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Other Topics => Forum Games => Off-Topic Discussions => Forum Game Archive => Topic started by: Linkcat on February 01, 2017, 07:21:08 am

Title: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 01, 2017, 07:21:08 am
Elements Mafia

Started by Mastermind79, Continued by killsdazombies, Implosion, ddevans96, killsdazombies, icedoldbro, Demagog, Purity_Riot, Dragoon1140, killsdazombies, 1world24, RavingRabbid, majofa, TStar, killsdazombies, mesaprotector, Regen2k9, Kuroaitou, whatifidogetcaught?, UnderneathTheLens, RootRanger, killsdazombies, Elbirn, ji412jo, dawn to dusk, eljoemo, Zawadx, killsdazombies, theelkspeaks, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Dm, Espithel, killsdazombies, skyironsword, Submachine, Coffeeditto, mathman101, killsdazombies, Naesala, Ginyu, Linkcat, Solaris, Ryli, killsdazombies, and fabian771.

Mafia is generally played between two teams: Civilians and Mafia. The civilians are the main group, and they enjoy the advantage of being a majority. Every day, the civilians post in the thread to discuss who is likely to be mafia, and place a vote on who they think is being scummy (a.k.a. mafia-like or anti-civilian). One thing to note is that your Voting Total signifies the total of votes placed on you, and Voting Power stands for how many votes you actually place on someone when you vote on them (everyone has a standard Voting Power of 1). At the end of the day the host tallies up all the votes and considers all skills affecting the voting; the person with the most votes on them is killed (termed as lynching), and all their info is revealed. Then Night falls...

That’s when the mafia come in. The Mafia are a minority of players who know each other’s identity. Their job is to eliminate all the other players using deception and Nightkills. They interact with the town during the day, trying to mislead them away from lynching any mafia members. When night falls, Mafia discusses in secret and chooses a person to kill (termed as Nightkill). Also during the night the civilians use their roles. The two most noteworthy roles that are usually included in some form are the cop, who investigates other players to find their allegiance, and the medic, who can protect a specific player from any Nightkills for that night.

The Civilians win when whenever they manage to eliminate all the Mafia members. Mafia wins when their combined Voting Power is enough to control the vote entirely, i.e. if all Mafia members vote on the same Civilian and all Civilians vote on a Mafia member, the Civilian will be lynched.

General Mafia Rules

1.   Do not post, chat, OR PM ANY revealing information if you have been killed/removed from this mafia. You are allowed one death post that contains no information or commentary about the players.
2.   You are not allowed to edit or remove your post. Instead, EBWOP will take effect. This means you must post again with the correct fixes.
3.   Directly quoting or providing proof in any way of any PM sent by the host will result in an instant modkill and referral to the FGO.
4.   You are not allowed to directly quote any PM sent by another player, unless you are quoting it to a fellow mafia member confirmed by the host.
5.   You are not allowed to request to be modkilled in the thread. If you PM the host requesting to be modkilled, the host must find a substitute or modkill you at the end of the phase.
6.   All players' actions should be primarily motivated by winning the game. Throwing the game or outing your teammates for no strategic value is not allowed.
7.   The host has the final say in any dispute. Do not impersonate the host.
8.   Any flaming/trolling will not be tolerated.
9.   Players' actions should be motivated by this game's events solely. You may look at past mafias to determine behaviors for better reads, but keep personal affairs out of the game.
10. Anything said within the context of the game, including promises, bets, etc, stays within the game. Players can lie, deceive, and manipulate, (but not cheat) in any way they like. Slander within the context of the game is usually not meant as a personal offense.

Breaking any of the above rules may result in a modkill as determined by the host, or a ban from future mafias or forum games in general as determined by the Forum Game Organizer.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 01, 2017, 01:10:57 pm
General Rules
1.   Do not post, chat, OR PM ANY revealing information if you have been killed/removed from this mafia. You are allowed one death post that contains no information or commentary about the players.
2.   You are not allowed to edit or remove your post. Instead, EBWOP will take effect. This means you must post again with the correct fixes.
3.   Directly quoting or providing proof in any way of any PM sent by the host will result in an instant modkill and referral to the FGO.
4.   You are not allowed to directly quote any PM sent by another player, unless you are quoting it to a fellow mafia member confirmed by the host.
5.   You are not allowed to request to be modkilled in the thread. If you PM the host requesting to be modkilled, the host must find a substitute or modkill you at the end of the phase.
6.   All players' actions should be primarily motivated by winning the game. Throwing the game or outing your teammates for no strategic value is not allowed.
7.   The host has the final say in any dispute. Do not impersonate the host.
8.   Any flaming/trolling will not be tolerated.
9.   Players' actions should be motivated by this game's events solely. You may look at past mafias to determine behaviors for better reads, but keep personal affairs out of the game.
10. Anything said within the context of the game, including promises, bets, etc, stays within the game. Players can lie, deceive, and manipulate, (but not cheat) in any way they like. Slander within the context of the game is usually not meant as a personal offense.

1- All communication must be done in thread, chat and PMs of any kind are off limits, with the exception of the Titanpad given to the mafia by the host.
2- The game will start on Night 0.
3- Every phase will last 48 hours. If an extension is required, a notification will be posted by the host with at least 12 hours of anticipation.
4- On a vote tie, the result wil be No Lynch.
5- You may not vote for No Lynch.
6- Roles are unique; no two people can hold the same role.

Werewolf (...) - The werewolf does not have extra abilities.
White Werewolf (EoR) - Kill a Werewolf. If the White Werewolf wins the game alone, he/she gets 2 extra Master of Mafia points.
Big Bad Werewolf (1U) - Choose a Civilian. It becomes a Werewolf, permanently. They lose any skills they had.

Civilian (...) - The civilian does not have extra abilities.
Angel (Passive) - If the angel gets lynched on the very first day, he wins the game alone. Winning this way gives 2 extra Master of Mafia points.
Sorcerer (Passive) - Each night, the sorcerer learns who is about to get killed by the werewolves. That player can then either use their potion of life to save this person, use their potion of death to kill someone else, use both or neither. Though, if the sorcerer has already used both their potions at any point in the game, they will no longer learn the identity of the player about to get killed.
Cupid (1U) - At the start of night 0, Cupid chooses 2 players. When one player dies, the other player dies from sorrow. May target self.
Hunter (Passive) - When the hunter dies, he chooses another player to shoot as he dies. This is mandatory.
Raven (ER) - Each night, Raven can choose a target. This target starts the next day phase with 2 votes on their head.
Village idiot (Passive) - The first time he would get lynched, he instead stays alive, but loses his voting power.
Seer (ER) - Each night, the seer targets a person, and learns that person's role. If the Wild Kid is targeted, the answer received is Wild Kid.

Others(Neither werewolf nor civilian)
Flute player (ER) - Each night, the flute player can charm 2 players. At the start of each day, it is publicly revealed who is charmed. If the Flute player manages to charm everybody that is alive(except itself) before dying, he wins the game. Alone. Winning this way grants 2 extra Master of Mafia points. Despite not being a villager, he can be targeted by the Big Bad Wolf. Cannot target self.
Wild Kid (1U) - In N0, the wild kid chooses a target. The wild kid is a villager for as long as that person is alive. When that person dies, the Wild Kid permanently becomes a Werewolf. Cannot target self.

Sign-up list

Signups have ceased.

Changed White Werewolf ability from ER to EoR.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 01, 2017, 01:20:15 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 01, 2017, 01:24:32 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 01, 2017, 01:37:13 pm

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 01, 2017, 04:51:21 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: killsdazombies on February 01, 2017, 06:14:34 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 01, 2017, 07:32:19 pm
For balance purposes, white werewolf needs to be every other round, and not every round.

If this change is made, I'll be in.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: killsdazombies on February 01, 2017, 08:10:30 pm
Whats to stop the white werewolf from just declaring all the other wolves and then winning with the civs?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 01, 2017, 08:18:46 pm
Whats to stop the white werewolf from just declaring all the other wolves and then winning with the civs?

He cannot win with the civs. He needs to win with the werewolves, or alone. As in, the last player left standing.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 02, 2017, 04:46:34 am
Some questions for clarification:

Sorcerer -- they get 1x of each potion for the whole game? Or as long as only using just 1 of either life or death potion they keep having potions? Can self-target?

Angel -- beyond the first Day, angel wins only with Civilians?

Cupid -- can self-target?

Flute player -- can self-target?

Wild Kid -- can self-target?

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 02, 2017, 04:53:44 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 02, 2017, 12:57:02 pm
Some questions for clarification:

A - Sorcerer -- they get 1x of each potion for the whole game? Or as long as only using just 1 of either life or death potion they keep having potions? Can self-target?

B - Angel -- beyond the first Day, angel wins only with Civilians?

C - Cupid -- can self-target?

D - Flute player -- can self-target?

E - Wild Kid -- can self-target?


A - One of each potion for the whole game.
B - Yes.
C - Yes.
D - No.
E - No.

Will clarify.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 02, 2017, 04:21:38 pm
Just read through rules - sounds interesting but needs more players, so join please everyone!

About sorcerer, when does he receive the Nk target? Will there be two parts to night phase? One for sending Nk and other for post Nk for sorcerer?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 02, 2017, 04:50:55 pm
Just read through rules - sounds interesting but needs more players, so join please everyone!

About sorcerer, when does he receive the Nk target? Will there be two parts to night phase? One for sending Nk and other for post Nk for sorcerer?

Supposed to be, and/or WW are encouraged to send target ASAP so it can be sent to sorcerer.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 02, 2017, 04:53:09 pm
Just read through rules - sounds interesting but needs more players, so join please everyone!

About sorcerer, when does he receive the Nk target? Will there be two parts to night phase? One for sending Nk and other for post Nk for sorcerer?

Supposed to be, and/or WW are encouraged to send target ASAP so it can be sent to sorcerer.
I think that is commonly done as this:

Day Phase --> Night Phase --> Dawn --> Day Phase --> (repeat)... right? That is, night phase timer is short of the "total night" timing and then when Night Phase timer ends game enters a "Dawn phase" between night and day??

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: antiaverage on February 10, 2017, 12:33:12 am
joining to help make less poop
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 10, 2017, 12:33:38 am
If we're staying this low on participants, I propose removing some roles, the most important ones to remove on low amount of players being the flute player and the big bad wolf
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 10, 2017, 12:51:22 am
in even though i dislike ruleset

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 10, 2017, 02:10:35 am
Roles are being sent out. Please wait until Night 0 starts.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 10, 2017, 02:28:57 am
Night 0
has ended.

For the purposes of the Sorcerer's ability, the day phase will be divided into two 24-hour phases:
The dawn, and the day. The nightkill will not occur when Night ends, but when Dawn ends. During dawn and day phases, you may vote as normal, and the Lynch will occur at the end of the Day. Nightkills cannot be sent during Dawn phases. If a player who already voted is nightkilled, their vote will be removed. Ability uses may only be sent during Night phases. Dawn phases will be removed if the Sorcerer dies, or loses their ability.

There are three werewolves.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 10, 2017, 11:21:35 am
Moderator Comment Three werewolves in ten players, along with the ability of the Big Bad Werewolf, heavily favors the mafia side. The Big Bad Werewolf cannot be changed into a vanilla werewolf because his ability is necessary to keep a mass roleclaim in check. Therefore, the game will have to be re-randomized with one Big Bad Werewolf, one White Werewolf, and one each of the 8 civilian roles. I had intended to ensure the setup accounted for the low number of players, but I slept through the start of the game. My apologies for not paying enough attention to the timer.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 11, 2017, 05:14:13 am
so uh, can we get along with things then?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 11, 2017, 01:48:56 pm
New roles are being sent out. Please wait until N0 starts.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 11, 2017, 02:04:10 pm
Night 0
has ended.

For the purposes of the Sorcerer's ability, the nightkill must be sent on the first 24 hours of the night phase, in which case it will be locked in and sent to the sorcerer. Rest of game continues as normal.

There are two werewolves.

A small thing left out of the rules: If the lovers(Cupid's targets) are the last two players alive, they win, even with different alignments. Extra Master of Mafia points are given for winning this way.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 11, 2017, 08:49:30 pm
Because some of you might have the doubt, I'll drop this here: there are regular night abilities in night 0, and night posting is allowed.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 12:50:10 am
Because some of you might have the doubt, I'll drop this here: there are regular night abilities in night 0, and night posting is allowed.

Edited his post. Can we get a mod-kill here?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 12, 2017, 01:04:05 am
Because some of you might have the doubt, I'll drop this here: there are regular night abilities in night 0, and night posting is allowed.

Edited his post. Can we get a mod-kill here?
linkcat, kill host plz.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 12, 2017, 01:21:55 am
Will we be avoiding lynching for Day 1?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 01:23:30 am
Will we be avoiding lynching for Day 1?

Gonna go with a no on that one.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 01:30:39 am
Oh yeah, Angel is a thing. Hmm. Not sure then. Assuming there's a successful N0 NK (and nobody else dies except the single NK target), there's a 2/9 chance of hitting mafia and 1/9 chance of hitting Angel. Odds in favor of lynching, looking at that alone. But also have to consider that hitting mafia doesn't auto-win while hitting Angel is auto-lose.

Anyone else have thoughts on whether we should lynch D1?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 01:34:40 am
Anyone else have thoughts on whether we should lynch D1?

@Linkcat, @godisnowonline, @worldwideweb3, @killsdazombies, @ji412jo, @rob77dp, @Ryli, @antiaverage, @Solaris

(Yes, that's everyone else. I want to hear everyone/anyone's opinion on this. If you're in chat right now, no excuse for not throwing in your thoughts!)

((Eyes anti and joey...))
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 12, 2017, 01:34:56 am
Hitting a Wild Kid's civ target also has us 4 down, and a 3rd wolf present by Day 2. Looks bad no matter how we slice things.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 01:52:56 am
Hitting a Wild Kid's civ target also has us 4 down, and a 3rd wolf present by Day 2. Looks bad no matter how we slice things.

Fair point, but that will be true the entire game (or until Wild Kid dies). Doesn't really affect whether we lynch D1.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 12, 2017, 01:55:35 am
not lynching is like telling WW come kill us, we arent defending ourselves.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 02:01:20 am
not lynching is like telling WW come kill us, we arent defending ourselves.

I generally agree. This game is a bit different because of the Angel role. Do you think the risk of lynching Angel is worth it? Why?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 12, 2017, 02:17:29 am
Lynching is our one way of confirming a player as Werewolf aside from seer roles. If our one tool isnt being used, what's the point?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 02:20:35 am
Lynching is our one way of confirming a player as Werewolf aside from seer roles. If our one tool isnt being used, what's the point?

Paraphrase: Lynching is the only way to confirm except for the other way. We need to do it because it's the only tool (...except for the other tool).  :sillyspin:

For real, though, I don't disagree. I'm leaning toward lynching on D1 being a good thing despite the risk. But I'd like to hear more on why it's worth the risk, not just that we should do it. All of the arguments so far make sense in a normal game, but they don't take the Angel role into account. We can decide it's worth the risk, but we shouldn't just ignore it and plow ahead as though that role doesn't exist.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 12, 2017, 02:59:01 am
Lynching is our one way of confirming a player as Werewolf aside from seer roles. If our one tool isnt being used, what's the point?

Paraphrase: Lynching is the only way to confirm except for the other way. We need to do it because it's the only tool (...except for the other tool).  :sillyspin:

For real, though, I don't disagree. I'm leaning toward lynching on D1 being a good thing despite the risk. But I'd like to hear more on why it's worth the risk, not just that we should do it. All of the arguments so far make sense in a normal game, but they don't take the Angel role into account. We can decide it's worth the risk, but we shouldn't just ignore it and plow ahead as though that role doesn't exist.

Thing is, you want to lower your chances at winning the game in fear of lowering your chances at winning the game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 03:00:15 am
Thing is, you want to lower your chances at winning the game in fear of lowering your chances at winning the game.

Incorrect. The strategy of not lynching D1 to avoid hitting Angel would be lowering our chances at winning the game in fear of auto-losing the game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 12, 2017, 04:47:49 am
There is no Wild Kid.

We will lynch Day 1.

Lynching the Angel Day 1 will not immediately end the game.

This game will be treated as having 3 werewolves for MoM scoring.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 12, 2017, 04:53:57 am
this games kinda dumb now tbh, all civ roles are guaranteed to be in, Angel is useless... why arent all these documented? too many things are off book
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 04:57:00 am
We.Are.NOT.no lynching.

Lc - what is this about no wild kid? And 3 ww fire scoring but two stated by fabian771?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 05:01:26 am
We.Are.NOT.no lynching.

I assumed as much. But atleast we had a little bit of early discussion.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 05:11:33 am
this games kinda dumb now tbh, all civ roles are guaranteed to be in, Angel is useless... why arent all these documented? too many things are off book

Are you upset by randomizing as wolf again but in a setup adjusted to weaken the wolf advantage?

Also, I suggest that we discuss a plan for village idiot role to be ready to claim in the event that a town PR (basically all of town) that needs saving (such as Angel on NOT Day 1, or others any day...) claims when being top vote get-er late in a Day Phase. The plan would be the VI would then claim and give town a safe target to go onto that would not die but instead simply lose voting power. Of course, if there is a decent other scum suspect at the time no VI claim and instead of move off the claimed PR and onto the other scum suspect. I would be willing to discuss a plan that even then VI claims to avoid the situation of out-ing by forced-claim MULTIPLE PR's in the same day.

Thoughts / comments?

By the way, having night chat allowed is a big boost for town because we can solve, interact, and read each other basically 24/7 through-out the game that way.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 12, 2017, 05:18:12 am
this games kinda dumb now tbh, all civ roles are guaranteed to be in, Angel is useless... why arent all these documented? too many things are off book

Are you upset by randomizing as wolf again but in a setup adjusted to weaken the wolf advantage?
Are you projecting your own thoughts onto me by me merely complaining about the balance of the game now that it's shifted completely 180, especially with night talking and nightkill having to be submitted in a 24h timeframe when nights are 48? :P

(In all seriousness, not seeing the scum in saying it's dumb that the game is still off balance even with a restart.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 05:22:05 am
this games kinda dumb now tbh, all civ roles are guaranteed to be in, Angel is useless... why arent all these documented? too many things are off book

Are you upset by randomizing as wolf again but in a setup adjusted to weaken the wolf advantage?
Are you projecting your own thoughts onto me by me merely complaining about the balance of the game now that it's shifted completely 180, especially with night talking and nightkill having to be submitted in a 24h timeframe when nights are 48? :P

(In all seriousness, not seeing the scum in saying it's dumb that the game is still off balance even with a restart.)
You could have said "no". What do you mean about the 24h nightkill but 48h nights - I don't see that anywhere?? Also, can you clarify what you're saying in your last parenthetical statement?

