Well, based on some recent information, here is a revised/mostly-updated read list from me (minimal proof-reading in the interest of getting it out to the public!):
vv (8x)
Kuro AppleSub Tomatodanil OrangeRyli Plumdd Pineapplerob77dp - is kiwi
iancu - VERY likely Peach
andre - VERY likely a fruit of somekind
v (2x)
worldwideweb3 - Claimed lychee with NO counterclaim whatsoever yet. VERY near to vv for me here.
Spoiler for old www3 read information from past:
Spoiler for scummy sorts of things:
Oh stop using this logic. You full well now I would have been an easy lynch for maf had that happened, smh. If I stated a STRONG lean of town, then other towns should have jumped with me on ryli, including you. Also, there are like 20 other voters you need to question. Most of the votes were pathetic that round, just following a wagon.
Had _what_ happened??
Can you please clarify for me what the red-colored statement is trying to say?
I cannot simultaneously question 20 other voters - I am but one person. Why don't you do some town work and question the ones you think most suspect? 0.o
(I do have one person in mind that I plan to interact with some regarding a post-or-two of their's from Day 1... It may happen tonight before I pass out or it might have to wait until tomorrow sometime...
^-- I'm not seeing how this, from www3, comes from a town angle on the game.
But I didn't suspect dema to be maf at the time. Had I switched, and dema flipped town, it would be RiP www3, don't deny
But you had publicly stated a STRONG lean of Kuro as town... why not vote that strong town!Kuro lean by casting a vote to save him? I think given you had previously gone out on a limb as suspecting Kuro as town that the next-day-heat for having hopped trains to Dema would have been minimal (were Dema to even flip town - I still get an edge/vibe from you that would seem odd from a town player not knowing for sure what other player alignments are). I have been scum a couple times and definitely consider that aspect the most difficult about being scum -- not slipping in un-town-ways about your requisite unique knowledge of player alignments. Hence, I like having my eye tuned to look for it as scumtell/reads especially early-game (prior to any chance of investigative roles being used or returning information to other players).
^-- Again, this is still just smelling to me like scum-perspective having leaked into www3's post.
Hey! You made a certain read according to you, this early! I thought that wasn't allowed...double standards. Also, had I moved my vote, you would have been even more certain to lynch me this round....And if I suspect ryli to be Mafia, why would I vote dema.
Suspect Ryli to be mafia = vote... but 'know' Kuro to be town != vote-somewhere-that-saves-Kuro <-- this is what I think dd (and somewhat kirby just now) are getting at. I have to agree in the sentiment of it givin me a scum-vibe on you www3. Could it simply be that you used words that now in hindsight when scrutinized give an effect you either had no idea would come from them (town-y) or did not intend (scum-y)? Sure could. But town has to grasp at a few things this early and see how the reaction goes and what others chime in with related to the shared thoughts...
Um, how does you moving your vote (presumably meaning from Ryli onto Dema to save your town!Kuro) make you more likely to get lynched on Day 2? Is it because you know Dema would flip town too - I could see THAT bringing scrutiny onto a vote switch, but only mafia at this current Night 1 stage of the game would KNOW that such a theoretical vote switch would garner heat (i.e. - you know it would get you lynch-heat because Dema would flip town after your late vote change; I see no way you could know that Dema would _also flip town_ at this point unless you are mafia who know all players' alighments)?
Two scummy strikes on you for my reads, www3. Two strikes do not an out make, but certainly a hole do dig.
^-- I also see the very aggressive defense of position as something that might happen as scum!www3 more likely than town!www3... Voting pattern is not quite how I expect civvy www3 to do day 1 voting.
Sol - claimed Pineapple along with dd, dd is now dead and confirmed Pineapple so either a missing counterclaim _or_ dd "is the counter claim" and now dead... less sure Sol's claim is legit than dd's... leaning town from me right now though.
n+ (1x)
kirby - not enough content // might be Pomegranate based on the
calc's from kdz here... I -think- it checks but we have no way to know kdz is honest here so just a lean nothing concrete for me yet.
kdz -
Gives some vote calcs here about pomegranats, also claims pomegranate... Calc seems ok but I think there could be some ways to 'fake' the calc if you know which votes/names are what value for pomegranate and manipulate to your own result/conclusion. Hence, only lean from me for now.
Spoiler for old kdz read information:
Let the record remember that kdz was involved in what I would consider serious derailment of goal of the game (granted it seems genuine fun was being had!). kdz's part started at
this post.
He also did a fair job of not setting off any alarm bells with his responses to my addressing him a few questions:
Spoiler for Hidden:
Alright, I hadn't thought about it that way. I guess that makes some sense. My issue is that, as long as you stay general and stay away from "hard" accusations, you can be relatively flexible still.
I still think the reads themselves have limited uses for this early day, but as I said, they are still helpful later. This only adds another layer of later helpfulness.
