Good catch, Solaris.
fabian771 [1] - mathman101
Kuroaitou [8] - RavingRabbid, Linkcat, Espithel, Ryli, Demagog, Sera, andretimpa, killsdazombies
Demagog [5] - dawn to dusk, JonathanCrazyJ, ddevans96, Lunaris, Solaris
Lunaris [2] - iancudorinmarian, Submachine
dawn to dusk [1] - fabian771
kirbylover314 [1] - danil
Ryli [1] - worldwideweb3
UTAlan [1] - Kuroaitou
Current vote tally.
If Kuroaitou is so civvy, why aren't you trying to defend him beyond just saying he's civ?
If he's so civilian, put your vote on Demagog and stop being a slacktivist.
Or give us actual justification for your stance.
Oh btw UTA is totally mafia because a cop told me yes clearly :okhand: (no.)