(No Lynch is not a good idea, still)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 05:23:26 am
(In all seriousness, not seeing the scum in saying it's dumb that the game is still off balance even with a restart.)

I think the idea is that you're complaining that it's imbalanced in favor of town. Though this may actually be based on wanting to have more fun / keeping the integrity of the game intact, you gotta admit that at face value that looks a little scummy, eh?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: killsdazombies on February 12, 2017, 05:24:16 am
Word of warning, my internet is down (hence why ive been gone/on mobile so much) I'll post a bit when I can, but the in depth posting youve come to know from me will be lacking (Sarcasm cause Im useless in mafia anyway :P regardless of internet availability)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 12, 2017, 05:28:37 am
(In all seriousness, not seeing the scum in saying it's dumb that the game is still off balance even with a restart.)

I think the idea is that you're complaining that it's imbalanced in favor of town. Though this may actually be based on wanting to have more fun / keeping the integrity of the game intact, you gotta admit that at face value that looks a little scummy, eh?
yeah, I already stated that I disliked the ruleset, at the least I'd like to have fun in a balanced environment. as far as face value, sure, it might look that way, but I think looking at anything at face value in mafia is in error
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 05:31:33 am
Sol - please address what you mean by "night talking and nightkill having to be submitted in a 24h timeframe when nights are 48?". Thanks.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 05:33:34 am
as far as face value, sure, it might look that way, but I think looking at anything at face value in mafia is in error

Sure, I get that. But it also helps to get a read on people to put them on the defensive a bit, see how they respond when attacked for something that isn't as clear-cut suspicious as it's made out to be.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 05:35:47 am
Sol - Night is still 48 hours. It's day that's broken up into 2 24-hour phases.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 05:39:46 am
Also, I think Hunter and Sorcerer should be ready to target (with their abilities when needed/activated/used) any 0-posters should we have any. Dead weight 0-posting is a distraction during day lynch decisions and possible dead-end for any night actions.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 05:41:46 am
Also, I think Hunter and Sorcerer should be ready to target (with their abilities when needed/activated/used) any 0-posters should we have any. Dead weight 0-posting is a distraction during day lynch decisions and possible dead-end for any night actions.

anti, gino, and w3 at this point
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 05:45:16 am
Also, I think Hunter and Sorcerer should be ready to target (with their abilities when needed/activated/used) any 0-posters should we have any. Dead weight 0-posting is a distraction during day lynch decisions and possible dead-end for any night actions.

anti, gino, and w3 at this point
But what are your thoughts on the plan itself? I suppose you are OK with it or like it since you're already taking it further...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 05:47:36 am
I'm good with that plan, barring anyone else being suspicious. Never really knew a better strategy for a town role with killing ability. Most of the time if you know who is mafia, you have a chance to lynch them. (Although last game it would have helped for you to have your ability available on the last night, but you didn't know that would be the case when you used it.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: killsdazombies on February 12, 2017, 05:49:13 am
Its been like four hours, calm down UTA. Honestly, the whole "murder the 0posters" thing gets a little old when you call it out minute one.

I agree, 0posters contribute nothing, but give people a day on night 0 to get on, seriously.

That being said, until I get internet (Burn to the ground ATNT) my posting will be limited to votes, and sparse discussion. If you post something in the thread that you need answered by me, PM me a message saying "MAFIA THREAD" (And nothing else) ((If this is acceptable to the Host/FGO)) Since I'll get an email about it
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 05:53:41 am
Word of warning, my internet is down (hence why ive been gone/on mobile so much) I'll post a bit when I can, but the in depth posting youve come to know from me will be lacking (Sarcasm cause Im useless in mafia anyway :P regardless of internet availability)
scummy --

kdz - all villagers are a POWER ROLE in this game... how can you be automatically useless as town? Even just spending 20-30 minutes per game day reading the thread some and giving at least some one-liners along with remembering to use any activation-required PR you have, if you're town, is probably more useful I estimate than 20-30% of the participants will be.

Get in gear - unless you're a wolf in which case you can just tell us to make it easier.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 05:55:45 am
Its been like four hours, calm down UTA. Honestly, the whole "murder the 0posters" thing gets a little old when you call it out minute one.

I agree, 0posters contribute nothing, but give people a day on night 0 to get on, seriously.


I wasn't pushing for those 3 to get killed. I was pushing for them to have motivation to be active and post something so we can get a read on them.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 05:56:21 am
Its been like four hours, calm down UTA. Honestly, the whole "murder the 0posters" thing gets a little old when you call it out minute one.

I agree, 0posters contribute nothing, but give people a day on night 0 to get on, seriously.

That being said, until I get internet (Burn to the ground ATNT) my posting will be limited to votes, and sparse discussion. If you post something in the thread that you need answered by me, PM me a message saying "MAFIA THREAD" (And nothing else) ((If this is acceptable to the Host/FGO)) Since I'll get an email about it
Weird - forum did not warn me you had posted ahead of my post addressed to you...

Anyways, I know my plan is not to TRY to attack 0-posters but that the roles that risk really hurting town if used randomly if no good scum suspects are around would be good for them to be ready to zap a 0-poster as the better value play to unknown random-shot.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: killsdazombies on February 12, 2017, 05:57:25 am
Useless meaning : I don't post valuable stuff even when I have internet, thus, with less internet, you will get somehow even less valuable information.

Calm yourself rob. Im just aware my skillset in mafia is lacking :P its just a slightly self deprecating joke.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 05:58:14 am
UTA - maybe we should have just fleshed this out in scumchat before revealing it to the masses? Although, I guess privately polishing the plan might be too obvious if the plan was squeaky clean and had not "just thought it up" kinks to it?

kdz - your self-deprecation is noted but probably not indicative at all of your alignment/role. :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: killsdazombies on February 12, 2017, 05:58:26 am
Its been like four hours, calm down UTA. Honestly, the whole "murder the 0posters" thing gets a little old when you call it out minute one.

I agree, 0posters contribute nothing, but give people a day on night 0 to get on, seriously.

That being said, until I get internet (Burn to the ground ATNT) my posting will be limited to votes, and sparse discussion. If you post something in the thread that you need answered by me, PM me a message saying "MAFIA THREAD" (And nothing else) ((If this is acceptable to the Host/FGO)) Since I'll get an email about it
Weird - forum did not warn me you had posted ahead of my post addressed to you...

Anyways, I know my plan is not to TRY to attack 0-posters but that the roles that risk really hurting town if used randomly if no good scum suspects are around would be good for them to be ready to zap a 0-poster as the better value play to unknown random-shot.

Its been not alerting me when people post after me too, which is unusual
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 06:32:52 am
I have a feeling I should begin trying to dial back my intensity here to more closely match the likely level of overall participation... otherwise I'll go stir crazy compared to recent activity levels I"ve become accustomed to... >.<

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 12, 2017, 06:43:00 am
Sol - please address what you mean by "night talking and nightkill having to be submitted in a 24h timeframe when nights are 48?". Thanks.

tl;dr: mafia has to deliberate and NK in 24h when town has 48h to lynch, correct me if im wrong
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 06:47:11 am
Sol - please address what you mean by "night talking and nightkill having to be submitted in a 24h timeframe when nights are 48?". Thanks.

tl;dr: mafia has to deliberate and NK in 24h when town has 48h to lynch, correct me if im wrong

Sol - Night is still 48 hours. It's day that's broken up into 2 24-hour phases.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 12, 2017, 06:48:01 am
Sol, quick, are you mafia? You have 10 seconds to respond after you read this.

this games kinda dumb now tbh, all civ roles are guaranteed to be in, Angel is useless... why aren't all these documented? too many things are off book

Alternate win conditions like Angel and Jester are not uncommon and never end the game when triggered. I agree the rules could have been written better. While we're at it, players do not reveal their alignment on death, only their role.

Lc - what is this about no wild kid? And 3 ww fire scoring but two stated by fabian771?

Reread my moderator post.

There are effectively 3 mafia in this game, it's just that one of them doesn't start as mafia. The game will be scored as if there were 3 mafia from the start.

There is no reason for us to voluntarily lynch a VI claim.

Calm down on the low poster talk, it's Night 0.

Sol - Night is still 48 hours. It's day that's broken up into 2 24-hour phases.

Reread the new Night 0 post.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 06:54:37 am
Sol, quick, are you mafia? You have 10 seconds to respond after you read this.

this games kinda dumb now tbh, all civ roles are guaranteed to be in, Angel is useless... why aren't all these documented? too many things are off book

Alternate win conditions like Angel and Jester are not uncommon and never end the game when triggered. I agree the rules could have been written better. While we're at it, players do not reveal their alignment on death, only their role.

Lc - what is this about no wild kid? And 3 ww fire scoring but two stated by fabian771?

Reread my moderator post.

There are effectively 3 mafia in this game, it's just that one of them doesn't start as mafia. The game will be scored as if there were 3 mafia from the start.

There is no reason for us to voluntarily lynch a VI claim.

Calm down on the low poster talk, it's Night 0.

Sol - Night is still 48 hours. It's day that's broken up into 2 24-hour phases.

Reread the new Night 0 post.
I'm going to put as much as I can think of, whether "maybe premature" or not _yet_ relevant, into the thread now. As a high volume player typically, I've reason to be concerned about limited longevity.

Also, I think you might be scum and have a light scumread on you.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 12, 2017, 07:03:06 am
That's nice.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 07:06:22 am
That's nice.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 12, 2017, 07:29:38 am
this smells baity
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 07:31:45 am
this smells baity
Hmmm, intersting take Sol -- what do you find baity about Lc's 'That's nice' statement?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 12, 2017, 07:34:12 am
this smells baity
Hmmm, intersting take Sol -- what do you find baity about Lc's 'That's nice' statement?
acting scummy in hopes of baiting a lynch as he giggles eternally on his Angel role

It's a bold move, cotton, let's see how it pays off
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 07:39:15 am
this smells baity
Hmmm, intersting take Sol -- what do you find baity about Lc's 'That's nice' statement?
acting scummy in hopes of baiting a lynch as he giggles eternally on his Angel role

It's a bold move, cotton, let's see how it pays off
Is Linkcat really ever a good Day 1 lynch target though? I think it would be a rare bad performance from Linkcat to let himself be mislynched Day 1 if he is town or manage to get outted in the thread on Day 1 if he is scum. Are you the Angel, Sol? It seems a bit hyper-focused to take just a couple posts from Lc so far and jump to this already from it...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 12, 2017, 07:50:36 am
maybe he's finally catapulted off his rocker and approaches interstellar space

maybe i have
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 12, 2017, 07:53:04 am
Can confirm.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 12, 2017, 12:42:00 pm
So what does the angel do if lynching them doesn't end the game? We just play the whole game regardless of having all lost anyway? I don't understand.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 12, 2017, 12:54:32 pm
So what does the angel do if lynching them doesn't end the game? We just play the whole game regardless of having all lost anyway? I don't understand.

You play the game as it is. So essentially, there can be two groups of winners if angel is lynched. But what happens if angel isnt lynched? which faction does she play for?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 12, 2017, 12:55:17 pm
So what does the angel do if lynching them doesn't end the game? We just play the whole game regardless of having all lost anyway? I don't understand.

You play the game as it is. So essentially, there can be two groups of winners if angel is lynched. But what happens if angel isnt lynched? which faction does she play for?
Angel is a civillian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 12, 2017, 01:17:27 pm
actually, an angel win usually does end the game
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 12, 2017, 03:01:49 pm
UTA - maybe we should have just fleshed this out in scumchat before revealing it to the masses? Although, I guess privately polishing the plan might be too obvious if the plan was squeaky clean and had not "just thought it up" kinks to it?

Woooooow.  ::)

While we're at it, players do not reveal their alignment on death, only their role.

>.< This should at least help any concerns of town having a huge advantage. (I don't like it, but I guess I get it.)

Reread the new Night 0 post.

Derp. I see it now, thanks.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 12, 2017, 07:40:55 pm
Gino has no internet right now. I've been offline since friday and didn't get to warn any body. I should be able to get my net back on sometime around wendsday to thursday of this week.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 09:13:07 pm
UTA - maybe we should have just fleshed this out in scumchat before revealing it to the masses? Although, I guess privately polishing the plan might be too obvious if the plan was squeaky clean and had not "just thought it up" kinks to it?

Woooooow.  ::)

While we're at it, players do not reveal their alignment on death, only their role.

>.< This should at least help any concerns of town having a huge advantage. (I don't like it, but I guess I get it.)

Reread the new Night 0 post.

Derp. I see it now, thanks.
Not quite sure right now how to read that UTA response to me... When I made the comment I had expected something more like "I don't have scumchat" or such if he is town but instead it was the 'Woooooow' which seems to me like it might come from a place of UTA thinking he needs to respond or address it but is not really sure how to do it comprehensively so hence the awkward 'woooooow'. I'll have to think about that for a bit.

UTA - what is it that leads you to believe town has a huge advantage this game? I mean, town starts with very little information (their own role/alignment is all they receive at start of the game) so typically town starts out feeling overwhelmed. EVEN WHEN the setup might actually be town-sided the lack of initial information generally a sense of outnumbered and out-information'd.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 Sorcerer please read this
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 09:16:34 pm
Also this:


If you learn the name of the N0 NK-target and believe they are valuable as town then do not hesitate to use the saving potion on them. Later on in the game is when the potion of death is more valuable when good re-direct scummy targets are established or visible in the thread.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 12, 2017, 09:51:43 pm
rob still reading every post as if it was a mafia :/ Things haven't changed from last mafia, eh rob?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 Sorcerer please read this
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 12, 2017, 10:08:38 pm
Also this:


If you learn the name of the N0 NK-target and believe they are valuable as town then do not hesitate to use the saving potion on them. Later on in the game is when the potion of death is more valuable when good re-direct scummy targets are established or visible in the thread.

I disagree. Sorcerer is best to use his potions when he thinks it's needed. Using it N0 could be a waste.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - www3 check this out (you might be town this game)
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 10:10:08 pm
rob still reading every post as if it was a mafia :/ Things haven't changed from last mafia, eh rob?
Hmmm, a meta-read eh www3? Let me see here - you were scum in that one and never made this kind of comment to me there (you just pushed me a bit to try to mislynch me since you were scum).

Prev game:
--> www3 hints here that he thought I was overly applying scumreads last game but never posted it there

Current game:
www3 has publicly posted thinking he sees me making too many scumreads just like last game.
--> I think www3 likely different alignment as last game and I know I'm the same alignment

www3 - have yourself a slight town-read. Bully for me because I can poo-poo your statement I'm reading every post as if from a mafioso and accurately reflect my views this game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 Sorcerer please read this
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 10:11:59 pm
Also this:


If you learn the name of the N0 NK-target and believe they are valuable as town then do not hesitate to use the saving potion on them. Later on in the game is when the potion of death is more valuable when good re-direct scummy targets are established or visible in the thread.

I disagree. Sorcerer is best to use his potions when he thinks it's needed. Using it N0 could be a waste.
"Disagree" <-- I do no think that word means what you think it means. Your following verbiage agrees with me yet you say you disagree...?

I definitely and purposely included caveat in that plan that only if the Sorcerer has town feelings on the previewed player up for NK. That is, the main purpose was to make sure Sorcerer was aware they can use and should not hesitate to use their ability early if they see some need for and value in it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - www3 check this out (you might be town this game)
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 12, 2017, 10:19:01 pm
rob still reading every post as if it was a mafia :/ Things haven't changed from last mafia, eh rob?
Hmmm, a meta-read eh www3? Let me see here - you were scum in that one and never made this kind of comment to me there (you just pushed me a bit to try to mislynch me since you were scum).

Prev game:
--> www3 hints here that he thought I was overly applying scumreads last game but never posted it there

Current game:
www3 has publicly posted thinking he sees me making too many scumreads just like last game.
--> I think www3 likely different alignment as last game and I know I'm the same alignment

www3 - have yourself a slight town-read. Bully for me because I can poo-poo your statement I'm reading every post as if from a mafioso and accurately reflect my views this game.

Seems like rob has decided to become nice to me after arguing last mafia and losing....But eh, that wont really save you, pretty sure you are mafia this time round. Giving me a town read wont give you a town read in return, just saying.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 12, 2017, 10:22:12 pm
rob still reading every post as if it was a mafia :/ Things haven't changed from last mafia, eh rob?
wait, this isn't mafia? did I acidentally join Quantafied?

in all seriousness, why is reading everything bad? afraid he'll find a bit of dog fur?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 12, 2017, 10:23:11 pm
Although i do enjoy your subject line changes rob - keep them coming.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 Sorcerer please read this
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 12, 2017, 10:26:35 pm
Also this:


If you learn the name of the N0 NK-target and believe they are valuable as town then do not hesitate to use the saving potion on them. Later on in the game is when the potion of death is more valuable when good re-direct scummy targets are established or visible in the thread.

I disagree. Sorcerer is best to use his potions when he thinks it's needed. Using it N0 could be a waste.
"Disagree" <-- I do no think that word means what you think it means. Your following verbiage agrees with me yet you say you disagree...?

I definitely and purposely included caveat in that plan that only if the Sorcerer has town feelings on the previewed player up for NK. That is, the main purpose was to make sure Sorcerer was aware they can use and should not hesitate to use their ability early if they see some need for and value in it.

You say use potion N0, I say do not use potion N0, where the hell do you see I agree with you?
If you don't bother to read correctly, what tells me you bother to try to make town win?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 Sorcerer please read this
Post by: rob77dp on February 12, 2017, 10:31:11 pm
Also this:


If you learn the name of the N0 NK-target and believe they are valuable as town then do not hesitate to use the saving potion on them. Later on in the game is when the potion of death is more valuable when good re-direct scummy targets are established or visible in the thread.

I disagree. Sorcerer is best to use his potions when he thinks it's needed. Using it N0 could be a waste.
"Disagree" <-- I do no think that word means what you think it means. Your following verbiage agrees with me yet you say you disagree...?

I definitely and purposely included caveat in that plan that only if the Sorcerer has town feelings on the previewed player up for NK. That is, the main purpose was to make sure Sorcerer was aware they can use and should not hesitate to use their ability early if they see some need for and value in it.

