@rob, I hope I'm put down as undecided, not inactive, as you have made reads on people who were less active than me.
On Mafia, onion doesn't seem to be Mafia. I know many people who would do the same. Perhaps LC should have told him his plan after he knew he ain't getting much out of onion and ask him not to post. Quite a few people are posting random stuff with no purpose. These guys could possibly be Mafia, trying to put a code in or something. Link is neutral as of now, same for dema but slightly leading towards Mafia, so is rob. It's just my gut feeling. More on others later.
www3 -- I would notably disagree with your assertion of being more active than my other reads... can you expand on it for me? Here is a handy list of your posts since the re-start (all activity prior is of no import to current game/reads/play):
Claiming your old-game role (Which is something that can neither be proven nor disproved until end of game)
Your statement of being active enough that I should provide a read on you (I think this list shows that to be most false)
A small post about the on-going Lc-CleO-thing
you gave reads on people who had posted less at the time. you gave a read on d2d based on his stancre against him. I'm pretty sure my stance was the same. Also, you said you gave reads on stuff that happened after restart, in which case, what is this "d2d - took a fairly strong stance on Dema's sketchy-ness about lying as civ (not confirmed is this was true etc) for game-the-first-that-was-cancelled"
Shear volume of posts is not what it is about. Also, I'm not really sure what your solving angle is in this here? Could you help us out by making your own post of a list of players similar to how I've done here? That would be quite helpful in addition to the short-form you did a few times today.

I admit to incorrectly marking the start of the real game when I did d2d's ISO (this forum has very poor tools for doing ISO!). I looked back and d2d still has a
"better-ish" post current-game than you had prior to my list posting. So I will now update my list!

Right, progress is the idea here? (Does anyone else care to join me?)
vvnone yet -- no vv reads yet so far
vSera - strategy ideas strongly hint at a town mindset, worrying about finding mafia and less about preservation/caution
Lc - notoriously hard for me to read... so far he seems to be playing his villagery game of giving fairly solid ideas and following up when addressed etc.
d2d -
took a fairly strong stance on Dema's sketchy-ness about lying as civ (not confirmed is this was true etc) for game-the-first-that-was-cancelled is attempting to keep us all in-line focusing on THIS game to find the mafia in THIS game because we're trying to win THIS game.
JCJ - some critical thinking and analysis of plans/ideas so far without simply pandering to prevailing posts
www3 - is engaging me in discussion about my reads! yay, somebody playing the game! :-) Adding this to the short-post with insight into Lc-CleO activity is nice.
n / !wtf?sky - Um, well it is an entertaining way to post and liven up the game thread but is a style I find quite hard to read as yet.
Espi - wtfmate seriouslywth? I gave a bit of effort to try to decipher your messages and found nothing really usable...?
UTA - I'm still leaning toward the state-when-you-are-hasty-searched being an OK plan/idea and UTA used/inspired this idea... so he comes in here with a slight slight slight villager lean
Dema - seems legitimately trying to solve and plan/strategize but most so far is rebuffed or shown to be unpolished or not optimal for town (having this be the second mafia game of Dema's I've participated in it seems quite plausible this is just his playstyle - hence neutral and not slight slight wolf lean from me)
wSol - so far just $h1t posts that I see and Sol is good enough to be helping more.. how 'bout it Sol?
CleO - not so sure his use of Arrest (if this is what has transpired -- that of CleO role-blocking Dema on N0) was a civvy thing to do... however, coming out with it like this redeems him towards only a basic wolf-lean from me // also stated "I'm not mafia" - does helpful-town do this? not so sure
math - no real substance yet... but math is not always the most active in mafia games - gets a wolf-y lean from me for his "I'll be back later to catch up" without follow-up yet
wwnone yetUndecided / Varying-degrees-of-inactiveDiscordrandomCalSubginoKurokdz