dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
Solaris (4) - Solaris, Submachine, rob77dp, worldwideweb3
ddevans96 (1) - fabian771
Submachine (5) - DoubleCapitals, Killsdazombies, Coffeeditto, JonathanCrazyJ, Espithel
Linkcat (1) - Linkcat
mathman101 (1) - ddevans96
Can't be bothered to explain when it's going to require 10 more presses of the post buttons
Invisitext is cancer, using it automatically makes you filth
REALLY telling vote here, perhaps.
Espithel putting Sub above the recently tied Solaris and mentioning he didn't want to explain... explaining has nothing to do with how many clicks of "Submit" you have to do, either.
Also, almost clearing of Sub not being a Criminal.