You say use potion N0, I say do not use potion N0, where the hell do you see I agree with you?
If you don't bother to read correctly, what tells me you bother to try to make town win?
If that is your stance then why is N0 not possible to fit with your piece about "when he thinks it's needed"? You now seem to be explaining it as if you meant it to preclude possibility that N0 target might be viewed as "needed" by the Sorcerer.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 13, 2017, 12:27:52 am
Not quite sure right now how to read that UTA response to me... When I made the comment I had expected something more like "I don't have scumchat" or such if he is town but instead it was the 'Woooooow' which seems to me like it might come from a place of UTA thinking he needs to respond or address it but is not really sure how to do it comprehensively so hence the awkward 'woooooow'. I'll have to think about that for a bit.

Ha. Overanalyzing much? I could argue the opposite. If I were mafia, I'd want to make sure it was clear that I had no scumchat or anything like it! As town, I see that you're making a joke or trying to get a read on me. Since I'm not too concerned about being read as mafia (since I'm 100% town) I chuckle at you saying that and post a humorous (to me) response.

UTA - what is it that leads you to believe town has a huge advantage this game? I mean, town starts with very little information (their own role/alignment is all they receive at start of the game) so typically town starts out feeling overwhelmed. EVEN WHEN the setup might actually be town-sided the lack of initial information generally a sense of outnumbered and out-information'd.

Uh, I was mostly going based on Solaris' post earlier in the thread, though in hindsight using a drunk man's posts as my premise is likely to make for a bad conclusion :silly:

Now I obviously agree that town is automatically at a disadvantage to some degree, but the game was restarted b/c it was too mafia-friendly.

Tbh, I don't actually care if the game is town or mafia friendly, I'm just here to chew gum and lynch some wolves. And I'm all out of wolves.

Er...Gum. Out of gum.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 13, 2017, 12:44:59 am

It's natural that town is automatically at a disadvantage in terms of knowledge. That's why there's more town than there is WW.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 13, 2017, 12:47:24 am
Not quite sure right now how to read that UTA response to me... When I made the comment I had expected something more like "I don't have scumchat" or such if he is town but instead it was the 'Woooooow' which seems to me like it might come from a place of UTA thinking he needs to respond or address it but is not really sure how to do it comprehensively so hence the awkward 'woooooow'. I'll have to think about that for a bit.

Ha. Overanalyzing much? I could argue the opposite. If I were mafia, I'd want to make sure it was clear that I had no scumchat or anything like it! As town, I see that you're making a joke or trying to get a read on me. Since I'm not too concerned about being read as mafia (since I'm 100% town) I chuckle at you saying that and post a humorous (to me) response.

UTA - what is it that leads you to believe town has a huge advantage this game? I mean, town starts with very little information (their own role/alignment is all they receive at start of the game) so typically town starts out feeling overwhelmed. EVEN WHEN the setup might actually be town-sided the lack of initial information generally a sense of outnumbered and out-information'd.

Uh, I was mostly going based on Solaris' post earlier in the thread, though in hindsight using a drunk man's posts as my premise is likely to make for a bad conclusion :silly:

Now I obviously agree that town is automatically at a disadvantage to some degree, but the game was restarted b/c it was too mafia-friendly.

Tbh, I don't actually care if the game is town or mafia friendly, I'm just here to chew gum and lynch some wolves. And I'm all out of wolves.

Er...Gum. Out of gum.
Both of those are responses I expect from town!UTA more often than scum!UTA. Town-lean on you sir.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 13, 2017, 01:20:01 am
Rob will town lean everyone. He's a mafia - take my word.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 13, 2017, 03:52:08 am
rob still reading every post as if it was a mafia :/ Things haven't changed from last mafia, eh rob?

Rob will town lean everyone. He's a mafia - take my word.

Make up your mind would ya? In a span of 3.5 hours you go from saying I read everything/too much as mafia/scum-lean and then suddenly I just town lean everyone... without me really doing much different except a few reads. You should start preparing to stop waffling on me at some point because it isn't very towny of you. :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: killsdazombies on February 13, 2017, 05:16:56 am
I gotta say, I love that rob ends every other post with a sarcastic/sassy emoji. It bothered me at first but its grown on me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 13, 2017, 05:22:24 am
I gotta say, I love that rob ends every other post with a sarcastic/sassy emoji. It bothered me at first but its grown on me.
Pocket denied. :P

What bothered you about these  8-) fun little guys, hrmmm?   ::)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 13, 2017, 08:53:09 am
You do question everything about the guy, but are giving him town lean in the end, for some reason. Didn't think that was hard to understand.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 13, 2017, 08:55:41 am
You do question everything about the guy, but are giving him town lean in the end, for some reason. Didn't think that was hard to understand.
What guy? You are now saying you mean it specifically but before you gave contradicting general statements. Eh, not likely that the contradiction means anything solid related to solving.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 13, 2017, 09:25:22 am
Guy is a general term.....
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 13, 2017, 09:28:14 am
Guy is a general term.....
Why must we go down this road? "The guy" is not general but I seriously think we digress here and surely neither of us is trying to advance the game by furthering it so here I"m dropping it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 13, 2017, 02:28:37 pm
I love that the rob/w3 relationship has persisted across games.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 13, 2017, 02:35:43 pm
I love that the rob/w3 relationship has persisted across games.

I'm shooting this idea down because last time it went very poorly for me... losing to wolf!www3 and all.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 13, 2017, 02:36:09 pm
Does anyone else find it hilarious that dawn stopped playing right before the mafia that actually had a Jester in it?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 13, 2017, 10:32:46 pm
@Linkcat - what's your read on rob so far?

@w3 - what's your read on Link so far?

@anti - are you still breathing?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 13, 2017, 10:34:59 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 13, 2017, 10:37:33 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 13, 2017, 10:38:38 pm
Y'all suck
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 13, 2017, 10:40:05 pm
asking for a read on Link is silly at best, he's 9 posts and only half of those actually add substance to the game
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 13, 2017, 10:40:43 pm
not reading rob is dodgy though
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 13, 2017, 10:42:18 pm
Let's see how much I can lower that ratio.

It's not my fault rob is hard to read.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 13, 2017, 10:44:38 pm
asking for a read on Link is silly at best, he's 9 posts and only half of those actually add substance to the game

Fine. You get discussion going.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 13, 2017, 10:47:28 pm
Let's all lynch solaris guys. Or rob as the second option. They even have same number of characters in their username
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 13, 2017, 10:58:35 pm
asking for a read on Link is silly at best, he's 9 posts and only half of those actually add substance to the game

Fine. You get discussion going.

Rob: Top 2 civs, 2 most suspected wolves
UTA: same as above
Link: shitpost
www3: explain whether you think the game is wolf sided or town sided
anti: make a stirring motion to indicate life
others: how's your day?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 13, 2017, 11:08:12 pm
Top 2 civs (besides me I'm guessing):

Solaris and rob. Although we're talking about inches from null and solely based on a gut feeling I get when reading their posts.

Top 2 wolves (besides Link...j/k):

anti (partly inactivity, partly how he played last game) and w3 (probably just a grudge from last game at this point, but we'll see how he's looking again in a day or so).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 13, 2017, 11:09:21 pm
You're not the boss of me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 13, 2017, 11:10:42 pm
nah I agree with the w3 role, he's playing too offensive to be a towny with a role that's useful, potential angel? regardless if we push a lynch  i think we'd get some useful info
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 13, 2017, 11:10:53 pm
asking for a read on Link is silly at best, he's 9 posts and only half of those actually add substance to the game

Fine. You get discussion going.

Rob: Top 2 civs, 2 most suspected wolves
UTA: same as above
Link: shitpost
www3: explain whether you think the game is wolf sided or town sided
anti: make a stirring motion to indicate life
others: how's your day?

Idk, seems pretty balanced if we play it right. If the seer can find out who the mafia/civs are, it would be great (i would like you to target the active ones pls). Can probably roleclaim pretty early, and use sorcerer to protect itself. Will depend if we lose seer/sorc early or not.

On that note, who's your ideal mafia partner, Sol?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 13, 2017, 11:11:14 pm
You're not the boss of me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 13, 2017, 11:13:01 pm
my ideal partner is someone who's active but not super highkey to where they're super likely to be scoped out in the first few days, if we're naming names, probably UTAlan is my #1.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 13, 2017, 11:13:56 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 13, 2017, 11:16:31 pm

And yours?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 13, 2017, 11:17:38 pm
If my mafia partner was myself we'd pretty much have a perfect team right there.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 13, 2017, 11:18:14 pm
And yours?

Link. He's mastered this whole "everyone thinks I'm really good so I'm gonna stop contributing and town will be too afraid to lynch me early in case I have a power role" thing.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 13, 2017, 11:22:47 pm
And yours?

Et tu, Brute?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 13, 2017, 11:23:26 pm
If my mafia partner was myself we'd pretty much have a perfect team right there.

Since that's not possible, who's your partner this time round?

PS, answer can't be me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 13, 2017, 11:25:39 pm
PS, answer can't be me.

Why not? Because you're already mafia partners?

/me cracks the case on N0
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 13, 2017, 11:30:11 pm
I am a strong, independent werewolf and don't need no partner.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 13, 2017, 11:32:18 pm
And yours?

Et tu, Brute?

No parlais francais

Is this right?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 13, 2017, 11:33:32 pm
No parlais francais

Is this right?

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 13, 2017, 11:34:40 pm
No parlais francais

Is this right?


Then? Habla ingles.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 13, 2017, 11:36:10 pm
oWhay ouldway ouyay ickpay otay ebay ouryay afiamay artnerpay?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 13, 2017, 11:42:59 pm
asking for a read on Link is silly at best, he's 9 posts and only half of those actually add substance to the game

Fine. You get discussion going.

Rob: Top 2 civs, 2 most suspected wolves
UTA: same as above
Link: shitpost
www3: explain whether you think the game is wolf sided or town sided
anti: make a stirring motion to indicate life
others: how's your day?
I have a busy EOD going in another game right now off-site. Give me two good reasons you're asking me for top-town and top-wolf reads from me this early? (You can easily parse my early posts this game for such info if you are town and have the motivation)  ;D
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 13, 2017, 11:43:10 pm
I'm god of coding. I did figure that out. My partner would be zanzarino. Doesn't matter how much afk he will be, he still can't be lynched/nk'ed.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 13, 2017, 11:45:57 pm
asking for a read on Link is silly at best, he's 9 posts and only half of those actually add substance to the game

Fine. You get discussion going.

Rob: Top 2 civs, 2 most suspected wolves
UTA: same as above
Link: shitpost
www3: explain whether you think the game is wolf sided or town sided
anti: make a stirring motion to indicate life
others: how's your day?
I have a busy EOD going in another game right now off-site. Give me two good reasons you're asking me for top-town and top-wolf reads from me this early? (You can easily parse my early posts this game for such info if you are town and have the motivation)  ;D
resistance is sketchy

gathering info because it's N0 and we should be informed as possible going into D1
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 13, 2017, 11:53:36 pm
Impossible to get any good N0 reads. Like, game hasnt event begun really....
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 13, 2017, 11:54:29 pm
I am a strong, independent werewolf and don't need no partner.
So you're slipping that your wolf partner is inactive so far??!?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 13, 2017, 11:58:35 pm
No, I'd say you're pretty active.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 14, 2017, 12:06:08 am
No, I'd say you're pretty active.

This is why i added the PS when i asked link that question, UT XD
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: killsdazombies on February 14, 2017, 12:19:36 am
Linkcat has evolved from hypermafia lord to shitlord extreme and it's the most entertaining thing in the world. Ro. Meanwhile has shifted into linkcats old role. Let's see if this goes full circle
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 14, 2017, 12:20:05 am
Impossible to get any good N0 reads. Like, game hasnt event begun really....
guilty conscience is a thing, some people will react adversely to these types of things

wolfy people
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 14, 2017, 12:34:17 am
Linkcat has evolved from hypermafia lord to shitlord extreme and it's the most entertaining thing in the world.

Finally, a quote worthy of being put in my profile.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 14, 2017, 02:01:13 am
Night 0 has ended. Please refrain from posting until Day 1 is up.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 14, 2017, 02:05:03 am
Day 1
has ended.

The werewolves take their first blood...

worldwideweb3 has died.
He was the Angel: (Passive) If the angel gets lynched on the very first day, he wins the game alone. Winning this way gives 2 extra Master of Mafia points.

On a side note:
If a person without extra abilities dies or is targeted by the Seer, a "he/she had no extra abilities" will be returned.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 14, 2017, 02:09:32 am
Aww damn. Useless sorcerer. It was meant to be first lynch, not nk, idiots.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 14, 2017, 02:13:32 am
nah I agree with the w3 role, he's playing too offensive to be a towny with a role that's useful, potential angel? regardless if we push a lynch  i think we'd get some useful info

read like a book

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - day 1 ends in 50 minutes?!?
Post by: rob77dp on February 14, 2017, 03:07:49 am
Day 1
has ended.

The werewolves take their first blood...

worldwideweb3 has died.
He was the Angel: (Passive) If the angel gets lynched on the very first day, he wins the game alone. Winning this way gives 2 extra Master of Mafia points.

On a side note:
If a person without extra abilities dies or is targeted by the Seer, a "he/she had no extra abilities" will be returned.
Does day 1 really have less than an hour left in it???
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 14, 2017, 03:20:06 am
Alright, I"m going to assume the countdown timer is wrong and head out for a bit. :)

 ::) kdz - now you have me wanting to use lots of smilie face things.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 14, 2017, 03:24:23 am
gimme reads and your #1 lynch when you get back rob :-*
Title: Mafia 67 - some way too early Day 1 reads by rob
Post by: rob77dp on February 14, 2017, 07:19:14 am
gimme reads and your #1 lynch when you get back rob :-*

kdz - scummy slank-cover start; goes for my pocket with compliments of my emoji use; ; (pretty sure I saw what you did, too); then more wallflower-kdz

Sol - drunk-leaning; some mechanics talk; a really well-done read on www3 getting him correct as not only town but also Angel (slight tinge it might be TMI based maybe); very active so far - I recall a past game (Root's 1984?) where scum Sol posted quite a bit.

Lc - mechanics talk is new from him... but FGO is a thing --> default light scumread until he shows otherwise

gino - will be inactive early-game w/o 'net, inactivity is not a tell of gino's town or scum game

UTA - scum ping for the "town has a huge advantage post"... early-game redeems himself with towny follow-up response later N0; (pretty sure I saw what you did, too); not a fan of UTA scum-leaning anti for no-posting and something about last game -- are you connecting specific dots but stating it generically?

* set aside a line here for self-pat on properly town-reading town!www3 with him faking scummy *

ji - I think only mechanics talk so far... have no experience with ji in these games so no baseline. ?_?

Ryli - didn't like the no-lynch idea... nothing else here, really.

... ... feels like I might be overlooking a mouse in the room though.

/looking this way and that

Oh, anti! Well, no-posting so far is not a good look... if I was cannoneer again I'd vaporize him if still no posts by N1.

(no particular order within groups)





--> basically, not really feeling any town vibes enough to had out a town read anywhere.
--> --> I think my wolf-game tell sometimes is I have too many scum and null reads... ...
--> --> --> Now that we all know it and we all know I know it - just WIFOM drink at your own risk.

*** Your turn now Sol.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 14, 2017, 07:20:11 am
And now off to sleep for the first time in 40+ hours!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 14, 2017, 07:21:00 am
Wait, is it day phase?

VOTING time!

killsdazombies {1} - rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 14, 2017, 07:34:55 am
Can I post reads after I sleep? It's 2:30 AM.

killsdazombies {1} - rob77dp
Linkcat {1} - Solaris

I know your gambit so I'll go along with it
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 14, 2017, 08:02:22 am
You think you know, but watch this next-level play.

killsdazombies (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Solaris, Linkcat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 14, 2017, 08:14:13 am
this'll be good for us let's lynch Link
Title: Re: Mafia 67 - some way too early Day 1 reads by rob
Post by: UTAlan on February 14, 2017, 02:44:40 pm
UTA - scum ping for the "town has a huge advantage post"... early-game redeems himself with towny follow-up response later N0; (pretty sure I saw what you did, too); not a fan of UTA scum-leaning anti for no-posting and something about last game -- are you connecting specific dots but stating it generically?

Re:anti - He said last game he didn't know what he was doing. He was also inactive early in that game (I think he had one or two non-substantial posts). Though I assume that this time he would have a partner helping him out (last game mafia couldn't communicate with each other) (my assumption is based on the rule that mafia will have a TP to talk to each other), he's still playing similarly to last game when he was mafia. If nothing else I'd like him to come and make a single post -_-

Gonna do my traditional early-game vote on low-poster to try to get some activity out of them. I'll go with Ryli since he hasn't posted anything since early N0. I might come back to anti if he's still inactive and Ryli pokes his head in.

killsdazombies (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Solaris, Linkcat
Ryli (1) - UTAlan
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - Anti get in hear and post something
Post by: UTAlan on February 14, 2017, 02:48:31 pm
And just for good measure...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 14, 2017, 02:50:11 pm
Derp. Here* (Though maybe the typo will get his attention even more.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - Anti get in hear and post something
Post by: antiaverage on February 14, 2017, 02:50:18 pm
And just for good measure...

Title: Re: Mafia 67 - some way too early Day 1 reads by rob
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 14, 2017, 03:22:03 pm

killsdazombies (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (3) - Solaris, Linkcat, ji412jo
Ryli (1) - UTAlan
Title: Re: Mafia 67 - some way too early Day 1 reads by rob
Post by: rob77dp on February 14, 2017, 04:01:28 pm

killsdazombies (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (3) - Solaris, Linkcat, ji412jo
Ryli (1) - UTAlan
Ji, tell me you're not one of "those players"... often excluding reasoning or progression from your votes.

-- Please share, what are you finding Lc worthy of voting here?
-- Link, *sigh* who have you been hanging out with that you've picked up his awful self-voting behavior? Is it from the kids at school? Are you seeing it on TV?
-- Sol, what are you getting on about with gambits and such?
Title: Re: Mafia 67 - some way too early Day 1 reads by rob
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 14, 2017, 04:43:46 pm

killsdazombies (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (3) - Solaris, Linkcat, ji412jo
Ryli (1) - UTAlan
Ji, tell me you're not one of "those players"... often excluding reasoning or progression from your votes.

