If Onion is mafia then his partners are doing a really shitty job of keeping him not dead. It makes no sense to me. I really just want to lynch the scummiest player right now, even if it's rob. He was probably dying tonight anyway if he's town.
Kuroaitou (1) - 1011686
Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
CleanOnion (2) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou
fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
Ginyu (1) - rob77dp
danil (2) - Demagog, Ryli
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
Town circle so far is me, Dema, Kuro, Espi, Onion, and UTA. I want to note though that nobody should ever townread Dema, so act like he's not on that list.