Here's something: JCJ and Sol are very unlikely to both be Criminals.
I don't think JCJ would drop a vote on Sol like this at that juncture given the likelihood Sol could have very well been lynched with JCJ then peace-ing out through EOD.
Cool. job done.
if only as a way of discouraging you for EVER using invis text again, because it's not something I would ever look for, and is just a dick move using forum code to your advantage, my vote is changing.
I hope that this last 5 mins has removed this problem from arising again.
For now, I think it's probably a (dis)honest mistake, and is in keeping with sub's character, so doesn't read scum, or civ to me. I found bringing it up necessary to make a point.
But no-lynch is still ALWAYS BAD so i guess by my own morals I have to switch back to sol.
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
Solaris (5) - Solaris, Submachine, rob77dp, worldwideweb3, JonathanCrazyJ
Submachine (3) - DoubleCapitals, Killsdazombies, Coffeeditto
JonathanCrazyJ (1) - UTAlan
No Lynch (1) - Linkcat
(Of course, I'm trying to state any sort of 'locking' in either way... just that JCJ+Sol:
Criminal/Criminal -- VERY unlikely
Town/Town -- seems unlikely to me, but that is based on my current scum-read of Sol
Criminal/Town -- see previous comment
Town/Criminal -- most likely among the four options
* Town = not-Criminal, above, and is not attempting to distinguish between Intel and Twon)