I kinda agree with sub on a no lynch, on day 0. We have no info whatsoever, and it's basically guesswork. We have a much greater chance of lynching town today. Tell me, how many times have we acc lynched a mafia on day 0?
So I'm convinced that w3's big push for No Lynch is largely due to him being Intelligence. Of course they want No Lynch because the longer the game goes the more likely they'll meet their win conditions. Definitely worth considering the others who pushed for NL as possible Intel players.
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
rob77dp (1) - Submachine
Solaris (2) - Solaris, JonathanCrazyJ
ddevans96 (1) - fabian771
Coffeeditto (1) - rob77dp
Espithel (1) - worldwideweb3
D0 random vote that's only worth mentioning because he happened to randomly pick a (now) known mafia member.

Looking at the rest of D0 (and a sizeable portion of N1), most of his posts are just pushing for / defending the No Lynch.
Fwiw, it's better for intelligence team to lynch and try kill Mafia ( to prevent Mafia from killing them/end the game quicker)
Not sure if this was his strategy or if he just wanted town to think that this is Intel's strategy. Still notable, given that we now know he was Intel.
d2d - posted a bit, but nothing much realting directly to the mafia. Just some waffle/mechanics and other talk.
Link - neutral. Claims that he's struggling to scumread anyone, which is slightly weird too, but nothing too out of place yet.
fab - dropped a random vote on dd day 0 (why dd, fab?). Then removed his vote, then put another vote on solaris (why?) then removed it. That's all the posts he's made really. Will wait for him to respond to his reasonings. Also said "Last time I tried to No Lynch I got lynched, so let's do opposite." when sol had 5 votes, sub had 4 and fab had a grand total of 0. Makes no sense at all.
www3 - honest town. All posts seems impeccable. Carry on.
UT - tells me to put my vote on no lynch (or on someone else) Then voted me by saying im pushing hard for no lynch. WTF UT? Said "nothing of note" when someone asked for tl;dr of N1. But also says that its important to scum read by reading posts and not night actions. How can you say nothing og note and then say that....
kdz - unusually active but i dont want to punish him for that...just something to keep in mind. I like some of his posts, will look out for how he plays the rest of it.
gino - nothing to talk about
sola - hasnt posted much. Dont think he's read all of mafia either.
DC - will give him the town lean for now.
JCJ - Why did you vote sola after removing your vote from sub? I didnt see a reason for it
dd - seems neutral. You missed some people out in your reads list though, might wanna go back and add stuff in there.
ian - bashes about no lynch when he made a total of 4 posts during day 0, none of which were of any substance. Left his joke vote on d2d for no reason at all too.
sub - lot's of waffling, stupid stuff, bad town play, but not scum play.
lunaris - too many posts for her to read. I'll give her time to read up on - be quick please.
Espi - i'm waiting for that list venn thing. Otherwise, seems pretty normal espi play.
coffee- neutral.
math - i've a gut feeling that's positive about him. But his posts show otherwise. He wishes to lynch, but doesn't intend to catch up on mafia :/
rob - active as always. If you disagree with rob, you are a mafia in his opinion. Don't know if he's trying to go overboard with all the posts in order to gain control as a mafia, or acc is town and trying to help town. Will keep an eye on his future posts carefully and see how he goes.
Not sure how helpful this is since he wasn't on mafia and happened on N1, before he could use his abilities. Also he doesn't actually give any scum-reads, I'm just now noticing. (My interpretation of that is that he's walking the fence, not pushing anyone too hard for town or too hard for scum. Safe Intel play.)
Espi was rather nice to you. After seeing your and espi's interaction (and seeing how you two voted on diff wagons too), i would funnily enough suspect you as mafia.
Sola is also on my mafia list atm.
On to D1. He probably realizes No Lynch isn't gonna be an option anymore. Puts Sol and rob on his scum list. My gut says he's pushing for those he would otherwise read as town, since town has the advantage at this point in the game and Intel wants things balanced as long as possible. That could also be filtered through the fact that I am town reading both rob and Sol, but I also don't see much incentive for him to actually push lynches for mafia members. Having mafia down 2 after 2 days would make things tough for Intel.
worldwideweb (3) - rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, UTAlan
Solaris (3) - killsdazombies ddevans96, JonathanCrazyJ
rob77dp (2) - Solaris, worldwideweb3
Votes on Rob. Not sure why he didn't add to Sol's train here. Would love anyone's thoughts on that.
worldwideweb (3) - rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, UTAlan
Solaris (5) - killsdazombies, ddevans96, JonathanCrazyJ, Coffeeditto, worldwideweb3
rob77dp (2) - Solaris, Lunaris
DoubleCapitals (1) - Submachine
Thought about it, and it seems the best option atm, due to so much positive espi/sol interaction.
Err, wait, nevermind. There it is. The more I think about it the more I think w3 was reading Sol and rob as town, but publicly read them as scum so that they might get lynched.
On my to do list: Look at how other people interacted with w3.