killsdazombies (1) - rob77dp
Linkcat (1) - ji412jo
antiaverage (3) - UTAlan, Linkcat, Solaris
This is even't playing mafia here people...
1. Only 56% of the players even voted.
2. Not even every player posted ONCE during the entire 2 day phase.
3. TWO of the three players receiving votes at days end cast a vote themselves.
4. A town PR whimpered themselves into getting lynched and were a VERY important town PR (Sorc, essentially able to stop TWO nightkills - one safely and one with some risk due to redirect).
5. *sigh* I am going to have to seriously search for motivation not to self vote at the start of the day.
6. This list is not intended to insult but rather an indictment of the state of the game right now.