[18:47:53] ‹Linkcat› Hey Sub, you should sign up for mafia.[18:48:59] ‹Submachine› ‹@Linkcat› Sure. Why not[18:49:12] ‹Linkcat› :D[18:49:52] ‹Submachine› ‹@Linkcat› But is that a problem if i'm really really really rusty and useless?[18:50:00] ‹Linkcat› Nope.
Thanks to everyone who has signed up so far/planned to follow the thread! ^^Just as a minor note, I've added a rule regarding 'no voting' specific to this mafia here: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-68-by-kuroaitou/msg1258142/#msg1258142EDIT: Also added that 10th role (there were only 9 ^^; ), and also clarified the Refugee's secondary Ability 2.