My updated reads list:
UTAlan - Duh. Also, if I haven't already done so, I claim Town (not Intel).
rob77dp - I would be extremely surprised if he turns out to be Criminal.
fabian771 - Occam's Razor and all, unlikely that he was jailed by fellow-Criminal.
godisnowonline - One of the first to vote on Luna.
Solaris - He's gone along with town plans and has generally been townie for a while.
Submachine - No idea what his role is, but he claims not-Jailor and was the first to suggest dawn as possible Jailor. If dawn doesn't flip Criminal, he moves into next category down.
smaller scum-leans:
Coffeeditto - I almost put him in the next category up. He's nearly convinced me he's town. If there's a lack of better lynch targets, I wouldn't mind lynching him, but at this point dawn is a better target. Once we know dawn's alignment, we'll hopefully be able to gather more info on the next lynch.
JonathanCrazyJ - I think I know his role, and he could easily be that role as Criminal. For now he's here, but I want a closer look at him after dawn's lynch.
killsdazombies - Doctor seems confirmed, but the longer he survives NK, and the riskier the successful NKs are, the more suspicious he looks. That said, he's my best guess at the last Intel member.
dawn to dusk - Likely Jailor