Also, remind me why Ian voted on Kuro.
To get me to talk. So I talked, and I probably made the game less fun with me speaking out regarding the code cipher breaking.
That being said, 1011686, should I die, remember who persuaded you; you can't rely on other people's reads when you play mafia, regardless of whether or not you're allied on the same team as them in other games (RS3).
And to further counter your so-called 'convincer':
Ok, the only reason I could see Kuro post that Espi is innocent when Kuro is Artemis is if Kuro thinks he will be lynched... but he did it when there were what, two votes on him only? Not enough that he should have been scared in to making that play.
We could let Kuro live one or two rounds. If mafia thinks he's Artemis, they will have to target him. If he's mafia, he won't be nightkilled. If he's vanilla and they don't think he's mafia and let him live in order to get us to lynch him, well I don't see it as a big deal, as we'll probably end up lynching him in the first half the game regardless.
The problem with the red statement is that in mafia,
bandwagons can happen very quickly for any player who doesn't speak up before the deadline, given how easily people can switch/apply their vote from a few pretty words. As someone who just so happened to figure out vital information at a time like this, I realized that the long-game always favors the mafia when you have very few investigative roles and anti-nightkill abilities, so the faster we get out information (ANY information, including information that is spelled out anonymously, rather than from the policeman themselves), the better it is for townies to win.
To the yellow: You know what's very mafia like?
Targeting players who have found clues from the public messages to confirm people and narrow down the pool of suspects. There's four mafia this game (I think), which means that the sooner a player can read a scum, the better it is to avoid having the game thrown.
But the most hilarious of your statement comes in lime green: if it's the mafia, they will
obviously know I'm not mafia if they assume I'm a vanilla town!
Which then leads to the magenta statement: WIFOM conflicts aside,
they're damned if they do target me because they obviously don't know who the real Artemis is, which in turn will allow me (and other more savy players) to crack the codes and find the network of confirmed townsfolk if they don't. What's interesting is the amount of spin you're trying to pull on me despite my more unorthodox strategy (and ACTUAL investigative capabilities outside of roles); Demagog, I don't want to say you're mafia, but you certainly are spelling out a lot of mistakes (not literal, thank you for your grammar) in your own analysis of me and what's going on.
Keep at it with the rock throwing ideas; your scumhunting, as you said before, is bad, but that never stopped you from finding mafia in previous games with your exploits. Your excuses only make you look sloppy as another potential vanilla townie who is trying to avoid death - if you're mafia, well, you certainly made it a lot easier with your 'lists' and ridiculous statements that people have called you out on (Linkcat, Espithel, and now me).