Total hieght of content of Demagog's post at 75% zoom: 741px

Total height of Espithel's quote: 692px

Total height of actual content by Demagog: 17px

741 - (692 + 17) = 32px space wasted, not including header and "report to moderator" strips
17 / 741 = 0.022 = 2.2% of the post is Demagog's content
692 / 17 = 40.7 i.e. Espithel's content takes up 41x more of Demagog's post than Demagog's content
Therefore we can assume that Demagog is 2.2% valid
Demagog has made 83 posts this mafia, so far
83 x 2.2% = 1.8
Demagog has made almost 2 valid posts