-- Please share, what are you finding Lc worthy of voting here?
-- Link, *sigh* who have you been hanging out with that you've picked up his awful self-voting behavior? Is it from the kids at school? Are you seeing it on TV?
-- Sol, what are you getting on about with gambits and such?

I have reasoning, and tell it when I think it's time to tell it. Since you're forcing my hand, here it is:

I was reading both linkcat and www as angels. In setups with the angel, it is not rare for werewolves to try to act like the angel to remove suspicion on them.
Title: Re: Mafia 67 - some way too early Day 1 reads by rob
Post by: rob77dp on February 14, 2017, 05:01:50 pm

killsdazombies (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (3) - Solaris, Linkcat, ji412jo
Ryli (1) - UTAlan
Ji, tell me you're not one of "those players"... often excluding reasoning or progression from your votes.

-- Please share, what are you finding Lc worthy of voting here?
-- Link, *sigh* who have you been hanging out with that you've picked up his awful self-voting behavior? Is it from the kids at school? Are you seeing it on TV?
-- Sol, what are you getting on about with gambits and such?

I have reasoning, and tell it when I think it's time to tell it. Since you're forcing my hand, here it is:

I was reading both linkcat and www as angels. In setups with the angel, it is not rare for werewolves to try to act like the angel to remove suspicion on them.
I can follow that logic... Any reason you were voting link but withholding the reason? Now that Angel is dead I don't see the value in holding back that reason.

Please share some quotes or describe what you found Angel-y about link night 0.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 14, 2017, 05:23:29 pm
simple enough, he brought all attention on himself, trying to get people to kill him.

On that note, you can sound scummy as well.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 14, 2017, 05:54:23 pm
simple enough, he brought all attention on himself, trying to get people to kill him.

On that note, you can sound scummy as well.
I get the feeling you have not read or been involved with Link's games played here. You've basically described his play in most of them -- sort of a scummy villager and when scum therefore tries to mimic the villagery parts of his villager game to disguise any scumminess.

What I mean is your point about Link from N0 is valid logic but when applied to Link I think it is way less alignment indicative than what you are ascribing.

I'm sure you knew it was coming, but here it is:
Explain what you think is scummy about me. Otherwise your just tossing shade and random looking suspicions around.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 14, 2017, 08:01:41 pm
everyone should just read the roles again and I think it'll be clear
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 14, 2017, 09:38:27 pm
Found an error in coundown timer, fixed. Dunno what happened, though.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - Anti get in hear and post something
Post by: UTAlan on February 14, 2017, 09:44:58 pm

I was hoping for something more substantial :P

anti - what are your thoughts on everyone so far? why do you think mafia targeted w3 on N0? who would you target on N1 if you were mafia and why?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - Anti get in hear and post something
Post by: antiaverage on February 14, 2017, 09:57:40 pm
anti - what are your thoughts on everyone so far? why do you think mafia targeted w3 on N0? who would you target on N1 if you were mafia and why?

Title: Re: Mafia 67 - some way too early Day 1 reads by rob
Post by: UTAlan on February 14, 2017, 10:02:02 pm
Still want Ryli poked, but anti is being purposely unhelpful.  >:(

killsdazombies (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (3) - Solaris, Linkcat, ji412jo
antiaverage (1) - UTAlan
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 14, 2017, 10:10:59 pm
one of those vote targets is village idiot 100%
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 14, 2017, 10:16:00 pm
one of those vote targets is village idiot 100%

That would be a good thing, right? Gives us 1 confirmed townie after first lynch attempt on them?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: antiaverage on February 14, 2017, 10:19:09 pm
one of those vote targets is village idiot 100%

It's me, isn't? It's me.

That would be a good thing, right? Gives us 1 confirmed townie after first lynch attempt on them?

I'm down for swinging if it helps.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 14, 2017, 10:20:04 pm
one of those vote targets is village idiot 100%

That would be a good thing, right? Gives us 1 confirmed townie after first lynch attempt on them?

That is, lynching wolf > VI > any other townie
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 14, 2017, 10:22:57 pm
one of those vote targets is village idiot 100%

That would be a good thing, right? Gives us 1 confirmed townie after first lynch attempt on them?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 14, 2017, 10:35:47 pm
there is a flaw in this plan solaris. The village idiot will be inactive until i can get my internet back online.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 14, 2017, 10:37:38 pm
Welp, there's that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 14, 2017, 11:50:57 pm
one of those vote targets is village idiot 100%
No way you know anybody is VI 100% at this point, Sol. Please explain what you're talking about??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 14, 2017, 11:51:35 pm
EVERYBODY STOP CLAIMING in the thread. If you're town then just please STOP any and all claiming. It isn't needed right now from anyone or any role.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 14, 2017, 11:56:02 pm
one of those vote targets is village idiot 100%
No way you know anybody is VI 100% at this point, Sol. Please explain what you're talking about??
if people are being intentionally self destructive and trying to get lynched, either they're throwing and being silly, or they're trying to get lynched as VI to have a confirmed civ. surely you didn't miss a town beneficial plan?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 14, 2017, 11:56:32 pm
there is a flaw in this plan solaris. The village idiot will be inactive until i can get my internet back online.
im calling shenanigans here
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 15, 2017, 12:10:42 am
one of those vote targets is village idiot 100%
No way you know anybody is VI 100% at this point, Sol. Please explain what you're talking about??
if people are being intentionally self destructive and trying to get lynched, either they're throwing and being silly, or they're trying to get lynched as VI to have a confirmed civ. surely you didn't miss a town beneficial plan?

It is not town beneficial though.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 15, 2017, 12:12:38 am
one of those vote targets is village idiot 100%
No way you know anybody is VI 100% at this point, Sol. Please explain what you're talking about??
if people are being intentionally self destructive and trying to get lynched, either they're throwing and being silly, or they're trying to get lynched as VI to have a confirmed civ. surely you didn't miss a town beneficial plan?

It is not town beneficial though.
explain how a confirmed civ isnt town beneficial
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 15, 2017, 12:13:49 am
a confirmed civ is beneficial
But he wont be confirmed until we lynch, and if we lynch, its a day wasted on making sure when we could have been hunting wolf.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 15, 2017, 12:17:14 am
a confirmed civ is beneficial
But he wont be confirmed until we lynch, and if we lynch, its a day wasted on making sure when we could have been hunting wolf.
give me your thoughts on a lynch then, since you're presently voting on my target which is on the pretenses of confirming a civ
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 15, 2017, 12:20:14 am
a confirmed civ is beneficial
But he wont be confirmed until we lynch, and if we lynch, its a day wasted on making sure when we could have been hunting wolf.
give me your thoughts on a lynch then, since you're presently voting on my target which is on the pretenses of confirming a civ

I've given my reasoning on my vote already. I suggest you read the previous comments.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 15, 2017, 12:23:09 am
oh right, so you're effectively voting for the same reason I am, just different PoV, got it. regardless, a Linkcat not contributing is getting lynched, either he rolls VI, maf, or throwing, IMO
Title: Re: Mafia 67 - some way too early Day 1 reads by rob
Post by: Linkcat on February 15, 2017, 05:35:43 am
-- Link, *sigh* who have you been hanging out with that you've picked up his awful self-voting behavior? Is it from the kids at school? Are you seeing it on TV?

All the cool kids are doing it.

Also, if you're reading into shitposting, you're doing it wrong.
Title: Re: Mafia 67 - some way too early Day 1 reads by rob
Post by: rob77dp on February 15, 2017, 08:06:52 am
-- Link, *sigh* who have you been hanging out with that you've picked up his awful self-voting behavior? Is it from the kids at school? Are you seeing it on TV?

All the cool kids are doing it.

Also, if you're reading into shitposting, you're doing it wrong.
You not cramming a scumread down my throat for seeming to do it (hint: I'm not) leans me town on you so far. Your general level of not doing much to help solve the game leans me back the other way. Landing you... ... at slight scum-read.
Title: Re: Mafia 67 - some way too early Day 1 reads by rob
Post by: Solaris on February 15, 2017, 08:35:26 am
-- Link, *sigh* who have you been hanging out with that you've picked up his awful self-voting behavior? Is it from the kids at school? Are you seeing it on TV?

All the cool kids are doing it.

Also, if you're reading into shitposting, you're doing it wrong.
You not cramming a scumread down my throat for seeming to do it (hint: I'm not) leans me town on you so far. Your general level of not doing much to help solve the game leans me back the other way. Landing you... ... at slight scum-read.
Yet I'm trying to solve the game/help it along and getting pegged as scum lean because a dodgy metaread? Interesting.
Title: Re: Mafia 67 - some way too early Day 1 reads by rob
Post by: rob77dp on February 15, 2017, 09:12:02 am
-- Link, *sigh* who have you been hanging out with that you've picked up his awful self-voting behavior? Is it from the kids at school? Are you seeing it on TV?

All the cool kids are doing it.

Also, if you're reading into shitposting, you're doing it wrong.
You not cramming a scumread down my throat for seeming to do it (hint: I'm not) leans me town on you so far. Your general level of not doing much to help solve the game leans me back the other way. Landing you... ... at slight scum-read.
Yet I'm trying to solve the game/help it along and getting pegged as scum lean because a dodgy metaread? Interesting.
shhhh, let me do a thing
Title: Re: Mafia 67 - some way too early Day 1 reads by rob
Post by: Solaris on February 15, 2017, 09:24:49 am
-- Link, *sigh* who have you been hanging out with that you've picked up his awful self-voting behavior? Is it from the kids at school? Are you seeing it on TV?

All the cool kids are doing it.

Also, if you're reading into shitposting, you're doing it wrong.
You not cramming a scumread down my throat for seeming to do it (hint: I'm not) leans me town on you so far. Your general level of not doing much to help solve the game leans me back the other way. Landing you... ... at slight scum-read.
Yet I'm trying to solve the game/help it along and getting pegged as scum lean because a dodgy metaread? Interesting.
shhhh, let me do a thing
get going before i get the flea treatment you mangy mutt
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 15, 2017, 09:34:28 am
that sounded more mean spirited than intended, sorry
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 15, 2017, 10:38:48 am
I highly doubt that anti signed up for this mafia just to be helpful because of the low player count, and then decided to be intentionally useless, which obviously has a purely negative impact on the game. I rather believe he is counting on his inexperience to hide himself among the other inactive players and coast to a win in a few days. A town anti not even trying to help isn't something I can see happening. His only actual post is supporting a Village Idiot lynch, which is bad for town.

killsdazombies (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Solaris, ji412jo
antiaverage (2) - UTAlan, Linkcat

It's about time, but I'm kind of sad that I have to break my shitposting streak.

I was on a
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 15, 2017, 07:07:23 pm
killsdazombies (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (1) - ji412jo
antiaverage (3) - UTAlan, Linkcat, Solaris

Makes enough sense for me go vote along with it, but I'm still weary of you. Expect suspicions if he's town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 15, 2017, 10:27:09 pm
I may arrive home an hour or two after timer ends, so there might be delay in the day's end.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 15, 2017, 10:30:11 pm
so long as you only accept votes prior to the time indicated by the timer it's fine IMO
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 16, 2017, 02:35:59 am
Night 1
has ended.

The town takes their first suspect down... eight to go.

antiaverage has been lynched.
He was the Sorcerer: (Passive) Each night, the sorcerer learns who is about to get killed by the werewolves. That player can then either use their potion of life to save this person, use their potion of death to kill someone else, use both or neither. Though, if the sorcerer has already used both their potions at any point in the game, they will no longer learn the identity of the player about to get killed.

Since the Sorcerer is no longer in the game, the mafia is no longer required to send the Nightkill in the first half of the Night phase.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 16, 2017, 05:02:11 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: antiaverage on February 16, 2017, 05:05:00 am
I don't blame myself.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 16, 2017, 05:05:52 am
i'll be genuinely surprised if we don't lynch you next day
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 16, 2017, 05:13:49 am
in hindsight you had no way of knowing he was Sorc short of reading reaaaally deep, and I didn't know either, just kneejerk ARRR HE KILLED OUR HOPES AND DREAMS

thoughts everyone?

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 16, 2017, 12:37:49 pm
I don't blame myself.

I do, you should defend yourself when attacked.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 16, 2017, 05:31:37 pm
killsdazombies (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (1) - ji412jo
antiaverage (3) - UTAlan, Linkcat, Solaris
This is even't playing mafia here people...

1. Only 56% of the players even voted.
2. Not even every player posted ONCE during the entire 2 day phase.
3. TWO of the three players receiving votes at days end cast a vote themselves.
4. A town PR whimpered themselves into getting lynched and were a VERY important town PR (Sorc, essentially able to stop TWO nightkills - one safely and one with some risk due to redirect).
5. *sigh* I am going to have to seriously search for motivation not to self vote at the start of the day.
6. This list is not intended to insult but rather an indictment of the state of the game right now.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 16, 2017, 05:35:22 pm
I said suncat was wrong with that list being village idiot. I also said that my internet is cut off till i can pay it. Therefore i didn't vote because i didn't need to lynch someone or get lynched myself for voting. not that lynching me would have done anything besides confirm a towny
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 16, 2017, 05:35:29 pm
I don't blame myself.

I do, you should defend yourself when attacked.
Actually, I think this is a good point with an important caveat that I was thinking might be in play given the LACK of self-defense...

1. Vanilla town in a game with LOTS of power roles -- odds are decent if you are Vanilla/plain then moving the lynch elsewhere unless you suspect good chance it is scum... it could end up being a PR lynched or outted.

2. Scum that want to avoid giving hints or clues to who the teammate(s) are.

killsdazombies (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (1) - ji412jo
antiaverage (3) - UTAlan, Linkcat, Solaris
This is even't playing mafia here people...

1. Only 56% of the players even voted.
2. Not even every player posted ONCE during the entire 2 day phase.
3. TWO of the three players receiving votes at days end cast a vote themselves.
4. A town PR whimpered themselves into getting lynched and were a VERY important town PR (Sorc, essentially able to stop TWO nightkills - one safely and one with some risk due to redirect).
5. *sigh* I am going to have to seriously search for motivation not to self vote at the start of the day - if I am not night killed, that is.
6. This list is not intended to insult but rather an indictment of the state of the game right now.

Fixed it (inb4 somebody tries to scumread that I was not considering I could die in the night). >.<
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 16, 2017, 05:37:31 pm
I said suncat was wrong with that list being village idiot. I also said that my internet is cut off till i can pay it. Therefore i didn't vote because i didn't need to lynch someone or get lynched myself for voting. not that lynching me would have done anything besides confirm a towny
I do not understand that train of thought... town's ability to kill scum is by the lynch. If you don't vote to lynch you're abstaining from being town-influence on town's only way to kill/fight in the game.

If you are town then think and vote as you think benefits town and let that be how you "be towny" rather than avoiding doing the thing town has available in fear of doing it wrong.

(This probably seems strongly worded but that is not because I'm angry or trying to be a jerk, rather it is because I feel quite strongly on this - among other things.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 16, 2017, 05:54:37 pm
I cannot get a read right now. It's why i didn't vote when i had internet. I don't have the time to form opinions and reads right now. Limited time on the internet really ballses that up
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 16, 2017, 10:07:27 pm
I'm granting a 24-hour extension due to the fact I am obligued to assist an event tomorrow and will not be able to update.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 19, 2017, 02:24:45 pm
Day 2
has ended.

ji412jo has been Nightkilled.
He was the Cupid: (1U) At the start of night 0, Cupid chooses 2 players. When one player dies, the other player dies from sorrow. May target self.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 19, 2017, 02:57:31 pm
Phases are a minimum of 48 hours, as said in the rules.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 19, 2017, 03:22:30 pm
I think I may be one of the Lovers.

Don't take too much from that though, I'm probably wrong.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 19, 2017, 03:25:26 pm
Ryli x Gino. I ship it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 19, 2017, 03:37:59 pm
Ryli are you Civilian vanilla town?

By the way, lynch today is very likely lylo and should always be between sol, kdz, or uta.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 19, 2017, 03:38:57 pm
I think I may be one of the Lovers.

Don't take too much from that though, I'm probably wrong.
why do you think this, doo specifically?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 19, 2017, 03:42:24 pm
Yes, I'm a Vanilla Civ
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 19, 2017, 03:46:08 pm
I think I may be one of the Lovers.Also

Don't take too much from that though, I'm probably wrong.
why do you think this, doo specifically?
what makes you think you and gino we're targeted by ji?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 19, 2017, 03:52:06 pm
I want to lynch UTA. Sol would also be good, too towny for my tastes.

I also want to lynch rob just because I'm actually not scumreading him this time, but that would be a silly thing to do so I'm not going to try to do it.

I'm curious how you came up with that list.
Title: Mafia 67 - are you the idiot? Please read.
Post by: rob77dp on February 19, 2017, 03:54:25 pm
@ ALL, if you are the village idiot please counterclaim gino now

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 19, 2017, 03:54:58 pm
what makes you think you and gino we're targeted by ji?

Trivial nonsense.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 19, 2017, 04:01:08 pm
Inspection for bite marks scheduled at the start of every round from now, do not be alarmed.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 19, 2017, 04:03:55 pm
I want to lynch UTA. Sol would also be good, too towny for my tastes.

I also want to lynch rob just because I'm actually not scumreading him this time, but that would be a silly thing to do so I'm not going to try to do it.

I'm curious how you came up with that list.
Do you believe gino is village idiot?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 19, 2017, 04:09:48 pm
I obviously do since there's no counterclaim.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 19, 2017, 04:30:31 pm
I obviously do since there's no counterclaim.
solvable game state here I think:

Town: rob + link + gino

50/50: Ryli

Mafia, 2 in here: sol, kdz, uta
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 19, 2017, 04:33:16 pm
I want to say Solaris is mafia becAuse he made the list of possible but if Idk
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 19, 2017, 04:46:31 pm
Solaris (1) - rob77dp

Time to sing like a canary now, sunshine.

@Solaris (forum needs a mention function)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 19, 2017, 04:48:00 pm
Wait wait, unvoting for now.

Is majority lynch a thing here??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 19, 2017, 04:48:45 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 19, 2017, 04:52:10 pm
Flame on then.

