Hyroen (3) - Kuroaitou, CleanOnion, fabian771
Kuroaitou (1) - rob77dp
Come on people, let's put some effort into this... well under half of Day 2 remains and there are a total of 3 votes? Post some theories, place some votes, and get involved.
I'm finding one player particularly #sticky# --
CleanOnion is probably mafia, followed by Sera, 1011686, UTAlan, and Fippe94; gonna explain myself later and my intuition.
RootRanger isn't hosting, so thankfully what I'm doing is perfectly valid.
This is a very bad post. It is so bad that coming from Kuro I can only excuse it as probably plain and simple roleplay. Which would lead into what Kuro posted next:
Hey, Sera, what does your role do?
Hey, Kuro, what's the name of your role?
Hey, Sub, what phase do you think I'll die in?
you know what fuk it, since youre probably mafia anyway and i'm going to die, i might as well say it.
skyironsword is mafia - both the person who has her role and she as a player.
i'm CR. So much for breadcrumbing my initials in my previous post, but that being said, I know that I'm not lying by stating that my role -literally- does nothing. I would quote my PM but obviously I cant do that because rules, although TECHNICALLY it doesnt matter if i die, and mafia will probably get rekt if I died anyway, so yeah. There's that. If I type in nothing, maybe people will understand, but modkills are bad. At least RR isn't hosting
Sera, I'm not explaining myself to you 'cause you're not trustworthy after what you pulled 4 mafias ago. Just sayin'.
Here I can see some real Kuro showing through despite his on-going (likely) CR roleplay.
Green is what I consider real-Kuro and
red is RP-Kuro. Considering who it seems Kuro is RP-ing I will be focusing on the green pieces. Here, real-Kuro states he is claiming his role... of nothing. Alright then, for now...
(moving forward I think focusing on real-Kuro is of much more value...)
do I need to say that Kuro's been checking this thread at least 4 times today without posting anything AGAIN? Lynch lynch lynch
The real Kuroaitou would be dealing with his other games - would you let me join RUNAWAY sub? I bet RR wouldn't let me become General for Fire even if I was the only player interested.
With this roleplaying business, what if some of the roles have requirements about guessing who the roleplay is? It's a stretch but it might be something
that's what I was about to say.
Also, even if I AM lynched tomorrow, it won't do the civies any good, because the least the real players can do is ignore me and actually go for more viable targets. mafia gets screwed if they target me, townies lose time by lynching me. Huh, who would have thought that my passive ability was far more powerful than expected?
so there's that.
CleanOnion is probably mafia, followed by Sera, 1011686, UTAlan, and Fippe94; gonna explain myself later and my intuition.
RootRanger isn't hosting, so thankfully what I'm doing is perfectly valid.
[OOC]None of what you said relieves you from being a mafia. And more than half of it makes no sense. To top it off, you frame sky above everyone else, but she's not even on this list. Even more reason for me to think that you are just making this up now and you try to get some time by "explaining your intuition later" just because you didn't have enough time to forge a fake backstory yet.[/OOC]
Someone should save kuro from a nightkills. He is my friend and I don't want to see him lynched. (Even if he isn't a cat.)
[OOC]Let's lynch Kuro tomorrow and if he flips mafia, lynch math next.[/OOC]
I don't understand why you would make a role that does nothing. But I'm sure it's part of Linkcat's brilliant master plan. He's never, ever failed to make gameplay interesting. Not even once. There was no occasion where Linkcat did something that was not fun. I assure you.
[OOC]One more reason to think that Kuro is lying.[/OOC]
Sub, regardless of whether or not I'm mafia, killing me is literally the dumbest thing you can do. I already stated that my role is useless, and if the mafia kill me, guess what? Townies get the advantage. If a townie lynches me, mafia gets the advantage. So long as I'm alive, the game is fair, and in my opinion, you haven't forged a backstory yet either. Sometimes wild shots in a cave is useful for bring upon a rock slide; you might create an opening of light if you do it right.
If math is NOT mafia, everyone should lynch Submachine. Just saying. I'm a civilian. PLEASE don't lynch me. If I die, kill Submachine because his aggression is unnecessary during the Night 0 stage where it's basically shitposting. These are not role play statements.
And I'm not lying. I don't lie, but I certainly don't have to disclose everything.
This is a shift from "nothing happens" as Kuro's role to his role is that whichever faction kills Kuro is negatively affected... and after stating here too that he is no longer RP-ing his role.
Submachine [2] - rob77dp, RootRanger
1011686 [3] - UTAlan, CleanOnion, Kuroaitou
CleanOnion [3] - fabian771, mathman101, 1011686
Solaris [1] - Sera
Sera [1] - skyironsword
frankly, even if this goes down wrong I feel like I'm doing the right thing anyway, sot here's that.
I'm going to assume that RootRanger 'shitposting' could be an reference to an actual staff member (hah!), but nonetheless, regardless of who hates me, i figure if I can be of some use to removing restrictions off of people's abilities, then consider me posting more as a way to help get your real opinions on this game.
Sub, it's one thing to distrust me, but frankly this is what's best for the town. being honest at the start of the game has never been one of the FGO's tactics, mainly because he's probably too busy thinking about other stuff (or just being afk/silently observant as normal regardless of faction, and then chipping in later if he's still alive).
Thanks for calling me out btw ^^; - but since I'm not mafia, me roleclaiming early isn't roleplay, but just useful town strategy. OOC.
So anyway, 1011686, I already figured out your role (or at least what the name stands for), so yeah, that's why I'm voting on you. Some roles that don't die first are usually the most suspicious anyway.
I take from this that the first claim of "role does nothing" was the 'not being honest' and what has followed is more "for real".
I am now putting my vote on Kuro based on the following:
1. Kuro states his original claim of 'role that does nothing' is not true - lying town is a town that comes under fire.
2. Kuro claims a role that hurts town if lynched and hurts mafia if NK'd.
3. Kuro, based on past mafia games here, is not usually an early-game lynch target.
4. Kuro, based on past mafia games here, is usually a high-priority mafia-NK-target.
5. An ability that hurts whichever faction kills him combined with the very typical results for Kuro in an EtG mafia means his town strategy should be to steer his possible death to be by the faction opposite his own.
Conclusion: a town/Kuro would want to keep quiet about such an ability because he was not yet under serious lynch pressure (and rarely is early-game) and mafia's love NK'ing Kuro. Keeping it quiet would have meant Kuro as a likely early-Night NK from mafia thereby harming them in some way. I propose that Kuro is likely mafia as it seems to me his motives for claiming as he did this early is to A) prevent suspicion on him when he isn't early-NK'd and B) to discourage being lynched.