And to further add to my teal statement, rob, yes, there can be leans, but we have no certainty whatsoever. Day one, in my mind, is more or less useless as it pertains to day 1. This does not mean day one cannot give us insight further down the road, but it means, that to me, we are doing little but talking out of our asses for the first 48. Thats fine though, any talking is better than no talking, as it gives us fodder later on, but really trying to scum read at the very start does very little in the moment.
@rob Beige: I usually try to agree with dema on some point he makes or something, since i typically like dema and how he plays. He often offers decent ideas, and acts in the towns interest, being close to him is naturally a beneficial thing for anyone in any role. this is not the case this game however, imo.
and Teal: I mean that /all/ day 1 reads are baloney, i didn't mean yours specifically, I'm sorry I dont mean to offend
youre usually pretty spot on with a lot of your stuff, but we have no real evidence, yes day 1 stuff can come up later, but as of right now a lot of what we have to say is more or less baseless.
Dd to answer your question on my opinion of rob dema and kuro
Dema: is acting like an asshole. I usually try to link myself with dema, since it makes me look town when he gets nk or we mislynch him, but I don't want to be associated with that list at all. It's bad karma rn. I think he's town though tbh.
Kuro. Was unsure on his town or mafia, but he threatened me so regardless I didn't really have another play that made sense. It was either vote on the guy I thought was town or vote on kuro who I thought might be town and also threatened me. I asked him why in chat and if we was serious but he never responded. Oh well.
Rob: robs doing his read's and yadda yadda. Typical rob stuff saying a lot of words without a whole lot of meaning, but that's what he and everyone else who tries to do reads day one does. It's all baloney until some gets got. Thus he's at no opinion for me
Anyone else dd?
n (9x)
Espi - a WHOLE LOTTA posts with not much I can really key on either way... despite that reading his ISO I get a town-vibe a tad from him...
fabian - not enough content
Luna - not enough content
Sera - hmph, tough one to read so far.
CleO - hmph, tough one to read so far.
JCJ (unchanged, old read) - his aggressive stance on Dema's 'lists' strikes me as very similar to how I've seen him play as mafia before (namely, as a teammate of his in that prior game) -but- it is mitigated here by the fact that it is probably genuine disgust about the lists...
Spoiler for RR (unchanged, old read):
Given what I know of RR from us both being around forum/game a while, I am inclined to read very little into the Day-1-vote-exchange we had this Night 1...
Here and
n- (2x)
Spoiler for dawn to dusk (unchanged, old read):
Spoiler for d2d removing vote from Dema (putting Kuro into lynch-vote-total lead Day 1:
Going to briefly assess my interpretation of the current and prior situations before this post.
Everyone voting on Dema
I saw this at the time but hesitated to post anything, mainly since there was nothing I had to contribute to the conversation, and I knew that I had at least another day to decide on what to do
- Watermelon Plan
More civ than scum, as it encourages people who haven't read the opening post to do so, checking that ability, and seeing if there are any others that may be able to assist.
Whether these were the original intentions of his post or not is irrelevant to an extent.
- Dema's Defense
Very minor note, but I believe his defense is more comparable to that of a civ than a scum, mainly due to how aggressive it was. Do I like how he defended himself? No. Not in the slightest. But it is more comparable to a civilian gameplay than mafia's.
Counterlynch on Lunaris
I mostly agree with everything said here. Vote someone who will be inactive, because mafia sure as hell won't kill them, and I also agree that if Lunaris is going to be active, then laying off on this counterlynch is also warranted.
Counter-counterlynch on Kuro
First of all, the note that not all cop claims should be 100% trusted is completely warranted. Mainly because I nearly got lynched due to a claim like that.
Other than that, the statement that Kuro isn't beneficial as civ and dangerous as mafia is probably warranted. And at this stage, we are just trying to get to the lesser of two evils. I don't disagree with the vote on him, but I don't agree with it enough to put my own vote on him.
Vote Tally
fabian771 (1) - mathman101
Kuroaitou (6) - RavingRabbid, Linkcat, Ryli, Demagog, killsdazombies, andretimpa
Demagog (5) - JonathanCrazyJ, ddevans96, Lunaris, Solaris, rob77dp
Lunaris (2) - iancudorinmarian, Submachine
dawn to dusk (1) - fabian771
kirbylover314 (2) - danil, Kuroaitou
Ryli (2) - worldwideweb3, Espithel
Nobody that I can particularly think of voting on for now, and Voting Powers will apply quite a bit to whoever gets lynched anyway.
