Not quite sure right now how to read that UTA response to me... When I made the comment I had expected something more like "I don't have scumchat" or such if he is town but instead it was the 'Woooooow' which seems to me like it might come from a place of UTA thinking he needs to respond or address it but is not really sure how to do it comprehensively so hence the awkward 'woooooow'. I'll have to think about that for a bit.
Ha. Overanalyzing much? I could argue the opposite. If I were mafia, I'd want to make sure it was clear that I had no scumchat or anything like it! As town, I see that you're making a joke or trying to get a read on me. Since I'm not too concerned about being read as mafia (since I'm 100% town) I chuckle at you saying that and post a humorous (to me) response.
UTA - what is it that leads you to believe town has a huge advantage this game? I mean, town starts with very little information (their own role/alignment is all they receive at start of the game) so typically town starts out feeling overwhelmed. EVEN WHEN the setup might actually be town-sided the lack of initial information generally a sense of outnumbered and out-information'd.
Uh, I was mostly going based on Solaris' post earlier in the thread, though in hindsight using a drunk man's posts as my premise is likely to make for a bad conclusion

Now I obviously agree that town is automatically at a disadvantage to some degree, but the game was restarted b/c it was too mafia-friendly.
Tbh, I don't actually care if the game is town or mafia friendly, I'm just here to chew gum and lynch some wolves. And I'm all out of wolves.
Er...Gum. Out of gum.