Sub, what do you find scummy about me randomly voting you?
I had my reason to vote on you, but it wasn't because I found you scummy. Are you suggesting that you are scummy?
> thinks about times when rob was scummy and voted me out on Day 1
> having flashbacks of closed mafia
Rust levels: 91% No, really don't bother asking me why I voted on you. It was solely based on odds and math, and not because I would have any clue this early in the game. Asking me about it would not result in anything valuable. It would just pull us deeper into a conversation that leads nowhere
for those who don't want to trawl, this is sub's invis text, uninvisd.
Yeah. OK it doesn't say anything of note, but it is IRRITATING AS HELL. AND you got banned for invis texting something against the rules before. if only as a way of discouraging you for EVER using invis text again, because it's not something I would ever look for, and is just a dick move using forum code to your advantage, my vote is changing.
Srsly, stop using invis text, nobody has ever enjoyed it.
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
Solaris (3) - Solaris, UTAlan, Submachine
ddevans96 (1) - fabian771
Espithel (1) - worldwideweb3
Submachine (4) - DoubleCapitals, Killsdazombies, Coffeeditto, JonathanCrazyJ
UTAlan (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (1) - Linkcat
mathman101 (1) - ddevans96
iancudorinmarian (1) - mathman101