, civys)
Svenningen: Civilian,Armagio
Implosion: civy, immortal (dead completely)
P_R: Virus , civilian