Solaris (1) - rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 19, 2017, 04:54:55 pm
Majority vote can't really work with Vote modifiers like Raven.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 19, 2017, 04:55:53 pm
Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 19, 2017, 06:50:48 pm
Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
on what grounds?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 19, 2017, 08:39:56 pm
Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
on what grounds?
link, how judges you that response from sol?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 19, 2017, 08:40:49 pm
Sol, who among my suspects do YOU want to vote?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 19, 2017, 08:41:34 pm
Sol, who among my suspects do YOU want to vote?
and by suspects I'm really referring to a very tight poe (process of elimination).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 19, 2017, 09:03:43 pm
Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
on what grounds?
link, how judges you that response from sol?

Not alignment indicative.

I need to hear from UTA.

Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
UTAlan (1) - Linkcat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 19, 2017, 09:06:58 pm
Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
on what grounds?
link, how judges you that response from sol?

Not alignment indicative.

I need to hear from UTA.

Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
UTAlan (1) - Linkcat
I would expect town sol to come out firing looking for scum in what is basically lylo right now.instead has is interested in hearing a case only? Dunno, guess I expected something else if he is town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 19, 2017, 09:24:23 pm
It's his first post of the day, he needs to understand what's going on before he can play it out.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 19, 2017, 10:29:12 pm
Sol, who among my suspects do YOU want to vote?
and by suspects I'm really referring to a very tight poe (process of elimination).
probably KDZ, quietness is dodgy, especially since his internet is back (fc?). think I'm still gonna end up dead since EtG town is sheepy but I'll try to help as much as possible before I'm burned at stake

It's his first post of the day, he needs to understand what's going on before he can play it out.

thanks for not immediately jumping the lynchwagon when i've only posted a simple inquiry, some people pull triggers way too fast in this game
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 19, 2017, 10:35:21 pm
RE: rob suspect list: even dodgier than quiet throughout the game is Ryli suddenly jumping alive at the end of a game rather than being consistently inactive/active, enough to the point where I'll tentatively throw a (non OMGUS ;) ) lynchvote until sides are explained. cupid thing was weird too, might be trying to divert attention/try and not get killed as wolf under the guise it might kill a civ if scum!Ryli=true

Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
UTAlan (1) - Linkcat
Ryli (1) - Solaris
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 19, 2017, 11:05:57 pm
What happens if the Hunter and final Wolf are alive? Is it considered Wolf victory, in that wolves tie the Lynch, or does the wolf kill the hunter and die in the process, achieving a loss for both sides?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 19, 2017, 11:07:42 pm
I also did this in Mafia 64, and killed a member of the mafia on a Lynch or Lose where my vote was the decider. Maybe I'll make it my thing.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 19, 2017, 11:34:06 pm
Mafia wins as soon as they achieve parity.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 19, 2017, 11:37:30 pm
Mafia wins as soon as they achieve parity.
so in other words, in Ryli's example, Wolf wins?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 12:37:26 am
Sol, did you just name the two town among the poe?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 20, 2017, 12:43:16 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 01:03:16 am
I'll get a bit more specific in the poe:

Lock town

90% likely town


At least one, probably two, and maybe three of these are mafia:
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 20, 2017, 02:30:56 am
Sorry, been away from the computer all day. For starters:

I also did this in Mafia 64, and killed a member of the mafia on a Lynch or Lose where my vote was the decider. Maybe I'll make it my thing.

Is this a Hunter claim?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 20, 2017, 03:01:17 am
Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
UTAlan (1) - Linkcat
Ryli (2) - Solaris, UTAlan

Was gonna wait for an answer, but I want to respond to Link/rob's prodding. I made a breadcrumb (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-67-by-fabian771/msg1257036/#msg1257036) early in the game. I'm Hunter.

Put my vote on Ryli b/c that looked like a Hunter claim (or at least trying to get us to interpret it that way - not coming right out and saying it gives him an "out" if the real hunter does show up?) and if he's lying about that, he's likely scum.

Rob - Can you provide reasons for your list? I get gino. And I get that part of it is a numbers game. But it's not all numbers or there'd be one group at the bottom, not 2. What's your read on Ryli? Why 50/50?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 03:13:01 am
I already claimed Vanilla Town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 03:15:16 am

There's my claim. I didn't claim Hunter. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-67-by-fabian771/msg1257523/#msg1257523[/url)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 03:16:04 am

I broke the link. I don't know how to BBC.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 20, 2017, 03:24:35 am
Okay, missed that while catching up. Removing my vote for now. Gonna give the thread another read-through and see what I can figure out.

Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
UTAlan (1) - Linkcat
Ryli (1) - Solaris
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 03:55:55 am
Uta, are you hard claiming Hunter?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 20, 2017, 03:56:33 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - anyone can counterclaim vanilla town?
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 03:58:26 am
I already claimed Vanilla Town.
is they're a vanilla town to counterclaim Ryli here?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 20, 2017, 04:50:52 am
I thought there was no non power roles in this set up. I mean at this point I'm going to say ryli hit by white wolf Solaris wolf. Maybe wild child?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - anyone can counterclaim vanilla town?
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 05:06:46 am
I already claimed Vanilla Town.
is they're a vanilla town to counterclaim Ryli here?
no, it's a BS claim
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 05:08:49 am
Ryli are you Civilian vanilla town?

so what made you come to this conclusion? TMI?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - anyone can counterclaim vanilla town?
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 05:10:55 am
I already claimed Vanilla Town.
is they're a vanilla town to counterclaim Ryli here?
no, it's a BS claim
I think the restart post stated there would be one I'd reach civilian...with eight in the game there should be one Civilian along with one reach of the town power roles.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 05:11:10 am
vanilla civ point out to ryli by rob (telling them their own role with no prior indicators), compounded by the fact that it's vanilla civ, the protection against mass roleclaim in this game, is very sus
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - anyone can counterclaim vanilla town?
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 05:11:52 am
I already claimed Vanilla Town.
is they're a vanilla town to counterclaim Ryli here?
no, it's a BS claim
I think the restart post stated there would be one I'd reach civilian...with eight in the game there should be one Civilian along with one reach of the town power roles.
yeah I misremembered that post, idk why none of the "other" roles were included
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 05:12:32 am
Ryli are you Civilian vanilla town?

so what made you come to this conclusion? TMI?
I have certain information yes. You are deluded if you think that is a slip or in any way a "tmi gotcha".
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 05:13:55 am
Ryli are you Civilian vanilla town?

so what made you come to this conclusion? TMI?
I have certain information yes. You are deluded if you think that is a slip or in any way a "tmi gotcha".
if you have that information, why are you asking it in public thread? if you know Ryli is vanilla town, why are you spilling it in public for the wolves to know?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 05:15:33 am

Restart post also states no wild kid and you are misinterpreting what white wild does.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 05:17:09 am
Ryli are you Civilian vanilla town?

so what made you come to this conclusion? TMI?
I have certain information yes. You are deluded if you think that is a slip or in any way a "tmi gotcha".
if you have that information, why are you asking it in public thread? if you know Ryli is vanilla town, why are you spilling it in public for the wolves to know?
are you paying attention? We're at lylo basically so making sure today's lynch is a wolf is PARAMOUNT. Getting touchy about role aid in thread is kind of wtf mate
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 05:17:52 am

Restart post also states no wild kid and you are misinterpreting what white wild does.
*white wolf
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 05:20:13 am
Ryli are you Civilian vanilla town?

so what made you come to this conclusion? TMI?
I have certain information yes. You are deluded if you think that is a slip or in any way a "tmi gotcha".
if you have that information, why are you asking it in public thread? if you know Ryli is vanilla town, why are you spilling it in public for the wolves to know?
are you paying attention? We're at lylo basically so making sure today's lynch is a wolf is PARAMOUNT. Getting touchy about role aid in thread is kind of wtf mate
its moreso the fact that you're painting a big ole red "KILL ME" cross on your chest with that soft
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 05:22:18 am
Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
UTAlan (1) - Linkcat
Ryli (2) - Solaris, UTAlan

Was gonna wait for an answer, but I want to respond to Link/rob's prodding. I made a breadcrumb (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-67-by-fabian771/msg1257036/#msg1257036) early in the game. I'm Hunter.

Put my vote on Ryli b/c that looked like a Hunter claim (or at least trying to get us to interpret it that way - not coming right out and saying it gives him an "out" if the real hunter does show up?) and if he's lying about that, he's likely scum.

Rob - Can you provide reasons for your list? I get gino. And I get that part of it is a numbers game. But it's not all numbers or there'd be one group at the bottom, not 2. What's your read on Ryli? Why 50/50?
How is that a Hunter breadcrumb?

Ryli is either the lone vanilla town (If someone else is that vanilla town please counterclaim Ryli asap) or the big bad wolf conveyed player if mafia have used that already.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 05:23:27 am
Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
UTAlan (1) - Linkcat
Ryli (2) - Solaris, UTAlan

Was gonna wait for an answer, but I want to respond to Link/rob's prodding. I made a breadcrumb (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-67-by-fabian771/msg1257036/#msg1257036) early in the game. I'm Hunter.

Put my vote on Ryli b/c that looked like a Hunter claim (or at least trying to get us to interpret it that way - not coming right out and saying it gives him an "out" if the real hunter does show up?) and if he's lying about that, he's likely scum.

Rob - Can you provide reasons for your list? I get gino. And I get that part of it is a numbers game. But it's not all numbers or there'd be one group at the bottom, not 2. What's your read on Ryli? Why 50/50?
How is that a Hunter breadcrumb?

Ryli is either the lone vanilla town (If someone else is that vanilla town please counterclaim Ryli asap) or the big bad wolf conveyed player if mafia have used that already.
read the first letter of every paragraph

what do you think I've been trying to do?! pick up my hints, rob!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 05:24:37 am
Ryli are you Civilian vanilla town?

so what made you come to this conclusion? TMI?
I have certain information yes. You are deluded if you think that is a slip or in any way a "tmi gotcha".
if you have that information, why are you asking it in public thread? if you know Ryli is vanilla town, why are you spilling it in public for the wolves to know?
are you paying attention? We're at lylo basically so making sure today's lynch is a wolf is PARAMOUNT. Getting touchy about role aid in thread is kind of wtf mate
its moreso the fact that you're painting a big ole red "KILL ME" cross on your chest with that soft
LYLO. I care way less about surviving to the end and losing than trying everything possible to win. I find out strange that others are not as urgent about this right now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 05:37:59 am
Alright, I see the UTA breadcrumb now.

Occam's Razor applied here leaves me with POE of:

Sol / kdz > Ryli >> UTA/ gino.

Sol, present an alternative approach, eh?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 05:39:05 am
i dont understand what you're wanting from me here
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 05:41:57 am
i dont understand what you're wanting from me here
By process of elimination I have landed at a decently high likelihood you are a wolf.

You either concede that you are or convince me otherwise (I am but one vote but still). I'm requesting a list from you in order of your preference to lynch from want-it-today down to lower levels of suspicion. Can you provide that?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 05:46:18 am

I suppose alternatively you could claim a role and go head-to-head in a deathmatch against another player claiming that role...?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 05:48:23 am

I suppose alternatively you could claim a role and go head-to-head in a deathmatch against another player claiming that role...?
i already claimed vanilla civ and you tunneled past it
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 05:49:51 am

I suppose alternatively you could claim a role and go head-to-head in a deathmatch against another player claiming that role...?
i already claimed vanilla civ and you tunneled past it
Alright, then I'm 100% voting either you or Ryli at end of day today.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 05:52:33 am
Addressing the game at large here...

Thoughts on if Wolves already used their Big Bad Werewolf conversion or if they still have that power...?

I mean, personally from the start of the restarted game I've been convinced BBWW would be used N0 almost certainly. However, we don't have much way to ascertain with certainty if it is used yet or not.

TL;DR - Thoughts on if wolves used their conversion yet or not. I feel it is quite likely to have been used N0... _maybe_ Night 1.
Title: Mafia 67- Link, do you not believe UTA's crumb/claim? You're voting a claimed PR
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 06:00:33 am
Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
UTAlan (1) - Linkcat
Ryli (1) - Solaris

Copying last votecount to keep it current...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 06:17:17 am
likely used N0, maybe N1 if Wolves somehow forgot
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 06:25:35 am
Sol - I've re-read the last page or two and do not find where you claimed Vanilla previously.... care to link it?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 06:32:09 am
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-67-by-fabian771/msg1257629/#msg1257629 most blatant one, i didn't outright say it
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 06:42:14 am

I suppose alternatively you could claim a role and go head-to-head in a deathmatch against another player claiming that role...?
i already claimed vanilla civ and you tunneled past it

http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-67-by-fabian771/msg1257629/#msg1257629 most blatant one, i didn't outright say it

Can you explain why you didn't come out swinging for votes on Ryli when they claimed YOUR role? Pretty sure there HAS to be one wolf between the two of you... if no other players come forward to additionally counterclaim that THEY are vanilla town then it is exactly one of you or Ryli. Savvy?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 06:59:40 am

I suppose alternatively you could claim a role and go head-to-head in a deathmatch against another player claiming that role...?
i already claimed vanilla civ and you tunneled past it

http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-67-by-fabian771/msg1257629/#msg1257629 most blatant one, i didn't outright say it

Can you explain why you didn't come out swinging for votes on Ryli when they claimed YOUR role? Pretty sure there HAS to be one wolf between the two of you... if no other players come forward to additionally counterclaim that THEY are vanilla town then it is exactly one of you or Ryli. Savvy?
Savvy. I did come out and vote on Ryli and pressured IIRC

(Sidenote, isn't it strange that Ryli suddenly becomes active? Maybe from a BWW PM? I always feel odd when people suddenly come back.)
Title: Elements Mafia 67 - kdz, are you alive in chat? Come post/play here!
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 07:09:22 am
In light of my recent notice of Sol also claiming vanilla town... I have a new and revised POE to share! :)

[ONE of]Sol/Ryli > kdz >> UTA / gino
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 07:10:49 am
Sol - you seem to be implying this lurking aspect to Ryli this game is atypical from past games... do you have good examples of or feel for town!Ryli _not_ playing that way?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 07:15:30 am
I don't like metareads so I take things like that with a grain of salt, so aside from that, I haven't played enough Mafia with Ryli to know. :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 20, 2017, 07:20:52 am

I suppose alternatively you could claim a role and go head-to-head in a deathmatch against another player claiming that role...?
i already claimed vanilla civ and you tunneled past it

http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-67-by-fabian771/msg1257629/#msg1257629 most blatant one, i didn't outright say it

Can you explain why you didn't come out swinging for votes on Ryli when they claimed YOUR role? Pretty sure there HAS to be one wolf between the two of you... if no other players come forward to additionally counterclaim that THEY are vanilla town then it is exactly one of you or Ryli. Savvy?
Savvy. I did come out and vote on Ryli and pressured IIRC

(Sidenote, isn't it strange that Ryli suddenly becomes active? Maybe from a BWW PM? I always feel odd when people suddenly come back.)

That's a slip. From your point of view as town, Ryli must be one of the original wolves fake claiming.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 07:28:54 am
I have reason to believe that Ryli is exactly either Vanilla Town or was BBWW-converted Night 0. There is a bit more uncertainty comes into play WITHING each of these worlds but I see only those two possibilities this game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 07:38:56 am

I suppose alternatively you could claim a role and go head-to-head in a deathmatch against another player claiming that role...?
i already claimed vanilla civ and you tunneled past it

http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-67-by-fabian771/msg1257629/#msg1257629 most blatant one, i didn't outright say it

Can you explain why you didn't come out swinging for votes on Ryli when they claimed YOUR role? Pretty sure there HAS to be one wolf between the two of you... if no other players come forward to additionally counterclaim that THEY are vanilla town then it is exactly one of you or Ryli. Savvy?
Savvy. I did come out and vote on Ryli and pressured IIRC

(Sidenote, isn't it strange that Ryli suddenly becomes active? Maybe from a BWW PM? I always feel odd when people suddenly come back.)

That's a slip. From your point of view as town, Ryli must be one of the original wolves fake claiming.
explain, I don't see this at all, which is strange, since it's from "my point of view"
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 07:41:24 am
I have reason to believe that Ryli is exactly either Vanilla Town or was BBWW-converted Night 0. There is a bit more uncertainty comes into play WITHING each of these worlds but I see only those two possibilities this game.
I neglected to include the possibility, however remote, that Ryli is _BOTH_ VT and BBWW-converted... Hmmm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 20, 2017, 07:44:55 am

I suppose alternatively you could claim a role and go head-to-head in a deathmatch against another player claiming that role...?
i already claimed vanilla civ and you tunneled past it

http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-67-by-fabian771/msg1257629/#msg1257629 most blatant one, i didn't outright say it

Can you explain why you didn't come out swinging for votes on Ryli when they claimed YOUR role? Pretty sure there HAS to be one wolf between the two of you... if no other players come forward to additionally counterclaim that THEY are vanilla town then it is exactly one of you or Ryli. Savvy?
Savvy. I did come out and vote on Ryli and pressured IIRC

(Sidenote, isn't it strange that Ryli suddenly becomes active? Maybe from a BWW PM? I always feel odd when people suddenly come back.)

That's a slip. From your point of view as town, Ryli must be one of the original wolves fake claiming.
explain, I don't see this at all, which is strange, since it's from "my point of view"

You admit to voting on Ryli because she claimed your role. A converted wolf wouldn't claim your role, they would claim their own role.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 07:50:39 am
Link - vote Sol. Next, we tackle kdz and trying to figure who is the converted wolf among UTA, Ryli (converted VT into Wolf maybe?), or gino...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 07:51:10 am

I suppose alternatively you could claim a role and go head-to-head in a deathmatch against another player claiming that role...?
i already claimed vanilla civ and you tunneled past it

http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-67-by-fabian771/msg1257629/#msg1257629 most blatant one, i didn't outright say it

Can you explain why you didn't come out swinging for votes on Ryli when they claimed YOUR role? Pretty sure there HAS to be one wolf between the two of you... if no other players come forward to additionally counterclaim that THEY are vanilla town then it is exactly one of you or Ryli. Savvy?
Savvy. I did come out and vote on Ryli and pressured IIRC

(Sidenote, isn't it strange that Ryli suddenly becomes active? Maybe from a BWW PM? I always feel odd when people suddenly come back.)

