[21:36:22] ‹Kuroaitou› ...wait.
[21:36:30] ‹Kuroaitou› Who was the one that oversaw Solaris' mafia rules?
[21:37:11] ‹Kuroaitou› I think I see an exploit sadly.

[21:37:48] ‹DoubleCapitals› did CR hack your account
[21:37:50] ‹Linkcat› I was.
[21:38:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris from dawn to dusk. Is this the beginning of the end, or just the end of the beginning?
[21:38:01] ‹Linkcat› Tell Sol the exploit.
[21:38:07] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@DoubleCapitals› Who?
[21:38:13] godisnowonline joined.
[21:38:24] asdw152 joined.
[21:38:28] ‹DoubleCapitals› Crockett
[21:38:33] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@Linkcat› Well, not so much an exploit rather just following game rule logic
[21:38:41] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@DoubleCapitals› No, I mean, why would he hack me?
[21:38:58] ‹DoubleCapitals› ‹@Kuroaitou› because afaik only he exploits shit
[21:39:29] ‹Kuroaitou› Well butter my buscuits, this better not be an exploit
[21:39:48] ‹Kuroaitou› Because I'm about to DROP a BOMB on this muhfia
[21:39:51] ‹dawn_to_dusk› You know what biscuits go well with
[21:39:59] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ANZAC day
[21:40:02] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris from Linkcat. Don't mention it.
[21:40:04] ‹Kuroaitou› Not literally though, because of the tea
[21:40:08] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ANZAC biscuits are great
[21:40:11] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› I was gonna say tea or soda
[21:40:48] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@Kuroaitou› Why soda
[21:41:01] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› sweet and salty?
[21:41:14] ‹dawn_to_dusk› Soda is carbonated
[21:41:35] ‹dawn_to_dusk› So is soda lemonade, coke or what
[21:41:42] ‹skyironsword› Strawberry soda is fantastic with everything.
[21:41:43] ‹dawn_to_dusk› Coca-Cola
[21:41:50] ‹dawn_to_dusk› I am not talking about cocaine
[21:42:13] Sera left.
[21:42:18] ‹dawn_to_dusk› Fun fact, neither cocaine nor coca cola have a k in them, despite the abbreviation having one
[21:42:31] Sera joined.
[21:42:53] ‹rob77dp› Kuro - ask Sol. I know earlier today I saw some rules that had not been updated to reflect/include clarifications made in posts before N0 started
[21:43:23] ‹dawn_to_dusk› I think I am not feeling well and it is reflected in my speech
[21:43:23] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@rob77dp› which rules?
[21:43:45] Viper32 joined.
[21:44:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris from DoubleCapitals. Better posts through research.
[21:44:03] ‹rob77dp› Game Rules 3rd bullet-point
[21:44:03] ‹dawn_to_dusk› Nobody answered my "what is soda" question
[21:44:15] ‹Viper32› hi
[21:44:21] ‹Viper32› i
[21:44:37] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@rob77dp› nvm then
[21:45:00] asdw152 left.
[21:45:35] Basman-1453 left.
[21:46:07] ‹rob77dp› soda is the generic word for beverages like Coca Cola, Dr Pepper, Pepsi, Sprite, etc in the US, to me at least
[21:46:29] ‹dawn_to_dusk› So just a carbonated beverage
[21:46:42] ‹DoubleCapitals› except those who call it pop
[21:46:43] ‹DoubleCapitals› or coke
[21:47:04] ‹dawn_to_dusk› So if someone is having soda, they are actually being vague, instead of talking about something which makes no sense
[21:48:02] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris from Linkcat. This post is just the beginning.
[21:49:04] ‹Kuroaitou› I feel like I need to copy paste this chat into mafia, can I?
[21:49:27] ‹Linkcat› You're actually not allowed to talk in chat about mafia.
[21:49:30] ‹DoubleCapitals› why
[21:49:32] ‹DoubleCapitals› it's just soda
[21:49:40] ‹Linkcat› For 62.
[21:50:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris from DoubleCapitals. I found Waldo.
[21:52:34] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@Linkcat› ............
[21:52:52] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@Linkcat› So, can I copy paste this in the topic then?

[21:52:56] Basman-1453 joined.
[21:53:03] ‹Linkcat› Yes.
[21:53:09] ‹Kuroaitou› k