Why are you pressuring me, Linkcat?
The conundrum of this situation is this; Linkcat, you originally were following sky and my lead onto CleanOnion being a mafia member, having stated that skyironsword had a legitimate read. Then, all of a sudden, you pull off stating that no one was trying to defend CleanOnion (or were there defenses for him that I didn't realize?), saying that rob was mafia, which, to me, making it seem like YOU could be defending CO as a soft-indirect move, to rally support on your original target [rob], but then if you were doing that, why even bother to bandwagon on CleanOnion anyway when so many other players [rob, Dema, UTAlan, me even] were also wary of you?
Kuroaitou (1) - 1011686
Linkcat (2) - CleanOnion, rob77dp
Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
CleanOnion (2) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou
fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
danil (2) - Demagog, Ryli
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
If I switch to rob, there won't be a lynch anyway, since votes are all tied. Consequently, if I change my vote to someone else, we could have a majority to lynch, but each of those targets have reasons not being mafia, so...