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Re: Elements Mafia 60 - by Ginyu (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #372 on: June 24, 2016, 03:53:37 am »
Hey Espi, I forgot you existed. Claiming Paranoiac has no point because all you'd have to do was not use your ability. Now you don't have the option of taking a mafia with you in a Nightkill, which is bad for town.

But now you know you're not going to get paranoiac'd when you target people. It saves all the ability cops investigating me so they can move on to other people, speeding up the process of making sure everyone's covered. It's win-win. :D

And given how many targets there are going on in this mafia, I don't like the highish possibility of murderating an investigative role, even on the lowish grounds that I'll kill off the a scumlord. That would make me sad.

The only real issue is if there's another paranoiac and they murder people, which'd look like I did it. That'd be tricky.

Also, rob's suggestion seems suspicious, I think that only helps mafia search for each other faster while providing barely any info for town.

No, Rob's just like that. Yes, strictly its true and he should abuse all the systems to high heavens, but he doesn't. Just look at last mafia's not-confirming-your-dice-roll shenanigans.


This Link/0nion debacle is a mess. Do I even want to tidbit it... Meh, it's my duty.
Welp, time to be awake for 4 hours doing one thing to figure this out because I wanted to do that didn't I yes I did I'm kind and pretteh like that respect me ¬_¬
Why am I breadposting like a hyperactive 13 year old in this mafia and only this mafia I dislike it aaaaaa

Back to slowly trawling through this ugliness...

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Re: Elements Mafia 60 - by Ginyu (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #373 on: June 24, 2016, 04:01:53 am »
What I meant was that instead of reposting the entire list with minor changes, just post the changes and occasionally the entire list.

There is only one Paranoiac.

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Re: Elements Mafia 60 - by Ginyu (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #374 on: June 24, 2016, 04:02:40 am »
Espi! Quick, use some kind of "hide" mechanic to save me from the evil clutches of death! ;D

In seriousness, I'd love to see your take and view on the current goings-on here. Please read, review, and comment! :)
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Re: Elements Mafia 60 - by Ginyu (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #375 on: June 24, 2016, 04:06:28 am »
Espi! Quick, use some kind of "hide" mechanic to save me from the evil clutches of death! ;D

In seriousness, I'd love to see your take and view on the current goings-on here. Please read, review, and comment! :)

I'm on it. It will take some time.

I'm doing some minor posts with other minor things I note before I get into the meat of the issue here to keep a discussion going, however small, whilst you wait.

(Note: JCJ, Sol, and Dema get a bump in the direction of w on my reads list for piling on votes without anything of their own thoughts being added or time for consideration of the original votes motives and reasoning. Mafia love to pile on at the first sign of anything they think other town will go with.)

No, everyone in general loves to pile on at the first sign of anything they think other town will go with. Have you seen how many sheeples this forum's mafias have?

Although, then again, JCJ and Dema are definitely not sheeples... Hmm.

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Re: Elements Mafia 60 - by Ginyu (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #376 on: June 24, 2016, 04:13:50 am »
Espi! Quick, use some kind of "hide" mechanic to save me from the evil clutches of death! ;D

In seriousness, I'd love to see your take and view on the current goings-on here. Please read, review, and comment! :)

I'm on it. It will take some time.

I'm doing some minor posts with other minor things I note before I get into the meat of the issue here to keep a discussion going, however small, whilst you wait.

(Note: JCJ, Sol, and Dema get a bump in the direction of w on my reads list for piling on votes without anything of their own thoughts being added or time for consideration of the original votes motives and reasoning. Mafia love to pile on at the first sign of anything they think other town will go with.)

No, everyone in general loves to pile on at the first sign of anything they think other town will go with. Have you seen how many sheeples this forum's mafias have?

Although, then again, JCJ and Dema are definitely not sheeples... Hmm.

This part is very true - I figure they were either in agreement with Lc so strongly that assumption was made to simply vote-follow without too much verbiage _or_ there could be something to the idea that good players that are not simply sheep-voters did quick votes like this with brief surrounding explanation.
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Re: Elements Mafia 60 - by Ginyu (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #377 on: June 24, 2016, 04:27:20 am »
I already explained my reasoning. We stand to gain a lot of information. It's early in the game so being wrong isn't that big of a deal. Link says he is 100% sure you are mafia. I don't think it is 100%, but I want the information this kill will give us. Getting good info this early is difficult, I don't want to pass it up.

