Every time I forget how much Day 1 ends up being a gigantic doorknob-fest... Over half-way into D1 (D0???!?) with at least three players having yet to post and many more just wallowing in single- or low-post apathy.
As much as I'm tempted to do it, I don't think I'll be voting an inactive player today.
Given recent games I played here... I expect more early out of UTA than this and given what he did post was strictly limited to mechanics or math or ?reaction-testing? I'm most suspicious there at the moment.
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
rob77dp (1) - Submachine
Solaris (2) - Solaris, JonathanCrazyJ
ddevans96 (1) - fabian771
Espithel (1) - worldwideweb3
Submachine (1) - DoubleCapitals
UTAlan (1) - rob77dp