To clarify, Sub's invisi text just means he's Sub, not that he's scum. It's just like how Espithel shitposts and clogs up my page with useless fluff and we're not lynching him for that.
Constant shitposting gets you lynched for wilfully harming the town's ability to read.
Invisitext gets you lynched for wilfully harming the town's ability to read.
Antiquote gets you lynched for wilfully harming the town's ability to read.
This is different from breadcrumbing because these three hold the town in contempt; it hides information in a very blatant way.
Breadcrumbing requires actual skill to pull off, and is very difficult to decipher; most of the time, we only know that it exists when it's pointed out at a later date, to improve credibility of claim.
Sub's apologised, though, so I'm happy to drop it.
From then on, my faith in postreads decreased, and my faith in ability results increased.
Postreading is a skill.
Some people are shit at it.
Some people are very, very good at it. (*Stares at Root and Dm*)
If there's one thing you're right about, it's that this group is shit at postreading. Me included.
However, abilities are also just as flimsy. I'll explain why:
1) Any faction can have any secondary. Your cop could be a mafia. And even if it wasn't, it could be inactive. Or frustrated. Or distrusts the person ordering it about. Or stupid. Or killed off early. Unlike reads, which slowly get stronger and more reliable as the game progresses (because there's more information and more ways of nailing someone), abilities can be 100% useless from day zero.
2) Mafia read for abilities too. They will be trying to find out the cop, too. I think you know what happens when they do.
3) Cops are as slow, if not slower than lynching. The chances of a cop finding scum is the same as the town lynching scum, except the chances are lower because cops can be killed off, disabled, inactive, forgetful, stupid, or scum. Yes, you don't kill people, but we have many, many townies. (Note that I consider intelligence to be town-aligned.) We have so many because it's
expected that we kill each other off to figure out who the mafia is.
4) Mafia keep inferior people alive and kill off the people driving the game. This is because inferior people are easier to persuade. So even IF your cop works flawlessly, what stops the mafia from overriding it?
5) Currently, it's 1 in 4 to kill a mafia, right? That means that we should kill off one mafia by day four. Because cops are just as fast, this means that waiting for the potentially-useless-by-day-one-cop will take FOUR days. That's four lynches we can do to gain information, which in turn, helps the cop find mafia.
TL;DR: Postreading and ability use are good. Don't ignore one. Don't ignore the other.
Killing people is the number one way of figuring out who's mafia. Take this current pool of four-to-five people that Ian and Sub both want lynched. If we kill one tomorrow, I would be amazed if we don't find scum by day three.
& www3
Why the gulp?