I think Kuro's sudden involvement when he didn't make a post for the first three night and two day phases is highly suspect. A last remaining mafia member may feel the need to change strategies from inactive to kind of active in order to avoid suspicion.
Uh, a mafia member at this stage (or a 'deep wolf' as they say in championship) would also equally have a chance to remain semi-silent due major outcomes:
It's nearly a 12-1 advantage for civilians. Criminals would be crazy (or stupid) to try to switch strategies at this point, because whatever they're doing,
they're doing it right in order to avoid getting killed for so long despite Linkcat's NSA capabilities. Switching strategies increases the chances of them slipping up on their information, or giving themselves away.
-They've already lost all hope anyway and have secretly quit the game despite initial appearances.
But... for what it's worth, I might as well say it - fellow Scientist here, Demagog, you're in the clear for not being a robot.

I was the one who confirmed you, d2d's and Calindu's roles at the beginning to Linkcat, and have been more or less following orders of whoever wants a Scientist to do what they want him to do. But now I'm kinda looking at straws here and hoping someone serves me a strawberry smoothie for my effort.
Removing joke-vote
My apologies for being a useless waste of space
You're not useless! Just make sure to poke Linkcat into sending me his damn mafia idea or else we'll be waiting a week to get the poll up (and, given how quickly this game will end, we might as well start it now).