Well uta stabbed me - at least if solaris was telling the truth about him being the one stabbing him. I'd appreciate a reason UTA
You had the fewest posts of anyone in the entire thread (tied for lowest now). And I had to stab someone. You have a better target in mind? Also, to reiterate: 3 stabs = death.
Regarding my vote change that got Sub lynched - I wanted CO lynched, but there was a tie. If I hadn't changed my vote, there would have been no lynch at all, which favors mafia. Not sure how that is a scum move. If CO & I were both mafia, wouldn't it have been a smarter play to leave my vote, since CO would have survived and it would have made me look like town if he was ever outed?
*shrug* Do what thou whilst. My ability has potential, but I doubt I'll ever actually use it out of fear (as mentioned before). The biggest reason I don't want to get lynched is b/c I know I'm town and I'd rather spend the lynch on someone that has a chance to be mafia. (Obviously, none of you are certain that I am town, so again: *shrug*)