dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
Solaris (3) - Solaris, JonathanCrazyJ, UTAlan
ddevans96 (1) - fabian771
Espithel (1) - worldwideweb3
Submachine (2) - DoubleCapitals, Killsdazombies
UTAlan (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Linkcat, Espithel
DoubleCapitals (1) - Submachine
Reasoning: Sub seems slightly scummy, Rust is an easy crutch to seem townish, and to excuse slightly scummy actions and thoughts. The "Voting on you but not because youre scum" is a red flag, followed with the disagreement on day one lynches vs no-lynches
This contrary action however, can be seen as decently town in the right light, I dont think hes entirely scum, its only a soft read at the moment.
In addition to this, I'd like to nod to rob, and mention this follows his usually aggro route of dealing with AFKs/low early activity. This, as usual, raises red flags for me that causes me to distrust him a bit. Take it in stride, but I'd like to remind you all that rob is versed enough in this game to know not to change that usually opening move, much like how linkcats standard mildly AFK shitposting is his opening move.
Also, dont worry solaris I'll save you <3 I owe for you crutch last game where I afked significantly :V