That's a slip. From your point of view as town, Ryli must be one of the original wolves fake claiming.
explain, I don't see this at all, which is strange, since it's from "my point of view"

You admit to voting on Ryli because she claimed your role. A converted wolf wouldn't claim your role, they would claim their own role.
guess that disproves my theory of Ryli being converted then
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 07:52:06 am
Link - vote Sol. Next, we tackle kdz and trying to figure who is the converted wolf among UTA, Ryli (converted VT into Wolf maybe?), or gino...
Unless... wolves saved the conversion and haven't used it yet? Seems unlikely for that scenario though
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 07:52:20 am
rob, I don-t care for metareads, but entertain me here. If town Ryli plays like this, how does Mafia Ryli play
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 07:53:24 am
Sol - if you're now retracting your idea that Ryli was converted why are you and Ryli claiming the same role? 0.o
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 07:55:03 am
rob, I don-t care for metareads, but entertain me here. If town Ryli plays like this, how does Mafia Ryli play
Dunn - I don't recall playing with Ryli as either town!Ryli or scum!Ryli... hence my asking you about what I thought at first was you leaning toward meta-reading Ryli's activity level variations.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 07:57:06 am
Sol - if you're now retracting your idea that Ryli was converted why are you and Ryli claiming the same role? 0.o
regular werewolves can't claim VT, apparently? rob, come on :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 07:58:25 am
Sol - if you're now retracting your idea that Ryli was converted why are you and Ryli claiming the same role? 0.o
regular werewolves can't claim VT, apparently? rob, come on :P
Game started with 0 "regular werewolves"... Conversion creates regular werewolves...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 07:59:28 am
Sol - if you're now retracting your idea that Ryli was converted why are you and Ryli claiming the same role? 0.o
regular werewolves can't claim VT, apparently? rob, come on :P
Game started with 0 "regular werewolves"... Conversion creates regular werewolves...
Post #21 in this thread...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 08:00:51 am
Sol - if you're now retracting your idea that Ryli was converted why are you and Ryli claiming the same role? 0.o
regular werewolves can't claim VT, apparently? rob, come on :P
Game started with 0 "regular werewolves"... Conversion creates regular werewolves...
i meant regular as in non-converted, ofco
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 08:04:34 am
Sol - if you're now retracting your idea that Ryli was converted why are you and Ryli claiming the same role? 0.o
regular werewolves can't claim VT, apparently? rob, come on :P
Game started with 0 "regular werewolves"... Conversion creates regular werewolves...
i meant regular as in non-converted, ofco
BBWW or WhiteWW would probably claim vanilla... but we know only ONE town can be vanilla and beyond that it is false claims from wolves or a converted wolf so it would be a bit suicidal in the long run for all wolves to claim VT. RIght?

I have you basically lock-wolf in my world and Ryli is 100% either just VT or has been converted by wolves.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 08:08:49 am
Hey rob's-town-core... (that would be Linkcat):

Are you getting the same vibe I am about kdz being partner to Sol (or much less likely, kdz being partner to Ryli)??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 08:10:13 am
so in other words: stop playing because rob has me wolf read, and pretty much everyone else in this game will sheep towards him for some arbitrary reason. This is why Elements mafia is dieing.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 08:32:36 am
so in other words: stop playing because rob has me wolf read, and pretty much everyone else in this game will sheep towards him for some arbitrary reason. This is why Elements mafia is dieing.
Sorry Sol, ATE denied and my vote stays. Might I ask you to be more specific about your points here if you can? I mean, right now only ONE other player has followed my vote onto you and that one should be obviously not-sheeping-me because it is Ryli the other VT-claimant voting you the counterclaimant.

Your last statement -- seems over the top within confines of the game being played. That is, you are looking to me like a wolf appealing to emotion (ATE) for being caught for the wrong reasons...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 08:33:12 am
gotta go to bed for tonight but will definitely be reading tomorrow responses and such in relation to tonight's interactions and developments.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 02:35:01 pm
I don't think we have a convert yet.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 20, 2017, 03:04:57 pm
Still haven't had a chance to go back and re-read the whole thread. Gonna try to do that today. My take so far:

I agree that Ryli or Solaris are unconverted-wolf. I don't have a read on Ryli due to lack of content and Solaris could go either way. He's either being defensive as wolf and trying to save his hide, or he's genuinely vanilla town and is frustrated that town might lose if he gets lynched. So... leaving my vote off for now.

@Ryli - Why don't you think there is a convert yet? If you were mafia, why would you have waited this long to use it? If you're town, why should I vote for Solaris (given that I don't know you're town)?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 04:03:56 pm
Better chance to steal a good role later, and we haven't put the pressure on them before now means they haven't had to choose. If they haven't already, they'll get someone tonight.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 04:09:40 pm
If the converter wolf came under pressure, he could have cleared himself as town by deflecting to the other wolf, then make their numbers 2 again.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 20, 2017, 05:57:06 pm
My analysis:

Not much to work with here.

Hitting a Wild Kid's civ target also has us 4 down, and a 3rd wolf present by Day 2. Looks bad no matter how we slice things.

Looks townie enough. Except for this:

I don't think we have a convert yet.

Why changing his mind on when the conversion takes place? If he's mafia, it helps to try to convince town that there are fewer bad guys than there actually are. If he's town, I don't get why he thought it would happen by Day 2, but now he thinks it hasn't happened yet.

I think I may be one of the Lovers.

Don't take too much from that though, I'm probably wrong.

Probably nothing. He specifically said don't take too much from it. But with nothing else to go on, I gotta try to read this. Obviously he doesn't know who got hit by cupid. But why say this? And in his next post he ties himself to gino. If he's town, this is probably just a breadpost. If he's mafia, he might be tying himself to someone that is currently perceived as town (whether that's actually the case or not, I have no idea b/c I haven't evaluated gino closely) in an attempt to create a fear of lynching him.

...and that's all I got on him. Lack of posts doesn't really help his case, since not getting a read this late in the game changes my read to be slightly scummier than otherwise.

A lot more posts to work with here.

this games kinda dumb now tbh, all civ roles are guaranteed to be in, Angel is useless... why arent all these documented? too many things are off book

This is the weirdest post. As town, I'd think he would take note of this and mention it afterwards, but run with the advantage while he has it. Maybe he has more sportsmanship than that, but it's hard not to read this as slightly scummy.

killsdazombies {1} - rob77dp
Linkcat {1} - Solaris

I know your gambit so I'll go along with it

This reads as town to me. He believes Link is VI and lynching him will get town a conf-civ. Not much reason to push for this as mafia, esp this early in the game when nobody has any good reads on the wolves, so it's not a protection vote.

killsdazombies (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (1) - ji412jo
antiaverage (3) - UTAlan, Linkcat, Solaris

Makes enough sense for me go vote along with it, but I'm still weary of you. Expect suspicions if he's town.

This one's weird. He was going along with Link's plan to get confirmed, and now he's suspicious of Link being mafia for pushing a lynch on someone else? He later recants this:
in hindsight you had no way of knowing he was Sorc short of reading reaaaally deep, and I didn't know either, just kneejerk ARRR HE KILLED OUR HOPES AND DREAMS

thoughts everyone?
...so it might not have been anything, but it did stand out to me as weird, if not scummy.

nah I agree with the w3 role, he's playing too offensive to be a towny with a role that's useful, potential angel? regardless if we push a lynch  i think we'd get some useful info

read like a book

Fasho was a good read. Not sure if this leans my read in one direction or the other, b/c mafia has nothing to gain or lose by putting out that prediction, but again, worth noting.

So at this point, I have a (very-)slightly-scum-leaning Ryli and a Solaris who is all over the place. Gonna think on this some more before voting, as I don't feel that strongly about either of them and with the game on the line, I don't want to screw this up.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 20, 2017, 06:01:42 pm
Wait. So currently we have:

rob, Link, gino, and myself as 100% (due to no counter-claims) started-as-town (conversions not accounted for).
Solaris and Ryli each claimed VT, so 100% one of them is (non-converted) mafia and the other is town.

Doesn't this mean that kdz is 100% (non-converted) mafia? If this is Lynch or Lose, why take a 50% chance on those two when we can do that again next round and try to get more info between now and then?

Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
UTAlan (1) - Linkcat
Ryli (1) - Solaris
killsdazombies (1) - UTAlan
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 20, 2017, 06:04:34 pm
As a minor note that I don't want to forget - I find it strange that rob ignored this or didn't figure it out himself sooner. Will have to consider that if we get past kdz and Solaris/Ryli and are hunting for the converted wolf.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 06:29:00 pm
My thoughts on Night 0 conversion were based on Angel auto ending game and Wild Kid being in the game. Chance to convert Angel and avoid his lynch. Wild Kid allowing them a walkover win starting the game at 4 Wolves to 5 Civs on a lucky hit.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 07:20:53 pm
quit mentioning wild kid it's not even in the game
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 07:38:00 pm
I mean, right now only ONE other player has followed my vote onto you and that one should be obviously not-sheeping-me because it is Ryli the other VT-claimant voting you the counterclaimant.

this is wrong, I had 2 votes on me before I even woke up on that day


it's a sheep, not a vote because a counterclaim
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 07:44:17 pm
I thought Wild Kid was in when I made a post I've just been called out on. The fact that WK is not in game doesn't change that.

I was willing to move my vote before you claimed VT, but I'm not backing down from your challenge.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 07:46:49 pm
Howl all you want, kdz isn't coming to save you. You're all lone wolves.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 08:23:57 pm
I am confident wolves already used conversion BBWW ability because saving it risks that wolf dying without using it. If they haven't used it yet well that much easier because if we hit a wolf with today's lynch (seems likely and it paramount for town to win) it is 50/50 we hit the BBWW without the ability being used!

UTA - are you willing to lay down your Hunter-life for town benefit?

I have an idea but it is predicated on the idea we either hit the BBWW today _or_ the conversion has already happened...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 20, 2017, 08:29:30 pm
UTA - are you willing to lay down your Hunter-life for town benefit?

I have an idea but it is predicated on the idea we either hit the BBWW today _or_ the conversion has already happened...

Of course, if it is actually to town benefit. Right now I don't see how it would be needed as I'm pretty sure kdz is 100% mafia. Am I wrong? Kinda confused about why 3 people have made multiple posts since I pointed this out and nobody has even acknowledged it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 08:32:07 pm
I acknowleged it, but I'm not backing down on Sol because I'm confident on him. Rob needs to make the decision to lynch kdz.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 08:33:04 pm
I fear that may leave a tie though, if kdz comes in to put the 2nd vote on me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 08:34:24 pm
Actually I'd be a 3rd on kdz if that happened, that's not a problem.
Title: Elements Mafia 67 - rob posits a plan
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 08:44:44 pm
I'd like to start by repeating: Ryli is either town!Civilian _or_ converted to being a werewolf.

UTA - if you are town then scum is highly likely either kdz/Sol/converted-Ryli _or_ kdz/Sol/?conversion-maybe-not-yet?.

I want to hash out here in the thread a plan to lynch you and have you Hunter-target either kdz or Sol. Would you go with that?

Can everyone weigh in on that idea?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 20, 2017, 08:47:44 pm
@Rob - first, do you agree that kdz is as near to 100% mafia as we can get without Seer confirming? If so, no need to take out a townie, too, in the process. I'm not unwilling if I could see an actual benefit for town, but unless I'm missing something, kdz HAS to be mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 09:00:13 pm
Lynching you would confirm that you're not a convert. If you're a convert, we find the missing wolf, if not, we get an original wolf.

That's the benefit.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 09:01:09 pm
I'm not too keen on it, I'd rather take a direct wolf kill at this point.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 09:04:33 pm
Ryli has NAILED the crux of my plan. If you were converted by a sharp-eyed Sol who caught your crumbs then this plan lynches wolf!UTA and if it misses we stay above parity (I think? don't have my parity-notes with me at work... they're at home) by your ability sniping a wolf among Sol/kdz.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 20, 2017, 09:11:29 pm
Ryli has NAILED the crux of my plan. If you were converted by a sharp-eyed Sol who caught your crumbs then this plan lynches wolf!UTA and if it misses we stay above parity (I think? don't have my parity-notes with me at work... they're at home) by your ability sniping a wolf among Sol/kdz.

Gotcha. But working out the numbers, I don't think we do stay above parity. It's potentially 4 town to 3 wolves right now. If(/when) I flip town, I take out kdz, putting us at 3t-2w. NK goes through, putting it at 2v2, giving mafia the win.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 09:26:03 pm
Ryli has NAILED the crux of my plan. If you were converted by a sharp-eyed Sol who caught your crumbs then this plan lynches wolf!UTA and if it misses we stay above parity (I think? don't have my parity-notes with me at work... they're at home) by your ability sniping a wolf among Sol/kdz.

Gotcha. But working out the numbers, I don't think we do stay above parity. It's potentially 4 town to 3 wolves right now. If(/when) I flip town, I take out kdz, putting us at 3t-2w. NK goes through, putting it at 2v2, giving mafia the win.
Ugh, I think you're math is right... Plan B -- lynch wolf today and have wolves NK you tonight so you can target another wolf?

Given that, I do not see value in a lynch today outside of Sol or kdz. @killsdazombies @Solaris what do you think, who is wolf that we should lynch today and why?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 20, 2017, 09:30:16 pm
@Rob - So you're confident it's Solaris over Ryli? What has you leaning that way? (Honestly trying to learn from you b/c based on their posts I don't know which one is more likely to be mafia.) Can I get an agreement from you that kdz is 100% mafia based on the numbers and uncontested role claims?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 09:43:47 pm
Ryli has NAILED the crux of my plan.
I'm not just a pretty face.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 09:51:51 pm
@Rob - So you're confident it's Solaris over Ryli? What has you leaning that way? (Honestly trying to learn from you b/c based on their posts I don't know which one is more likely to be mafia.) Can I get an agreement from you that kdz is 100% mafia based on the numbers and uncontested role claims?
Among Sol/Ryli, I am more confident in Sol being scum than Ryli. Ryli is mechanically either Civilian (vanilla town) or converted werewolf that lost an ability. A converted wolf has no reason NOT to claim their 'old' town-role despite having lost it on conversion. Sol had the contradiction/slip/whatever-you-want-to-call-it that Link pointed out and pushed last night related to himself and Ryli.

Town: rob, Link

95% town: gino (unless you really think he is fancy-playing his Idiot claim... I don't think he is and I don't think he is a likely Conversion-target either)

Unsure: UTA

1-wolf here: Sol, Ryli (mathematically speaking, 50/50 one is a wolf... outside chance both are if Ryli is converted wolf)

Leaving one kdz to be considered. Game started with two wolves and MIGHT have three now. If two then much more likely that Sol/kdz is the team else if three then much more likely Sol/kdz + one-of-Ryli/UTA/gino (with 45/45/10 chances I estimate).

Simplified version:

Town: rob, link, gino

Unsure: UTA, Ryli

HIGHLY like wolf: kdz, Sol
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 10:11:40 pm
If there's no 3rd wolf, and we hit the White Wolf, Gino is just as likely to be picked as a wolf due to lack of suspicion.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 10:32:01 pm
If there's no 3rd wolf, and we hit the White Wolf, Gino is just as likely to be picked as a wolf due to lack of suspicion.
A bridge to cross if two wolves get killed and the game doesn't end yet.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Espithel on February 20, 2017, 10:34:34 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 10:38:15 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 20, 2017, 10:42:40 pm
I actually am going to lean ryli over sol. Sun bro has been actively pushing for town. Other than that false start where he claimed that group has village idiot his play hasn't shouted wolf
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 10:44:59 pm
I actually am going to lean ryli over sol. Sun bro has been actively pushing for town. Other than that false start where he claimed that group has village idiot his play hasn't shouted wolf
Can you type back to me here what the issue is from last night about Sol and his reaction about he and Ryli both claiming Civilian (vanilla town) with only 1 possible in the game?

That is an important point for consideration in whether it is Sol or Ryli here.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 10:58:18 pm

You do you but also consider that your stance of Ryli lynch over Sol lynch means you also believe wolves used conversion on what was Civilian (Vanilla Town) Ryli on Night 0. The more I think about it the less the game state is even possible to have Ryli as the N0 conversion.

It would mean that the other in-thread claims are 100% real because if not the REAL town with that role should be screaming from rooftops that the other claimant is lying... leaving this:

***IF*** Ryli is wolf then:
- Ryli was converted N0
- rob, link, gino, and UTA are town
- Sol and kdz must be remaining original mafia members

I don't think this is plausible because it would mean that Sol-Ryli is wolf/wolf interaction here and no way wolves don't coordinate better to just have one player torpedo the other one to improve survival rate of the surviving wolf.

Basically, I cannot fathom a town Point Of View that would lynch Ryli instead of Sol. The real discussion is the order of killing kdz and Sol. They are almost mechanically locked to be the original/founding wolf members.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 11:02:14 pm
Howl all you want, kdz isn't coming to save you. You're all lone wolves.
i genuinely hate when people are patronizing when they think they have someone cornered, grinds the piss out of my gears and kills any vibe i had for this mafia left in me
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 20, 2017, 11:03:40 pm
Did I miss something? Is it not possible that Ryli was an original wolf and Solaris is the original VT?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 11:05:48 pm
Howl all you want, kdz isn't coming to save you. You're all lone wolves.
i genuinely hate when people are patronizing when they think they have someone cornered, grinds the piss out of my gears and kills any vibe i had for this mafia left in me
We're on the verge of finding wolves... town!Sol should be ecstatic. I find your lack of faith disturbing.

From your point of view, who are the wolves alongside Ryli (you've claimed VT so only world that makes sense to you should have wolf!Ryli - so really who do you think are Ryli's teammates)?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 20, 2017, 11:06:48 pm
Did I miss something? Is it not possible that Ryli was an original wolf and Solaris is the original VT?
UTA still thinking critically, bravo.

I _think_ I am the only POV that could be certain Ryli is either Civilian-town or N0-converted-werewolf.

I'll go more in detail later when not at work alright? Alright.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 11:09:38 pm
Howl all you want, kdz isn't coming to save you. You're all lone wolves.
i genuinely hate when people are patronizing when they think they have someone cornered, grinds the piss out of my gears and kills any vibe i had for this mafia left in me
We're on the verge of finding wolves... town!Sol should be ecstatic. I find your lack of faith disturbing.