Spoiler for RR removing vote from Kuro to re-tie Kuro/Dema which was final vote tally Day:
fabian771 (1) - mathman101
Kuroaitou (5) - Linkcat, Ryli, Demagog, killsdazombies, andretimpa
Demagog (5) - JonathanCrazyJ, ddevans96, Lunaris, Solaris, rob77dp
Lunaris (2) - iancudorinmarian, Submachine
dawn to dusk (2) - fabian771, RavingRabbid
kirbylover314 (2) - danil, Kuroaitou
Ryli (2) - worldwideweb3, Espithel
This makes perfect sense from my side of things
I think it VERY unlikely that this is scum/scum on d2d/RR given the nature of Kuro flipping town and these being the last two vote-actions on Day 1 prior to Kuro dying. That is my way of summarizing this train of thought:
* d2d-vote-removal just might be what dawn portrays it to be... an unsure townie not voting at all Day 1 (while strange and I think un-helpful to town in the long run, but I don't know for sure...)
* then I suspect RR's vote-removal might have been the same thing.
However, in a world where d2d is mafia (possibly?) his vote removal would be that of putting Kuro into the vote-lead to ML town!Kuro COMBINED with a defense of what might be scum!Dema given that would be the player d2d "saves" by his vote switch (mafia VERY VERY rarely swap votes/trains if both trains are civvy). I think it HIGHLY HIGHLY unlikely that if this was a mafia!dawn move that RR would follow-up with a similar last minute train de-boarding if he is scum!RR.
In a world where RR is mafia (possibly?) his vote would not hop as it did because Kuro was at-the-time already the likely lynched-party (of course some of this has vote-changing roles/effects caveats) and moving off to create another tie simply draws attention a scum should not draw when they don't "have to move to get a ML".
TL;DR- Hmmm, having dragged myself through the above thought process (as flawed as it seems re-reading it now) I feel a little confident (but not certain obviously) in stating my opinion is that Dema and Kuro are probably both town and d2d/RR are probably not scum/scum teammates. Of course Kuro is town (flip!) but if Dema was mafia the mafia-team would have been VERY unlikely to let it sit like that and risk vote-mod-effects nabbing one of their players on Day 1.
^-- along with this, dawn has been atypically active early this game... I have a couple reasons I suspect this may be true, one of which is reflected by his being lowest-n minus just above the w list...
Linkcat - Not really much in the way of his usual pushing lynch targets and suspects. Admittedly, he pre-emptively alerted he would be a little lax this game. If his low content, relative to his norm, if NOT due to things like that then I myself would suspect is could be a scum thing (not strongly, just suspicious if not RL).
w (3x)
math -
Not A Good Look here by staying silent then jumping in to vote and make a vanilla "don't look my way *poof*" statement. ///
As I stated before, this is a self-pres outlook or viewpoint which good town should not usually be too worried about in favor of doing solve-y things if they take the time to post. ///
Here is UTA (now on my ww section) shading math for a pretty good town-reason but NOT voting him for it which leans me harder on UTA _and_ on math here. True it could just be UTA shading math for a future framing (this is a decent chance actually). ///
This post and
this other one are town-lean from me except that they are coming across as trying to be solve-y but really just regurgitating what others have said in-thread/chat...
ww (1x)
UTA - Peach has claimed vote totals implicate andre and I have had our votes dripped on by Strawberry Ice Cream (SIC) - UTA is right above myself and andre in the signup player list order. SIC = UTA = mafia = lynch soon.
(Time for townies, if they believe the Peach claim and result, to scour UTA's previous posts for spew of teammates or shade stuff.)
Players UTA has: 'voted on' / 'shaded' / 'defended/supported'Voted -- Lunaris x1 D1; No-lynch x1 D1; kirby x1 D2; www3 x1 D2; kirby again D2 late.
Removed vote -- x1 D1; x1 D2;
Shade -- at Sol D1 for shading-but-not-voting; is OK with either w3 or Ryli D2 lynch (votes kirby); at kirby for acting like silent scum or useless town D2; math for being AWOL then voting then poof-ing with no reasoning for the vote;
"Questioned" Ryli, Luna, Sol, Espi on D1; rob, Sol, ian, kirby/danil/fabian/math on D1;
Spoiler for old read information about UTA:
rob - What are your thoughts on Ryli? Since you said d2d/RR are not likely to be scum/scum, which do you think is more likely to be mafia and why? Also, I like your optimism, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up. Plan for the worst, hope for the best 
Sola - Despite your dislike for Dema's persona (or whatever you wanna call it), what is your read on him, given D1 actions and how the vote played out? What are your thoughts on w3?
ian - You voted on Luna D1, apparently as part of the 1-vote chain that started early D1. Do you have any reads on Luna? If not, why did you leave your vote there? If you could go back and change your D1 vote (knowing what you know now), where would you put it and why?
kirby/danil/fabian/math - Do you still exist? Do you have any thoughts/reads you can contribute?
^-- Calling out inactive players is a nice way to be investigative - but it can be double-edged to lean based on such activity because passive call-outs like this can be useful for generating a VOLUME of content/information _if followed up on until targets of the inquiry respond_ but many times it goes by the way-side.
this and
that are fair attempts by what I would consider civilian UTA actions or viewpoints/comments.