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Re: Elements Mafia 68 - by Kuroaitou (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #456 on: March 08, 2017, 09:31:31 pm »
scum w3 world makes sense, he's pushing odd mafia claims on other people/tried to appeal to dd (who's being general townread IIRC) some pages back, being dodgy about reads

merely just looking at it in that light, i'm sure town points could be made for him too

@www3: I never defended myself, I self voted, what do you mean?

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Re: Elements Mafia 68 - by Kuroaitou (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #457 on: March 08, 2017, 09:32:22 pm »
nah I wasn't saved, attention was merely diverted because apparently people don't like to kill
Glad you're here -- trying to read you by interacting with www3 / Sub is proving very difficult... and possibly misleading.

Are you caught up? Do you have some current thoughts on the game or scumread or town-leans?

Surely you're town-leaning the people pushing the No Lynch wagon yesterday... if you are then share the reason and if not why not?
no, IMO we should always use our one true confirmation tool as towns, the lynch, and anyone voting nolynch is inexperienced or has alterior motives

Offline rob77dp

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Re: Elements Mafia 68 - by Kuroaitou (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #458 on: March 08, 2017, 09:36:50 pm »
scum w3 world makes sense, he's pushing odd mafia claims on other people/tried to appeal to dd (who's being general townread IIRC) some pages back, being dodgy about reads

merely just looking at it in that light, i'm sure town points could be made for him too

@www3: I never defended myself, I self voted, what do you mean?
I have a slight scum-read on dd -- maybe you're not caught up or forgot. Here are my pretty much up-to-date reads in case you're curious.

UTA was at one point very slightly town reading dd... UT also has a pretty thorough list here:
Spoiler for UTA's reasonings post:
Rob is leaving, so time for a reads list!

dawn to dusk - No posts except for 2 breadposts. Earlier in the day and I might vote for him to get him active, but don't wanna lynch him on the first day for not being active.
Linkcat - rob makes a good point about Intelligence having reason to push for No Lynch. This makes me lean intelligence on Link. Not gonna vote him for that yet, though.
fabian771 - Drops random vote, removes random vote, joins bandwagon (and was actually a deciding vote at the time). Very slight scum lean.
worldwideweb3 - "tuesdays and thursdays are busiest for me, so dont expect much from me today" - Expectations Exceeded. Dropped random vote, but posted about wanting a No Lynch. Pushed Espi for reasons on his vote (+1 town point). "I'm off to sleep" - lol. Moved vote to make a tie to try for No Lynch, then changed to No Lynch when he discovered that was an option. He's a hard neutral for me, which sucks because he's posted so much I wish I could lean one way or the other on him. He is playing like he did 2 mafias ago when he was scum, but in the short time he was alive last mafia...that was also how he played. He's aggressive and active, but at least this time he isn't screaming at rob (yet).
UTAlan - Defo a townie. Easiest read of the lot.
killsdazombies - Voted on Sub and gave solid reasons. Removed vote and gave good reasoning, as well. Decent town-lean.
godisnowonline - See: dawn to dusk.
Solaris - Self-voted, then disappeared. Link has a point - he has done absolutely nothing scummy. He's hardly done anything at all. Neutral read. Sympathy points for being gone while a train loaded up on him.
DoubleCapitals - Voted on Sub b/c of the invisi-text. As I mentioned before, posting based on emotions is either scummy or not town-beneficial. Esp when he says "whether town or scum" which implies he'd vote to have Sub lynched even if Sub was 100% confirmed town. Most likely in this case this is town-detrimental, not scummy behavior. Strangely, slight-town read.
JonathanCrazyJ - Voted on Sol for self-voting. Sidebar about thread-only-communication. Votes Sub for using invisi-text (see: DC). Wasn't sure how to read this until he removed his vote after Sub's apology (though that also came after my vote was put on him). Neutral read, due to it not being as obvious to me that he was genuinely upset at Sub (see kdz's fake-rant last mafia). He did move his vote to Sol just for the sake of not No Lynching. Hmm. Change that to very-slight-scum read.
ddevans96 - Doesn't initially vote b/c he doesn't want to throw his vote away. Adds throwaway vote. I ask him not to do that, he obliges, though with a disclaimer that he disagrees with my logic. Not much here, but I'll give him a very-very-slight-town-read based on gut feeling.
rob77dp - Oh boy. Not sure I wanna tackle this guy. I'll give him that he's being super active even for him. He's pushing hard to avoid No Lynch. He's avoiding lynching players without solid reasons. Decent town-lean if he wasn't rob. So I'll put him slight-town-lean*.
iancudorinmarian - Nothing of substance, just a bread-post vote and a post about being against no lynch. Neutral read.
Submachine - Seemingly random-votes on rob. Makes a bread-post that includes invisi-text and gets multiple people all riled up (meh). States that he isn't against No Lynch. OMGUS votes DC. Survival votes Sol. Claims a "valuable" role. Apologizes (twice) for using invisi-text. States he doesn't think Sol is scum. Moves to No Lynch. Slight-town-lean.
Lunaris - Inactive for a while, then comes in and pushes for No Lynch. I don't get the sense that she's doing this b/c she's Intelligence. Very-slight-town-lean. Could swing back towards scum if she stays too inactive.