From your point of view, who are the wolves alongside Ryli (you've claimed VT so only world that makes sense to you should have wolf!Ryli - so really who do you think are Ryli's teammates)?
KDZ and either one of UTA and gino were converted, leaning gino since UTA is attempting to solve gamestate

i'm never ecstatic when people are being rude in a GAME
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 20, 2017, 11:33:00 pm
I've requested modkill in PM. I didn't realise no one was having fun playing with me in games, I'm sorry.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 20, 2017, 11:41:20 pm
I've requested modkill in PM. I didn't realise no one was having fun playing with me in games, I'm sorry.
that's a bit drastic, and not to mention wrong, I just wasn't enjoying the prods or whatever, didnt mean to have this reaction
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 20, 2017, 11:51:13 pm
Ryli has requested to be modkilled. She will be eliminated from the game at the end of the current phase.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 12:07:40 am
I've requested modkill in PM. I didn't realise no one was having fun playing with me in games, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry you feel this way. I hope it isn't too late for you to change your mind, if you're so inclined. The game will be more fun for us with you than without you, at least as long as the mechanics allow you to be in it. If you don't change your mind, I hope you don't let this experience prevent you from joining future games.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 12:23:59 am
Howl all you want, kdz isn't coming to save you. You're all lone wolves.
i genuinely hate when people are patronizing when they think they have someone cornered, grinds the piss out of my gears and kills any vibe i had for this mafia left in me
We're on the verge of finding wolves... town!Sol should be ecstatic. I find your lack of faith disturbing.

From your point of view, who are the wolves alongside Ryli (you've claimed VT so only world that makes sense to you should have wolf!Ryli - so really who do you think are Ryli's teammates)?
KDZ and either one of UTA and gino were converted, leaning gino since UTA is attempting to solve gamestate

i'm never ecstatic when people are being rude in a GAME
OK, kdz = 1 mafia. One of UTA/gino = 1 new-mafia. Do you see how this is short of finding the last original mafia though?

Fill in the blank:
Original scum
1. kdz
2. ________

Converted to scum
A. UTA -or- gino

(I'm really not seeing anything insulting at all this game... so that part of your post confuses me... but I'm focusing on the parts can help town win the game)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 12:30:50 am
Pretty sure he's saying Ryli is one of the original mafia members, since you haven't explained how (in your opinion) he can't be.
Title: Elements Mafia 67 - Sol, is UTA correct about your meaning?
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 12:39:39 am
Pretty sure he's saying Ryli is one of the original mafia members, since you haven't explained how (in your opinion) he can't be.
Sol, has UTA accurately represented you here with his filling in my blank with "Ryli"?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - Sol, is UTA correct about your meaning?
Post by: Solaris on February 21, 2017, 12:41:36 am
Pretty sure he's saying Ryli is one of the original mafia members, since you haven't explained how (in your opinion) he can't be.
Sol, has UTA accurately represented you here with his filling in my blank with "Ryli"?
UTA good Sol translator yes
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 21, 2017, 12:42:41 am
for complete clarity, your question was in the context of Rlyi being original WW, so I listed the other two (original KDZ, converted gino), with an understood Ryli
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 21, 2017, 12:45:47 am
Kids has been as inactive as I have with about the same amount of notice I'm on mobile trying to help but as of right now I'm moderately disappointed that ryli is going to be modkilled. I mean yes I am leaning sol as town right now but it also discounts the possibility that uta or Rob are wolves. We are also forgetting the Cupid arrows which will eventually occur. I know that as of right now I haven't been converted and I maintain my claim of village idiot. At this point I say we lynch kdz and see who dies tonight. If its not Rob or link we are getting close to the parity point
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 12:51:39 am
Kids has been as inactive as I have with about the same amount of notice I'm on mobile trying to help but as of right now I'm moderately disappointed that ryli is going to be modkilled. I mean yes I am leaning sol as town right now but it also discounts the possibility that uta or Rob are wolves. We are also forgetting the Cupid arrows which will eventually occur. I know that as of right now I haven't been converted and I maintain my claim of village idiot. At this point I say we lynch kdz and see who dies tonight. If its not Rob or link we are getting close to the parity point

This is a great post that summarizes a lot of how I feel. I think conversation is still good since we have another day until the deadline, but I think ultimately we need to lynch kdz and take it from there.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 01:03:16 am
N0 Ryli -- no extra abilities
N1 Link - stuff that convinces me lock-town!Link

The results of those checks are what should connect the dots for a few of you who accurately displayed, in my opinion, proper lack of TMI in how you approached my posting the last ~24 hours or so.

Now, go ahead and use Sharpie to take notes on this:

* Ryli is scum ONLY if she was converted because of my N0 check and game mechanics.
* I think converted scum are 99% likely to in-thread-claim their old town-role which means only one of Sol/Ryli can be Civilian town role.
* Sol made the proper claim to make IF he is wolf -- that of vanilla town or Civilian. Unluckily for him I N0 checked the only other player claiming the same role.
* kdz is odd-man-out in the thead-claim + rob-checks musical chairs game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 21, 2017, 01:05:30 am
What role are you claiming Rob?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 21, 2017, 01:10:36 am
What I want to know is why rob thinks I wasn't converted.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 01:12:30 am
What I want to know is why rob thinks I wasn't converted.
I checked you last night. Conversion happens PRIOR to the check in role priority so you coming back with an ability means not the "ability-less" converted wolf check result. :D

Congrats, we're on the same team and finally know it prior to a volcanic-melt-down of a result for town. Final verdict on game pending, of course.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 21, 2017, 01:14:32 am
Solid reasoning. Though I'm sceptical of a day 3 seer claim. But eh. Lets see what happens. I'm getting a hint of wolf off of Rob pending the kdz lynch. On that note put my vote on kdz please
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 21, 2017, 01:16:05 am
Though I might just be paranoid after killing rob last mafia and losing the game for town
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 21, 2017, 01:17:41 am
What I want to know is why rob thinks I wasn't converted.
I checked you last night. Conversion happens PRIOR to the check in role priority so you coming back with an ability means not the "ability-less" converted wolf check result. :D.

i dont even see where this is written
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 21, 2017, 01:18:22 am
But I don't know anymore. Rob basically skates every game based off his almost perpetual town reads. Wifom I guess becAuse until lynch we have no new informTion
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 21, 2017, 01:21:42 am
Conversion happens PRIOR to the check in role priority so you coming back with an ability means not the "ability-less" converted wolf check result. :D

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 21, 2017, 01:22:58 am
Conversion happens PRIOR to the check in role priority so you coming back with an ability means not the "ability-less" converted wolf check result. :D

my sentiments exactly, if this wasn't posted publicly I'm 100% done
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 01:23:16 am
I feel so dumb for not figuring that out sooner. Gotcha, rob.

But yes gino, we definitely have to consider a converted-rob scenario.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 01:23:51 am
Probably should have edited that after 7 new posts. The "gotcha" was on why Ryli has to be VT or converted, at least for how rob is presenting it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 01:26:25 am
Not sure if you'll answer this, and if you do if it will be the truth, but for the sake of ensuring we have enough votes for a lynch when it comes to that - Link, did you target me last night?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 01:28:24 am
Conversion happens PRIOR to the check in role priority so you coming back with an ability means not the "ability-less" converted wolf check result. :D

I think answering might amount to breaking the rules.

I'll try this route though:
I remember being told that BBWW's ability is triggered before Seer's.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 01:30:02 am
Conversion happens PRIOR to the check in role priority so you coming back with an ability means not the "ability-less" converted wolf check result. :D

my sentiments exactly, if this wasn't posted publicly I'm 100% done

Please pardon my departure here from game-playing/solving but I'm confused about the intensity of your response here and what I think you implying is displeasing you... ??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 21, 2017, 01:32:39 am
Conversion happens PRIOR to the check in role priority so you coming back with an ability means not the "ability-less" converted wolf check result. :D

my sentiments exactly, if this wasn't posted publicly I'm 100% done

Please pardon my departure here from game-playing/solving but I'm confused about the intensity of your response here and what I think you implying is displeasing you... ??
having access to info that no other player is certain of is extremely wrong, and unfair to othe players, on the host's part to not divulge to everyone, and I do not wish to interact further with the game if this is the case
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 21, 2017, 01:38:21 am
I'm going to take the blame on this one for putting an inexperienced host in charge of poorly written rules.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 01:40:10 am
I know that I asked a clarifying question by PM as is proper by not posting it publicly as I am a player.

I know that at least one of the questions I asked by PM was posted publicly by host with the hosts answer/response.

For all I know, and as it should be in eveyr game, the role-priority-order or list is in the OP. I didn't remember it so asked and once I had an answer I had my answer.

I'm still not sure what is going on or wrong though...?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 21, 2017, 01:44:21 am
I know that I asked a clarifying question by PM as is proper by not posting it publicly as I am a player.

I know that at least one of the questions I asked by PM was posted publicly by host with the hosts answer/response.

For all I know, and as it should be in eveyr game, the role-priority-order or list is in the OP. I didn't remember it so asked and once I had an answer I had my answer.

I'm still not sure what is going on or wrong though...?
role prio wasn't in OP, none of fabians posts mention role prio, which is extremely important to know for how people may go through processes
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 01:46:36 am
I know that I asked a clarifying question by PM as is proper by not posting it publicly as I am a player.

I know that at least one of the questions I asked by PM was posted publicly by host with the hosts answer/response.

For all I know, and as it should be in eveyr game, the role-priority-order or list is in the OP. I didn't remember it so asked and once I had an answer I had my answer.

I'm still not sure what is going on or wrong though...?
role prio wasn't in OP, none of fabians posts mention role prio, which is extremely important to know for how people may go through processes
Ah OK - did you ask about it too and get a different answer? It is dawning on me that perhaps the answer I received is incorrect and I've pushed some things as mechanically-locked that are not so?? ?_?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 01:47:20 am
Sol - I mean, you're pretty clear how important role priority is to you now but did you ask about it before?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 21, 2017, 01:56:37 am
Sol - I mean, you're pretty clear how important role priority is to you now but did you ask about it before?
no, had it been in the OP I would've remembered to ask for it, and likely played this whole game differently when faced with the abnormality of a Seer role reading -after- a conversion, making any strategery of the conversion useless
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 21, 2017, 01:57:05 am
remembered to ask for it = remembered to look back at it when needed
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 02:03:56 am
Sol - I mean, you're pretty clear how important role priority is to you now but did you ask about it before?
no, had it been in the OP I would've remembered to ask for it, and likely played this whole game differently when faced with the abnormality of a Seer role reading -after- a conversion, making any strategery of the conversion useless
Hmm, OK, I might be able to follow where you're going -- what strategery was there that changes on N0 based on role priority? Are you thinking mafia had a list of who was what role on N0?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 21, 2017, 02:06:44 am
Sol - I mean, you're pretty clear how important role priority is to you now but did you ask about it before?
no, had it been in the OP I would've remembered to ask for it, and likely played this whole game differently when faced with the abnormality of a Seer role reading -after- a conversion, making any strategery of the conversion useless
Hmm, OK, I might be able to follow where you're going -- what strategery was there that changes on N0 based on role priority? Are you thinking mafia had a list of who was what role on N0?
More thought might be put into a N0 conversion in terms of trying to hit the same target if Seer hits before conversion, or steering away from the target if Convert happens before Seer

(this is meta talk, if anyone scumreads more because of this you're being silly at this point)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 02:08:15 am
Sol - I mean, you're pretty clear how important role priority is to you now but did you ask about it before?
no, had it been in the OP I would've remembered to ask for it, and likely played this whole game differently when faced with the abnormality of a Seer role reading -after- a conversion, making any strategery of the conversion useless
Hmm, OK, I might be able to follow where you're going -- what strategery was there that changes on N0 based on role priority? Are you thinking mafia had a list of who was what role on N0?
More thought might be put into a N0 conversion in terms of trying to hit the same target if Seer hits before conversion, or steering away from the target if Convert happens before Seer

(this is meta talk, if anyone scumreads more because of this you're being silly at this point)
I'm basically in full mechanics talk here, really. I honestly don't see how mafia in this setup would have done anything different based on knowing role priority with what little information was available N0.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 21, 2017, 02:16:25 am
there's enough to make an informed decision

- We're converting tonight
- Seer will target tonight
- Seer might target XYZ because of night chatter
- Wolves target that person and Seer does as well, in current form, wasted Wolf ability because now the convert is known and role prio wasnt known for the wolves to counteract this

Now, imagine a scenario where wolves DID know what would happen if Seer and BBWW targetted the same person; wolves might play above scenario different

Did this affect the game? I don't have the information to know that.

Should I be in a situation where I have to ask if a host + rule oversight affected the game? Absolutely not.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 02:36:34 am
Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
UTAlan (1) - Linkcat
Ryli (1) - Solaris
killsdazombies (1) - UTAlan

Last known votecount --^.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 21, 2017, 02:49:39 am
Solaris (2) - rob77dp, Ryli
Ryli (1) - Solaris
killsdazombies (2) - UTAlan, Linkcat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 02:52:55 am
Solaris (1) - Ryli
Ryli (1) - Solaris
killsdazombies (3) - UTAlan, Linkcat, rob77dp

I suppose the least active and most lurky wolf in my short-history around EtG mafia is a good lynch too.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 03:03:35 am
Per his request earlier.

Solaris (1) - Ryli
Ryli (1) - Solaris
killsdazombies (4) - UTAlan, godisnowonline, Linkcat, rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 03:11:29 am
inb4 rob + link mafia team railroads us into a loss...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 21, 2017, 03:16:38 am
Solaris (1) - Ryli
killsdazombies (5) - UTAlan, godisnowonline, Linkcat, rob77dp, Solaris
singlevotes get nothing done
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 03:28:45 am
If I wasn't feeling pretty sure that BBWW was used almost-surely N0 or maybe N1 (as I've been suspecting for a while now) then I might be tempted to hesitate on voting kdz like this with Sol so willing to pile onto him considering the high likelihood that they are wolf-bros. It feels like BBWW may not have been used yet and this is to protect the BBWW to be able to get that ability used tonight...

Occam's Razor points to kdz/Sol/?convert-N0/N1? team though...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 21, 2017, 03:33:14 am
If I wasn't feeling pretty sure that BBWW was used almost-surely N0 or maybe N1 (as I've been suspecting for a while now) then I might be tempted to hesitate on voting kdz like this with Sol so willing to pile onto him considering the high likelihood that they are wolf-bros. It feels like BBWW may not have been used yet and this is to protect the BBWW to be able to get that ability used tonight...

Occam's Razor points to kdz/Sol/?convert-N0/N1? team though...
i've always been willing to lynch KDZ
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: killsdazombies on February 21, 2017, 04:11:49 am
Alright, I guess assuming the extra day and laying low was good enough to take some time off to recuperate after work was a misplaced thought. Heres the deal. I'm the seer, Night 0 I ID'd gino, and Night 1 I ID'd Linkcat. Theyre both Town. Use that information as you will, this game is toxic trash anyway

I am glad to see being civil and social at the beginning of the game (which I try to do every game anyway) is a free way to get called out. Happens literally every game, like hell, all we can do is be shits to each other until they modkill request. This hyper aggressive mafiameta shit is as toxic as the noposts. At least two of the noposts this game has legitimate reasons for being unable to post for two-thirds of the game. Jesus Christ, I get that some of you play this elsewhere, and I get it gives you some skill in rooting things out, I understand and respect that, but you don't have to read so god damn deep into pre/early game banter? And you wonder why we haven't had a reasonable playercount in the last four games? This game used to be fun. Be better.
Title: Elements Mafia 67 - ???
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 06:30:35 am
kdz -
That is, your tone reads as serious but I've read your post several times over and am in disbelief that you could be serious about all of it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 06:34:57 am
In the meantime, I'll keep playing:

What led you to choose gino for Night 0 seer target? Why Link on Night 1? What has prompted you to put all this 'information' out now 0.o?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 21, 2017, 07:16:36 am
My vote is off at this point. That counter claim is just enough to push me to say that the wolfy smell off of rob isn't just in my head.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 21, 2017, 07:19:27 am
A wolf rob would know that both me and link are town. As would a seer rob. However I'm willing to stake on it and lynch rob over kdz. If kdz is anything other than angry town right now I will be amazed.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 21, 2017, 07:20:07 am
I mean I'm probAbly wrong again but rob has just been showing a little too much fur for my tastes
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 07:31:15 am
Solaris (1) - Ryli
killsdazombies (4) - UTAlan, Linkcat, rob77dp, Solaris

As you wish, gino. I am choosing to let my calmer half prevail and ignore the appeal-to-emotion earlier tonight in the thread.

gino - from my POV, I know what I know and I know how I came to know the information. Feel free to re-read the content/posts I have so far this game and find the inconsistency with my outting of peeks and results on this day phase. The way you are so quickly doing a 180 on kdz and onto me is inconsistent with how you played previously this game... I won't jump to any premature pushes or conclusions but let it reside here as a note that I think if kdz-then-Sol doesn't end the game because a successful conversion happened that you're climbing the chart for a likely converted player.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 07:34:14 am
Solaris (1) - Ryli
killsdazombies (4) - UTAlan, Linkcat, rob77dp, Solaris

As you wish, gino. I am choosing to let my calmer half prevail and ignore the appeal-to-emotion earlier tonight in the thread.

gino - from my POV, I know what I know and I know how I came to know the information. Feel free to re-read the content/posts I have so far this game and find the inconsistency with my outting of peeks and results on this day phase. The way you are so quickly doing a 180 on kdz and onto me is inconsistent with how you played previously this game... I won't jump to any premature pushes or conclusions but let it reside here as a note that I think if kdz-then-Sol doesn't end the game because a successful conversion happened that you're climbing the chart for a likely converted player.
Hindsight re-read this seems like I direct it at gino - that is not the case.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 21, 2017, 12:35:50 pm
Per request:
Lovers were not notified of being these, and the Seer is unable to see the Lovers.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 21, 2017, 12:42:26 pm
Per request:
Lovers were not notified of being these, and the Seer is unable to see the Lovers.

Wtf, why were lovers not notified? this kills the whole purpose of lovers.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 21, 2017, 01:32:25 pm
We're about to play a sick version of Russian Roulette.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 02:43:37 pm
Wtf, why were lovers not notified? this kills the whole purpose of lovers.

Technically the rules didn't state either way. *shrug*
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 02:45:41 pm
Alright, I guess assuming the extra day and laying low was good enough to take some time off to recuperate after work was a misplaced thought. Heres the deal. I'm the seer, Night 0 I ID'd gino, and Night 1 I ID'd Linkcat. Theyre both Town. Use that information as you will, this game is toxic trash anyway

Interesting. Gonna have to process this, run scenarios and such. I'll comment more on this soon.

