Let me explain the reasoning for No Lynching as simply as possible.
Lynching based on a scumread is GOOD.
No Lynching is BAD.
Randomly Lynching is REALLY BAD. It's also a DICK MOVE to the person you are lynching without reason.
The only 2 people with more than 2 votes on them Day 0 were put up for the lynch for the following reasons:
Solaris: Self-voting.
Submachine: Being Submachine.
Both: Any lynch is a good lynch.
None of these are related to alignment. This puts them in the random lynching category.
If we lynched a player that was in some way scummier or read as scummier than others from Day 0 posts and activity then I would be able to analyze the wagon, counter-wagon(s), and how that player had acted/posted during Day 0.
There was no such player. No other viable lynch was presented. Nobody said, "Hey, we should all lynch Player because they did X which makes them more likely to be Mafia." This means that there was nothing in the 'Lynching based on a scumread' category.
Now, going off of this handy rating system, we can see that the people who supported No Lynch went for the lesser of two evils.
Past support of No Lynch: (for rob)
Mafia 46 - Hilariously it was actually called No Vote here.
Mafia 52 - After eljoemo said No Lynch wasn't an option, I also PMed you and UTA asking you to remove your votes so we could avoid a lynch.
Mafia 54Mafia 56 - Votes at EOD
Mafia 57 - Didn't actually vote No Lynch as it was 19 hours before EOD but clearly supported it - scroll down.
Mafia 63 - After a lot of votes were cast for no reason like what happened here.
This isn't counting the two mafias that had No Lynch Day 1 where I didn't say anything against it.
I also want to clarify that my posts in all caps were mostly shitposting while being caught up in the flood of posts.
While looking through past mafias, I found this gem.