Also, I'll do this now too:
worldwideweb3 (6) - Solaris, JonathanCrazyJ, ddevans96, Ryli, andretimpa, UTAlan
Ryli (6) - worldwideweb3, Espithel, Linkcat, CleanOnion, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
kirbylover314 (3) - kirbylover314, Sera
Day 1 goings-on has changed my tune on www3, this is a vote aiming to rescue www3. I'm still VERY suspicious of kirby and the eager-to-vote-on-www3 then suddenly changes vote onto self without explaining turn of events.
NOTE: as the vote stands now, excluding unpredictable vote modifications which are possible, www3 would be lynched due to tie-breaker going by signup list order.