Bed time for me!

Offline Espithel

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Re: Elements Mafia 60 - by Ginyu (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #378 on: June 24, 2016, 04:31:22 am »
Oh cool, rob is still townreading me.

There is a 0% chance that THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE (Praise the sun) used his ability last night.

Three questions for you, Link. I'm aware that most of your knowledge (allegedly) comes from other sources; these are not an attempt to read you. Feel free to ignore them if you wish. I'm not PMing them because I'm transparent like that.

1) How do you know that TE did not use its ability?

2) You attempted to roletrade with everyone. How extensive/complete would you say your information of everyone's roles are? Were most people open or did you get a significant number of people who didn't?

3) Did the nurse use its ability last night?

Because something that's worrying me before I get into the real meat is that most of Linkcat's evidence seems to come solely from other people. "This scientist told me this", etc.

There's nothing inherently wrong with it, and it is within the boundaries of what I expect Linkcat's been doing this past night/day (Me and Link roletraded very early in N0 - He claimed LSF.), but it still just irks me.

It's like anyone can go "A cop told me that JCJ has to die" and despite any of JCJ's previous points, valid or otherwise, that's a dead JCJ... Even if you didn't know who the cop was. And because all of the roles don't know each other, but know who link is, it becomes increasingly difficult to verify the story.

Although Link has no motive to lie... I just always get tetchy when this happens.
So really, the question is how much one trusts Link. Errrrfgfhrfgthj...

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Re: Elements Mafia 60 - by Ginyu (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #379 on: June 24, 2016, 04:58:21 am »
1. Because that would just be bad. THE DEVOURING SHADOW (Praise the sun) has no reason whatsoever to use it.

2. Don't worry about it.

3. Of course the Nurse used their ability, but I think that the two solo mafia both trying to kill rob is more likely than the target being saved.
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Re: Elements Mafia 60 - by Ginyu (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #380 on: June 24, 2016, 05:09:16 am »
randomperson123 (1) - Sera
CleanOnion (1) - rob77dp
Solaris (1) - Calindu
rob77dp (5) - Linkcat, JonathanCrazyJ, Solaris, worldwideweb3, Demagog
Linkcat (1) - skyironsword

Putting my vote where my reads and posts are at -- that being:

CleO - not so sure his use of Arrest (if this is what has transpired -- that of CleO role-blocking Dema on N0) was a civvy thing to do... however, coming out with it like this redeems him towards only a basic wolf-lean from me; also stated "I'm not mafia" - does helpful-town do this? not so sure
in my reads and
lynching CleO could be at least as informative and additionally point out that I have done more reads, conversation pushing, and thread building this game than many/most others have to this point. Lynching me gives information and also removes a good analytical mind from civ ranks whereas lynching CleO yields good information and removes less from the game.
from my reasoning/discussion.

Basically, I think voting CleO gives plenty of information and keeps a good value player for town like me alive.
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Re: Elements Mafia 60 - by Ginyu (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #381 on: June 24, 2016, 05:10:36 am »
1. Because that would just be bad. THE DEVOURING SHADOW (Praise the sun) has no reason whatsoever to use it.

2. Don't worry about it.

3. Of course the Nurse used their ability, but I think that the two solo mafia both trying to kill rob is more likely than the target being saved.

#3 - heh heh, so then you are postulating that I had mafia trying to kill me N0 and now I have you trying to lynch me Day 1? Is it more likely both mafia and town are trying to kill me (as you'd like us to believe - mafia N0 and you D1) or that one side is trying hard to kill me?
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Re: Elements Mafia 60 - by Ginyu (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #382 on: June 24, 2016, 05:18:16 am »
Now you feel my pain.
Interested in running a Forum Game? PM me or drop by the Transfer Thread and we'll see what we can do.

Offline rob77dp

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Re: Elements Mafia 60 - by Ginyu (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #383 on: June 24, 2016, 05:23:42 am »
Now you feel my pain.

* rob77dp makes note to get Lc some aspirin for the pain
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