Getting tired, so gonna skim over these last few.

Espithel - Voted on Sub for invisi-text, removed after Sub's apology. Pushed for reasoning on people's votes, notably on Luna's No Lynch. Very-slight-town-read.
Coffeeditto - Votes on Sub without giving a reason. Notably, he could have been protecting Sol b/c this tied up the vote. Slight-scum-lean.
mathman101 - Bread(?) post about being a journalist. Maybe some breadcrumbs in there somewhere. Puts down a random vote before leaving for the day. Very-slight-scum-read. Want to give him more time to be active to get a better read.

* This is rob. Don't underestimate scum-rob.
** Note that in this list, "town" means not-mafia. Other than where I explicitly mention it, I don't really know how to get a 3rd party read.

As long as this is, and trying to rush it out before EOD, I'm sure I'll have at least one EBWOP incoming...
Spoiler for UTA's organized reads list:
Death War #12/TBD TTG Brawl #6/1st Death War #10/9th GP Brawl #5/6th Death War #9/9th MoL Brawl #4/3rd Water War #8/7th DDD Brawl #3/3rd*Death War #7/5th*Death War #6/11th

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Re: Elements Mafia 68 - by Kuroaitou (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #459 on: March 08, 2017, 09:38:41 pm »
nah I wasn't saved, attention was merely diverted because apparently people don't like to kill
Glad you're here -- trying to read you by interacting with www3 / Sub is proving very difficult... and possibly misleading.

Are you caught up? Do you have some current thoughts on the game or scumread or town-leans?

Surely you're town-leaning the people pushing the No Lynch wagon yesterday... if you are then share the reason and if not why not?
no, IMO we should always use our one true confirmation tool as towns, the lynch, and anyone voting nolynch is inexperienced or has alterior motives
Is that why you voted yourself through the end of the day? Please explain how that was using our one true confirmation tool as towns, the lynch, to help town objective. :)
Death War #12/TBD TTG Brawl #6/1st Death War #10/9th GP Brawl #5/6th Death War #9/9th MoL Brawl #4/3rd Water War #8/7th DDD Brawl #3/3rd*Death War #7/5th*Death War #6/11th

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Re: Elements Mafia 68 - by Kuroaitou (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #460 on: March 08, 2017, 09:41:17 pm »
But i like dd (mostly because i agree with quite a bit of what he says :D).
Who are his scumreads?

*** Who do you think are scum or scummy? ***

I'll be reading the whole thread again and try find stuff before end of night.
But... I'm anxious to read your finds NOW. How about just your top scumread and top town-lean... i.e. your towniest player that isn't yourself and your scummiest player right now?

No point giving reads that dont reflect my view.
So your current view is that you are town and the other 17 players are neutral or no-read or null?

My current view is that i need to read last 40 pages again to try find something.
First player to become master of 3 different elements.
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Re: Elements Mafia 68 - by Kuroaitou (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #461 on: March 08, 2017, 09:48:53 pm »
But i like dd (mostly because i agree with quite a bit of what he says :D).
Who are his scumreads?

*** Who do you think are scum or scummy? ***

I'll be reading the whole thread again and try find stuff before end of night.
But... I'm anxious to read your finds NOW. How about just your top scumread and top town-lean... i.e. your towniest player that isn't yourself and your scummiest player right now?

No point giving reads that dont reflect my view.
So your current view is that you are town and the other 17 players are neutral or no-read or null?

My current view is that i need to read last 40 pages again to try find something.
The entire game including signups and everything is only on Page 20...??!?

Also -- *gulp* This is not what I was thinking town!www3 would respond with. You really don't even have a from-the-hip couple reads? You're the 2nd highest poster in the game so I find it alarming you would have to re-read the entire game to provide even 1 scum-read and 1 town-read.
Death War #12/TBD TTG Brawl #6/1st Death War #10/9th GP Brawl #5/6th Death War #9/9th MoL Brawl #4/3rd Water War #8/7th DDD Brawl #3/3rd*Death War #7/5th*Death War #6/11th

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Re: Elements Mafia 68 - by Kuroaitou (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #462 on: March 08, 2017, 09:51:50 pm »
But i like dd (mostly because i agree with quite a bit of what he says :D).
Who are his scumreads?

*** Who do you think are scum or scummy? ***

I'll be reading the whole thread again and try find stuff before end of night.
But... I'm anxious to read your finds NOW. How about just your top scumread and top town-lean... i.e. your towniest player that isn't yourself and your scummiest player right now?

No point giving reads that dont reflect my view.
So your current view is that you are town and the other 17 players are neutral or no-read or null?

My current view is that i need to read last 40 pages again to try find something.
The entire game including signups and everything is only on Page 20...??!?

