dawn to dusk - real life comes first. Stress level indicates town because of the volume of posts. scum can just talk to other scum and ask.
Linkcat -- Town, Officer [Male Escort] Night 2
fabian771 --- Screaming scum at me but i can listen to reason
worldwideweb3 -- Intelligence, Officer [Detective] Day 1
UTAlan Town refugee
killsdazombies -- Not much content
godisnowonline -- Town Jailor
Solaris -- town politician
DoubleCapitals - not much to see here
JonathanCrazyJ -- scum lean
ddevans96 -- town
rob77dp-- Town
iancudorinmarian-- scum lean
Submachine-- town lean
Lunaris -- Criminal, Student [Fortune Teller] Day 2
Espithel -- Criminal, Observer [Anime Cosplayer] Night 1
Coffeeditto- stron scum bg
mathman101 --town lean