Elements Mafia 61: Elements Mafia Mafia
Please read or reread the entirety of the rules before signing up, or your signup may not be counted.This is a closed mafia. All roles except your own will be known only to the host at the start of the game. Roles are revealed upon death. The theme of this game is you, the players. Each role will be an Elements mafia player. These roles can be based on your mafia play, memorable roles or moments you've had in past mafias, your staff position, your personality, or anything else related to you. Some roles will be players not in the game. You are allowed to claim which player you are and paraphrase what your abilities do, but you are not allowed to say the names of your abilities or quote anything else directly. You are encouraged to roleplay as the player that is your role. At the end of the game, there will be a poll to determine who roleplayed their role the best. The winner will receive one Master of Games point.
Spoiler for How to Play Mafia:
Mafia is generally played between two teams: Civilians and Mafia. The civilians are the main group, and they enjoy the advantage of being a majority. Every day, the civilians post in the thread to discuss who is likely to be mafia, and place a vote on who they think is being scummy (a.k.a. mafia-like or anti-civilian). One thing to note is that your Voting Total signifies the total of votes placed on you, and Voting Power stands for how many votes you actually place on someone when you vote on them (everyone has a standard Voting Power of 1). At the end of the day the host tallies up all the votes and considers all skills affecting the voting; the person with the most votes on them is killed (termed as lynching), and all their info is revealed. Then Night falls...
That’s when the mafia come in. The Mafia are a minority of players who know each other’s identity. Their job is to eliminate all the other players using deception and nightkills. They interact with the town during the day, trying to mislead them away from lynching any mafia members. And when night falls, Mafia discusses in secret and chooses a person to kill (termed as nightkill). Also during the night the civilians use their roles. The two most noteworthy roles that are usually included in some form are the cop, who investigates other players to find their allegiance, and the medic, who can protect a specific player from any nightkills for that night.
The Civilians win when whenever they manage to eliminate all the Mafia members. And Mafia wins when their combined Voting Power is enough to control the vote entirely, i.e. if all Mafia members vote on the same Civilian and all Civilians vote on a Mafia ember, the civilian will be lynched.
Limits on RolesThere are no roles that will affect votes or the result of any lynch. The player with the most votes at the end of each day dies always, and stays dead.
All information that you receive from the host will be accurate.
There are no roles that can change the faction of a player.
There is only one role that can change the role of a player, and it has limited use.
There are no roles that contain any element of random chance.
Most common roles are probably included in some form.
There are no duplicate roles.
No player will get their own role.
Most roles have two abilities.
All abilities can only be used at Night.
Trust that there are no overpowered roles or anything too crazy. They can get creative, though.
Feel free to ask any questions about the roles. I might have missed something important.
Player Rules1. You are not allowed to communicate about this mafia in any way outside of this thread, unless given permission by the host. You may have conversations in chat as long as you post the complete chat log in the thread immediately afterwards. All personal messages are prohibited. If any player PMs you on accident, immediately post the complete chat log or forum PM in the thread.
2. You are not allowed to intentionally throw the game.
3. Do not post, chat, OR PM ANY revealing information if you have been killed/removed from this mafia. You are allowed one death post that contains no information or commentary about the players.
4. Players must post at least once during each 48 hour phase, unless you notify me with a viable reason. The first time you break this rule, you will be given a warning. The second time, you will be modkilled. If your second offense is due to not logging into the forum, you will have an additional phase before you are modkilled.
5. Directly quoting or providing proof in any way of any PM sent by the host will result in an instant modkill and referral to the FGO.
6. You are not allowed to edit AND/OR remove your post. Instead, EBWOP will take effect. This means, to edit your post, post again with the correct fixes.
7. Any flaming/trolling will not be tolerated. Appropriate actions will be taken if any of this occurs.
8. The host has the final say in any dispute. Do not impersonate the host.
9. Anything said within the context of the game, including promises, stays within the game. Players can lie, deceive, and manipulate, (but not cheat) in any way they like.
10. Codes and the like are not allowed. Breadcrumbing is allowed.
11. In order to sign up, you must acknowledge that you have read and understand these rules, and include the number of characters in your username in your signup post.
12. Breaking any of the above rules may result in a modkill as determined by the host, or a ban from future mafias or forum games in general as determined by the Forum Game Organizer.Game Rules1. The game will start on Night 0, which will be followed by Day 1. Phases will be a minimum of 48 hours.
2. Only the last PM sent from the Mafia stating the Nightkill will be counted. The mafia kill is factional and cannot be roleblocked or tracked.
3. If the lynch is tied, No Lynch will occur.
4. You are allowed to vote for No Lynch.
5. Town wins if all the mafia are dead. Mafia wins if they achieve parity at the beginning of a day. (If mafia are unable to be lynched.)
6. Phases will not end until both the timer has ended and there has been 5 minutes since the last post. If any sort of endless voting loop occurs that affects the lynch, there will be No Lynch.
7. If your action doesn't work as you would expect it to, you will receive a generic "Your action failed." or "Your action was redirected to X."
8. I reserve the right to make any changes to the roles or rules in order to maintain the integrity and balance of the game, and make sure nobody breaks it.
Signups have ended.