Also -- *gulp* This is not what I was thinking town!www3 would respond with. You really don't even have a from-the-hip couple reads? You're the 2nd highest poster in the game so I find it alarming you would have to re-read the entire game to provide even 1 scum-read and 1 town-read.

As some can say, i forget stuff really easily. Also, idk how you got 20 pages, when there are 40 in thread?
First player to become master of 3 different elements.
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Re: Elements Mafia 68 - by Kuroaitou (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #463 on: March 08, 2017, 09:52:16 pm »
Before I forget further...


All should copy-paste this:

I agree that anything said in thisany mafia game may or may not be factual. I also agree not to be intentionally irritating. I also acknowledge that Kuro is the sexy.
A few tweaks - but really JCJ is right on point... within confines of this game we play, we play hard, we play to win, and as long as codes of conduct and personal _attacks_ are avoided we do what we can to help our faction. Sometimes that is lying, sometimes it is taking hard stances, and sometimes it doesn't mean either of those.
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Re: Elements Mafia 68 - by Kuroaitou (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #464 on: March 08, 2017, 09:57:31 pm »
Gonna admit I haven't read every post, nor do I plan on it.

Of the few that I have read though, I am in agreement with the choice lynch day 0. possible chance for mafia kill, and if not 2 less civs(1 from NK) causes a better chance at finding mafia the next day.

Actions speak louder than words, so regardless what people are saying about their reasonings behind moving to the no lynch the fact that they moved to no lynch puts them towards suspicion on my list.

Of those 4 (Linkcat, worldwideweb3, Lunaris, Submachine), I think at least 1 of them is mafia (possibly 2). Both www3 and Sub are drawing attention towards themselves by posting lots and Luna and Link have been fairly quiet not drawing attention to themselves. I think both could be tactics of at least one mafia member, but unsure if these are tactics or just the way these player play as it has been a while since I last played a mafia.

Not sure I have an actually townsread list yet. but those four are somewhere on the wolfie side of neutral in my eyes.(but not sure how scummy yet)

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Re: Elements Mafia 68 - by Kuroaitou (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #465 on: March 08, 2017, 09:58:14 pm »
But i like dd (mostly because i agree with quite a bit of what he says :D).
Who are his scumreads?

*** Who do you think are scum or scummy? ***

I'll be reading the whole thread again and try find stuff before end of night.
But... I'm anxious to read your finds NOW. How about just your top scumread and top town-lean... i.e. your towniest player that isn't yourself and your scummiest player right now?

No point giving reads that dont reflect my view.
So your current view is that you are town and the other 17 players are neutral or no-read or null?

My current view is that i need to read last 40 pages again to try find something.
The entire game including signups and everything is only on Page 20...??!?

Also -- *gulp* This is not what I was thinking town!www3 would respond with. You really don't even have a from-the-hip couple reads? You're the 2nd highest poster in the game so I find it alarming you would have to re-read the entire game to provide even 1 scum-read and 1 town-read.

As some can say, i forget stuff really easily. Also, idk how you got 20 pages, when there are 40 in thread?

Depends on how many posts per page you have. Default is 10 posts a page which puts the game at page 41 currently.

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Re: Elements Mafia 68 - by Kuroaitou (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #466 on: March 08, 2017, 09:59:43 pm »
But i like dd (mostly because i agree with quite a bit of what he says :D).
Who are his scumreads?

*** Who do you think are scum or scummy? ***

I'll be reading the whole thread again and try find stuff before end of night.
But... I'm anxious to read your finds NOW. How about just your top scumread and top town-lean... i.e. your towniest player that isn't yourself and your scummiest player right now?

No point giving reads that dont reflect my view.
So your current view is that you are town and the other 17 players are neutral or no-read or null?

My current view is that i need to read last 40 pages again to try find something.
The entire game including signups and everything is only on Page 20...??!?

Also -- *gulp* This is not what I was thinking town!www3 would respond with. You really don't even have a from-the-hip couple reads? You're the 2nd highest poster in the game so I find it alarming you would have to re-read the entire game to provide even 1 scum-read and 1 town-read.

As some can say, i forget stuff really easily. Also, idk how you got 20 pages, when there are 40 in thread?

Depends on how many posts per page you have. Default is 10 posts a page which puts the game at page 41 currently.

I thought it was 12?
First player to become master of 3 different elements.
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Re: Elements Mafia 68 - by Kuroaitou (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #467 on: March 08, 2017, 10:07:12 pm »
I'm noticing a sort of venn diagram of people wanting to kill other people starting to form.

I'm going to go compile that. It should be ready sometime either tomorrow or Saturday.


blarg: dawn to dusk,Linkcat,fabian771,worldwideweb3,UTAlan,killsdazombies,godisnowonline,Solaris,DoubleCapitals,JonathanCrazyJ,ddevans96,rob77dp,iancudorinmarian,Submachine,Lunaris,Espithel,Coffeeditto,mathman101