As you all lay down for the Night, you hear someone enthusiastically singing
this drinking song.-
Solaris has been targeted by the following ability:
Bonus Task (ER) - You love it when people get creative. The name of the target player's role and the number of abilities they have are revealed. Their abilities are disabled until they claim the names of their abilities and what they do. This ability is revealed the first time you use this, but your identity remains secret.
Solaris is Dm, and has one ability. This is the only time in the game that you can claim the names of your abilities, but you're encouraged to lie. The only reason I even put this role in the game is because I want people to make crazy roleclaims. Real and fake ability text can still only be paraphrased.
As you gather to discuss the lynch for the Day, one of your number steps forward and drags Espithel out of the crowd. They're fed up with Espithel, and they deliver a verbal onslaught so brutal, degrade his character so completely, that every ounce of respect you had for him has been lost. You all agree that his opinion should hold no weight when deciding lynches.
Espithel can no longer vote, and his abilities are permanently disabled. His faction remains unknown, and he can still send in the Nightkill if he's mafia.
I know I said there were no voting modifier roles, but this is really just a nerfed killing role.
Demagog has been Nightkilled. He was mathman101, and also Town.I've Done The Math (1U) - This ability can only be used on Night 0. If you correctly guess on which Night Phase you die, you live instead.
Mathman's Last Theorem (Passive) - When you die, the town discovers a final message written in the margins of your textbook. PM me a message no longer than 50 words and it will be revealed when you die. Write it as normal dialogue, if you try to include more information by leaving out words I'll just fill them in and cut off the end. You can change your message at any time.
You look in the textbook lying open on his desk, and find the following message:
I am dead! As you can see, I am mathman101 and a civilian. Why did you kill me, you fools!? The floccinaucinihilipilification of my role was simple. I get to pass along this message. Whoop-dee-doo! I have eleven more words to use including that one. And now zero.
Both of these abilities were ones that I had thought of separately, and I just tied them both into math. I hope he at least enjoys the reference.
Day 1 has ended.