It might be too little, too late, but w3 can be confirmed by breadcrumbing a target and Rylie is gonna be modkilled (in theory, we don't know if a pm was actually sent) - so I'm gonna put my vote on kirby b/c he's the scummiest, unconfirmable, non-modkill lynch target at this time.
worldwideweb3 (6) - Solaris, JonathanCrazyJ, andretimpa, fabian771, Ryli, CleanOnion
Ryli (8) - worldwideweb3, Espithel, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian, killsdazombies, kirbylover314, mathman101, ddevans96
kirbylover314 (3) - Sera, rob77dp, UTAlan
ddevans96 (1) - dawn to dusk