I am glad to see being civil and social at the beginning of the game (which I try to do every game anyway) is a free way to get called out. Happens literally every game, like hell, all we can do is be shits to each other until they modkill request. This hyper aggressive mafiameta shit is as toxic as the noposts. At least two of the noposts this game has legitimate reasons for being unable to post for two-thirds of the game. Jesus Christ, I get that some of you play this elsewhere, and I get it gives you some skill in rooting things out, I understand and respect that, but you don't have to read so god damn deep into pre/early game banter? And you wonder why we haven't had a reasonable playercount in the last four games? This game used to be fun. Be better.

I'm sorry this game has upset you :( As I said to Ryli, I hope it doesn't prevent you from playing in future games. If you have any feedback on how we can improve things, please let us (well, Linkcat, anyway) know.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 21, 2017, 02:56:54 pm
99% is higher than 98%.

Solaris (2) - Ryli, Linkcat
killsdazombies (3) - UTAlan, rob77dp, Solaris
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 05:39:50 pm
99% is higher than 98%.

Solaris (2) - Ryli, Linkcat
killsdazombies (3) - UTAlan, rob77dp, Solaris
Is this votecount right?

Besides me knowing my own role and all that WIFOM, I think it is quite telling that he went from 0-to-60 mph complete with counterclaiming the Seer (me) but without voting that person (me). I mean, real Seer should ALWAYS be voting the player that is fake claiming the same role. I don't see it here.

gino, I don't think you should let your current stance on kdz-vs-rob waffle without a vote either way. I have very little to go on trying to discern your alignment so right now that three-post outburst where you suddenly retract your kdz vote that gave me wolfy-tingles about you is struggling against your uncountered Village Idiot claim.
Title: Elements Mafia 67 - end of Day 2 countdown timer repost
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 05:40:38 pm
Day 2
has ended.

ji412jo has been Nightkilled.
He was the Cupid: (1U) At the start of night 0, Cupid chooses 2 players. When one player dies, the other player dies from sorrow. May target self.
Easier to find timer to help EOD not sneak up on us.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 05:43:13 pm
Besides me knowing my own role and all that WIFOM, I think it is quite telling that he went from 0-to-60 mph complete with counterclaiming the Seer (me) but without voting that person (me). I mean, real Seer should ALWAYS be voting the player that is fake claiming the same role. I don't see it here.

If you're talking about kdz, my guess is that he didn't vote due to being upset about the game or whatever.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 05:48:18 pm
Per request:
Lovers were not notified of being these, and the Seer is unable to see the Lovers.
Not sure if it came into play or not but I can confirm that none of my checks (all two of them) mentioned anything about Lovers or not Lovers.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Linkcat on February 21, 2017, 06:12:43 pm
Kdz's period of inactivity is sufficient to explain why he would not have countered rob's claim, which was softed at the beginning of the day and slowly hardened over the following 12 pages. That said, I still find it highly improbable that rob is mafia, though less than I do Ryli which is why we are going to lynch Sol today.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 10:28:40 pm
99% is higher than 98%.

Solaris (2) - Ryli, Linkcat
killsdazombies (3) - UTAlan, rob77dp, Solaris
This is a very dangrous wagon formation, folks. Wolves have 2 and MAYBE 3 members right now which means wagons this small risks sniping at the dearth in likely LYLO situation.

Link, as the ones I can be 100% certain of being town I think we need to first agree which among Sol or kdz is the lynch today. And the rest of town should pay CLOSE attention and follow suit... if they want to win.

I get the 99% 98% thing more or less, but we should be trying to hit BBWW just in case that conversion ability has not yet been used. Do you think of any way to try to parse between Sol or kdz whether one is more or less likely the BBWW if they are wolf?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 21, 2017, 10:32:56 pm
not me, I'm vanilla town
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 10:35:01 pm
not me, I'm vanilla town

Then your vote being on kdz makes next-to-no sense to me. There can be ONLY ONE vanilla town/Civilian role this game so if you really are the Civ and believe it you'd be voting the counterclaimant and pushing that hard. Right? If not then how are we to be convinced that we should believe your claim?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 21, 2017, 10:36:29 pm
not me, I'm vanilla town

Then your vote being on kdz makes next-to-no sense to me. There can be ONLY ONE vanilla town/Civilian role this game so if you really are the Civ and believe it you'd be voting the counterclaimant and pushing that hard. Right? If not then how are we to be convinced that we should believe your claim?
you should believe it because I'm vanilla town

what is the point of voting on Ryli, which puts the lynch stack at very weird totals, and could allow the wolves to lynch a town?
Title: Elements Mafia 67 - question for Link
Post by: rob77dp on February 21, 2017, 11:05:52 pm

What thoughts do you have on gino's posting burst last night backtracking off of his kdz vote and now not voting at all?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 21, 2017, 11:12:58 pm
At this point i am concerned about the state of the game because of what i outlined previously. I guess kdz is still the better lynch target but if he flips town we pretty much know that its rob and link and uta
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 11:15:34 pm
Then your vote being on kdz makes next-to-no sense to me.

By this logic, shouldn't you be pushing for a lynch on kdz since he counter-claimed Seer?

That said - here are my thoughts on the kdz claim.


This doesn't look good for Solaris. He's either 100% wolf with kdz or he's 50% wolf with rob. Also, chances are the honest Seer gets NK'd and tomorrow's lynch is setup for us. Yes?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 11:16:05 pm
At this point i am concerned about the state of the game because of what i outlined previously. I guess kdz is still the better lynch target but if he flips town we pretty much know that its rob and link and uta

If he flips town the game is over.

Also, you'd think I'd have bbcode figured out by now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 11:16:54 pm
    I forgot to move my vote.

Solaris (3) - Ryli, Linkcat, UTAlan
killsdazombies (2) - rob77dp, Solaris
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 21, 2017, 11:27:10 pm
Solaris (4) - Ryli, Linkcat, UTAlan, Godisnowonline
killsdazombies (2) - rob77dp, Solaris
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: godisnowonline on February 21, 2017, 11:28:13 pm
I'm not really excited about the solaris lynch but if he flips mafia then we should hunt kdz. otherwise idk
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 21, 2017, 11:30:55 pm
I'm not really excited about the solaris lynch but if he flips mafia then we should hunt kdz. otherwise idk

If he flips mafia we see who gets NK'd. If rob or kdz get NK'd, we lynch the one that survived. If they both survive and someone else gets NK'd, we ask who they investigated and what the results were, then evaluate who to lynch between them (at this point I'd lean kdz, but I haven't dismissed the possibility of a mafia-rob because - rob).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 22, 2017, 12:06:18 am
UTA - I am voting my counterclaimant and wanting him lynched. Unable to post-quote at the moment but this is in response to your questioning why my logic that town!<role X> should nearly always vote and push hard on opposing!<role X> claimant.

Also yes, let this be clearer now than before: If today is a mislynch then town loses no matter whether BBWW has converted previously or not.

If I am not NK'd tonight then mafia have mailed it in because they KNOW I am Seer.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 22, 2017, 12:18:40 am
Link, as the ones I can be 100% certain of being town I think we need to first agree which among Sol or kdz is the lynch today. And the rest of town should pay CLOSE attention and follow suit... if they want to win.

I get the 99% 98% thing more or less, but we should be trying to hit BBWW just in case that conversion ability has not yet been used. Do you think of any way to try to parse between Sol or kdz whether one is more or less likely the BBWW if they are wolf?

My questioning wasn't based on where your current vote was (since it's obs on kdz) but based on the above quote. You were asking who to lynch between Sol and kdz (which is fine by itself) but also giving Sol a hard time about moving his vote off Ryli and onto kdz.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 22, 2017, 01:01:36 am
wait wtf
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 22, 2017, 01:11:38 am
wait wtf

Famous last words
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 22, 2017, 01:35:08 am
I _really_ really think we need to lynch kdz today. I see absolutely no way that he is not wolf. I refuse to even consider the possibility of game throwing. He has claimed MY ROLE. Even though I put Sol at VERY likely to be a wolf, kdz is a sure thing.

If you guys lynch kdz then you HAVE to lynch Sol tomorrow when I die in the night.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 22, 2017, 01:37:11 am
wait wtf
I'm sorry, can you repeat that in English? 0.o
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 22, 2017, 01:38:48 am
wait wtf
I'm sorry, can you repeat that in English? 0.o
wait wtf
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 22, 2017, 01:39:40 am
(I thought we were lynching KDZ but now I'm dead af)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 22, 2017, 01:44:14 am
(I thought we were lynching KDZ but now I'm dead af)
I'm trying to lynch kdz. 100% he is wolf.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 22, 2017, 01:45:42 am
I _really_ really think we need to lynch kdz today. I see absolutely no way that he is not wolf. I refuse to even consider the possibility of game throwing. He has claimed MY ROLE. Even though I put Sol at VERY likely to be a wolf, kdz is a sure thing.

If you guys lynch kdz then you HAVE to lynch Sol tomorrow when I die in the night.
I get this from your point of view. But we don't know that you aren't mafia, so it's not 100%. Honestly I could go either way, but if I'm gonna gamble, I want tomorrow's lynch to be 100% and not another gamble.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 22, 2017, 01:46:38 am
I _really_ really think we need to lynch kdz today. I see absolutely no way that he is not wolf. I refuse to even consider the possibility of game throwing. He has claimed MY ROLE. Even though I put Sol at VERY likely to be a wolf, kdz is a sure thing.

If you guys lynch kdz then you HAVE to lynch Sol tomorrow when I die in the night.
I get this from your point of view. But we don't know that you aren't mafia, so it's not 100%. Honestly I could go either way, but if I'm gonna gamble, I want tomorrow's lynch to be 100% and not another gamble.
We don't get a "tomorrow's lynch" 1% of the time if Sol is lynched today. We always get another lynch tomorrow if kdz is lynched today.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 22, 2017, 01:47:47 am
Taking it further, I feel pretty strongly that both candidates today are a wolf but I'm holding fast to that 1% bump (or whatever value you assign to the chance Sol is town) in chances that lynching kdz gives us.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 22, 2017, 01:50:27 am
I meant that if we lynch kdz today, tomorrow we still aren't 100% sure Sol is maf. But if we lynch Sol today, we'll be 100% sure either you or kdz is maf, bc the other will (likely) be dead.

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 22, 2017, 01:57:00 am
If this goes south somehow on that small chance Sol is town... ugh.

I'm pretty confident Sol is wolf too but getting last minutes creeped out because kdz looks like sure-thing from my POV.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 22, 2017, 01:59:57 am
good luck!!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 22, 2017, 02:10:40 am
Night 2
has ended.

And the town gets its first enemy down...

Solaris has been lynched.
He was the Big Bad Werewolf: (1U) Choose a Civilian. It becomes a Werewolf, permanently. They lose any skills they had.

Ryli has been modkilled.
She did not have extra abilities.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 22, 2017, 02:12:56 am

Question for fabian: Was Ryli mod-killed or is she still in the game?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 22, 2017, 02:14:35 am

Question for fabian: Was Ryli mod-killed or is she still in the game?
About to post that.

Ryli has been modkilled.
She did not have extra abilities.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 22, 2017, 02:16:01 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 22, 2017, 02:17:44 am
Sorry you blew it on your one death post. I'll help a dead guy out:

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 22, 2017, 02:22:55 am
When I die tonight, please please lynch kdz tomorrow.

Ryli alignment not revealed on death gives tinglies that are angle-y, so ignoring those and analyzing plainly:

Either (i)1 wolf and 1 town or (ii)2 wolves died today...

A. there were 5 town and 2 wolves...
    i. Now it is 4 town and 1 wolf...
    ii. Now it is 5 town and 0 wolves - game is not over so strike A(i)!

B. there were 4 town and 3 wolves...
    i. Now it is 3 town and 2 wolf - game is not over so strike B(i)!
    ii. Now it is 4 town and 1 wolf...

--> Viola - 4 town and 1 wolf should be the current count. Somebody double check this though.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 22, 2017, 05:30:43 pm
How do I know my post has not yet been read/reviewed by anybody? I find an error in it 15 hours later...

FIXED in the quote below:
When I die tonight, please please lynch kdz tomorrow.

Ryli alignment not revealed on death gives tinglies that are angle-y, so ignoring those and analyzing plainly:

Either (i)1 wolf and 1 town or (ii)2 wolves died today...

A. there were 5 town and 2 wolves...
    i. Now it is 4 town and 1 wolf...
    ii. Now it is 5 town and 0 wolves - game is not over so strike A(ii)A(ii)!

B. there were 4 town and 3 wolves...
    i. Now it is 3 town and 2 wolf - game is not over so strike B(i)!
    ii. Now it is 4 town and 1 wolf...

--> Viola - 4 town and 1 wolf should be the current count. Somebody double check this though.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: rob77dp on February 24, 2017, 01:50:45 am
Good luck town!

You know what to do. Don't screw it up like town did in Root's 1984 mafia after I gave them a POE that was 3/4 or 4/5 wolves then died and town went self-rampagingly off-script.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 24, 2017, 02:46:41 am
Mafia 67 has ended!

rob77dp has been Nightkilled.
He was the Seer: (ER) Each night, the seer targets a person, and learns that person's role. If the Wild Kid is targeted, the answer received is Wild Kid.

godisnowonline sorrowed the loss of rob77dp, and died of dehydration for so many tears dropped.
He was the Village idiot: (Passive) The first time he would get lynched, he instead stays alive, but loses his voting power.

This leaves 1 Civilian(Linkcat) and 2 wolves(kdz and UTA). The wolves have won.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 24, 2017, 02:49:54 am
Did Linkcat not use his ability or something?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 24, 2017, 02:58:57 am
Role-player list:
Linkcat - Raven
gino - Village idiot
UTA - Hunter Werewolf
www3 - Angel
kdz - White WW
joey - Cupid
rob - Seer
Ryli - Vanilla Civ
anti - Sorcerer
Sol - BBWW

On N0:
joey targeted rob and gino
rob targeted Ryli
Sol targeted UTA
Linkcat targeted joey

On N1:
rob targeted Linkcat
Linkcat targeted UTA

On N2:
rob targeted UTA

When I die tonight, please please lynch kdz tomorrow.

Ryli alignment not revealed on death gives tinglies that are angle-y, so ignoring those and analyzing plainly:

Either (i)1 wolf and 1 town or (ii)2 wolves died today...

A. there were 5 town and 2 wolves...
    i. Now it is 4 town and 1 wolf...
    ii. Now it is 5 town and 0 wolves - game is not over so strike A(ii)A(ii)!

B. there were 4 town and 3 wolves...
    i. Now it is 3 town and 2 wolf - game is not over so strike B(i)!
    ii. Now it is 4 town and 1 wolf...

--> Viola - 4 town and 1 wolf should be the current count. Somebody double check this though.
After I read this, I immediately found a HUGE mistake: assuming that 100% nobody was targeted by BBWW. Cupid would have ended it anyways, but had Link been targeted, the game would've gone for Town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 24, 2017, 02:59:57 am
Did Linkcat not use his ability or something?

It was always run over by 3+ votes on someone. In this case, anti and you had 3+ votes on them on the day you were lynched. Also, Link's votes were never on his targets at EOD.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 24, 2017, 03:03:13 am
Did Linkcat not use his ability or something?

It was always run over by 3+ votes on someone. In this case, anti and you had 3+ votes on them on the day you were lynched. Also, Link's votes were never on his targets at EOD.
I was referring to N2, which, it seems he didn't use his ability to be able to win the lynch.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on February 24, 2017, 03:05:38 am
Did Linkcat not use his ability or something?

It was always run over by 3+ votes on someone. In this case, anti and you had 3+ votes on them on the day you were lynched. Also, Link's votes were never on his targets at EOD.
I was referring to N2, which, it seems he didn't use his ability to be able to win the lynch.
In that case, yes, he did not send any target on N2.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on February 24, 2017, 03:09:45 am
Pretty sure it wouldn't have mattered, right? Even if rob hadn't been a Cupid target, it would have been 2v2 and game over. I'm going based on Link's comment earlier in the game about mafia winning once they have parity. Vote modifiers don't affect that, do they?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: killsdazombies on February 24, 2017, 06:16:58 am
hey I just wanted to say that the rage paragraph had literally no reflection on my actual opinion of the game state, or anything that has happened. It was 100% false.

It was made to
1: appear angry and inconsistent/in the moment. (Making me look angry town)
2: throw shade on Rob/solaris (In the event I wanted to try to push a lynch on rob, I wanted to seem mad at solaris)
3: Discredit rob with a counter claim, and justify its lateness
4: allow me to continue to be afk, as I need (since my internet is still awkward)
5: Make gino drop his vote on me
6: Set up UTA to kill me, and get credit with ryli (if he was still in the game) or linkcat, and make gino look shady

and literally nothing else. I dont mean to offend rob, or solaris (whom had the most targeted lines) or anyone else playing the game, and should be entirely ignored. Again, Im sorry if I offended anyone and I offer my genuine apology.  (I was going to post something similar to this when I died)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on February 24, 2017, 09:26:48 am
m8 i'm the prickliest lil shit u've ever seen (No offense taken ;) )

My opinions in the game were more strongly worded than intended, but I do think the whole aggro meta is a bit unhealty for the game due to the way the community is, as well as believing that the sheeping issue is a real thing as well.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on February 24, 2017, 11:49:37 am
this game was shit, both due to town playing horribly, and due to some stuff not being done correctly like lovers and raven.
Oh well.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 28, 2017, 01:31:12 pm
Why did ya lynch me N1 UT? ): previous mafia's influence? XD
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Ryli on February 28, 2017, 01:40:15 pm
My initial confusion about the Wild Kid being in game was that I received that role on the rerolls by mistake. I was changed to Vanilla Civ half way through the night, but the post I made based on what I thought was in game already made me look scummy.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: UTAlan on March 01, 2017, 02:30:50 am
Why did ya lynch me N1 UT? ): previous mafia's influence? XD

I wasn't converted until N1, so that was all Solaris and kdz. ;)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: worldwideweb3 on March 01, 2017, 02:32:53 am
Why did ya lynch me N1 UT? ): previous mafia's influence? XD

I wasn't converted until N1, so that was all Solaris and kdz. ;)

Question redirected :sillyspin:
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 67 - by fabian771
Post by: Solaris on March 01, 2017, 02:34:33 am
Why did ya lynch me N1 UT? ): previous mafia's influence? XD

I wasn't converted until N1, so that was all Solaris and kdz. ;)

Question redirected :sillyspin:
cant remember, too busy chasing my tail
blarg: Linkcat,godisnowonline,UTAlan,worldwideweb3,killsdazombies,ji412jo,rob77dp,Ryli,antiaverage,Solaris