UTA - maybe we should have just fleshed this out in scumchat before revealing it to the masses? Although, I guess privately polishing the plan might be too obvious if the plan was squeaky clean and had not "just thought it up" kinks to it?
While we're at it, players do not reveal their alignment on death, only their role.
>.< This should at least help any concerns of town having a huge advantage. (I don't like it, but I guess I get it.)
Reread the new Night 0 post.
Derp. I see it now, thanks.
Not quite sure right now how to read that UTA response to me... When I made the comment I had expected something more like "I don't have scumchat" or such if he is town but instead it was the 'Woooooow' which seems to me like it might come from a place of UTA thinking he
needs to respond or address it but is not really sure how to do it comprehensively so hence the awkward 'woooooow'. I'll have to think about that for a bit.
UTA - what is it that leads you to believe town has a huge advantage this game? I mean, town starts with very little information (their own role/alignment is all they receive at start of the game) so typically town starts out feeling overwhelmed. EVEN WHEN the setup might actually be town-sided the lack of initial information generally a sense of outnumbered and out-information'd.