I'm on phone and haven't had the chance to read last 5 hours' stuff as I was away on hockey. Could anyone tl;dr?
Last five hours, as summarized by rob and narrated by James Earl Jones:
* Espithel makes cases for suspecting
JCJ and
* Hyroen posts
a thing about he and Sol: "
As such, civs, my plea is not that you remove your vote from Sol and I because I'm trying to defend him, but that you at least shift your vote from Sol to me."
* rob77dp makes cases for suspecting
Hyroen and gino and concludes gino > Hyro citing gino as the overlap between the two sets (Espi's and rob's).
* Some votes are moved, made, etc --
UTAlan stands firm in his vote on JCJ.
* worldwideweb3 requests a 5-hour TL;DR.
The current vote tally:Solaris {3} - worldwideweb3, mathman101, Godisnowonline
godisnowonline {5} - Solaris, Hyroen, JonathanCrazyJ, rob77dp, killsdazombies
godisnowonline {0} - Espithel
JonathanCrazyJ {1} - UTAlan
Hyroen {2} - Fippe94, andretimpa