dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
Solaris (3) - Solaris, JonathanCrazyJ, UTAlan
ddevans96 (1) - fabian771
Espithel (1) - worldwideweb3
Submachine (3) - DoubleCapitals, Killsdazombies, Coffeeditto
UTAlan (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Linkcat, Espithel
DoubleCapitals (1) - Submachine
Hi, guys.
dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
Solaris (3) - Solaris, JonathanCrazyJ, UTAlan
ddevans96 (1) - fabian771
Espithel (1) - worldwideweb3
Submachine (1) - DoubleCapitals
UTAlan (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Linkcat, Espithel
DoubleCapitals (1) - Submachine
DC only gets annoyed by metagaming and such when it directly hurts his goals.
Still waiting on the source for this, and wondering why you're targeting DC?